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spoiler "To Where and Back Again" Thoughts and review



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...an least it was... original?

Chrysalis was really well animated in the episode. It's the only good point it had. I don't like Starlight, Trixie and I have the least appreciation of Thorax. And even Discord didn't saved the situation, always whining about Fluttershy and stuff... And the story wasn't that good for a Finale episode. I didn't receive the feels I'm supposed to have at a finale. I didn't laugh, I didn't cry, 'twas as bland as the whole season in my opinion. A tasteless mud, like lucky charms without the marshmellows. You have the cereal, 'tis good and all, but you want the marshmellows with it, y'know? That tiny sprinkle of magic wasn't there in the season... I start to really miss it.

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I gave my opinion in a different thread but overall I was pleasantly surprised with this one.



Not being a huge fan of Starlight, I was expecting it to focus on her mostly and it would not be that enjoyable. It did focus on her mostly and I actually liked that. o_o We got to see more of a weakness in her character, being afraid to lead and being overwhelmed in a social setting, that was refreshing to see. Trixie was also great fun and the chemistry between these two is friggin' great.


Another aspects that really surprised me was Discord. Normally when he is on the scene, he is too busy being witty and pranky to actually be important, but this time, with their magic being useless in a lot of it, he was so much better than he has been recently. ?He felt like he was part of the group and part of this overall goal. That was great, especially seeing him be so determined to rescue Flutters, it was cute. <3


Then we get to Chrysalis herself. Her entrance was immensely creepy and I liked that. She had more movements like a bug-like creature which is another aspects I was not expecting. Now, the changelings have been reformed, and I am fine with that, though if I had one major complaint about this finale, it is the color design of them. The colors just seem....off. Randomly placed with no consistency. It just seems weird. Kinda which they would have stayed with the same color palette as before but with the new design. Still, I am happy to see the changelings now have peace and Chrysalis is still pretty determined to mess things up, so it is a win-win.


So overall, I enjoyed this finale faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar more than the Cutie Re-Mark. It was fun, tense in certain parts and had so many wonderful character moments. I think it deserves a solid 9/10. It is also weird how much I enjoyed a finale that barely had the mane 6 present. I guess that was an interesting change of pace as well.



Pretty happy about this finale. ^___^

  • Brohoof 3



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I still have mixed views of the finale. There were things I liked, things i didn't, and things I need some time to process.



My biggest complaint through is how much contrivance there is inorder for the plot to work. I could buy maybe having the Mane 6 caught unaware and captured before they could react, but having them and every other Princess captured is complete bull. It's nothing but a lazy way for the writers to get everyone who could do something out of the way without a fuss. it's like if a bunch of b-list criminals were able to take down the Justice League, not helped by the fact that the Changelings that replaced them couldn't act wet in a thunderstorm. The one impersonating Twilight was the only one who seemed to give a crap, and even he did a poor job. The only reason any of this happened boils down to "because the plot says so." 


I also initially had a problem with Discord being included, since he is a  textbook definition of a "Story-Breaking Power". However, just about everything else was done much better, since they immediately nerfed Discord since he couldn't solve the problem in a heartbeat. I also liked the bits where he was overly protective of Fluttershy and his Genre Savvy moment when he "happens" to run into Fluttershy. Granted, the Changelings used it against him, but still... Also everything that happened in the throne room was straight up Nightmare Fuel, seeing everyone suspended in those cocoons and Chrysalis contorting herself like something out a horror movie. Also having her refuse Starlight's offer was great, since I can just imagine people throwing a fit if Chrysalis was redeemed.


The stand out character here though, bar none, was Thorax. From how chipper he was when introducing himself to Trixie, to how he was the single most useful member of the group since three of the four members couldn't use magic. Not too sure about his new design, but I for one welcome the new Changeling ruler.



Edited by PoisonClaw
  • Brohoof 3

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I found this finale bold and simply amazing, with many a thing packed in it. We have character development, references to other episodes, comedy, tension, more lore introduced and a huge lore change. There is just so, so much to look forward to in the next season!

First is of course the new Changeling Kingdom, with King Thorax. How is he going to handle all those responsibilities, and the backlash from him being a former "traitor"? Things might get a bit rowdy here and there, it's a massive change after all.


Also, some found the changelings to have changed too fast, but... Not ALL the changelings have changed! There will most likely be some evolved changelings vs rogue changelings plot in the future. Thorax vs Chrysalis. That, and those who've changed have seen with their own eyes one of their own transforming and having stupid amounts of love to give for a changeling, with a happy smile to boot. Of course they'd give it a try.


Unlike many, I was actually kind of hoping to see how evolved Chrisalis would look like, and I am a sucker for happy endings... But after some thinking, I actually find it best that she hasn't reformed... "yet". I am pretty sure that she will at some point, but until then, she will help further the lore and we might actually learn more about changelings and her motivations. It seems they've come from outside of Equestria, so could they have fled from the wendigos as well? Speaking of, are the wendigos still a thing outside of Equestria? Will they use some more of that plot-convienient ancient dark phlebotinum that prevents the use of magic?


Other than the changelings, I enjoyed the interactions between the characters. Discord and Trixie had the best flow going, we might see more of them interacting with each other in the future. Trixie, one of the few who talks down to Discord and lives to tell the tale.


But so far, I think the point I'm most hopeful about is that this finale helps people better understand - and accept - Starlight's character. I mean, Sunset suffered from backlash after EQG1, but then shifted to being everypony's beloved waifu.


Admittedly, they've failed to properly explain how the chain of events led Starlight to go from happy child who loses a friend to brainwashing people. I could understand what Starlight actually felt, so I did sympathise with her - loss at a tender age of her one friend she spent most of her time with, whom she idolised and could do anything and everything, failed to follow him because of lack of magic talent at the time => fear of socialising and self-deprecation + hatred of cutie mark => control freak and you know the rest.


Still, it feels like Hasbro is trying to convey the same message all over again, that people should give others a chance despite their looks (Thorax) or their deeds (Starlight) if they're showing a will to befriend/change. I actually view the new, friendlier changeling look as just that. They've been given the chance, and they seized it to shine like the others, instead of being shunned and maybe ostracised. Chrysalis so far embodies the fact that it won't always end like you hoped, and it may need far more work.



A bit of a wall of text inside, that's what happens when I'm too hyped about something. Shutting my mouth now. :mellow:

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Here are my reactions to both parts as I posted them on Equestria Daily.


Part 1.



While it definitely put Starlight into the role of leader, there are some issues that do need to be addressed. The pace goes by relatively quickly as though they wanted to put so much in at once without taking a breather. Also, how did the Changelings succeed in their plans to replace everyone? It just happened without an explanation.


Oh, and judging from the featued performers, they wanted to add in a lot of characters. Speaking of the Changelings, it was pretty obvious something was wrong when the one posing as Pinkie talked. On a positive note, I liked the consistency with Thorax coming back, Trixie still being Starlight's best friend, Twilight being jealous of the idea, and bringing back a former villain as opposed to a new one. Oh, and Discord's presence can be seen as a mixed blessing.


You knew no Changeling could impersonate him die to his powers, but then he does give Starlight an overpowered edge.





Part 2.



Now I definitely wasn't expecting that. I was really impressed with how Chrysalis' castle operated what with all the twists and turns. No wonder only Changelings could figure their way around there. The throne being the source of the magic blocking was a tired cliche, but I was intrigued by how Starlight and company couldn't rely on using magic to survive. Discord and Trixie make an excellent odd-couple what with their constant bantering to the annoyance of Starlight.


Chrysalis was as evil as ever and I am so glad that she didn't reform--I don't think the fandom could've handled it. The new Changeling designs look really weird and it was Thorax who saved the day. With Starlight herself, she didn't really get to shine all that much. I mean, she had a good speech and all, but her repeated harps about her not having magic got old.


Thorax was in the same boat. He didn't get to do much until the end when he changed--no pun intended. Also, we still didn't find out how the Changelings captured everyone. Another odd thing was that there was no song, a standard for season finales. Oh, and don't get me started with how the ending well, ended so quickly. They really should consider a three part epic as opposed to just a two-parter. Overall, I'm not sure how to feel about this finale.


The first part was really good despite some obvious flaws, yet the second part feels like a bit of a let-down. The character chemistry was good even though again, Starlight and Thorax weren't utilized that much. The same can be said with the captives. They were just there and contributed nothing. The new Changeling design will take some time to get used to, but the first impression isn't good. I'm going to give this one about an 89% out of 100. It's a good finale, yes, but problems do plague it that bring it down slightly.



I'm with you on the Mane Six and Royal Family being trapped in their cocoons until Thorax and the Changelings destroyed Chrysalis' throne and freed them in the process by causing the ceiling to collapse and the cocoons to fall and burst open. If they had cut out some of the exposition in the first act of Part 2 and replaced it in the third act with seeing everypony get freed from their cocoons, that would have worked out better as it kinda rushed the ending to get to the point with everypony glaring down Chrysalis for the Hell she just put them through and ready to send her to Tartarus for it.


Plus not showing how everypony was so easily captured by the Changelings in Part 1 is a big let-down and plot hole for the finale. Luna was the only one seen actually struggling with her captors as she warned Starlight to the situation, but we're never shown how it happened to Celestia, Cadance, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, or the Mane Six.

I still have mixed views of the finale. There were things I liked, things i didn't, and things I need some time to process.



My biggest complaint through is how much contrivance there is inorder for the plot to work. I could buy maybe having the Mane 6 caught unaware and captured before they could react, but having them and every other Princess captured is complete bull. It's nothing but a lazy way for the writers to get everyone who could do something out of the way without a fuss. it's like if a bunch of b-list criminals were able to take down the Justice League, not helped by the fact that the Changelings that replaced them couldn't act wet in a thunderstorm. The one impersonating Twilight was the only one who seemed to give a crap, and even he did a poor job. The only reason any of this happened boils down to "because the plot says so." 


I also initially had a problem with Discord being included, since he is a  textbook definition of a "Story-Breaking Power". However, just about everything else was done much better, since they immediately nerfed Discord since he couldn't solve the problem in a heartbeat. I also liked the bits where he was overly protective of Fluttershy and his Genre Savvy moment when he "happens" to run into Fluttershy. Granted, the Changelings used it against him, but still... Also everything that happened in the throne room was straight up Nightmare Fuel, seeing everyone suspended in those cocoons and Chrysalis contorting herself like something out a horror movie. Also having her refuse Starlight's offer was great, since I can just imagine people throwing a fit if Chrysalis was redeemed.


The stand out character here though, bar none, was Thorax. From how chipper he was when introducing himself to Trixie, to how he was the single most useful member of the group since three of the four members couldn't use magic. Not too sure about his new design, but I for one welcome the new Changeling ruler.




Nightmare Fuel indeed. Seeing Celestia trapped in a cocoon once back in A Canterlot Wedding was bad enough, but having her trapped in one a second time, alongside it being the first time for Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, the Mane Six, and Spike, and them being trapped in them for several hours to a couple days compared to Celestia's few minutes in A Canterlot Wedding? Who knows what the fluid inside the cocoons was doing to them as it looked like it was sedating them into a peaceful slumber of suspended animation. Cadance was fast asleep already, and Celestia nearly followed before being disturbed by Chrysalis, bringing her back to semi-consciousness. By the time Chrysalis probably would've let them go, woken them up, and released them from the cocoons, she would already have Equestria under her control, and they would be powerless to stop her now.

Actually, it did air, just not on a US channel and not on October 22nd. It aired on a UK channel called TinyPop this Thursday and Friday and I think there are reruns of both parts this weekend.


Anyhow, I really like the season 6 finale. It's definitely my favorite finale now (right ahead of A Canterlot Wedding and just about passing Twilight's Kingdom). Queen Chrysalis was nice and creepy in this episode (especially her entrance in part 2), and I'm actually quite fond of the Changeling's new design (as opposed to many people, it seems). Yeah, I really loved their old looks too, but I'm always open for change as long as it's something that works and I think this change is wonderful.

I'm also glad they didn't reform Chrysalis. For a moment I thought she was going to accept friendship and I just kept thinking "nonononono please no" at that point, but I was deeply relieved when she refused anyway.

About the Changelings reedeming quickly, my own justification is that they lived in hunger for love for far too long wanting to satisfy it and, when they saw one of their own who satisfied his hunger permanently by accepting friendship into his life, they decided to do what Thorax did regardless of the fact he was a traitor because at the very least it would mean not being hungry all the time anymore.

As for there being no explanation how the princesses, Mane 6, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart got captured, here's my theory: the Changelings would have to be godly powerful or super lucky to capture them all in one go, so they would have to rely on deception and over-time execution. And by that I mean replacing each one of them one by one, probably starting by fooling and replacing one pony and then using that pony to work up towards their goal (replacing more ponies as they go) and doing their best to not get caught, and I'm sure some Changelings at least tried to get their personalities down (for example, the one mimicking Pinkie Pie tried to sound like fun-going normal Pinkie, although with holes in acting that immediately raised Starlight's suspicions). Hell, I'm convinced that at least one of them might've already been replaced before the finale even started (i.e. off-screen) or even during Starlight's trip to her old village (not very likely, though I don't doubt the trip could have lasted more than several days or so giving the Changelings time to act), given the fact we didn't get to see any of the rest of them besides the Mane 6 and Luna in part 1. That's how I picture it at least.



You do make a good theory as to how they all got kidnapped with only Thorax and Sunburst witnessing Cadance, Shining Armor, and Flurry Heart's kidnapping in the Crystal Empire and Luna managing to fight off her kidnappers long enough to warn Starlight via her dreams of her and Celestia's kidnapping in Canterlot before being taken herself. Wish they had shown that instead of exposition to fill the gap.

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I'm with you on the Mane Six and Royal Family being trapped in their cocoons until Thorax and the Changelings destroyed Chrysalis' throne and freed them in the process by causing the ceiling to collapse and the cocoons to fall and burst open. If they had cut out some of the exposition in the first act of Part 2 and replaced it in the third act with seeing everypony get freed from their cocoons, that would have worked out better as it kinda rushed the ending to get to the point with everypony glaring down Chrysalis for the Hell she just put them through and ready to send her to Tartarus for it.


Plus not showing how everypony was so easily captured by the Changelings in Part 1 is a big let-down and plot hole for the finale. Luna was the only one seen actually struggling with her captors as she warned Starlight to the situation, but we're never shown how it happened to Celestia, Cadance, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, or the Mane Six.



Again, this is why I've been saying that perhaps they need to consider having three part storylines as opposed to two. If this finale had been given a third part, we'd have seen how everyone got captured and showcase more of a conflict between Chrysalis and Starlight rather what we ended up getting. I also have a guilty pleasure in that I would've liked to have seen her go up against Discord even if it had been for just a few moments.


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Actually, it did air, just not on a US channel and not on October 22nd. It aired on a UK channel called TinyPop this Thursday and Friday and I think there are reruns of both parts this weekend.


Anyhow, I really like the season 6 finale. It's definitely my favorite finale now (right ahead of A Canterlot Wedding and just about passing Twilight's Kingdom). Queen Chrysalis was nice and creepy in this episode (especially her entrance in part 2), and I'm actually quite fond of the Changeling's new design (as opposed to many people, it seems). Yeah, I really loved their old looks too, but I'm always open for change as long as it's something that works and I think this change is wonderful.

I'm also glad they didn't reform Chrysalis. For a moment I thought she was going to accept friendship and I just kept thinking "nonononono please no" at that point, but I was deeply relieved when she refused anyway.

About the Changelings reedeming quickly, my own justification is that they lived in hunger for love for far too long wanting to satisfy it and, when they saw one of their own who satisfied his hunger permanently by accepting friendship into his life, they decided to do what Thorax did regardless of the fact he was a traitor because at the very least it would mean not being hungry all the time anymore.

As for there being no explanation how the princesses, Mane 6, Shining Armor and Flurry Heart got captured, here's my theory: the Changelings would have to be godly powerful or super lucky to capture them all in one go, so they would have to rely on deception and over-time execution. And by that I mean replacing each one of them one by one, probably starting by fooling and replacing one pony and then using that pony to work up towards their goal (replacing more ponies as they go) and doing their best to not get caught, and I'm sure some Changelings at least tried to get their personalities down (for example, the one mimicking Pinkie Pie tried to sound like fun-going normal Pinkie, although with holes in acting that immediately raised Starlight's suspicions). Hell, I'm convinced that at least one of them might've already been replaced before the finale even started (i.e. off-screen) or even during Starlight's trip to her old village (not very likely, though I don't doubt the trip could have lasted more than several days or so giving the Changelings time to act), given the fact we didn't get to see any of the rest of them besides the Mane 6 and Luna in part 1. That's how I picture it at least.


annoyingly I won't be able to see the final until next Sunday as even it has aired in the UK it still is strictly prohibited on YouTube. And I Think it's streaming on Netflix but it doesn't work because of our slow ADSL connection. GRRR I REALLY WHANT TO SEE IT NOW!!! :(


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Am I the only one who finds it odd how much the characters shake and quiver? Was there no other way to tell the viewer that the characters are afraid? It's a small thing but it bothers me.



Trixie, Starlight and Thorax all shake rather intensely out of anxiety or fear multiple times. It's kinda weird.



annoyingly I won't be able to see the final until next Sunday as even it has aired in the UK it still is strictly prohibited on YouTube. And I Think it's streaming on Netflix but it doesn't work because of our slow ADSL connection. GRRR I REALLY WHANT TO SEE IT NOW!!! :(

It's on DailyMotion, you can watch it there. There's also versions that have fixed speed so Twilight doesn't sound like a mouse.


Again, this is why I've been saying that perhaps they need to consider having three part storylines as opposed to two.

As an Adventure Time fan who sees 22-minute long finales as typical, this is baffling to me. You want more? 44 minutes is already an excessive luxury!

Edited by Professional Horse

"Them nuts do sure smell good." -Granny Smith

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Am I the only one who finds it odd how much the characters shake and quiver? Was there no other way to tell the viewer that the characters are afraid? It's a small thing but it bothers me.



Trixie, Starlight and Thorax all shake rather intensely out of anxiety or fear multiple times. It's kinda weird.




It's on DailyMotion, you can watch it there. There's also versions that have fixed speed so Twilight doesn't sound like a mouse.



As an Adventure Time fan who sees 22-minute long finales as typical, this is baffling to me. You want more? 44 minutes is already an excessive luxury!

Dalymotion? Maybe I might check it out later but I don't think it's going to be long until hasbro block it and do a copyright infringement claim on it.


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Dalymotion? Maybe I might check it out later but I don't think it's going to be long until hasbro block it and do a copyright infringement claim on it.


Actually, I don't think that Dailymotion is under the protection of copyright laws. As far as I know, the website itself doesn't have that many rules, because people post Full Episodes of various shows there and none of them have been taken down. Also, I once heard that people also upload porn there or something, but yeah, Dailymotion is more free than Youtube.

Edited by Redeye
  • Brohoof 1

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Again, this is why I've been saying that perhaps they need to consider having three part storylines as opposed to two. If this finale had been given a third part, we'd have seen how everyone got captured and showcase more of a conflict between Chrysalis and Starlight rather what we ended up getting. I also have a guilty pleasure in that I would've liked to have seen her go up against Discord even if it had been for just a few moments.


I fully support that idea, and if they had shown how everypony was captured and cocooned, then being freed with the destruction of Chrysalis' throne and throne room, since they were hanging from the ceiling and perfectly in position for their cocoons to either be sliced open or cut loose from the ceiling to burst open on hitting the ground by shrapnel, it would have made the ending that much better. Not to mention enjoying a Chrysalis vs Discord confrontation and conflict between Starlight and Chrysalis, sans the freaking Power Nullifying object...

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As an Adventure Time fan who sees 22-minute long finales as typical, this is baffling to me. You want more? 44 minutes is already an excessive luxury!


But as we've seen many times, the time limit has been a detriment to not only the episodes but the Equestria Girls movies as well. They try to put in too much and end up rushing certain things along when it's obvious that time is running out.


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I still have mixed views of the finale. There were things I liked, things i didn't, and things I need some time to process.



My biggest complaint through is how much contrivance there is inorder for the plot to work. I could buy maybe having the Mane 6 caught unaware and captured before they could react, but having them and every other Princess captured is complete bull. It's nothing but a lazy way for the writers to get everyone who could do something out of the way without a fuss. it's like if a bunch of b-list criminals were able to take down the Justice League, not helped by the fact that the Changelings that replaced them couldn't act wet in a thunderstorm. The one impersonating Twilight was the only one who seemed to give a crap, and even he did a poor job. The only reason any of this happened boils down to "because the plot says so." 


I also initially had a problem with Discord being included, since he is a  textbook definition of a "Story-Breaking Power". However, just about everything else was done much better, since they immediately nerfed Discord since he couldn't solve the problem in a heartbeat. I also liked the bits where he was overly protective of Fluttershy and his Genre Savvy moment when he "happens" to run into Fluttershy. Granted, the Changelings used it against him, but still... Also everything that happened in the throne room was straight up Nightmare Fuel, seeing everyone suspended in those cocoons and Chrysalis contorting herself like something out a horror movie. Also having her refuse Starlight's offer was great, since I can just imagine people throwing a fit if Chrysalis was redeemed.


The stand out character here though, bar none, was Thorax. From how chipper he was when introducing himself to Trixie, to how he was the single most useful member of the group since three of the four members couldn't use magic. Not too sure about his new design, but I for one welcome the new Changeling ruler.



I kind of just write off the plot problems of How the princesses all got nabbed as "this is a side group character plot, just go with it". If it was a mane six plot I'd probably be a lot more harsh on it, but I can understand that they're going to bend things to make it pretty much be set up specifically to make only the side characters able to save the day.



That being said, I'm not happy with how it turned out, I'm just trying to ignore it: Its at least not as bad as how fast and loose they played with bad futures occuring without any explanation for the changes in the S5 finale.

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Welp, it's fair to say I now have a new favorite episode for season 6, and maybe overall!



I don't have a wall of text to type here, but by the gods was this episode a full package; if you will. The atmosphere was thick, the character interactions were both comedic and emotional, the characters themselves were amazing to watch, the music was...gold, and the story was just plain good, IMO. Really, I was not expecting something THAt captivating!


Finally, Starlight got her "Rainbow Rocks" moment; that moment that finally redeems her fully and brings her character full circle. Her unease with leadership was a clever way to give her some conflict; especially with the celebration in her old town. When the crew were together you could really tell that while she wanted to do what she could, she was just VERY unsure of herself.


Trixie...OMG, not only are her interactions with Starlight heartfelt GOLD, her moments of head butting with Discord were funny as heck! Add in her sacrifice and I think it's safe to say her own redemption is now fully fulfilled.


Thorax and Discord were great as well, but aside from...Chrysalis is the bad girl I know her as, and she is staying that way. That hopefully means we haven't seen the last of her now.



10/10; period.

  • Brohoof 2

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But as we've seen many times, the time limit has been a detriment to not only the episodes but the Equestria Girls movies as well. They try to put in too much and end up rushing certain things along when it's obvious that time is running out.


Yeah, and that's what ruins the premieres/finales such as this one with doing stuff like that and not giving us what we really want because they replaced it with useless exposition that we could have found out on our own.

I kind of just write off the plot problems of How the princesses all got nabbed as "this is a side group character plot, just go with it". If it was a mane six plot I'd probably be a lot more harsh on it, but I can understand that they're going to bend things to make it pretty much be set up specifically to make only the side characters able to save the day.



That being said, I'm not happy with how it turned out, I'm just trying to ignore it: Its at least not as bad as how fast and loose they played with bad futures occuring without any explanation for the changes in the S5 finale.


Glad I'm not the only one who was disappointed in the finale and how it worked out.

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Yeah, and that's what ruins the premieres/finales such as this one with doing stuff like that and not giving us what we really want because they replaced it with useless exposition that we could have found out on our own.



The question one should ask is... do we deserve what we want to see in the show? After all, some fans have been vocal about that sort of thing.


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I feel like the more hate I see for Starlight, the more it makes me love her, she's moving up my favorites list incredibly quick now. 


 Sorry you don't like her, but I'm really hoping she sticks around.

That is exactly how I feel, the fans should feel grateful that they are getting something different for once. Starlight was the reason I look forward to every episode now, she makes the episodes different and more interesting for me.


Also, do you really want to see the same old characters doing the same thing every season?

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The question one should ask is... do we deserve what we want to see in the show? After all, some fans have been vocal about that sort of thing.


My answer to that question...is "YES!" I really want to see an episode dedicated to the Royal Family, or a premiere or finale like the Season 6 premiere where they get a chance to shine and not be put on the sidelines for nearly the whole episode because of poor writing.

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My answer to that question...is "YES!" I really want to see an episode dedicated to the Royal Family, or a premiere or finale like the Season 6 premiere where they get a chance to shine and not be put on the sidelines for nearly the whole episode because of poor writing.


We may deserve some things but other things will forever remain elusive. That's because a good portion of the fandom keep on forgetting that the age group is 7-12 year old girls, and the writers have to conform to this due to Hasbro telling them to. Certain subjects are forbidden while others are accepted if they are watered down so that they can be understood. I know it sounds silly from a certain perspective but it's what has to be done.

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We may deserve some things but other things will forever remain elusive. That's because a good portion of the fandom keep on forgetting that the age group is 7-12 year old girls, and the writers have to conform to this due to Hasbro telling them to. Certain subjects are forbidden while others are accepted if they are watered down so that they can be understood. I know it sounds silly from a certain perspective but it's what has to be done.


And that's why most of us probably won't see what we want any time soon because of how they focus on the target age group, such as what happened in the Season 6 finale with having Starlight come to the Princesses' aid for once instead of it being the Mane Six.

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It was a good episode, but I doubt I'll get used to the new changeling design anytime soon. Maybe this might be like what happened with Twilicorn, though: I hated it at first, but I bought a plushie of her the day season four premiered

img-26432-1-img-26432-1-img-26432-1-Cr2q Click the egg to help it hatch


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And that's why most of us probably won't see what we want any time soon because of how they focus on the target age group, such as what happened in the Season 6 finale with having Starlight come to the Princesses' aid for once instead of it being the Mane Six.


The writers wanted Starlight to be the focus of the finale and we have to accept that decision even when many are still lukewarm towards her character. Besides, it was a gamble to begin with since secondary characters were the focus instead of the main ones.


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The writers wanted Starlight to be the focus of the finale and we have to accept that decision even when many are still lukewarm towards her character. Besides, it was a gamble to begin with since secondary characters were the focus instead of the main ones.

From the looks of it, there's a possibility that Starlight could be the focus for future seasons. I don't even think of her as a secondary character as most of the episodes she appeared has her as the focus and she never really assisted any pony in their episodes. I guess the days of those 6 ponies saving Equestria are all but gone now.

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From the looks of it, there's a possibility that Starlight could be the focus for future seasons. I don't even think of her as a secondary character as most of the episodes she appeared has her as the focus and she never really assisted any pony in their episodes. I guess the days of those 6 ponies saving Equestria are all but gone now.


I wouldn't be surprised if other characters suddenly started to become more involved in the episodes to the point where the Mane Six aren't needed to solve a specific problem. Starlight I feel was an experiment to see if other characters could hold their own in a situation where the fate of Equestria hung in the balance. Despite me feeling that she needs to go just a tiny bit further, Starlight's actions during the finale are exactly what she needed.

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