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S06:E06 - No Second Prances


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This episode was great and you know what it was? Funny. I mean really laugh out loud funny. "It's a working title!" Was a great reoccurring joke and there were other zingers. Trixie actually is a lot more nuanced than I initially gave her credit for. Plus all those cameos by our beloved fave background ponies. On that note, this was another of those rarer episodes where Ponyville actually feels like a community with people in it that have their own thoughts and lives outside of just being, well background ponies.

Edited by Steel Accord
  • Brohoof 3
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The episode was good up until the last act. Then it kind of lost it's way with how smarmy in how the three main characters interacted. Also Twilight pretty much screwed Spike over, not setting him a place at the table and then plagiarizing his advice to her on the train at the end of the season premiere. Thanks Twi... :unamused:  


Also, why is Fluttershy suddenly afraid of a Manticore?  :blink:

it's because Trixie was about to jump into its mouth.. I think I'm not 100% sure.
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I enjoyed this episode quite a lot. There was a lot to love here. The expressions in this episode were awesome, seeing DJ PON-3, whom was called by NAME :o was friggin cool, as well as Derpy who I think has finally made an appearance this season, and I liked the moral and the ending. For a second I thought they changed Trxie's voice actress but I was wrong. :P 


If I had one complaint, it was the way Twilight was portrayed, she just seemed far too pushy and she was kinda portrayed as stupid, but the ending is what makes up for that in a way. Celestia did say that Twilight wasn't done learning, so that makes sense. I just hope we don't see that much of her fumbling like that overall in the season. 


Very good episode though overall. The ending was both heartwarming and kind of dark. o_o Like others the first thought I had was that Trixie had suicide tendencies. 

  • Brohoof 6



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Trixie is better than Twilight when it comes to what Trixie's good at; ie stage magic



Her jealousy has a pretty flimsy reason to exist and I found it rather pathetic


I also loved how Starlight was spot-on in her accusations while Twilight was pulling some Lesson Zero-levels of creep

  • Brohoof 1

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This episode felt more real that previous ones, like a 3 tied friendship that would actually happen in real life, the way the characters acted is exactly like how someone people would in real life. The comedy was on point, the moral was great, and 2 of the characters that I don't like so much were 2 of the stars in this one, Trixie and Starlight, were amazing together (Best ship?) I can't fault it other than Fluttershy not speaking, I mean come on, the other mane 6 got lines, and Andrea was in the studio, why no lines for best pony? But I digress. Background characters, including Celestia, were awesome too. My fave of the season so far, amazing.

  • Brohoof 2


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I often protest how much Twilight exerts her power over others, but even she's never done something that bad.


Idk, I think Lesson Zero more than counts.




The episode had some weak points (the ending part where Trixie attempts the stunt anyway can be interpreted as suicidal, stupid, or contrived, none of which are particularly good) and Twilight's behavior towards Trix seemed to come out of left field. That said, it made for a terrific episode, so I'm not in a hurry to linger on either thing too much. S'nice to see some tension between Star and Twily, and some hints of old Starlight's personality coming out. As somebody who wasn't a fan of Reformed!Starlight or Trixie before this episode, they both managed to win me over.

  • Brohoof 1
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I LOVED that episode! My favourite in the season so far! Strong fanservice game is strong! <3


Well, you also can't expect that everybody knows, who Lionel Messi is. ;)


The Lay's/Pepsi guy! :'D


I'm not sure if Trixie's last moment in the cannon was intentional or not.. I mean, I don't think it was because otherwise there were some pretty dark implications there, but after seeing Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep I wouldn't put it past them.


Exactly! Her last words in the cannon sent chills down my spine... For a second there, Trixie was being totally suicidal. And it was SO DISTURBING.


BLASPHEMY! This Celestia was more out of character than a Japanese Nyarlathotep. 


I hated that part, honestly... Celestia was downright rude at that table.

I even felt bad for the guests for a second... but then I realized they were not the kind of ponies to take offence.  :squee:

  • Brohoof 1


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This episode was really amazing. It was nice that Starlight was trying to make new friends and interacting with other characters. My favorite moment from that would have to definitely be Big Mac talking from Starlight's magic. The way he was speaking more fluently by the second caught me off guard and it was absolutely awesome. I'm surprised that Starlight didn't know who the Wonderbolts were and Rainbow breaking the sound barrier and her faces was just priceless. It was great to see Trixie again after so long and it was nice to see how the two of them met and became friends. I could agree with Twilight about not trusting Trixie, but seeing the preview before the full episode, I wasn't sure if Trixie was reformed or not at all. It was also awesome seeing other characters like Vinyl, Derpy and Cranky. I felt sorry for Starlight when Trixie had said she had beaten Twilight at something, but it was nice to see it wasn't meant that way and that she really wanted to have Starlight as a friend. All in all it was an amazing episode overall. I do hope we see Trixie and Starlight interacting more and I'm definitely looking forward to next week's episode.  :wau:

  • Brohoof 3
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Great (and powerful, lol) episode! Trixie FINALLY realized her biggest problem: for all her attempts to be nice, she didn't know when to switch off! Sorta like Simon Pegg in Hot Fuzz!

  • Brohoof 2

Luna needs hugs. And therapy. LOTS OF IT.

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I just realised that Princess Celestia acted pretty rude to the other dinner guests, but that's pretty understandable as she's been stood up by Twilight and probably has a lot of things that she needs to do.:P 

  • Brohoof 1


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This was a pretty nice episode as it allowed Starlight to find some level ground with Trixie in regards to their pasts, and it was also nice to see Celestia again, so I'm glad the Solar Sovereign is getting more love this season with having more appearances already.


However, since Celestia only had that exasperated sigh at the end of the episode in regards to Cranky's question, which she probably has heard hundreds of times before, I wonder if, like my guess with Equestria Games, Nicole Oliver took this episode off from voicing Celestia because she only had that one sigh at the end, and it would have not made sense to be paid full salary for voicing Celestia when she only had one, short line in the whole episode...


Despite that, nice to see Twilight, Starlight, and Trixie now the best of friends after some tribulations in regards to Twilight's hesitance about Starlight befriending Trixie, Trixie still out to one-up Twilight, using Starlight to do so, and Starlight having so much difficulty in befriending someone due to not finding a common ground that they both can agree on.


I give this episode a 9/10, and I do hope things continue with having a cameo from Celestia more often this season, with or without a speaking role from Nicole Oliver in each appearance.

  • Brohoof 1
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The final three minutes of this episode very well could be the cutest thing my eyes have ever witnessed in the history of MLP. It showed just how vulnerable both of them truly were emotionally. Its easy to understand how they could become friends. Twilight sure acting like a jerk though, I mean literally trying to force friendships..?(enjoyed the cameos though.. lol) Its just she couldnt accept that Starlight and Trixie had a genuine friendship, there was nothing behind it but two ponies that could really understand each other, inspiring good things... Ultimately the act would have went on without Twilight's meddling.. Twilight was so worried about impressing Princess Celestia that she never stopped to really discuss her friends feelings with her. She didnt give her any trust. She even so much as went as far as lying to Princess Celestia to try to show her the improvement... Its just Twilight is the "Princess of Friendship" looks more to me like she has a letter she should be writing Princess Celestia... this was the equivalent to Friendship Kindergarten for her in my eyes.. 

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Anyone worried about next week's episode?

Why should we be worried about next week's episode? Is it because some of might think it'll be a bad episode?

  • Brohoof 1

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Nghhh, my stream couldn't handle it!  :(

Guess I'll watch it tomorrow...

well, you could go on YouTube and watch a live stream of the episode. That's what I do but you habe to usually have to do it on the release date. Well it wouldn't be a live stream if it came out on April 30th 2016 but then watched it on September 5th 2077 xD
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Yeeees oh yes oh yes oh yes, I loved this episode to BITS!

It had the right amount of drama that I adore so much in shows, the perfect amount of fun and the most amazing characters!

Rarity, Applejack, Trixie, Celestia, Vinyl and Derpy was in this episode(all of those are my favorite characters in the show) + some new pony designs in the background! I couldn't be more satisfied, to be honest.


Big Mac talked again, Starlight acted like Starlight should, Trixie made the most perfect come-back, Celestia bitched out, Applejack made cute faces, both Derpy and Vinyl got some more screen time and they finally made a match out of Starlight and Trixie. <33 WOOAH. It was all awesome and I laughed so much through the episode, I enjoyed it to the best of me.<3


P.S, Twilight is getting dumber and dumber this season...

Edited by darkwingmare

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." - Dr.Seuss


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I have to say, I really did NOT like this episode. I'll be honest in admitting that I went into it with a personal bias. I've never been one to hide the fact that I really do not like Starlight Glimmer anymore. And Trixie?! Who knew you'd be here, except everyone since Hasbro ruined it in the promos. :dry:


But really, outside of my personal bias against Starlight and Trixie, I really didn't like this episode because of how out of character everyone was. First of all, I'm still hoping that Starlight's actions in the first half of the episode are signs of a slip back to evil. She still has controlling and domineering traits. She doesn't wait for anyone to ask for her magical help, just jumps to conclusions and does whatever she wants with zero regards, which seems really out of character with how the writers are trying to characterize her. I was outraged as well, Starlight didn't think someone who didn't talk much fit her definition of a friend, so she uses her magic to alter Big Mac?! Fuck that not being what a friend does, that's not even moral! 


Then there's Twilight, who's distrust of Trixie was rather over the top, especially since she seemed to forgive Trixie at the end of Magic Duel. One of the things that we always liked about Twilight over the years is how humble she is. But now she's taken a large level on jerkass conceit, constantly fawning over how everypony's gonna see that she's a great teacher.


Even the minor roles were out of character; Mrs. Cake yelling at Starlight and Celestia making no attempts to hide the fact that she's bored and irritated when she's usually so friendly.

  • Brohoof 5
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Yeah, at first I thought it was going to be Amazing only because I really like Trixie, but it never really occurred to me that they would actually be real good friends for a reason. It never occurred to m that they had similar pasts as being both evil and I think their pasts will be the ties that bind them together as friends. 

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I felt that Starlight was pulling spells out of her ass. 


She was able to make a great cake in just a few seconds, and she was able to use magic to make Big Mac more talkative. 

No wonder the Mane Six said Starlight Glimmer is a powerful unicorn. That mare's got a lot of magical talent.

  • Brohoof 1

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She still has controlling and domineering traits. She doesn't wait for anyone to ask for her magical help, just jumps to conclusions and does whatever she wants with zero regards, which seems really out of character with how the writers are trying to characterize her. I was outraged as well, Starlight didn't think someone who didn't talk much fit her definition of a friend, so she uses her magic to alter Big Mac?! Fuck that not being what a friend does, that's not even moral!



Yeah, and remember how Discord has been ever since he stopped being evil and all the bad things he has done? So what the hoof is your point? She is going to be the same Domineering evil pony she always has been for quite some time now. What do you expect? It is a learning process that is going to take a while. Get over yourself sunshine. 






Then there's Twilight, who's distrust of Trixie was rather over the top, especially since she seemed to forgive Trixie at the end of Magic Duel. One of the things that we always liked about Twilight over the years is how humble she is. But now she's taken a large level on jerkass conceit, constantly fawning over how everypony's gonna see that she's a great teacher.


Twilight was completely in character, I have no idea what you are talking about. Perhaps you are missing out on a lot of twilight episodes? There is dozens of times when she has shown her extreme sides of her personality. Remember when she was a student and couldn't find a friendship lesson and tried to make one? Remember the time travel episode? Remember any episode where she acted out in an extreme manner? That is what is called a "character flaw". Twilight has had this extreme personality since the very first season. 

I am extremely surprised you had never noticed it before. 



Even the minor roles were out of character; Mrs. Cake yelling at Starlight and Celestia making no attempts to hide the fact that she's bored and irritated when she's usually so friendly.


Mrs. cake is extremely proud of her baking and then comes along a pony who in mere SECONDS bakes a cake that would take her days or even maybe WEEKS to make and it looked a million times better than the ones she was making and that is her entire life, her cutie mark and lively hood. Wouldn't you be a little defensive about it?


Celestia had every right to act that way. Stop putting Celestia up as a Icon of perfection. She was stood up, was sitting in one spot for HOURS with nothing to do and nothing to drink or eat waiting. you would be irritated as well. 

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I was a bit confused .. it didnt seem like the Celestia we are used to see who dont mind people being a bit human.. i thought she seemed really unkind to me... and i dont really think it fits her charecter..

  • Brohoof 1


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The aftermath of The Cutie Re-mark shows Starlight helping Pinkie in the kitchen and helping Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres. I find it very strange that this is her first time meeting Mrs. Cake and Big Mac.

  • Brohoof 1

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