Midnight Seashell 206 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 The refrences were so many and this reminds me of that one Regular show episode called "But I have a receipt".But I'm genuinely curious as to Starlight Glimmers whereabouts,like seriously where are you Starlight? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StitchandMLPlover 930 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 (edited) possible spoiler alert!: I came home a bit early so I just saw the new pony episode online thanks to GoldenStarPony i.e Chris and will review it now. So this was a cute one. I expected it to be 90% Discord taking them into the game and making the game real so I thought the writers were dragging the episode out until I realized what the lesson was,part of what Discord needs to learn to make more friends is to lose some of that false overblown ego. The gags about Rarity were priceless! Discord's desperately pretending he has a life with the desk scene was also funny because I have met people like that! The little scene between Discord and Fluttershy at the beginning was adorable and shows Discord still has the same flaws. It was nice to see an episode with almost entirely male characters. I like how Pinkie and Dash jumped right in on the fun to make it clear anything can be fun to any sex. Spike was super likable and I was happy for Big Mac when his game character could use magic! I wonder if the villains still being cards was another way to show Discord's refusal to use his imagination.Being an unlimited chaos creature should give him plenty of imagination if he bothered to use it. I like that they followed up on Yakyakistan and the fact that Big Mac and Spike hang out from the line in season 5. Nice to see how the characters entertain themselves. Edited August 27, 2016 by StitchandMLPlover 1 My short independent films about physical disability! http://cripvideoproductions.tumblr.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CastletonSnob 3,079 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 (edited) Dude, that's just monsterous. Knowing Equestria, this game is probably banned. XD Do you smell what the shy is cookin? I wonder if even the Mane Six's friendship could stand up to Mario Party. Edited August 27, 2016 by VG_Addict 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 Not amazing, but it was a pretty enjoyable little fun episode to be had. Plenty of good humor, and Discord was pretty likable. Also, nice to see Big Mac make more than a small cameo. Probably would give it an 8/10. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mesme Rize 15,687 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 I wonder if even the Mane Six's friendship could stand up to Mario Party. Maybe the first one. But not the second one. It's fun but it's evil incarnate. My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777 Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Victoria Sponge 1,017 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 Discolas, pretty good reference right there. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
powerpuff-tsubasa 448 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 the episode was okay. kinda annoying :s i kind of liked the area of a fantasy game being brought to life. especially when rainbow and pinkie joined in for fun I will say there are some things I really liked in this episode, and this was one of them: Legit had me laughing that one. memorable disaaproval face you got there flutterz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonic5421 425 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 This was a pretty good episode. We see how Discord wanted to be with the Mane Six, especially Fluttershy, due to being such close friends with them, and having to stay behind with Big Mac and Spike was not what he really wanted when Spike and Big Mac merely wanted him to join them out of sympathy for his plight. We get some awesome chaos as Discord tries to get Spike and Big Mac into the swing of what a real "Guys Night" should be like, then giving them a taste of playing their game for real. After that, we see Discord learn of the reasons why they wanted him to join them in the first place, leaving Discord embarrassed and showing himself the door, before Spike and Big Mac agree to give him another chance, leading to where when the Mane Six return from their overnight trip with Celestia to see Prince Rutherford in his homeland, though Twilight is spooked out at seeing what Spike, Discord, and Big Mac are doing, Rainbow and Pinkie are more than willing to join in. Great episode, and I give it a 10/10 for the zany chaos Discord can bring whenever he appears. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allen 1,387 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 At the beginning, the opposite dimension is different "You can't be that bad, Fluttershy!". The mane 6 went out to Yayakistan, so with Spike and Big Mac stay behind along with Discord and go to another dimension and play an awesome game. "What a foolish Discord." At the ending part, it's the mane 6 returning from Yayakistan and at the castle with Spike, Big Mac, and Discord playing a game to hold off those enemies, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie join the fun with them! I'll say this is a "great" episode! Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past. ~Allen The V.I.P., The Legendary Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prospekt 11,021 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 This one was a very good episode! I'm so glad that Big Mac has gotten another episode and the interactions between the three central characters here were great. This was one of the funniest episodes I've seen in a while and though I don't have time for an in-depth review, this one's definitely a winner in my book. Not outrageously entertaining, and not my favorite Discord episode, but it was the best in a while and I still give it 8.5 stars out of 10. Something I noticed: in the promo of the second part of the season, there was a snippet from a future episode where Twilight and co. were in winter clothing in a snowy landscape, and if I remember right she was opening a gate of some sort.If this means there will be a Yakyakistan episode, then I wonder when it will air? None of the episodes revealed so far seem to take place in there, at least judging ny their names and synopses.It would be cool to see what the mane 6 were doing while Discord, Spike and Big Mac were having their guy's night. Something tells me this will be another case of two episodes taking place simultaneously, similar to Just For Sidekicks and Games Ponies Play. 1 Signature by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sporemane 546 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 I loved this episode! Q ugh... I mean Discord was fantastic. I really liked the Jazz Club scene, The setting and music were really cool, it had a nice Rat Pack vibe too it. I wish the scence where they were actually in the game was longer though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,381 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 So that's who Luigi learned his Final Smash from: 2 By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlutteringDweamz 2,086 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 This was a fun episode I wanted to join in the game they were playing xD 1 Aka "LadyPKchu". I changed my name again cuz lately fluttershy has been more my favorite pony :3 I like her innocence, and I think I may get active in the fluttershy fan club. I really like a lot of the other main 6 too though. I'm also a FlutterDash supporter. I still love Korrina from pokemon a lot and plan on keeping my Korrina profile for now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rawzy 1,302 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 This episode ships Celesticord so hard. How? Celestia was never seen in this episode in her true form. Think For Yourself. Be Yourself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smitty1038 53 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 (edited) I was pretty disappointed with "Dungeons and Discords." I was hoping it'd be more like "Bender's Game", but the plot of them actually being in the game didn't come until near the end and even then it only lasted a few minutes. The ending especially I found irritating because it showed what this episode could have been, and Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash wanting to join was cool and something I'd like to see more of. And why couldn't it have been Sweetie Belle that Spike was trying to save instead of Rarity? (SpikeBelle is obviously my OTP, so much so that I'm planning on writing a fanfic around them.) But is it just me, or did it come off as the writers adding fuel to the SpikeMac ship? Just take out the element of them playing a game and it'd come off as two gay lovers looking forward to spending some time together. It was at least nice seeing Mac and Spike bonding. It would've been nice if they'd included Pipsqueak and Shining Armor and some of the other guy characters. Spike and Big Mac really irritated me in this episode. For one thing, they're having fun at Discord's expense and aren't going out of their way to make the game fun for him. Finally, they reveal that the only reason they even asked him to join them was because they felt sorry for him. Do these characters, the Mane Six included, not bother to think that maybe the only reason Discord acts like a dick is because everyone keeps treating him like shit? I for one am sick and tired of Discord getting treated like garbage by the characters. Finally, where was Starlight in all of this? This takes place in the castle she's supposedly staying in, but we don't see her or hear a peep out of her. The lack of Starlight Glimmer this season is really starting to piss me off. She's been so underused this season that I find myself oftentimes forgetting that she's part of the main cast, or at least she's supposed to be. You wouldn't know it based on how the writers have been writing her character this season. Edited August 28, 2016 by Smitty1038 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AmberDust 1,118 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 This concept had a lot of potential, but it wasn't handled terribly well... they spent an awful lot of time hemming and hawing and setting things up, and not a lot of time actually playing the game. I would have liked to see them slowly start to enjoy themselves and become friends, and the most interesting parts of the episode were when they were actually in the game-- I think they could have had both. Ah, well. I will say there are some things I really liked in this episode, and this was one of them: Legit had me laughing that one. ...We need emoticons of this. We really do. Or, better yet: 6 Need help with your OC? I'd love to assist you! Just visit my help thread. It's always open, so don't be shy! ♦ My main OC ♦ Vector Commissions ♦ Ask me anything! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hazy Skies 1,010 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 (edited) Loved this episode Ended up having to delay watching it because I started watching late at night, and whenI saw Oopposite Fluttershy" I laughed so hard I almost woke up my housemates xD This in my opinion was the best part of the episode That Opposite Fluttershy was a reaaalllyy tough gag to top There was however one joke that made me absolutely lose it And that was due to something Rainbow Dash said at the end.."Did you see Big Mac's sword? I totally want in!" ~Rainbow DashStupid adult brain, stop looking too much into this hilarious innuendo As for the episode in general, I had a feeling that there was going to be a "Discord makes the game real" moment.. Though the way he did it surprised me.. Though it was a little up and down, overall it was a great episode, with lots of gags.. to be expected of course, for a discord episode xDand I'm glad there was another episode focusing specifically on the male character.. I mean, we don't really see them that often..That's to be expected too though i guess.. Also.. This comparison.. Aku and Discord EDIT: Just found out that Fluttershy said "Sassafras" and not "Sassifras" like i made in the gif.. *sigh* Oh well.. Edited August 28, 2016 by Aura Dust 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrond 3,263 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 That might have been the funniest episode of the season, if not one of the funniest of the series. It's not quite "Rarity Investigates!," but it's this season's closest equivalent in that it's a modest slice-of-life episode which can stand up with the best of the major plot episodes, and frankly surpasses many of them. Plus it has the show's clearest example of character development in ages, which is a damn good sign. Have I mentioned how good it feels to be satisfied with this show's direction again? Full review at my offsite blog. 7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Truffles 2,033 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 This marks the first time Spike has ever uttered the words "What the hay" in an episode. Evidently he's picked up on Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity using that swear over the years. But the funniest line goes to Discord, when he says: "Oh, you mean like trapping best friend ponies in hedge mazes and turning them against each other. Those were the days." A totally funny ref to his first episode, and some insight into his character that he still misses being bad, even though he has friends now. 8 Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonny Music 3,444 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 OMG! One of the best episodes this season thus far (IMO)! I loved it! 4 My Profile LinkedIn Profile Main YouTube Channel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Compeador 101 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 another awesome episode! flutterb*tch appears again I'd say the character creating is a bit too fast, in Dungeon and Dragons, create a character usually takes hours to finish unfortunately we can't see all M6 play the TRPG in this episode, i guess the fandom will do this 1 ``Born in the absurdity, fight for resist, move for seek, atone for regret, decease for the end; eventually back to start line, all beloved, hatred, dignity and honor are gone, not afraid everything is meaningless, not fear everything isn't belong to me; at the last of the destiny, still affirm the life.'' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 (edited) One detail I find kind of interesting was Spike's hero of choice. In all past appearances of him fantasizing himself as some hero, he's always been some traditional looking buff Knight character. But here in this game he instead chooses to be an old, wise and powerful wizard, he's even got a beard. Sounds kinda like a certain bearded wizard Twilight idolizes...Wonder if that's something that influenced his choice. I find it kind of cute to think that Spike maybe picked his character based off of a desire to be the kind of hero Twilight would admire. The inspiration for his beautiful Princess Shmarity is a real mystery to me though. :-P I agree about Spike's choice of hero type. I don't know what the creators were thinking about Shmarity. It doesn't make any sense. Spike doesn't even like anypony with a similar name. This marks the first time Spike has ever uttered the words "What the hay" in an episode. Evidently he's picked up on Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity using that swear over the years. But the funniest line goes to Discord, when he says: "Oh, you mean like trapping best friend ponies in hedge mazes and turning them against each other. Those were the days." A totally funny ref to his first episode, and some insight into his character that he still misses being bad, even though he has friends now. Hopefully Spike will never use... peeved . We're still having to recover after sweet innocent Fluttershy used such a filthy word. :awuh: Edited August 28, 2016 by BlackWater627 4 Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlbaTross 1,586 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 Well, guy time is sacred. Also, I'm glad they kept the name of the game from the comics...sort of. Now it's Ogres and Oubliettes as opposed to Oubliettes and Ogres but I guess that's splitting hairs. I haven't gotten into D&D but my friends and I enjoy our Munchkin meetups. Also, my friend's gf has been joining us recently, though I'm still telling my gf that it's guy time so the ending to this episode is just perfect. To date there's only one story starring Discord that I've come across that I dislike and the only spinoff Discord story I haven't read is The Ponyville Players Dramarama which I will probably check out in the near future. An episode starring three male characters is overload for this series, but it's probably a nod to fans much like Slice of Life. I'm glad this episode continues the uphill slope since The Cart Before the Ponies. It's not my favourite of the season so far, but it's in my top 5 for sure, and I think we've reached the point now where episodes are of the quality I've come to expect from this series which we haven't had since Stranger than Fanfiction IMHO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainDoubloon 856 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 I really enjoyed today's episode. Not much else to say right now. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darthy Hooves 106 August 28, 2016 Share August 28, 2016 The lesson is: Life without Discord would be a total bore! 2 Equestria Rises !!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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