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mega thread The state of the Brony fandom (Numbers, Popularly, Future)


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Perhaps it's not advancing in such a pace as it used to, but we should remmember that we're in between seasons at the moment. You can be sure, that the fandom is not dieing, it's only "Resting". :P


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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We are nowhere near dead, we are growing however this "Dying" some are noticing is just the increase in content slowing down a bit.


Imagine a line that is going at a very high angle representing content during seasons one, two, and three. Between seasons the line isn't as steep but still increasing. Our fandom is a thriving one and will continue to grow as long as we still have our talented artists.


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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Using cons, faires, and festivals as a metric of fandom size is a mistake, unfortunately. Cons/faires/festivals in general (sci-fi, anime, furry, brony, video-game) are having trouble pulling in the punters year over year for the last five years or so, due to poor economic growth in general, and as many con-goers come to the realization that all they are all basically the same. The same guests, the same vendors, the same panels, the same events, over and over again. Just different locations. For example, professional vendors travel from con to con, festival to festival, and have a very set path that they follow, the end effect being that what you see in the vendor area at one con is going to be pretty much the same as what you see at another. Same with the pro artists.


Even the *big* players like ComicCon and GenCon are having trouble with shrinking gate. I deal with a lot of different cons/faires/festivals due to my side businesses, and I've lost about five up and down the West coast this last year because they couldn't get their finances in order, plus several that went under because of non-financial mismanagement. About the same number last year disappeared without notice. And none of those were brony cons.


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I wouldn't say that it is dying, but it has been thrown into a MASSIVE state of chaos thanks to Twicorn, EQG, and the long wait for season 4.  I just hope that the panel at Comic-Con shows some footage that can ease the tension.

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Also, I'd like point out that we actually have more hits thanSonic the Hedgehog on DA and the number is still going up. 3/4 of the time there's at least one pony pic in the new submissions on the front page(sometimes two or three) 


Coming as a fan of both, I'm actually glad for this since the Sonic fandom is horrible and extremely judgmental. You guys think we're bad? Try talking to a diehard, no-life Sonic fan that judges US (as in us, Bronies, MLP fans, etc) quicker than anything else yet forget who they are.


And as 'cancerous' as both fandoms can be I don't exactly see or ever hear about the Sonic fandom causing waves in the media/internet for being so nice/unique/holding donation drives/etc as us.


Okay, so part of this^ may be a slight biased but I could have gone into more detail: I can't stand how the Sonic fandom can get.

  • Brohoof 1




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Coming as a fan of both, I'm actually glad for this since the Sonic fandom is horrible and extremely judgmental. You guys think we're bad? Try talking to a diehard, no-life Sonic fan that judges US (as in us, Bronies, MLP fans, etc) quicker than anything else yet forget who they are.


And as 'cancerous' as both fandoms can be I don't exactly see or ever hear about the Sonic fandom causing waves in the media/internet for being so nice/unique/holding donation drives/etc as us.


Okay, so part of this^ may be a slight biased but I could have gone into more detail: I can't stand how the Sonic fandom can get.


I was in it foe quite a while, and I agree to a point. One of the worst forums I had the misfortune of trying out was Sonic related. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Not sure if I'm entitled to make a remark here as a new member to the fandom but even outside of it and just passively noticing things I've seen that it has died down a bit. Not dying out, just some people leaving and everyone else is mellowing out when it comes to advertising it. But hey I'm proof the fandom is still attracting people so I'm probably just insane.

Of course you should make remarks, man! Give it to us straight! ;)


Now, this is not specifically a response aimed at you, but at anyone who is worried about the fandom dying, just because it isn't as in-your-face as it was. We don't generally conclude that a person who has stopped growing is suddenly on their death bed. A person's life has a phase of growth, a phase of maturity (generally the longest stage of life), and only then does one start contemplating senescence and death (which is also a much shorter stage than the maturity phase).


Is the fandom changing in character? Most assuredly, yes. That doesn't mean it is dying. We're only just getting into the stage of maturity here, people. The fandom will be around for a long time.

  • Brohoof 2

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

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The fandom is more like an ant colony than a single organism: on an individual level, it is always dying, but as a whole it stays strong as the ants that die are replaced

Thats a very good analogy but, its also quite cold and somewhat depressing when you think about it. Ants will just get replaced by new ones if they die off haw? Makes you think...

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The fandom is more like an ant colony than a single organism: on an individual level, it is always dying, but as a whole it stays strong as the ants that die are replaced


That's pretty much how all fandoms work. If it's not constantly changing, it's not actually alive. ^_^


No matter how 'famous' they think they are, it doesn't matter who quits the fandom. The Sci-Fi fandom didn't die when Forrest J. Ackerman died. Anime fandom didn't die when Fred Pattern had a stroke and had to get rid of his collection. Other people have to come in, and they are pouring in to brony fandom all the time.


I'm seeing a lot more classical and instrumental band-style music instead of dubstep, I'm seeing a lot more animation rather than video edited PMVs, and painting, handdrawings, and digitally enhanced art instead of pure digital art,  I'm seeing a lot more radio-plays, a lot more attempts at games, and a lot of people experimenting with VA work, story analysis, etc. A lot more diversification, rather than specialization. And that's a good thing.


And I am exceedingly happy to see a large volume of crudely drawn, crudely written, and crudely played works. Because if we only see glossy, pro-level stuff, we know the fandom died. That would mean that nobody is being inspired to try new things, and all that is left is a handful of pros attempting to market stuff to what little remains of the fandom to milk that last bit of cash out of them.

  • Brohoof 1


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its also quite cold and somewhat depressing when you think about it
Welcome to reality. Hope you brought a sweater, it gets mighty cold here.


Really a fair amount of things behave in a similar way, for example a logical analysis of love is simply your body's reaction to multiple stimuli telling your brain that the other person is a suitable candidate for reproduction that will yield offspring capable of making up for the disadvantages your own genetics have given you. 



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I'm very sure that it's not going to die out, I mean...we *are* in our dry season, and sometimes we'll have our periods of leaving the fandom, like I am right now. I still care deeply about the fandom, and hopefully by the time season 4 comes around, we will come back, and we'll be better than ever.

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I'm very sure that it's not going to die out, I mean...we *are* in our dry season, and sometimes we'll have our periods of leaving the fandom, like I am right now. I still care deeply about the fandom, and hopefully by the time season 4 comes around, we will come back, and we'll be better than ever.

I agree, I dont think the fandom will ever truly die off for a very very long time. It just feels somewhat like its dying because season 3 is over and the hype within the fandom has very much slowed, but once season 4 comes it will feel very much a live, like if you were really tired and just got up from a good nights rest.

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Just because CONS are small doesn't mean their poorly run.


I'd personally like to see more CONS. Besides, the more CONS there are doesn't necessarily have an impact on the large CONS.

For Me I'd Like To See A Con In Upper North Scotland. The Closest Con Gor Me Is 300 Miles Away From Me. There are not a lot of cons in uk Like 1 I Think


This Awesome Sig Was Made By Kyoshi


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I have heard this a lot through this year that I have been a fan. The answer is no the fandom is not dying maybe it has had some down times but it is not dying in the slightest. In these years that this show has been up. The fandom has grown, grown and grown just as these forums have. It is only to continue to grow and I really look forward to what season 4 has to bring to the table.

Edited by Gone ϟ Airbourne



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There are moments when we wait for another season and moments when we are discussing and making contributions to the new episodes.

Right now we are waiting for season 4, that's why all the exciting things are low, just wait for season 4 to come around, this "dying fandom" Bluff will be over, this bluff has happened many times before, when season 1 finished people had doubts, then season 2 came along and it was all good again, same with season 3... we just gotta wait.


Plus when MLP:FIM is over there would probably new MLP soon, its been around for many years, probably gonna stay for many more years.

Either way the bony community will always exist as long as one child believes (Rise of the Guardians Reference)

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It isn't really a bluff. A bluff would mean they're lying. The better word would be inaccurate prediction, seeing as these people do have a possibility of being correct and truthful (no matter how slim).

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I'm fairly certain this also happened halfway through the wait until season 3 began as well...


The fandom's fine, what you'll find is that all the people who want to just discuss the show and nothing else are on a break and waiting until the new season begins. People have left but we're always getting new members all the time, just a lot of bronies are currently...dormant I suppose.


The same will happen like it did last year, season 4 will come around and suddenly everything is dandy again! Basically everything is fine!

  • Brohoof 1


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Okay here me out. I've noticed somethings recently, when twilight got wings. People were ready to jump ship. Equestria girls was announced, second verse same as the first. But I have found those willing go down with this fandom to the end. But a lot of bronies, will leave because of change.


So what's your opinion? Do you think the same way, or do you disagree?

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I'm not sure, I think most bronies are just worried. Of course they are, sudden changes always have these effects. They aren't waiting for the fandom to die, it just seems like they are a little bitter and they no longer feel like they are a part of the fandom. They just care a lot about the show and don't want it to be ruined. Recently a lot of stuff has been happening and it's not weird that they have reacted this way. We just care about our fandom and the show, so we do not take changes well. But I don't know, I will go down with the fandom. Brony forever!


I think some are just scared and worried that the fandom will die and they believe it's happening so they seperate themselfs before it happens. I read in a youtube comment, lol. That some were from older fandoms that had died and they are just worried that the same thing would happen to our fandom. I doubt it though, it's actually a lot stronger then I thought.


Then there are probably just those who are bitter and just like to spread this "the fandom is dying" message to make people feel anxious or something. I don't know, the fandom is obviously not dying. It's changing but not dying.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
  • Brohoof 6
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I think it's ridiculous to drop out of the fandom because of change, it's like dumping your girlfriend because she changed her hair color. -_-

Some bronies here just don't know how to adapt to change, and what's funny is that changes happen all the time. But I know one thing that everyone is looking forward to is season 4 of MLP FiM, even the bronies that dropped out because of Twilight and EQG. IMO, this series is taking a turn to the better!

  • Brohoof 11

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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Okay here me out. I've noticed somethings recently, when twilight got wings. People were ready to jump ship. Equestria girls was announced, second verse same as the first. But I have found those willing go down with this fandom to the end. But a lot of bronies, will leave because of change.


So what's your opinion? Do you think the same way, or do you disagree?


I'm not sure I understand the question. Yes, there are a lot of people who abandon things whenever it changes, no matter how small or large that change. That's normal and expected in all fandoms.


In my opinion, the interesting question is: Are there bronies *wanting* the fandom to die?


And the answer would be yes, there are. There is a significant number of fans who enjoy being miserable and all emo about stuff. They want things to go badly so they can stand there and say "See! I told you everything always fails! There is no good in the world! Everything sucks!" Bizarrely they *want* to feel bad, and they go out of their way to feel that way.


This is not unique to bronies, of course, all fandoms have these people. But for some reason bronies have a large number of them, relatively speaking. The last time I saw this large of a percentage was City of Heroes, where a large number of fans were always proclaiming the death of the game. Eventually it was shut down, but it took eight years to do so and the fans of that game are still around doing stories and art based on it. Funnily, there are still some 'the fandom is dying' people around that.


Some people just won't allow themselves to have fun.

  • Brohoof 5


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This is not unique to bronies, of course, all fandoms have these people. But for some reason bronies have a large number of them, relatively speaking. The last time I saw this large of a percentage was City of Heroes, where a large number of fans were always proclaiming the death of the game. Eventually it was shut down, but it took eight years to do so and the fans of that game are still around doing stories and art based on it. Funnily, there are still some 'the fandom is dying' people around that.

This makes sense, I was wondering why there are so many saying "the fandom is dying". I don't get it why people want to feel that way, for me I'm in the fandom because it makes me happy and it's fun. But I guess there must be a lot of people that aren't that way.

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