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general What are you good at?

Member Berry

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You mean what I'm I good at besides sleep, video games, and, eating?  :P 


To be honest if I directly came out and said I was just plane good at art, Id feel a bit presumptuous with that kind of statement....


I will say that its something I'm getting better at little by little. Something I'm slowing growing, improving and, becoming more adept in. Its something that I'm constantly in pursuit of.


My most recent artwork can be seen ( >here) and ( > here< ) so i'll let you decide if Im good at it or not but, it feels a bit un-humbling of me to say that I'm out right good at it. IDK maybe that's just me and how I feel about it because I don't even like my own artwork....  :rarity: 


I'm still nowhere near as good at it as I would like to be.  :please: 



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Some People say, i can draw.


Yeah...im not so sure about that.  :confused:


For someone who draws for over 10 Years, my drawings are pretty pathetic.

But...other than drawing, i have no Idea.

So i guess, even though im not really good at drawing, thats the only thing i can even remotely do.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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What am I good at? Well.. Not sure...


Pretty decent at Gaming... Whether it be WoW, Minecraft, CoD, or anything else, I'm always pretty good at the game (advanced at a few games, but mostly a little better than 'above average'... Though if you ever find me in a game of Zombies on CoD: Black Ops 1, or 2, we'll probably end up past level 100... well, in the case of 1, we'd up up past 160... 2, probably not... those zombies are a little tougher.)


I like to think that I'm good with computers... All my friends come to me if they have computer problems.... Or if they feel like getting a new one, they ask for assistance when constructing it, or setting it up, or what have you.


I'm really good at quoting movies and confusing people because they've never seen the movie I'm quoting, or they're not expecting me to quote the movie (I usually quote movies from the 60's through 90's... I was born in '98 so people don't expect me to have seen them..). I could pretty much write the scripts for Men in Black (1 & 2), the Blues Brothers, Blade (1-3), and the Longest Yard (newer one with Adam Sandler, not the original, unfortunately...)

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Architecture and Chess.


Architecture has always been something I have been interested of and I had started being involved in architect clubs supplemented with being a Minecraft builder. I study real life architecture quite heavily and like to visit random structures for inspiration. Building in Minecraft has pretty much become second nature for me. Currently working on a medieval Scandinavian/English mixed town.


As for chess, I've played it for more than eight years but it's only the last three or so years have I really been playing competitively. I'm considered a skilled player at least in terms of chess rating, and I can play chess blindfolded to some extent.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I can do a lot of things, as long as it's related to computers. Building them, maintaining them, even doing a fair amount of programming.


Though in terms of the creative side, the only thing I can do is some basic SFM.


Art by DoeKitty

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Well, I've been told I'm a good artist and singer (but I honestly don't think so ._. ) I suppose I'm good at video games (pretty much everyone is nowadays) and……… well, that's it. I'm not really good for much else.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 months later...

Well, when it comes to school, math has always been pretty easy for me. In my normal life, I guess you could say I'm pretty good at drawing and making comics.


Tell me this isn't the cutest thing you've seen all day?

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Writing apparently. I don't think I'm good at anything but I've been told I'm good at writing.

  • Brohoof 1

The Tractor Pulling Brony

"2 years long, and still pulling strong"

Thank you to everyone! This has been the happiest 2 years of my life and I owe 90% of it to you guys:P.

Stay Awesome MLP Forums!!!

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