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general What are You Afraid of?

Dark Bun

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I have many fears. I am quite the pansy pony. Pansony. 


  • Death
  • Spiders
  • Heights
  • Being alone
  • Disease
  • Dark places at night
  • Asking people for stuff
  • Other people hating me

Those are some I can think of right now. I worry too much. Anxiety is a cruel beast. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Death and losing friends quickly to it. Those are what really terrify me.


Death makes me really forecast my life. I hate it. Because I've never really done anything special yet, and I want to be remembered. :(


I'm a very emotional person, if I was invited then it would be guaranteed that I would cry at your funeral. Not a few snuggles here and there, but a full out breakdown. Losing friends is hard enough, but when I can't talk to them anymore... Then it really makes me feel terrible. -_-

  • Brohoof 1


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Poisoning, Venomous creatures, Deadly diseases. By extent, i really dislike hospitals.


Other than that? The occassional fear that nothing we ever do is meaningful and that my brain is but a cleverly self-motivating machine set to perform energy consuming tasks in order to expire eventually.

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-- Being alone in the dark

-- Just hearing or thinking about any sort of disease or anything that negatively impacts the body... *shudder*

-- Dentists

-- Large performances

-- Extremely tight spaces

-- Disappointing people

-- Flash Sentry

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

                                   - Albert Einstein  img-36937-1-9810.jpg

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Other than needles and bugs, my biggest fear is losing the person that means everything to me. I can be a real screw up and there are some days when I even neglect her (never purposefully), and although she always reassures me that she still loves me, I feel like one days she's gonna get fed up with me and leave.


That scares me even more than death. I can't function without her.

Edited by Nom Nom
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What am I generally afraid of? 

- Heights

- Bugs

- Tight spaces (I'm rather claustrophobic

- Getting hugged (because it goes with my claustrophobia)

- Blood and open wounds

- Large gruffy looking people



More personal things? 

- Being forgotten by those I consider(ed) friends 

- Being devalued by those I consider(ed) friends

- Being used by others 

(yes, mostly centered around friendship

- Being constantly shadowed by my older perfect sister :T 

- Losing those I care about

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I'm scared of pretty much anything and everything.



Losing my family/friends (very much including my dogs)

Performing in front of others

The dark

Deep water


Predatory animals

Predatory people






Sink holes

Bones/Decaying bodies


Bugs altogether


I'm sure there is more.

Edited by Envy

Everything needs more woodwind!

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The normal ones:


Losing friends/pets


Films where I know that animals will die


Strange ones:

Killer whales, because I dreamed one day that a killer whale tried to eat my little brother and me.

Walking upstairs when someone is standing under the stairs, because my father once grabbed my feet when I ran up the stairs and I thought I would fall.

The first step in the hallway when I'm the first one to come downstairs in the morning because thats where my dog sleeps and sometimes he poops in the hallway. One morning I came downstairs, woke up my dog and walked to the living room, nothing strange, but when I went to the hallway go get my shoos I saw that the dog had pooped in the hallway again and it was literaly one centimeter next to where I had been walking. Since then I walk as little as possible in the hallway in the morning.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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The only two things I am afraid about is


  • I ALWAYS think people will not accept me for who I am, ever since I started being a brony.


  • Being rejected by someone you love alot, even worse if you've done great favors for them, to win their affection.
  • Being manipulated by women, just so I can have my feelings hurt.
  • Stress...I hate it.

"Let your past make you better, not bitter." - Princess Luna



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Relevant to MLP,


The rest of Season 6, the next EQG movie, and then the Big Movie. I Don't want to forget the future of the fandom too.


Not relevant to MLP,


Spiders, sharp things, roller coasters, tailgaters on the FWY.

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There are numerous things that I am afraid of. The most prevalent one is my general fear of the dark. As somebody once told me that "It's not the darkness you're afraid of. It's what could be lurking in it" and that is very true for me. My mind has a rather nasty habit of playing tricks on me, and by tricks, I mean scare the ever loving crap out of me. These two go hand in hand since my fear of the darkness can trigger my brain's nasty little tricks. I've seen things in the darkness (spirits, full-body shadows, horrifying faces looking at me through the window, etc) I've also heard these unexplained sudden loud noises in my head. Again, my brain likes playing tricks on me and my fear of darkness is just too much for it to resist, I suppose.


I'm also afraid of what the future has in store for me. I'm not too confident in myself as a person to have a positive outlook on what my future could be.


RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011

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I don't even know how to answer this anymore.  A lot of things seem less scary nowadays than they once did.  The sort of things that still distress me also happen to be events I don't actually believe will ever come to pass.


And I'm certain that I'm not afraid of spiders; spiders are awesome.


The sooner my life ends the better.

I'm sure there are people who know you that would feel differently about that.  I believe that everyone has someone like that in their life.

Edited by Ziggy and Angelbaby

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I realised that I forgot one in my other post, so here is something else I'm afraid of: hypnosis. The idea of someone else taking controle of you just freaks me out. I don't like it if things are out of my controle and the thought of not having controle of myself just makes me really scared


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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I fear the idea of being unloved and forgotten,


I fear the inevitability of growing old and losing my memories.


I fear the thought of one day going insane


I fear the possibility of losing a friend


I fear the future. 


I suppose it is these fears that make me the kind of person who cherishes the past way too much....



Oh right....almost forgot....


I fear cockroaches...those things are terrifying O-o


My girlfriend sometimes makes fun of how a guy like me hides behind her when I see roach ;-;

Edited by Vulcan
  • Brohoof 1


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  I'm pretty scared of heights. (perhaps that's not the best way to word it)  I'm not so much afraid of heights as I am with FALLS.




I would also say I'm scared of spiders,  but not so much these days.  They DO scare me if they're big enough, but you know what really instills terror in me?




  • Brohoof 1


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