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gaming What video games do you think are overrated?


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Can I say FNAF and Undertale even if I don’t have a problem with them? Sometimes that’s a good thing, overrated stuff brings out more memes :catface:

(I need something to cure my late night boredom :yay:)



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The most unpopular opinion ahead! 

Assassin's Creed.

I liked them a lot but without a story the game is kinda "meh" and I didn't find them good enough to replay. I think Dishonored (which is the same game in FP with some changes) was much better, replayed it lots of times. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Call of duty, Overwatch and Fortnite. I dont understand WHY people play these games in the first place. I just dont see the appeal with first person shooters...

Edited by SolarFlare13
  • Brohoof 1


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Zelda OOT. “Oh, look, another top Zelda list. I wonder which will be the number 1 :dry:. OOT... I would have never guessed  :yeahno:

yes, I get it. OOT was a groundbreak in 3D gaming, but it shows some aging. Can we see a BOTW or ALttP on top for a change :scoots:?

  • Brohoof 1


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I used to love Super Smash Bros back in the early 2000s, but I just can't seem to get into them anymore. I played Ultimate for maybe a week or two and that was that for me.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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The Last of Us. A good game and the storyline is well written but I don’t get why everything else like it’s the greatest game ever made. It just seems like a fairly run of the mill stealth/third person shooter to me.

Plus other games (e.g. The Walking Dead) have done similar storylines better.

Hopefully the sequel is better.

Friendship isn't always easy. But it's definitely worth fighting for.


Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony!

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pretty much all shooting games. you're literally just shooting shit. there's no gameplay

warframe's really good though

Edited by HomuraAkemi

'I don't wanna die from, like... death.'

- happyheart

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All battle royale games. I just don't see what's fun about them. Not to mention the fan bases many of them have.

I'd also say League of Legends, but even the fan base hates the game, so it's whatever.

  • Brohoof 1

Rainbow Dash Fanatic

"You stroll down memories of younger, brighter times 'cause you never realize what you've got till you leave it all behind." ~ dBPony

"So we’re here at the end, did we teach you well, my friend? Don’t look so sad to see us go, after the rain comes rainbows." ~ Princewhateverer

"Darlin' you'll be okay." ~ Vic Fuentes

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I've tried to play Assassin's Creed several times, first game, III, even franchise darlings II and Black Flag, couldn't do it.

On a personal note, I recently replayed the first 6 Megaman X games, and X3 is one I always find myself struggling to go back. It's actually a really good game, but I find it the most blandest X game. While X6 is a much worse game, it's a game I find more interesting to return in comparison

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And to add to my OOT entry, it also led to Nintendo the mistake of trying to replicate it for a LOOOOOOOOONG time. Right Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword :dash:? Anyway, I remembered a game far more overrated, and legit overrated: Mario Galaxy 2 :Cozy:. Mario Galaxy is a minor one, but despite it did things wrong, it did things right also. But Galaxy 2 is definitely the king of overrated games. It hardly improved the good of the first Galaxy, and accentuated the negative. And some people call it the greatest Mario game ever :Cozy:. Galaxy 2 better than Odyssey my ass :dash:


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There is a game that begins with an F that used to be absolutely all over the place. I think you all know which one I'm talking about. If I ever see anyone doing that dance again, I will personally break both their arms. :scoots:

  • Brohoof 1

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Undertale. For the vast majority of the game, it really doesn't go beyond 'okay' for me. Only the True Pacifist part in the lab, and the entire Genocide Route, truly show how powerful the writing is at times. I do absolutely love the music all the way through, especially the main theme.

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Breath of the Wild, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, The Last of Us, most of the Halo series, Assassin’s Creed: Oddysey.

Breath of the Wild is a good game. It’s fun. It’s just not the most revolutionary Zelda game in existence. 

Ultimate just feels like it’s missing something the previous games had in spades. Also that abomination they call the world of light. YAAAAAAAWN.

The Last of Us is garbage. Uninteresting and banal and you can do way better in terms of zombie games.

Halo, well... it’s got great graphics and I’m sure it’s fun, but the story simply doesn’t appeal to me. 

Oddysey is, in my opinion, the weakest entry in the AC franchise. It feels more like an rpg or arcade game than anything else. One of the things I loved about the series was how it felt both realistic and unrealistic at the same time. But one of my biggest problems with Oddysey is the numerical damage. I preferred working away at my enemy until he or she fell. I didn’t like kicking them and seeing “7684!” Or “11!” Every time I did damage. Hopefully the next one fixes such issues.

I did like the open world, the mercenaries, and I LOVED the ability to knock people out and recruit them. It just added more challenge to the game and made it engaging. It’s by no means a terrible game. But it’s definitely not as good as everyone makes it out to be.

WWE 2k20 though is a flawless masterpiece with no flaws or bugs whatsoever.

  • Brohoof 1


And that’s the bottom line, ‘cause Stone Cold said so!

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Mario Odyssey. I thought it was too much to bring Mario into the normal world like that. Similar to how Sonic did it in Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 or Sonic Adventure, making the mascots run around in the big city with humans....

Don't make that a thing for G5, please. Having ponies walk with humans in the big city, like it is a normal thing :yeahno:

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I'd say Call Of Duty. Their prime was amazing. World at War, MW, Black ops 1 and 2 but now they'll milking the franchise purely for it's money. That being said they're clearly doing something right- they're still getting thousands upon thousands of players!

Gran Turismo Sport is another. I love the game and have a fair few hours into it but it by no means is the best racing game out there. Good game, bad Gran Turismo I always say. Not sure why people rave over it when the previous games out do it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

In recent memory? Final Fanfiction VII Remake, er I'm sorry, Final Fantasy VII Remake is right up there with one of the most overrated games of 2020. From the controversial changes to the gameplay and story, I have not been impressed by it when watching it on different streams. Sure it looks and sounds great, but there's an old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Not to mention, me and hype mixes like oil and fire - it doesn't. T

As far as most overrated game of all time? Pokémon Diamond and Pearl comes to mind. It was heavily heralded as a return to form when it was first released. There was nary a negative comment about the games. Did you not pick Chimchar as your starter? Well, there's a Ponyta or Rapidash and you're going to use them if you want a Fire-type. You're not getting anything else until the end of the game. The sluggish frame rate, the slow surf speed, the long save times, the worst Pokédex ever, and all the cross-gen evos are locked until you beat the game. There's a very good reason why Platinum outclasses Diamond and Pearl in every which way.

(coming soon)

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22 hours ago, Magic Note said:

In recent memory? Final Fanfiction VII Remake, er I'm sorry, Final Fantasy VII Remake is right up there with one of the most overrated games of 2020. From the controversial changes to the gameplay and story, I have not been impressed by it when watching it on different streams. Sure it looks and sounds great, but there's an old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Not to mention, me and hype mixes like oil and fire - it doesn't. T

As someone who tried to play the original FFVII a year ago, I can say the original game definitely needed some upgrading. FFVII Remake is so much more accessible, and is much more playable for me. For instance, I got to a boss in the original that I couldn't beat, I asked for help on that boss and was told what materia I needed. I didn't have those materia. Seems simple enough to backtrack a little and get them, right? Nope. I was in a spot in the game where I was in an area after a town, and that town is not even a town that has a materia shop, so I'd have to backtrack from the area I was in (which was large), backtrack out of the town, and then go back out on the daunting world map to find a town that has a materia shop, and then go back.

I tried to do it. The enemies that I randomly ran into while trying to backtrack destroyed me. I couldn't even run away from them without them killing me. (This is a point in the game where it feels like every wild enemy you run into is on boss level)

Before anyone's like "well, that's the way games were like back in the day". I was around back in the day. It doesn't change the fact that it is overtly frustrating and more accessible remake is a life saver. That's what FFVII Remake is.

22 hours ago, Magic Note said:

As far as most overrated game of all time? Pokémon Diamond and Pearl comes to mind. It was heavily heralded as a return to form when it was first released. There was nary a negative comment about the games. Did you not pick Chimchar as your starter? Well, there's a Ponyta or Rapidash and you're going to use them if you want a Fire-type. You're not getting anything else until the end of the game. The sluggish frame rate, the slow surf speed, the long save times, the worst Pokédex ever, and all the cross-gen evos are locked until you beat the game. There's a very good reason why Platinum outclasses Diamond and Pearl in every which way.

I feel like Diamond/Pearl were hated for the longest time, so it's funny to see them mentioned here. I get that they've gotten the "next in line for remakes" boost, and I think that's the only reason you're probably seeing hype around for them.

Although personally I did find them to be a return to form myself. I enjoyed them so much more than R/S/E, which I was annoyed with for taking away great features that G/S/C had added.

But I've never gotten the idea that I was in the majority on this matter. Nor do I get the impression that I am in the majority for thinking that Gen V (B/W) is the best Pokemon Gen in the end.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Where do I start. Mass effect, first 2 game are great I loved the first one but like everyone and their mother acts like its the best thing to happen to humanity. Sure having sexy sexy with everyone and dare I say it "thing" on your ship is amazing and I love seeing how close they get, how they talk to each other is sooo sweet! but the combat is kind of blah, walking around gets old fast and the driving my God I had a easier time fighting a bear with one arm... and it was a Monday so the bear was super strong today. the bear is fine if your asking. Anyway Mass effect is a good game but people just kind of make it bigger then just good. 

Golden eye on 64

I grew up playing this game but let me telling you something as kid I didn't like and as a 29 year old man I still don't like. end of story.....blah 


Borderlands 3 

Is bad... I got $120 copy of it for me and my dad... we both loved the first 2, and my dad got me the first 2 so I wanted to something really nice for me and my old man... yeah we both stopped playing it in a week and went back to 2. Why is 3 so bad? Have you played it? I'm like 99% no like 99.99.99% sure you didn't play it because if you did then you would already know why its bad..... 



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23 hours ago, China (100% NOT China) said:

Me neither, they are on the list, though.

When there are so many games, the question comes to, where to start? And what happens if you missed the cool stuff in the earlier games if you started late? Especially in a big brand like Zelda. :BornAgainBrony:

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