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gaming Your Gaming 'Firsts'

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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This is going to be a rather broad topic. You know something I love doing? Looking back at memories, good ones of course. Gaming in particular has some of my most cherished memories and thinking of them reminds me why I love gaming in the first place.


Why I say this is because I was thinking about my video game 'firsts'. That being, things that were new that happened to me for the first time in gaming. Like I said, this is a broad topic. So this can include anything that is a gaming first, like first game overall, first racing game ever played, first arcade game, first game you played online, first time a game made you cry, laugh, throw the controller across the room, if you have a first, you should list it! If you want to of course. :)


Let's share some of our gaming first! ^__^


Here is a random one from me: The first time I experienced a truly awesome physics system in a game: Psi-Ops The Mindgate Conspiracy. This game introduced me to the world of awesome video game physics and how fun it can be. I remember when I first started throwing guys around with my mind in the game, it was so cool and using that in interaction with the environment was so awesome to see. That game has a special place for me just for that.


Forza 5 was the first time I ever loved an actual racing sim game.


Those are just a couple of examples from me, what about all of you?

  • Brohoof 6



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The first time I collected all the collectibles in anything must have been with the 100 feathers in Assassin's Creed 2. I still associate songs from that time with the experience of playing the games.


San Andreas was the first time I had my mind blown by a game. so big


Simpsons Hit and Run was, strangely, the first game I ever played.

  • Brohoof 2

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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First game I ever played : Halo 2 Campaign - Always used to visit my cousins, and when my mum wasn't looking I'd sneak into my favourite cousin's room where he had an old xbox hooked up and was constantly playing Halo CE and Halo 2 multiplayer. Eventually, he let me play as well and we used to split-screen together for hours on end :D


First game I ever loved : Crysis 2 - Well...I loved Halo generally, but this was the first OTHER game I loved. The gameplay was fantastic and the graphics were JAW-DROPPING for the time.


First game I ever hated : Destiny...lmao

  • Brohoof 1



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

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The original Star Wars battlefront was the first FPS game I played. I used to play split screen with my cousins. 

The Sims 1 was the first PC game I ever played.

Red Dead Redemption was the first time a video game made me cry (RIP John)

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Oddly enough, Wolfenstien: the New Order was the first and only game to make me cry. It was just so sad when Klaus died.

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Probably the first time I experienced a truly difficult and good game was when I got the first two games in the Super Monkey Ball series, particularly Super Monkey Ball 1. That game is the kind of game that is unnecessarily difficult, but became good, which I'm pretty sure doesn't happen too often. I managed to get to Master in that game, which means you have to clear 50 stages which are pretty hard, do another 10 stages which are VERY hard, and do all of that without using a continue. It takes three deaths to need to use a continue. Then after that I somehow suck..

  • Brohoof 1

Pennutoh has a gun

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The first game I ever raged at was Super Mario World. I was a natural speed runner in that I wanted to blaze through levels as fast as I could. Too bad my skill level wasn't quite there yet... It was a major achievement when I beat the first castle.


The first game world I ever really emersed myself in was from Paper Mario 64. The world was so expansive and interconnected, the characters and towns filled with personality... I always had goombario out to get more information about the area or NPCs despite parakarry being my favourite.


The first game and the only game to make me cry was hey you, pikachu. At the end of the game after you go through hours of content with your electric rodent pal, Oak becomes a giant jerk and forces you to release him back into the wild where he'd be happier. Yeah, that's clearly why he's crying as you're forced to say "goodbye" 4-5 times in the microphone peripheral with sad music playing. Of course it all works out in the end, but still, just... damn it, gamefreak...

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I'll never forget the first time I played Doom. It was way back in 1996, Doom was ported to Windows 95 the year before, (Praise GabeN!) and my dad bought a PC that ran it. He played the hell out of it. I was watching him play it one time (apparently, he saw no issues with letting a 6 year old watch him play Doom), and I asked him if I could try. He actually said yes. We traded places, and after he instructed me on the controls, he started a new game on "I don't want to die". Right before it stated, he told me about the chainsaw. I was actually not to bad at it, considering I was 6 and had never played on anything other than an SNES and the PS1. I was killed about 15 minutes later after a sneaky bastard was on a ledge and I forgot how to switch weapons.


These days, I could beat Doom with little effort.

  • Brohoof 3



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The first game I have ever played was the old Pokemon Blue, and that marked the start for my love of video games.


Pac-Man was my first arcade game, especially on the first arcade machine I had ever seen as a child.


The very first game I knew that had made me cry was Dragon Quest IX, and I did not regret doing so when I first played it.

  • Brohoof 2

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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The first game I ever played was Nintendo Baseball for the Nintendo Game Boy. The first racing game I ever played was Super Mario Kart for the SNES. The first time I ever played online was Halo: Reach, and Naruto Storm 2 was the first game that made me rage quit online. The first game that made me really frustrated was Devil May Cry 3. I remember fighting some of the bosses kept me rage and were difficult to defeat like Beowulf and the final Vergil battle. I also remember the final Vergil battle took me around 10 to 15 tries to defeat him on my first playthrough of the game. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I'll throw out a couple more.


The first M rated game I ever played was Halo: CE. Back when I was a wee lad of 11, I got the first Xbox for cheap solely to play Halo, and goddamn did I play Halo.


The first game I ever played online was Mass Effect 3, and it really didn't need that online mode.

Edited by crispy fries
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This is going to age me terribly. But my first game that I remember playing was Super Mario for the original Nintendo. I also played Star Fox, oh man. The first console that I had was a Sega Genisis. Oh boy, my first game for that was the Lion king! I loved that game so much!


My first play station game was Harry Potter. And my first PC game was World of Warcraft. I would have to say that my first game that I threw my controller at the wall was Tiger Woods pro golf.

  • Brohoof 3
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My first game was Banjo-Kazooie.


My first PS1 game was Muppet Monster Adventure.


My first PS2 game was Way of the Samurai.


My first PC game was The Sims 2.


My first PS3 game was Haze.


My first PS4 game was Killzone Shadow Fall.

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I have a lot so let's go.


My first console was an Atari 2600. 


The first console I bought by myself was a PS2.


My first FPS was Wolfenstein 3D.


First puzzle game was Tetris.


First fighting game: Street Fighter 2.


First arcade game I beat: Simpsons the arcade game.


First RPG: Final Fantasy.


First racing game: Super Mario Kart.

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First console & game: gran turismo 1 on the ps1


First game I beat: little big planet 1 (when I was younger, I didn't care about beating games really. The closest I got back then was sonic unleashed on the ps2)


Favourite game on first console: driver 2

  • Brohoof 1


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My first game was Pac-Man, my aunty used to take me and my cousins down to the arcades.


The first computer game I owned was Living Jigsaw. It was pretty cool.


The first game I ever got in trouble over was when a friend lent me a copy of DOOM.


The first game I was ever banned from was Mortal Kombat. So of course me and my best friend hit the arcades. Lol good times.


The first system I owned was the NES, I got it for Christmas when I was nine. No console can ever match it. What magical memories you hold dear NES.


My first handheld, was-okay so it was one of those crappy, off brand things that played football,but my first big name was the GBA. I still have it, it still works.


My first 16 bit game was Sonic the Hedgehog, I used to play it at my cousin's house. Their Sega still works great!


My first 3D game was New Super Mario Wii.


The first game I ever A-Ranked is Mega Man Zero 3.



My first bootleg was this piece of crap white console they were selling at a mall kiosk. It had one chip, promised over 100 games, but a lot of them were the same game under a different name, a fakie zapper that only worked with glass-screen tvs, the wireless controls were wannabe Xbox or PlayStation designed. Whichever one has the triangle, square, x and o (because you totally need that for games like tetris and paperboy) and when I turned it on,there would be this poisonous burning smell that filled the room. Lesson learned. Never buying one again.

Edited by Leave a Whisper
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Reading these responses makes me smile. :)


I am gonna say the first game I ever played online extensively was Burnout Paradise. That was such a blast at the time and it introduced me to something that was completely new to me at the time, which was online gaming. Pretty decent game to start with I think.

  • Brohoof 2



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Not too sure what was exactly my FIRST game, but..


-First game system was either the PS1, Gamecube or Gameboy Advance

-First game I ever beat was either Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak (weird choice, but yeah) or Sonic the Hedgehog 1.

-First game I fell in love with was Super Mario World.

-First console that was directly bought for me was the DS Lite.

-First console I bought on my own was IIRC the Gamecube (my brother had one before me, but he sold it, so when I was 11 or so I bought a new one right before Gamestop stopped selling Gamecube stuff)

-First game that made me cry was Undertale

From what I can think of.

Edited by SuperALPHYSBrony
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- First game i ever owned was Donkey Kong Country for GameBoy Color

- First game I got the Platinum Trophy for was Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

- First Fighting Game I beat was Fighter Destiny 2

  • Brohoof 1

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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The First Boss I ever beat was Jack of Blades in Fable: the Lost Legends on the Xbox. I remember walking through those hell gates, with a sick sword on my back, and losing multiple of my revival potion thingies. I played it recently last year, and I don't think I died once. good times.

The first physics engine I played with was Spiderman 2, for the xbox again. The way he swung around, the way he ran up walls. Spiderman Is the best, and Spiderman 2 was one of the best.


Now the First game I played on my 360? Sonic 06. My parents got it (well my dad got it. He beat one game and gave up) I know it sucks, but I beat sonic and shadow play though on my own. Silver was a breeze, you're all just scrubs.


The first FPS I played was Halo. I never beat it, but have since beaten 2,3, ODST, 4, reach and Wars. The only one I haven't beat is 5 cus no Xbox one.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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My first ever game was Hugo Xl, which i played on my fathers Computer and the Hugo Series is still one of my favorite game series to this day.


My first console was a Super Nintendo, my first owned game Street Fighter 2.


My first Handheld a Game Boy Color.


The first console i broke, was my Xbox 360, because the cd port was stuck and i tried to open it with a knife and broke it open.


The first game i broke was Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare, it made me so angry, that i destroyed the game discs.


The first game that literally broke me was Jak 2.

After trying to get first Place in the first Race for hours, failing, i broke down and cried for half an hour or even longer.


My first Survival Horror Game was Silent Hill 3.

Edited by Supergirl Rarity


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The very first video game I ever played was Super Mario Bros for the NES and my first video game I owned was a Sesame Street game for the NES.


My first online game was Disney Toontown, I had a blue dog character named Professor Electrogadget.


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-First System:   N64

-First Game Beat:  Star Fox N64

-First Moment "Fuck I Beat it!":   Pokemon Silver,  I beat the Elite Four in one run while camping.....

-First Crying in a Game due to story:  FFX,  when the game ended and Tides was fading away but he still wrapped his arms around Yuna and yah..... :(

-First Ok I beat it,  must play again: OfT Zelda N64,  I beat the game,  let the credits roll to the end and kinda turned off the game and sat there for 5 mins before ima like,  yep going to play this again and beat it.... :yay:

-First WTF: Shadow Link

-First Oh my god I love this game!:  Okami, I played it,  loved it...........still love it and own it.....

-First Must own Again:  Game Boy Color,  I own it and have 3 games :wub:

-First Role Play Game: Zelda OfT

-First "Ima hooked must play!":  Persona 3


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