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Would You Watch a Cutie Mark Crusaders Two Parter?

Odd Ball

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I think the Cutie Mark Crusaders getting their own two part episode (perhaps for a season finale) could work. A story dealing with them finishing Ponyville elementary school and becoming older, while one of them (I'm thinking Sweetie Belle) begins to fear growing up and tries to stop it from happening. That or them going on an adventure like the mane six would be neat.


Would you wanna see a CMC two parter? If so, what story ideas do you have for it.

  • Brohoof 2
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I would like to see the CMC figure out their own cutie mark problem that involves going to a far-off location and interacting with ponies that are normally reclusive and don't necessarily go beyond their boarders. Sure it sounds like what they already do, but it would involve going beyond the normal location trope we've seen, and discover a new place that has never been seen before until now. The ponies of this village could be lacking cutie marks and are a mixture of adults and children thus adding to the difficulty of the challenge of getting them to find their special talent.


Of course, the CMC getting their own two part scenario is a challenge in and of itself. They are seen as secondary characters compared to the main cast, yet compared with other secondary characters, they solve more local problems rather than ones that relate to the fate of Equestria.

  • Brohoof 1


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The Cutie Mark Crusader Episodes of the two last seasons have been the worst for me. Today i dont even know what to think of cutie marks. I wouldnt even watch. No bucking way.


Greetings from a hater -.-"

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Well, I'd watch just about any episode of this show at least once, and it'd have to be something truly, truly terrible to make me never watch it more than that.


 But, yes. I would like to see a CMC two-parter at some point, we've already had one focusing on the reformed villains, so why not?

  • Brohoof 3

Twilight is best pony.


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Of course I would watch it.  If it's in the series, I feel almost obligated to watch whatever is part of the show itself.  Would I initially be interested or excited about it? Admittedly, probably not.  I'm always open to new ideas and concepts though as I know that there's a chance that I could be pleasantly surprised by how it may turn out.

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you for the amazing signature, @Sparklefan1234❤w❤

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Can you give me to the link where Diamond and Silver spoon were reformed? I never saw that episode.


That's season 5 episode 18 "Crusaders of the Lost Mark". I don't have a link to the episode, there's a bunch of different clips on Youtube though. 

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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Yes, yes I would. Would rather see a two-parter star one of the Remane 5 first but I'll take the CMC over a completely new character that's only been around for at best a season taking them since the CMC have been around since Season 1. 

  • Brohoof 2

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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To be honest nah, I'd watch it coz its mlp but I don't really like the cmc much, they are just background characters in my eyes :P

(Don't hurt meeeee D: )


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as much as I love the CMC, and I love the idea of a 2-parter, I just dont see how it would work, and besides, what if something bad were to happen to them (like all the times where something goes wrong with the main cast) they are too young to be able to defend themselves from a life threating enemy ... the storyline that was given at the top of the page would make for a more safer story and I can respect that, but it would need some action ... take say season 4 finale ... that battle with Tirek and Twilight was epic in its own right (even if it felt a bit like something out of anime, not that there is anything wrong with that, it just felt that way to me) now that is the kind of action I have come to expect in 2-parter eps (ok maybe not as violent, but in almost every 2-parter minus a few of em did infact a villain and/or boss fight)


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Sure, I would be open to it. As for an idea...


How about the CMCs finally get to go to Manehattan to visit Babs. But instead of just a simple get together, they end up going into the rougher part of the city for a cutie mark issue (which is sort of where it sounds like Babs may hail from anyway) and end up facing and dealing with the a lot of the prejudices country folk (which is where they are from) face when not just seeing the big city, but the seedier parts of it. Also for a two-parter they could weave in the prejudices that are felt by the upper and middle class towards the lower working class and try to have a story where they stand up and speak against a lot of that. We sort of saw it why back with Rarity in Sweet and Elite, but it would be interesting turn seeing it from the crusaders eyes, and not from a pony like Rarity who already carries some form of bias.


Since she is also a Crusader it would be a great chance to bring Gabby back as well. Have the whole gang there.


~No profound statement needed~

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Yes. I'd watch it, and if it sucked, I'd rant about it online.

https://mlpforums.com/topic/158860-emerald-stars-crazy-adventure/- My Fanfic, featuring my OC Emerald Star and his Stand, Grey Justice. The Mane Six also get Stands in this fic, so if you like awesome fights, Stands, and epicness, check it out!

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Provided that it was a story that deserved a two parter, definitely. I could see them maybe having to solve some sort of cutie mark problem, that ends up developing into something much bigger that they get caught up in.

  • Brohoof 1


Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature!

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Most definitely would watch this! The only thing I would hope for is not having it be as depressing as 'On Your Marks'. That episode brought me down far more than I enjoyed it. I guess it goes with the episode's entire concept but still. The CMC's are wonderful characters that I personally think deserve a two-parter eventually.

  • Brohoof 2



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I don't see how the cuties focused two parter would work, as they don't normally deal with Equestria goin' bonkers scenarios :huh:. I think they could deal with a huge personal growth, or dealing with they being endangered by more mundane and probable situation 


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I mean... I'd watch it, but I'd prefer fewer adventure two-partners to begin with, and I feel the Crusaders should be developing separately at this point. The idea of a more character-driven two parter starring then is appealing, but your proposal doesn't seem to cover new territory.

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A CMC 2-parter would be both an awesome idea, a way to have more character development, and also a very risky plot for the writers.


The thing is, except To Where and Back Again and The Cutie Re-Mark in a way, we never saw a 2-parter revolving on other characters than the Mane 6. But with To Where and Back Again, they proved they could write a 2-parter outside of the Mane 6 (although I personally don't like it). But the CMC are like "main.5" characters, if I could say so. Not as important as the Mane 6, but still more important that the crowd, just like Discord. So they could have a little chance to get that 2-parter.


For the story, I'd see something based on the Map as someone mentioned on EQD. Maybe having a Cutie Mark problem that transforms into a friendship problem would be something nice, but the Friendship problem would go into ridiculously high proportions. That would be the occasion for the Crusaders to overcome their fears and do things they never thought would happen, like Scootaloo finally able to fly or Apple Bloom not taking the spotlight all the time. And having the Crusaders go to another place, another town than just Ponyville, and having their journey as part of one of the 2 episodes would be cool

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Well, I would watch it, since I don't skip episodes. But, I almost definitely wouldn't like it.


The two-parters are meant for high-stakes, adventure stories. The CMC do not fit in with that.

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If you mean it'll be part of the show's lineup I'll have no choice but to watch it because I hate watching things out of order or watching something without watching it's previous episodes. I probably wouldn't like it that much and won't have much expectations.

  • Brohoof 1


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Crusaders of the Lost Mark could've easily been that

That said I'd be welcome with that idea, they've earned it

I agreed with you on this one, COTLM should've been an 2-parter in the first place; I mean what if Spoiled Rich was really Queen Chrysalis in disguise, I bet this would've been an CMC version of the Season 2 finale, right? And speaking of, I want to know what happened to Scootaloo's parents and her True Identity..

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