Theshadowmaster235 70 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 Not to long ago I was brought to Cincinnati children's hospital due to thoughts of suicide or at least what they thought were thoughts of suicide, no matter how many times I tried to explain to them that I wasn't suicidal and that it was more of a lack of will to live and that I had no intention of taking my own life they wouldn't listen and then about a day later they brought me to what I can only describe as an insane asylum, it had padded walls giant metal doors that could only be opened from the outside and they were forcing medication onto the patients most of which seemed to get worse after taking the medicine. It wasn't until my parents got there about 20 minutes later that I no longer had to fear what they were going to do to me, the doctor there seemed to be just as insane as the patients and she was constantly trying to convince me that I was insane because I had jokingly said something about killing JB and I had gone out of my way to say that I was just joking when I had said it, she also tried to misdiagnose me with various mental illnesses and my doctor and therapist agree that she was trying to misdiagnose me. Anyway since I'm typing this it obviously means that I am out of there and they didn't give me any of there "medicine" so here's a question, has anyone else ever been inside a place like this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stone Cold Steve Jobs 22,441 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 My buddy has been multiple times. He got expelled from school too. And that’s the bottom line, ‘cause Stone Cold said so! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BloodDrops 762 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 (edited) @@Theshadowmaster235, Yeah I got put in one, by mistake as well, after getting into a argument at a airport, defiantly do not ever mention bomb there. Or have a zombie pony plushie in your case either. So I was going though customs in France, normally since your in the Eu, you just walk on though. Oh no, you went though a body scanner, bag scanner, bag and body scanner and then some bleep machine thing. Then got flagged over by a customs offical for a random search, even though I've not set anything off. So a customs official tip out all my bags for no reason. Wasn't carrying anything dangerous, nothing like that at all. Only thing that was a issue, that was I'm English and we had just done all the brexit crap. So i must have spent about half a hour with several guys going over all my stuff, I asked what the issue was, since there was tons of high alert over those terrorist attacks. Eventually one of them said i could go, so i took my stuff and walked off with it, thinking that was it. Then got to the second checkpoint, and then got stopped by more security at the second check in. Got scanned, etc. then pulled over by more staff for a second baggage search, asked to open my case again, at which point I told them I've already been case searched, body scanned etc. They then nodded, and then led me away, thinking i was going to the exit, i instead got taken in a room where I spent about a hour getting another bag search. Finally I snapped at them, "I'm not a drug mule, There's not any crack in the seams, I'm not haling money anywhere". They seemed to take it rather well, they knew i didn't have any of those things since I've already been scanned twice. Then i slightly mentioned the b word, and they all flipped out. Armed guards came in, walked me though the airport, under armed guards into a interrogation room. Am i linked to any criminal organisations? Do I hold allegiance to ISIS?. Went though all my FB and such, after about another hour or so, They determine i'm not actually a terrorist, though they think i'm insane since I mentioned the b word, and I get put into some sort of Asylum Evaluation Center. i will also add some bits of the report on it. (Note: Not Insane/ mentally unstable, though possesses some sadistic qualities. Along with paranormal fantasy's with the occult dark theme) zombie plushie didn't back me up during the interrogation. Stayed rather silent during the whole thing. last time i take it during a holiday Edited November 23, 2016 by BloodDrops 1 IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU'RE ALIVE OR DEAD YOUR MAREFRIEND IS ALWAYS RIGHT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrimGrimoire 4,973 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 I've been to an abandoned one.. does that count? 1 ~No profound statement needed~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BloodDrops 762 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 I've been to an abandoned one.. does that count? only if you got locked into it 1 IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU'RE ALIVE OR DEAD YOUR MAREFRIEND IS ALWAYS RIGHT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kagami-sama 320 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 I spent a few months in a mental hospital when I was 16. Though I got to go home on the weekends. They say that people come out more insane than when they came in. And I can testify to this! It's not because the doctors are crazy and do crazy things to you, it's simply because it's SOOOOOOOO damn boring! You literally sit in a room and do jack shit and eat shit food. Oh and a guy checks up on you throughout the night thus waking you up. But yeah I've been in one. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ember Gleam 167 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 I was just in one last month for suicidal ideation, and other problems related to my PTSD from former combat experiences during my time in the Army. Although I know that they had my best interests in mind I still couldn't help but feel like I was a prisoner there. The staff was nice and very helpful but some of the rules there kind of got to me. For instance I was not even allowed to take a book to my room to read. All in all though I do have to say the treatment and medications did work so I am grateful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TBD 17,256 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 (edited) I don't think the word "asylum" don't exist anymore. If it still does, then they should consider it taking it down. Right now what today called is either a rehab, hospital, or help center. However, it could just been a sugarcoated names for asylum. But overall it not bad as the past asylum, where they used patients like lab rats. Though i can't ignore the fact that there are some psychologists, doctors or nurses still mistreated their patients. which bring the question how the fuck are you guys still working?? so have i ever been to "mental asylum" ? This isnt something to become like attraction to no. Edited November 23, 2016 by Satrox ♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kaneki 1,073 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 Not an asylum, but I have been outpatient and inpatient one time each for suicidal depression. I like to keep that in the past, water under the bridge though. Stay happy, you know? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anneal 2,197 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 I was just in one last month for suicidal ideation, and other problems related to my PTSD from former combat experiences during my time in the Army. Although I know that they had my best interests in mind I still couldn't help but feel like I was a prisoner there. The staff was nice and very helpful but some of the rules there kind of got to me. For instance I was not even allowed to take a book to my room to read. All in all though I do have to say the treatment and medications did work so I am grateful. Probably because they don't want suicidal people to have a potential weapon or way to kill themselves. Some people can fashion weapons out of things as simple as toilet paper. Other than that, psychiatric hospitals are far from creepy and some are actually quite accommodating – those that aren't part of a prison, that is. I don't think the word "asylum" don't exist anymore. If it still does, then they should consider it taking it down. Right now what today called is either a rehab, hospital, or help center. However, it could just been a sugarcoated names for asylum. But overall it not bad as the past asylum, where they used patients like lab rats. Though i can't ignore the fact that there are some psychologists, doctors or nurses still mistreated their patients. which bring the question how the fuck are you guys still working?? so have i ever been to "mental asylum" ? This isnt something to become like attraction to no. No, the term asylum is never used at all. It carries very negative connotations, and most "asylums" are quite fine, though some can be pretty boring. Prison psychiatric wards are more controversial, but in general clinical psychologists or nurses are doing their best to help you. It costs a lot of money to put people in psychiatric wards, though, and a lot of unnecessary mistrust prevent people from going there when they should. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
They call me Loyalty 1,948 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 We visited a person which experienced senile dementia, along with a friend. They told us it was growing more violent by the minute. Psycotic attacks, hysteria and alucinations.The reason was a tumor in the frontal lobe, fairly advanced stage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyoshi Frost Wolf 41,770 November 23, 2016 Share November 23, 2016 Not a mental asylum per se, I was once admitted to a mental hospital when I was younger because I have anger issues and mental breakdowns a lot and my mom could not handle it at one point. Then we find out later that I am autistic and I am like, that explains a lot. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
idunnomaybe 344 November 24, 2016 Share November 24, 2016 (edited) @@Theshadowmaster235, Yeah I got put in one, by mistake as well, after getting into a argument at a airport, defiantly do not ever mention bomb there. Or have a zombie pony plushie in your case either. So I was going though customs in France, normally since your in the Eu, you just walk on though. Oh no, you went though a body scanner, bag scanner, bag and body scanner and then some bleep machine thing. Then got flagged over by a customs offical for a random search, even though I've not set anything off. So a customs official tip out all my bags for no reason. Wasn't carrying anything dangerous, nothing like that at all. Only thing that was a issue, that was I'm English and we had just done all the brexit crap. So i must have spent about half a hour with several guys going over all my stuff, I asked what the issue was, since there was tons of high alert over those terrorist attacks. Eventually one of them said i could go, so i took my stuff and walked off with it, thinking that was it. Then got to the second checkpoint, and then got stopped by more security at the second check in. Got scanned, etc. then pulled over by more staff for a second baggage search, asked to open my case again, at which point I told them I've already been case searched, body scanned etc. They then nodded, and then led me away, thinking i was going to the exit, i instead got taken in a room where I spent about a hour getting another bag search. Finally I snapped at them, "I'm not a drug mule, There's not any crack in the seams, I'm not haling money anywhere". They seemed to take it rather well, they knew i didn't have any of those things since I've already been scanned twice. Then i slightly mentioned the b word, and they all flipped out. Armed guards came in, walked me though the airport, under armed guards into a interrogation room. Am i linked to any criminal organisations? Do I hold allegiance to ISIS?. Went though all my FB and such, after about another hour or so, They determine i'm not actually a terrorist, though they think i'm insane since I mentioned the b word, and I get put into some sort of Asylum Evaluation Center. i will also add some bits of the report on it. (Note: Not Insane/ mentally unstable, though possesses some sadistic qualities. Along with paranormal fantasy's with the occult dark theme) zombie plushie didn't back me up during the interrogation. Stayed rather silent during the whole thing. last time i take it during a holiday having done Domestic Security with the Army i just want to start off by saying what they did was poorly handled Secondly ok so what you need to understand about this kind of thing is that people are going off two things what you are saying and body language you may have just been nervous and they picked up on that but there's going to be a stark difference between a Soldier or a Cop who has had months and months of training in policing and security than an out of the mall cop with maybe 6 weeks training personally speaking we're trained to see the difference between aggressive body movements nervous ones etc etc when in these situations its best to just remain calm and comply if you are innocent nothing will happen if you start carrying on and saying the "b word" you are escalating the situation like it or not we're doing this stuff for YOU the people we're just doing our jobs after the search you go on your merry way where as we have to remain behind and deal with 10000000000 other annoyed people who think we're just trying to stuff them around but putting you in an asylum makes no sense to me for just saying the B word Edited November 24, 2016 by idunnomaybe 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BloodDrops 762 November 24, 2016 Share November 24, 2016 @@idunnomaybe, Yeah they were rather, erm angry? I did proper flip out though, I do that when i get stressed. Sort of flip right out. Badly IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU'RE ALIVE OR DEAD YOUR MAREFRIEND IS ALWAYS RIGHT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 November 26, 2016 Share November 26, 2016 In person, no. I've been to Mount Massive in Outlast! In all seriousness, that place you describe, @Theshadowmaster235, sounds horrible. I don't know--maybe my imagination is tinting it, but from the way you describe it, it sounds more like the stuff of horror stories than what I would expect a legit mental help facility in the real world to be like. It's frightening and sad to think that shady places like this still exist. It doesn't sound like any proper way to help people. It just sounds like the places in movies where they lock people away so that others don't have to deal with them. I'm sure most psychiatric facilities are fine, but I'm glad that you didn't have to stay in that one. This might be in poor taste to say at this point, but the old Victorian era asylums really are some of the creepiest settings for horror movies/games. I mean, I'm picturing the crumbling torture type places, the Outlast places, the Arkham Asylum places, the Emilie Autumn Miss Lucy Had Some Leeches places, you know, the f*cked up places. It's a pretty cool theme for scary stories, y'know, just sayin'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,860 November 26, 2016 Share November 26, 2016 I've done Physician shadowing in a mental health facility, and my wife worked in one as a staff PsyD. Long term psychiatric facilities started to be viewed suspiciously in the late 50's and they were almost all shuttered after a few scandals forced changes to health care laws in the 60's and 70's. Statistically there are less than 50k in US State run long term facilities, which is a 95% decrease from its height in 1955. When accounting for population growth that is. Generally, long term care treatment will factor in what will statistically work best for the patient while keeping them and the staff safe. Note: This is not related to crisis facilities that operate differently in general. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganondorf8 11,374 November 26, 2016 Share November 26, 2016 I've never been to one although I'm surprised I haven't been admitted to one given my personality. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lil Pip 775 November 26, 2016 Share November 26, 2016 I was in one for a week. I had sleep-deprivation hallucinations, and I researched my brother's schizophrenia, so I knew generally what to do to recover. Which was be healthy, and I asked for a solo room because I wouldn't be able to sleep if it wasn't, which was true but it felt like a lie. I was totally paranoid. First day I danced during breakfast, and someone had a hoody with clock gears and stuff on it so I was reminded of a cuckoo clock. So my brain harped on that for a little bit. Why I had sleep deprivation in the first place was because granny had cancer, mom had diabetes, older bro was abusing drugs and had a small episode, and another bro was being schizo and screaming for 5 hours about veganism and paranoid delusions. They went to the hospital a dozen times, and it took aeons for their meds to get sorted out. He is fine now, but later admitted be considered murdering us, so, eh. Because he is schizo and I was close to him though and his brain quality was deteriorating he frequently had hallucinations involving me abusing him, and thought random people outside all shared my face. All that stress and him randomly barging in my room with paranoia, I just couldn't get sleep in, and tried hiding away in my room on the internet, but I also had college to deal with, and I got into veganism because his persistence paid off, and it wasn't enough calories, then I just had the breakdown at college, then hallucinated in my sleep, two sets of vivid 'dreams' at once due to a failing corpus calossum. Time seemed to go by fast. My eyes couldn't focus, I looked at people indirectly, my eyes were being lazy and I saw someone and my eyes were looking at an angle to make it look like the person I spoke to only had one eye instead of two. I was hanging out in some toxic 'spiritual' chatrooms as well which added to the sleep loss and stress. It was hellish, and people saying they are crazy when they really mean weird annoy me because they act like its cool, and its just about the worst thing that can happen to you. And I lost my faith during a college history class was when I was finally pushed over the edge of sanity. Months of getting 4 hours of sleep a night and laying in bed most of the days finally took its toll. I was afraid of going to the hospital so when they asked me if I was a danger to anyone I said yes! Because I wanted to appear tough to avoid getting attacked. That only got me a police escort with a hospital transferal lol. I was in a straight jacket. Thats all Imma say, other than the hospital had to legally give us gym time and neglected to do so, I ended up doing squats in my room for exercise, which is an important part for mental health, which I recalled from what I googled for my brother. That, sunlight, proper diet and social environment and sleep etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Theshadowmaster235 70 November 27, 2016 Author Share November 27, 2016 Asylum gives the wrong impression, like they are hospitals / places of rest not nut houses No the place I was in was just like an asylum, they weren't trying to help anyone all they did was force medication onto people even the nonviolent ones I had done research both before and after I was in there the part that I was in was for people who have the same type of mental illness that I have (not anything that I mentioned here) and I had found that in most non-extreme cases therapy tends to work better. The doctor there seemed to be a bit of a control freak and I had also noticed that she exhibited almost all of the common traits of a psychopath and when my mom told her that she did not give them permission to force medicine on me she really started to get pissed off and for that matter tried even harder to keep me there and convince my parents to let them use medication on me. Everything about that place screamed asylum it was dirty, they forced medicine on the patients, there were padded walls and barred windows, the staff didn't even try to help the patients. I could never call that place anything but an asylum. In person, no. I've been to Mount Massive in Outlast! In all seriousness, that place you describe, @Theshadowmaster235, sounds horrible. I don't know--maybe my imagination is tinting it, but from the way you describe it, it sounds more like the stuff of horror stories than what I would expect a legit mental help facility in the real world to be like. It's frightening and sad to think that shady places like this still exist. It doesn't sound like any proper way to help people. It just sounds like the places in movies where they lock people away so that others don't have to deal with them. I'm sure most psychiatric facilities are fine, but I'm glad that you didn't have to stay in that one. This might be in poor taste to say at this point, but the old Victorian era asylums really are some of the creepiest settings for horror movies/games. I mean, I'm picturing the crumbling torture type places, the Outlast places, the Arkham Asylum places, the Emilie Autumn Miss Lucy Had Some Leeches places, you know, the f*cked up places. It's a pretty cool theme for scary stories, y'know, just sayin'. The place reminded me a lot of the places from movies, games, creepypastas, etc. it was the closest thing to hell on earth that I have ever seen. On a side note due to the music video for it the entire time while they were bringing me into the damn place I kept on thinking of nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold. I don't think the word "asylum" don't exist anymore. If it still does, then they should consider it taking it down. Right now what today called is either a rehab, hospital, or help center. However, it could just been a sugarcoated names for asylum. But overall it not bad as the past asylum, where they used patients like lab rats. Though i can't ignore the fact that there are some psychologists, doctors or nurses still mistreated their patients. which bring the question how the fuck are you guys still working?? so have i ever been to "mental asylum" ? This isnt something to become like attraction to no. Well obviously they didn't call it an asylum but due to the way it was I still call it one, and the psychologist seemed like an actual psychopath. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buck Testa 5,505 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 Twice, once for about a half a year. It was a pretty dark time in my life but it did definitely help me out in the long run. That being said it didn't help my debt issues any Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,581 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 No, but I think I should be locked in there. There are only a few things I'm 'good' for..and none of them good Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlitterFlutter 1,584 November 27, 2016 Share November 27, 2016 We don't use use asylums much anymore in the US (we just keep them in jail) however there are rehabilitation centers etc. They are almost the same thing but still I am a bit offended at the use of that term. Credit to Kiki Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KiraTakahashi 748 November 29, 2016 Share November 29, 2016 My principal tried to send me to one..but a therapist turned me away. All because someone just happened to find a note I wrote a friend talking about the school being so boring that it should just blow up..and we'll I guess the fact I lit a fire cracker in the cafeteria..and had bottle rockets in my back pack. I completely lied to the therapist and just acted like everything was normal. The principal wasn't happy. +My life's it's own cartoon show.+ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zyrael 1,471 November 29, 2016 Share November 29, 2016 A mental asylum I frequently visit is Other than that, voting locations, schools, corporate buildings, mcdonalds, and suburbs. veritati adhaerere Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megalomaniac 100 November 29, 2016 Share November 29, 2016 Me, not kidding. I have a Discord avatar for a reason rofl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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