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spoiler S6 EP21 "Every Little Thing She Does" Teaser


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Out of context or not, this one action basically ruins any goodwill Starlight had built up by this point. Yeah, she's been shown to be magic crazy before, but none of the compares to enthralling the minds of Twilight's friends and "supposedly" her friends too. Hell, I bet you that once all this collapses around her, she'll get nothing better than a slap on the wrist for her crimes. At least when Twilight controlled pony's minds, she didn't have a prior rap sheet.  


Keep in mind also, that I'm saying this as someone who likes Starlight and wants to see her actually become a decent and likable character. 

  • Brohoof 5

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Out of context or not, this one action basically ruins any goodwill Starlight had built up by this point.




Also, she really should have known better anyway. After forcing Big Mac to talk in No Second Prances, she said, "maybe my first instinct shouldn't be to magically command ponies to act the way I want them to?" 


Right there she expressed at least some form of understanding that she doesn't have the right to control others with magic. And yet, that message doesn't seem to have sunk in at all. 


I just don't understand it. Why would the writers choose to damage Starlight's character like this? Especially since she's been highly controversial among the fandom, and this certainly won't be changing any opinions for the people who don't like her.  Especially since we know that she's going to be the focus of the finale in place of the mane six, and right now it's honestly seeming like she should be the villain instead. 

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What annoys me most about this is simply that it is possible at all, and that none of the members of the mane 6 resisted the magic.


If mind control is potentially so very strong in the MLP universe that a fairly powerful unicorn can learn compulsive spells that even the most powerful ponies are unable to resist, then it makes their world far darker than it has been portrayed.

  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I hope it's not JUST the Mane Five she's controlling. I thought she was gonna go around town causing friendship problems to everypony and then try to solve them all. An excuse to have her interact with the CMCs, and possibly give Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara a quick role this season.


Hey, anybody else think that Spike's gonna be Starlight's voice of reason in here? ;)

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WAit! so that line from the Trixie episode..is actually happening...wow and ithought that was a throw away gag..

Still WHY this sounds like fanfiction..the ridiculous kind but i'll give the writers some credit and i'll watch ti but I'm not going in to hate it just...why!


now if you excuse me i got to go listen to "Under our spell" again

Edited by BlinkZ
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I vastly prefer such things to be far more resistible -- some kind of willpower battle at the very least, along with extra checks when forced to do things that one wouldn't normally do -- than just what we saw happening. 


That was pure nightmare fuel just that it exists. 

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Okay I've calmed down a little so let me explain why I dislike this so much:


1) It's unethical and immoral as fuck. Yeah I may have a hypnosis fetish but I know that's fantasy, it's fake, you're playing it up for kinks and fun, it's not real, etc etc. Mind control in reality is scary. It is literally stripping you of any control you have, for your mind, your soul to be turned off, you completely unaware, your body a puppet, and that's if you're lucky! Otherwise you might end up being trapped in your own body unable to move or speak or do anything of your own accord. There's a reason there is a trope called "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream"


2) It paints Starlight in the worst possible light. I will freely admit I have never cared for Starlight in the slightest so make of that what you will but this will not win her any fans.  This entire scene makes her out to be unemphatic and near sociopathic.  That look at the end? That is the look that she doesn't give two figs about what she's done, how the controlled ponies feel and I don't emotionally invest in those kinds of characters. If anything it makes me want to see them beat down. I like emphatic characters, characters that care. Starlight is showing she isn't even remotely like that and I do not enjoy that at all so it makes me dislike her. 

  • Brohoof 3

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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A part of me thinks this is just to show how Starlight is excelling at magic, rather than a vital plot point in the episode. But then again, it probably is part of Starlight's plans to handle multiple friendship problems at once. But there's no way to be sure at this point.

Edited by heavens-champion
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Unless the members of the Mane Six here gave clear, informed consent to be put under a mind-control spell, I can't see how Starlight's actions here are anything but immoral. And even in that (unlikely) case, the casual and smug way in which she goes about it is still off-putting.


Starlight is supposed to be a character whom we sympathize with, relate to, and root for, right? Because Starlight's behavior here makes me want to do none of those things.

  • Brohoof 1
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I hope they give some very, very good context for this.  Who knows?  The episode where Applejack blabbled like an idiot while feeding the pigs gave decent context for that; maybe this will give a decent context for Starlight.


If I had to guess---and this is a shot in the dark, but if I had to guess, the context is that mane six we see couldn't decide on what to do with the time they had together, so they needed Starlight to break the tie and decide for them, and she took that as a cue to use magic to make them agree.


Of course, even if I got every word of that right, mind control is going way too far!


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So what Starlight is doing here fundamentally violates an assumed "right to mind" that we have in the world of humans, where the ability to directly control the workings of the mind is but a flicker on the horizon of technological progress. To us, this is a deeply wrong thing Starlight is doing. But this isn't the first time this has happened. Lesson Zero had Twilight mind controlling the whole town. Hearts and Hooves Day had the CMC forcing two ponies to fall in love. In both cases, there weren't many far-reaching ramifications. In fact, when Cadance makes two ponies stop fighting and express their love for each other, it is seen as a positive thing. It seems that in a world where mind-control is a reasonably accessible action, it is approached with a degree of de minimis consideration, and intent is a factor. If something goes wrong, then the perpetrator is chided, "you really shouldn't do that," and allowed to go on their way.


Perhaps an analogy is in order. Humans have a way of sending projectiles at a broad range of velocities with astonishing accuracy. Depending on intent and scope of the method used, we have different approaches to dealing with the consequences. If I fire a ping-pong ball at my buddy as a prank with a pneumatic gun, he'll probably just laugh, even if I give him a nasty welt. If I try to throw a pen at a co-worker so they can use it to sign a document, and it pokes them in the eye, they'll shrug it off, and certainly not demand reparations. But if Billy shoots his little sister with his bebe gun, and she tells on him, Mom and Dad will scold him, and probably take the gun away for a time, even if it didn't do any permanent damage.

I guess what I'm saying is, morality adapts to circumstance. If mind control is a reality, a more nuanced morality will grow upon it, like barnacles on the keel of a ship. What Starlight is doing is something that seems suspicious over the course of the few seconds we see, but is really nothing new.

All that said, Starlight seemed to imply that mind control would be distasteful to her in No Second Prances, by ironically, and self-deprecatingly, referring to it as the way she'd make a friend. It seems odd to me that she'd actually be fine with with this. Then again, Starlight's gig is using drastic magic to solve very simple problems without really thinking extremely hard about the scope of the consequences.

"Fiducia compele," seems to mean, "compel trust!" In other words, it doesn't seem to be so much a spell to put the Remane 5 under Starlight's control as it does a spell to force them to trust her. Take from that what you will.

Edited by ph00tbag
  • Brohoof 4
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I normally don't watch the teaser clip prior to an episode airing, but I couldn't help myself this week when I saw Starlight in the thumbnail! She's been 1 of my favorite new additions to season 6. I loved her appearances in The Crystalling, No Second Prances, A Hearth's Warming Tale, and The Times They Are A Changeling. Kelly Sheridan really delivers in the voice department. Glim's is 1 of the most expressive characters in the show. I just love her voice :love:!


The clip was very intriguing. I love that the show is adding incantations to more powerful spells now! I wonder why she has to "brain-wash" the mane 5? All my questions will be answered in a few days I guess. Saturday can't come any sooner :yay: !


It appears that an overwhelming majority of users above me loathe Starlight or downright want her away from the spotlight as much as possible. I guess i'm in the very tiny minority because I enjoy all aspects of her character. I wonder if there are others who share the same opinion as me? I'm probably blinded by my optimistic outlook though so who knows at this point :ooh:.  

  • Brohoof 1


#Squadgoals  :ph34r::P:lol::smug::rarity:;):sunny:        

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This is probably one of the most boneheaded moves the writers have made this season. A lot of fans still don't trust Starlight Glimmer or feel as though she was let off the hook after Season 5. Having an episode where a supposedly reformed Starlight Glimmer brainwashes the Mane SIx (sans Twilight) so they'll be her friends will only reinforce these feelings amongst the fandom and increase antipathy towards Starlight.

Edited by Silvestra Spooner
  • Brohoof 2
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I get the feeling this episode will be a lesson about "Don't try to control those around you, and understand that others have their own ways of thinking/doing things even if you don't agree" kind of thing.

Like starlight has probably been asked by twilight to get something done and puts the other 5 underneath her as some sort of workforce and she gets pissy because they're not like little robots that do exactly what she says, so she makes them into magical robots that do that, and's like "THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER" until twilight tells her "yeah, but they're not FRIENDS like this!" and everyone instantly forgives her.





Though I would LOVE if this episode made everyone suddenly start hating her again (apart from twilight)-- Though knowing haber, that would only be so that she could then Save the day in the finale and make everyone feel horribly about doubting her.

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And people thought Discord's brainwashing was bad.




This trainwreck will be interesting to watch. Maybe it'll actually teach control freak Starlight a thing or two before she potentially screws up even bigger in the finale.

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So, I'm gonna make a bold prediction, that I'll be the first to admit probably won't come true. I'm still going to say it, so that IF it comes true, I'll be on record having predicted it. What if, as a result of Starlight going too far in this episode, Twilight kicks her out/expels her, then she needs to redeem herself in the finale by saving Equestria from whoever the villain ends up being. Again, probably won't happen.


It appears that an overwhelming majority of users above me loathe Starlight or downright want her away from the spotlight as much as possible. I guess i'm in the very tiny minority because I enjoy all aspects of her character. I wonder if there are others who share the same opinion as me? I'm probably blinded by my optimistic outlook though so who knows at this point :ooh:.

There are actually plenty of people on here who like Starlight, it's just that those who don't are very loud and outspoken about it. Obviously those people have the right to their opinions, just know that you aren't in some kind of tiny minority.

Edited by NeonCobalt


Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature!

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Any other day I’d be the first one whamming away at Glimfoals and their waifu but this clip just reeks of low level shitposting. INB4 she made mindless Mane 5 replicas to go with her whole hurr-durr friendship so hard routine and some asshat employee is just using the ambiguity to rustle jimmies and hype another shitty episode. The alternative is just pure dog feces.

  • Brohoof 1
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So, I'm gonna make a bold prediction, that I'll be the first to admit probably won't come true. I'm still going to say it, so that IF it comes true, I'll be on record having predicted it. What if, as a result of Starlight going too far in this episode, Twilight kicks her out/expels her, then she needs to redeem herself in the finale by saving Equestria from whoever the villain ends up being. Again, probably won't happen.

^ I thought the same thing when I saw the clip. Probably won't happen but it would make sense. As for this episode...I'll withhold judgement until I see it in full but Starlight isn't one of my favorites and I'll be surprised if this changes that.
  • Brohoof 1
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