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gaming What video games do you think are overrated?


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I just wanted to know what video games people think are overrated.

NOTE: Just because something is overrated, it does NOT necessarily mean it is BAD. 

I say this game is overrated: (hate shield activate) Super Smash Bros: Previous.

By that I mean any SSB game that is not the newest.

Dont h8 m8

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I can name a few:


Call of Duty: Despite all of the deserved hatred that this series gets, it still sells millions, despite being milked to death and filled to the brim with greed and incompetence from Activision.


Five Nights at Freddy's: First game? Cool concept, interesting idea for a story I guess. Not good 'gameplay' but still, cool idea. Then we get what, 4 games in total in the span of a year? Now we are approaching our 6th game in this franchise. Is it really worth that? The gameplay is immensely barebones and the story is essentially dictated now by whatever Game Theory says. Scott seems to just make it all up as they do.


Undertale: Story? Great. Writing? Great. Characters? Fantastic. The gameplay? this is where Undertale loses points from me. The entirety of the gameplay is incredibly simplistic, barely qualifying for RPG status in that regard. The battle system is okay, but leveling up doesn't mean much, new equipment is simple and there is not much variation at all. To me, the most important part to a game is the gameplay itself and that is why I think Undertale is just a good game, and that is mostly because of everything else that isn't actually gameplay.

  • Brohoof 5



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Overrated videogames?


I'll tell ya. You're gonna have to go back to the Rareware era on the Nintendo 64, the official belt holder for "Most Overrated Game Ever" was Conker's Bad Fur Day. That game is so bad, that my cousins from San Francisco destroyed their N64 cartridge of the game with a Chainsaw.


The jokes aren't funny, the entire aspect of the game is just gross, and to think it was originally meant to be child friendly, AND it had a less than popular predecessor that WAS child friendly? WHY would they take a child friendly game and make a successor to the game that's not only rated M, but also a bunch of junk? That's just blasphemy!

Edited by Little Flyer
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People can flame me all they want about how I like Minecraft and not Terraria, but I just could never get into it. I bought terraria, played it for an hour (no, really), and never touched it again. I can't exactly even remember why, but it was just boring to me. Though that could just be because I only play minecraft on creative mode .-.


Character in profile picture is Pearl from Steven Universe.

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Call Of Duty.


Nuff said. I don't think i need to explain why.

  • Brohoof 3

Aka "LadyPKchu".

I changed my name again cuz lately fluttershy has been more my favorite pony :3 I like her innocence, and I think I may get active in the fluttershy fan club. I really like a lot of the other main 6 too though.

I'm also a FlutterDash supporter.

I still love Korrina from pokemon a lot and plan on keeping my Korrina profile for now :P

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Overrated is a term used by people who believe they know what standard a game should be considered "rated correctly" by. This, of course, is going to vary from person to person which essentially makes that standard null and void.


More often than not overrated means the same thing as popular/sells well and underrated means a game someone personally likes isn't getting as much love from most other people. :P

  • Brohoof 6
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Overrated is a term used by people who believe they know what standard a game should be considered "rated correctly" by. This, of course, is going to vary from person to person which essentially makes that standard null and void.


This term seems to get a lot of hate and I am not certain why.  Yes, it is a subjective value judgement, but so is simply judging a game good or bad in general.  Basically you are comparing a things popularity to its quality and trying to determine if its quality actually justifies its popularity.  This could be because the things quality is low or its popularity is absurdly high or some combination thereof.  Its an interesting concept because as OP says its possible for good games to overrated and equally possible for bad games not to be overrated based on their public perception.  And I do find the concept useful.


For instance, there was another thread in this forum where a poster claimed that Halo was the worst video game every made.  In a world where games like ET and Bloodwings: Pumpkinhead's Revenge exist, this statement comes off as downright absurd.  I suppose he could have just claimed Halo was bad, but its a fairly solid first person shooter.  Overrated would have worked perfectly in this context though, because while Halo isn't bad, there certainly isn't anything remarkable about it that explains its massive appeal and calling it overrated certainly seems more reasonable that calling it bad or the worst game ever.  And it does look like there are other games posted here that fit the bill.  I haven't played Undertale yet, but its been hailed as the Second Coming of Christ, and if I do get around to playing it I suspect I will come away somewhat disappointed given all the hype surrounding it.


Anyway, with all of that out of the way its time for me to skewer some sacred cows that had it coming:


Pokemon:  Take the random, menu driven elemental rock-paper-scissors combat of the Final Fantasy series, cut the size of the party down to one, and remove the epic stories, character development and fantastic environments of the series and replace it with a kid playing hokey to carry out animal abuse, and you get Pokemon.  I tried playing one of these games a while back but they get boring really fast.  With only one combatant in combat, tactics simply are too limited to be interesting, exploration is dull, and there really isn't anything to see or do in these games, and yet they seem to be as popular as peppermint flavored crack.  I just don't get this series.


Ocarina of Time:  I am tempted to just say go watch Egoraptor's critique and call it a day, but basically I just don't think Zelda made the transition to 3d properly.  Compared to its 2d predecessors, Ocarina of Time feels far more empty, linear and tedious to play.  Environments contain a surprising amount of nothing, it takes forever just to look around a take stock of your surroundings in dungeons, a lot of things like climbing vines or pushing blocks just takes unnecessarily long and combat isn't very interesting.  It also lacks some of the more ambitious elements of some of its sequels, such as the shapechanging in Majora's Mask (but that game has its own set of problems).


Final Fantasy 9:  There are a lot of excellent Final Fantasy titles out there.  Final Fantasy 7 put the series on the map with its cool cyberpunk setting, compelling story and nifty materia system.  Final Fantasy 6 had an excellent story surrounding a forgotten war and a proactive fight against an aggressive conquering empire only to be followed by an Apocalypse after which the player is actually taken off the plot rails (yes, a Final Fantasy where you go off the plot rails) to personally reassembly a separated party and gather the tools necessary to perform a raid on the seat of power of a demi-god to free the world from his oppression.  Final Fantasy tactics marries excellent turn based combat with a story centered around political intrigue.  


Despite all these excellent entries, it is Final Fantasy 9 that I constantly see at the top of best Final Fantasy list and I cannot for the life of me figure out why because this game is a lemon.  Combat, the central gameplay element of the series, is downright tedious in the ninth installment.  It takes forever to load, the game waste time rendering the most pointless actions (such as enemy casting animations), the ATB system doesn't work correctly, it provides no real challenge, never does anything interesting to set it apart from older installments, and just plain takes forever.  Add to that the most limited character customization options since FF4, with locked character classes, locked abilities, and locked weapons giving the player only the ability to customize strictly defensive options meaning that he can never play around with anything that impacts the actual tactics used in combat or alter how combat is resolved.  Characters simply stack more and more defensive abilities that make them increasingly invulnerable.  All and all, combat is a complete dud in this game, and you will be fighting a lot of combats.


The story doesn't fair much better.  The best thing I can say about the story is that the Queen of Alexandria is actually a fairly well done antagonist.  Unfortunately she is not the "real" antagonist and gets replaced by a horrible "for the Evilz" type antagonist part way through the game.  But the real problem are the heroes who aside from the obligatory punch out Cthulhu to save the Universe battle that occurs at the end of every Final Fantasy don't really do anything heroic.  For the first third of the game, you will be watching the Queen carrying out her evil plan, either as observers or in failed attempts in intervene, and the plot would have proceeded the same regardless of our heroes' efforts.  Heck at one point you actively aid her by returning Garnet to her.  Now you might be thinking this is all to set up a portion of the game where the heroes have to liberate all of the territory the Queen has conquered, but you would be wrong.  Instead, the Queen gets offed by the real antagonist while the party fights his pet, and then all the territory she conquered seems to liberate itself Return of the Jedi style and you are left asking yourself why am I even playing this game?  It's at this point you realize you aren't playing heroes, but press reporters that happen to get into an awful lot of fights.  And the real kicker is that this earlier game stuff is easily the best part of the story.  It goes downhill from there, and once Terra gets involved the whole thing just jumps the shark.

Edited by Twilight Dirac
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@@Twilight Dirac,


Well as I said, the term implies a standard. Not just for one person but for multiple. Sometimes it comes off as a person knowing more than others what makes a game good or bad.


A rating system is pointless if it doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. That's why a majority of reviews, both professional and otherwise, are largely easy to pass over. Because no matter what they say it can be disagreed with.


Halo's reason for being popular only in part has to do with the game itself. Accessibility, timing and marketing played large factors. As a game where it was most people's first "wow" game for the console, as a game where people who generally didn't like shooters still found the game enjoyable, the game isn't popular by pure chance.


But what people think of the actual game will still vary but it doesn't change the fact that it altered the course of the genre or the popularity of online gaming.

  • Brohoof 2
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Five Night's at Freddy's: I'm sick of seeing it everywhere, I think that's what kills me for the longest time I couldn't watch a MatPat video without all the comments being about FNAF and the worst part I have friends who continue to obsess over it.  


Pokemon: It's the same game over and over with better graphics, honestly, that's pretty much all of Nintendo and it's a reason I'm not a big fan of the company in general. 


Until Dawn: It's a walking simulator with jump scares and while the characters are realistic they are mostly realistic assholes who I don't really care if they die or not.


Dark Souls: I just didn't find enough diversity in what I was battling, not all but most of the bosses are just different Knights. I would enjoy more mythical monsters and such which is way I'm giving Bloodborne a pass.

  • Brohoof 1

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Final Fantasy VII. The storyline and setting aren't as interesting as Final Fantasy VI and neither are our main characters. As for the villains, Sephiroth pales into comparison to Kefka. Indeed, many aspects of Sephiroth's character seem to have been lifted directly from Kefka. Like Kefka, Sephiroth was a genetically-engineered warrior who eventually turned on his master (Emperor Gestahl and the Gestahlian Empire for Kefka, Shinra for Sephiroth) and had pretensions of godhood. The main difference between Sephiroth and Kefka is that Sephiroth is cold and brooding, while Kefka is maniacal and destructive.

Edited by Silvestra Spooner
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League of Legends, or any MOBA game actually. even though I don't like them at all, I can understand why it would be fun, but I can't understand why people love those games as much as they do. I've personally witnessed League of Legends consume someones life. So, yeah. I think that MOBA's are overrated. 

  • Brohoof 3
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Undertale comes to my mind. Good story? Good characters? then why not make a visual novel? Corpse Party Blood Covers has good story with a good gameplay. Game is not movie, game is game.


Pokemon GO fanboy, please, it not worth your life, do not play while you drive.


Call of Duty franchise or Battlefield. They are the most overrate fps i have ever seen, they try to outplay each other with better graphics and some gimmicks like destructive environment.


Until Dawn. This game is full of cliches of horror trope and i hate the windigo twist. Game replies too much on jump scare, horror is not about some cheap jump scares, it about atmosphere. Amnesia are full of jump scare but at least they have good atmosphere, without Pewdiepie, maybe no one cares.

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i would have to say No Mans Sky.

Just look at it. it's NOTHING that E3 promised!

  • Brohoof 3

When life gives you space lemons, you make space lemonade. Wait, why am i speaking good of lemons? GET MAD! I DON'T WANT YOUR DAMN SPACE LEMONS, WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THESE?



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Call of Duty: Despite all of the deserved hatred that this series gets, it still sells millions, despite being milked to death and filled to the brim with greed and incompetence from Activision.


Five Nights at Freddy's: First game? Cool concept, interesting idea for a story I guess. Not good 'gameplay' but still, cool idea. Then we get what, 4 games in total in the span of a year? Now we are approaching our 6th game in this franchise. Is it really worth that? The gameplay is immensely barebones and the story is essentially dictated now by whatever Game Theory says. Scott seems to just make it all up as they do.

CoD is overrated? Since when? I have not seen any glorifying reviews nor statements from even players that the games are something out of the ordinary. In fact, a lot of players would say that they are pissed off at Activision's bullshit and recognizes all the milking.


What exactly makes a game "overrated"? in CoD's case it certainly can't be lots of praise, since that is pretty much non-existent. Is it the high amount of players and sales? Is popularity what determines whether something is "overrated" or not? For me, the point of playing a game is to have fun, and if I'm having fun with Crysis or Tsundere Simulator doesn't matter to me. People play Call of Duty because they think it is fun. Shitty game or not, it does its job.


Freddys on the other hand.. Someone please tell me if I'm wrong, but I don't know anyone who actually likes this game because they think it's enjoyable to play. Actually, I don't know anyone who even plays this game at all. It seems like the only reason the game is popular is because famous people showed it off and other people have made stories about it. Now, these character stories etc might be good, but if a game is getting praise from people even though they don't even care much for playing it.... that's overrating right there. At least to me. Fan made content and lore should not raise the rating of its original source, no matter if it's five nights or friendship is magic.


But that's just like, my opinion.


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First person shooters. Especially anything with a military theme to it. It's getting really old. Like Halo and Call of Duty or whatever is going on nowadays. 


Oh yeah and Overwatch and other cartoony third person shooters as well as MOBAs. I mean come on.


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Destiny, The Division and any bullet sponging shooter with grinding. Grinding is SO boring! Why is this now a gamplay mechanic? Next using glitches and explits will be it's own genre. Not to mention these games don't have an in-game story impressive enough to hold its own. GTA is a popular franchise, but deserves to be, as it contains everything great about a game in grand quality. I simply don't see how anyone could spend over 100 amout of their money on an incohesive game (that isn't even completed yet); its behond me.

Edited by Flutterstep


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