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Alicorns are not born.. "in equestria"


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Well, even if they don't use Cosmos, they could come up with another name for an Alicorn villain.



Maybe not so much with the name, but I think him being the brother of Celly and Luna is unnecessary  



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As far as I know, I don't think there's any official answer.


But in my own headcanon, I've already accepted that Celestia and Luna were born before Equestria's existence, and as such, they were already grown up when Equestria was founded.




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Well, I would't say that every Alicorns needs WINGS to become Alicorns, because Candance was a Pegasus. Anywayssss


I think Celestia and Luna were natural born alicorns before Equestria was named and when the Equestria Planet was just a geode on the space, plus, if me and my sister was the only natural born alicorn of a whole planet, I would't understand my natural alicorn-ness, too.


Oh, and the male Alicorn part, I think its just because most Stallions didn't showed any sing of alicorn-hood. Shining Armor is one that have shown, but he didn't do something too important to get wings.

Edited by Flinp


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Maybe not so much with the name, but I think him being the brother of Celly and Luna is unnecessary  



Yeah, I'd actually like another alicorn as the villain, but I'd rather avoid them being related to celestia and luna. Just seems kind of off :/




Well, I would't say that every Alicorns needs WINGS to become Alicorns, because Candance was a Pegasus. Anywayssss


I think Celestia and Luna were natural born alicorns before Equestria was named and when the Equestria Planet was just a geode on the space, plus, if me and my sister was the only natural born alicorn of a whole planet, I would't understand my natural alicorn-ness, too.


Oh, and the male Alicorn part, I think its just because most Stallions didn't showed any sing of alicorn-hood. Shining Armor is one that have shown, but he didn't do something too important to get wings.

Guys can't be alicorns!!!111

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I think that it's been blown out of proportion somewhat. Equestria was founded while Celestia and Luna were still both ruling the lands. Prior to the founding of Equestria, any alicorn born would have been born in 'not Equestria'. All that Celestia was saying was that since the founding of Equestria, there had been no alicorns born within Equestria itself. Her surprised tone opens up the possibility that it's an oddity and that alicorns may be more prominent elsewhere. But I think it's just a case of an alicorn having not been born in a long time, and it was just notable as being the first one born in Equestria.

I don't think there's some big secret hiding about.


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Yeah, that was the a low point in the book. Answered SOME questions about the princesses, but made made more questions than answers. Who knows if the movie will expand the alicorn lore, assuming they keep the alicorns lore and

Celly and Luna's knight templar brother   

as seen in the leaks

I hope the movie covers alicorn lore, because boy do we need it.

But since the Journal of the Two Sisters outright said that there were a tribe of other alicorns, who taught C&L to speak the ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE, I want some books or something about one of the alicorn nobles, detailing the tribe's lore and such, in greater detail

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Maybe not so much with the name, but I think him being the brother of Celly and Luna is unnecessary  



I just think it would be interesting to have a male Alicorn.  I don't even care if it's a villain or not.


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I just think it would be interesting to have a male Alicorn.  I don't even care if it's a villain or not.



I'm pretty sure there are male alicorns around. It's not like the stork brings the babies in FiM :dash:  



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Ya, they upset me somewhat with this announcement that Alicorns were not born. I just personally feel that it subtracts from Luna and Celestias importance.

Cadance and Twi are the only non-alicorn born alicorns (redundancy intended). Celly and Luna are BORN alicorns BEFORE the founding of Equestria, with McFlurry being the first alicorn born in it


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So a line in the 1st / 2nd episode of season 6, when luna and celestia see the alicorn baby


"this has never happened before, this is the first time an alicorn has been born in equestria"






So this can go 1 of 2 ways:


1) ALL ponies up until this point have had to EARN their wings, except for this baby




2) Princess luna and princess celestia were alicorns born before equestria was established as a "place"


#2 seems more plausible for this reference, as we still aren't quite sure where celestia and luna even CAME from - if the realm was named something else before this, and if there was a race of alicorns they were born from,...


but that line does leave things open for interpretation.. it would make more SENSE that sin ce there are so few alicorns, that all alicorns have to EARN their wings.


I am also noticing they are staying with their "all alicorns have to be female because men just aren't good enough" routine for little girls..


so what do YOU think? Is this baby an exception because her mother is an alicorn? Or is she simply the first "alicorn" born into equestria?


Also I guess twilight and even starlight glimmer aren't the head honchos for magic anymore - twilight gets double shamed in the magic dept hahaha..



I would have to agree with the second one, because I think they mentioned in a past episode (Discord one) that the world was controlled by Discord, and as well as the story of the Hearthswarming Eve would state that Equestria was founded when the three tribes worked together


I dunno, hmm, that's a good point you bring up


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It's pretty open to interpretation. It'd be interesting if there was a small Olympus-styled city-state where Alicorns are born. 

We know there have been other Alicorns like the one in Hearts and Hooves so I'm sure there's others.


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The episode Baby Cakes shows that heredity in Equestria is like the old joke.  If the baby looks like the father it is heredity.  If it looks like the neighbor, it is environment.


Is The Crystal Empire part of EQ or another land? Or both? (like Puerto Rico to the USA)


At any rate, I think the statement wants clarification

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I would have to agree with the second one, because I think they mentioned in a past episode (Discord one) that the world was controlled by Discord, and as well as the story of the Hearthswarming Eve would state that Equestria was founded when the three tribes worked together


I dunno, hmm, that's a good point you bring up

Well, yeah, in order to avoid potential conflicts of a kingdom for three tribes of ponies being ruled by one of them, they look for young potential rulers after the founding representing the three of them. And thus, Celestia and Luna were chosen by the founders to be trained to be their rulers 


It's pretty open to interpretation. It'd be interesting if there was a small Olympus-styled city-state where Alicorns are born. 

We know there have been other Alicorns like the one in Hearts and Hooves so I'm sure there's others.

Maybe where they currently live, but if they were always an Olympus-like settlement, Canterlot would have evidence of such (There used to be a settlement of alicorn-born ponies there, in fact, THAT'S the place where Celestia and Luna were approached by the newly Equestrian ponies to be their future rulers) 

  • Brohoof 1


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I think Celestia and Luna were born before Equestrian existed, maybe they confirmed it in the books or something


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I'm fairly sure that the intention was that an Alicorn has never been born, and by 'In Equestria' the meant everywhere, and the line just slipped through script editing because nobody realised what a shitstorm it would cause.


Indeed it has still never happened 'In Equestria' because Flurry Heart was born in the Crystal Empire, not in Equestria.  I think those two words have caused so much speculation are nothing more than a red herring.


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It makes me very sad but unfortunately Hasbro does not have any obligation to maintain a consistent backstory really on anything. The journal of the two sisters and the other books and the comics occasionally have the same lore but not always and it is rather frustrating. The show seems to impact the comics but the comics don't impact the show and they don't even consider any of the original books or movies from like the 80's I think. According to the Journal of the Two Sisters (which I think every pony should read) alicorns were a race separate from the others and the other races knew about alicorns, but not a whole lot... StarSwirl the Bearded would actually be the only character to have reliable consistent knowledge of the situation because Celestia and Luna were very young when they became the guardians of Equestria. I would love to see Lauren Faust and the other writers come together to make a StarSwirl journal or even better yet, a History of Pre Equestria. I would die. Think about it, even Celestia thought Zebras were a legend atone point XD so there is a lot left unknown about the history of the races. They asked the alicorns the eco e leaders because they shared attributes with all the races. Even though they were separate. And just because two species look the sa,e it does not mean they are as closely evolutionarily related as one may think. Just saying.


Side notes: alicorns are always associated with royalty (mostly) but before Celestia and Luna were asked to be the Princesses/guardians each race and region had their own leaders. Yet for some reason the alicorns educated their young with the Royal Canterlot voice (how Luna refers to herself as We), which is interesting. And then there is somehow Cadence, when the hay did she come from???? She was an alicorn and princess in high school??? Princess of what???? And she is a distant relative of the original ruler of the crystal empire, Princess Amore, who was a simple unicorn. Can someone explain that one, please. I stand by my previous assertion (somewhere among the forums) that their society is loosely following the Greco-Roman model in a matriarchal way.




Super side note...where did umbra ponies come from and go and why are they trapped in crystals, and where did changelings come from.....

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Super side note...where did umbra ponies come from and go and why are they trapped in crystals, and where did changelings come from.....


I forget the exact details, but if you get a hold of the Fiendship is Magic comics series (all available in a single TP) it has the origin stories of both Chrysalis and Sombra (as well as Tirek, the Sirens and Nightmare Moon), which has some answers for both of those questions.

Edited by Concerned Bystander
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I forget the exact details, but if you get a hold of the Fiendship is Magic comics series (all available in a single TP) it has the origin stories of both Chrysalis and Sombra (as well as Tirek, the Sirens and Nightmare Moon), which has some answers for both of those questions.

I have it lol that's why I'm like uhhhhhhhhh so where did they come from come from lol, like there's all these different ponies then boom here's some mutant quasi physical form equine creatures because I said so XD

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  • 1 month later...


Yeah, I'd actually like another alicorn as the villain, but I'd rather avoid them being related to celestia and luna. Just seems kind of off :/




Guys can't be alicorns!!!111


tell that to dream big mac :P

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  • 2 months later...

    Now don't get me wrong, I love Celestia & Luna. Mostly Celestia. But the whole alicorn thing bothers me a bit. If there was a species  of immortal god-like creatures, surely we'd see a lot more around. Since they'd likely reproduce faster then they died off, eventually the land would be blanketed in them. Even should some past villain had wiped out their species in a bid for power (which does happen a lot in dramatic storytelling & the show's writers could easily pull off) It's likely that the the whole race having been god-like would have been able to take proper precautions to avoid conflict & a handful manage to avoid the culling.


Neigh, my headcannon (and just pure speculation at that, do with it as you seek fit) is that there are two types of alicorns: Ascended & Pseudo-alicorns. The former having been earned & usually granted by a more powerful Ascended, while the latter being not much more then an inherited mutation.  This latter being  what I view Flurry as (Think I might have just called a baby a mutant...Huh.) Her father being a rather powerful unicorn from a lineage of rather well-known magic users & her mother having originally been a Pegasus, according to a slightly off-cannon book,  Flurry simply just accidentally inherited both of her parents' dominant traits. And likely, within time her powers will level out to a point where it will be like she never had flown or done magic. Infant abilities having been proven to run rampant since the Cakes' infant outflew Scootaloo.


When Celestia mentioned that one hadn't been born, she's likely alluding to the fact that as a mutation its usually more common for the wings or horn to be underdeveloped to the point where one is lopped off in favor of the stronger attribute and it's discretely done away with and not mentioned except for embarrassing parental facts. Much like humans occasionally growing tails or an extra finger.


Don't have any proof for this theory of course, but I like to think that once ascended the alicorn's older, more favored trait grows faster then usual. As I see Luna flying more often then her sister & Celestia's horn is significantly longer. Anyone else notice that since her ascension Twilight's horn seems to be getting longer?

.....not that I spend a lot of my time staring at mare's horns of course.

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