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How old are the ponies?


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I think there's a thread mentioning about the age of the ponies here


All of them are +18 for having jobs and being mostly self sufficient, with the exception of Pinkie Pie (She seems to be the youngest)

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Lauren Faust described them as young adults with a maturity level slightly below that, so it'd be easier to write them learning lessons. This is all completely subject to interpretation, but as I see it, Rainbow Dash is 21, Pinkie and Twilight are 22, Fluttershy is 23, Rarity is 25, and Applejack is 26, while I'd place the CMC and Spike around 11-13.


Of course, this is assuming we're not dealing with Springfield rules where 25 years can pass and everyone is the same age.


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Hi there, @HailGlimmer. There was already a topic in existence for discussing how old you think the ponies are, so I have merged yours into it.
Please make sure to search the forums before posting a new topic just to make sure it doesn't already exist.


Thanks. :)



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Well, Fluttershy said she was a year older than Pinkie, and if the birthday candles represent age in "Pinkie Pride", then Rainbow Dash is 21. So let's say Fluttershy is 22. That makes Pinkie 21. The ponies all appear to be around the same age (with Fluttershy looking the oldest) in Sonic Rainboom so it's same to assume that the rest of the Mane 6 are 20 or 21 years old, possibly 22 if Fluttershy is 23.

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I've always viewed the mane 6 as young adults, mostly due to the fact that they all have jobs, and 3 of them earn a living from shops. As for the CMC, I'd say they're around 11 -13 years old.


I actually just thought about this recently, as  had said previously I did actually take notice of the amount of candles on Dash's birthday cake. Either she is that old, or Pinkie just throws in a bunch of candles for novelty sake!  :lol:

Edited by The Golden Cross
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Pinkie Pie seems to have live at th Sugercube Corner as a tenant and employee. Her employers/land lords Mr. and Mrs. Cake are not her parents as Pinkie's parents live on a rock farm. So no, she does not live with her parents or any family for that matter.

Fluttershy lives on her own as an animal doctor and selter owner of sorts, as when somepony is looking for a pet they can go to her. Lives on her own with no mention or showing of family.

Rarity lives on her own, though it would seem her parents may live nearby with how often Sweeti Belle is over. Is own her own business, with very adult work issues. Probably the oldest at least in maturity for thr most part. As done business with many influential and famous ponies.

Twilight livs on her own, as a librarian and advanced student. Adults such as Cheerilee go to her for books and a worked with the mayor on a few occations. Her parents live in Canterlot and her brother in the Crystal Empire. I always saw her as a collage student or undergraduate.

Applejack runs he famil farm with her brother and has a vender stand in the Ponyville Market as well as selling cider each year. Her parents are hinted to be dead, confirmed under interview, and all Applejack has for a parental figure is het grandmother.

Rainbow Dash is show as a weather team leader, directing other pegasus in the control and management of the weather. Went to the equevian of boot xamp to get into the Wonderbolts. We know of Rainbow Dash father from a flashback but he ha never made an appearance in Rainbow Dash's current live.

Each of the Mane Six live adult lives with adult responsibilities, no matter your feelings on their maturity. As such I would say they are adults, perhaps between 18 and 23 years of age if not firmly in their early 20s.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Ok so you need to think, they all have jobs.  Rarity owns a boutique, RD is a weather pony, Fluttershy owns her own cottage, Pinkie Pie throws parties for a living, AJ leads Sweet Apple Acres and Twilight is a princess.  So they all have to at least be around 20.  You really need to look at the show, the only definite one is Rainbow Dash, who is 21 after seeing her cake on her Birthday.  If you add in some other elements (Rarity being in the same elementary class as Cheerilee, Fluttershy looking older than RD in flight school, and the fact that Fluttershy told Pinkie Pie she is a whole year older) I would say that the "official ages" are (from oldest to youngest):


Rarity at 23

Fluttershy at 23

Pinkie Pie at 22

Rainbow Dash at 21

Applejack at 20

Twilight at 19


If we just went by there personality we would have a completely different list.  But I say this because if you think about it...


Fluttershy looked like she was going through and awkward stage of puberty during flight school, but Rainbow Dash still looked like a filly, which could give up as age gap.  Either that or Fluttershy was just an early bloomer.


Pinkie Pie is a year younger than Fluttershy, enough said.


Rainbow Dash had the cake with 21 candles, no more needed proof.


Rarity and Cheerilee were in the same class in elementary school, because in one of the flashbacks Rarity was designing costumes and you can clearly see Cheerilee on stage, meaning they were in the same class. If Cheerilee became a teacher she would need a four year college degree.  Giving the beneifit of the doubt, Cheerilee graduated high school when she was 18.  Started college at 19, and graduated at 22.  Giving her some time to find the job and boom, she's about 23, making Rarity 23 as well.


When we saw Applejack's flashback we saw no Apple Bloom, giving the fact she was never born.  Apple Bloom is about 8, and around that flashback Apple Jack was I would say 10.  Giving time and then Apple Bloom was born two years later.  Making AJ 20 and Apple Bloom 8.


Twilight has to be old enough to be a princess but also old enough to be a student.  Since she still is under Celestia's wing.  Plus if you look at the two body types of Cadence and Twilight, Cadence looks much older, also her horn is longer and pointier.  If Cadence is around her late 20's, this still gives Twilight time to fully adjust to a new form.


Headcanon is hard, but you need to do your research. c:  Thank you for reading!



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When I first became a brony, I started doing some research. I looked at some stuff on Wikipedia.  And somewhere it said that Lauren Faust intended for the mane 6 to be 12-18 or something. I'm having a hard time finding it again. I'll be back once I find it...   :derp:

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Considering all the commercials has to put out and the fact that this is a kids show I would have to say maybe the norm age for middle school into early collage.

Also that in EQ Girla the CMC look like middle schoolers compared to the Mane 6, which I think would be in high school, they are in a a lower grade.

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I love this topic :D everybody has very interesting ideas.

Here's my list again:

Rarity: 24

Fluttershy: 22

Applejack: 21

Pinkie Pie: 19~20

Twilight Sparkle: 18

Rainbow Dash: Turned 18 in the episode Pinkie Pride


As for Derpy, I can't really say - there's a lot of fanon about her character and I haven't looked into a single bit of it, so providing an accurate answer on that topic isn't really possible for me.


Mmmh, she seems younger than most of the mane 6, I'd say about 18 years old. Edited by Blobulle
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  • 3 weeks later...

They are young adults (as Faust herself has said). M.A. Larson has also said in panels that they are 20-ish. I think the mane 6 range in age somewhere between between 18-25, although mentally more like 13-20 due to their world being simpler and just how the show itself is structured. It took a while to come up with this but I've been wondering and looking for clues since I first found the show around Christmas '13.





Rarity 23-25- Has a business in a small town recognized by a major celebrity. A business takes some time to get going. She doesn't seem to come from a rich family. She was also an adult (probably late teens) at Sweetie Belle's 5th birthday (5-7 show years ago). There is a much bigger age gap between her and Sweetie Belle than Applejack and Big Mac. She also just seems a little older to me.


Fluttershy 22-23- We know she is around a year older than Pinkie (Gilda Episode)- but attended school/camp with Rainbow Dash but was probably held back a year due to bad flying (she looks bigger than RD and others in the Cutie Mark Chronicles episode)


Applejack 21-22- She pretty much runs the household/farm. Also seems to be more mature. Was already away in Manehatten with relatives when Twilight got accepted into Celestia's school. She also mentioned that she was the last in her class to get a cutie mark.


Pinkie 21-22- Works at Sugarcube Corner and lives in an apartment above it. She's about a year younger than Fluttershy. She is not too far in age from Cheerilee (Pinkie Pride flashback).


Twilight 20-22- Seems younger than Rarity and Applejack.


Rainbow Dash 19-21- Works for the weather team. Isn't the most mature. She attended school/camp with Fluttershy and appeared younger than her. The thing I wonder most about is her upscale house at her age. Inheritance maybe?


CMC 10-12- Based on how they talk/think. Most kids under 10 in real life aren't mentally like the CMC yet.


Spike 10-11- Twilight was about that age back when he was born.




Derpy, Bon Bon, Lyra, Colegate- 20-33 Because of how they are used- It leads to too many inconsistencies. For example they are shown as adults before Twilight has her cutie mark, BUT AS FILLIES when Pinkie HAS HERS as a filly.


Cheerilee 23-25- Was in Rarity's class and is now a teacher, which needs some additional education.


Big Mac 23-26- He's a couple years older than Applejack based on Cutie Mark Chronicles.


Cadence & Shining Armor Late 20's- Early 30's


Celestia & Luna 1000+?!?! - Who the hell knows- LOL



What makes this hard are inconsistencies between the Cutie Mark Chronicles and Pinkie Pride episodes and the flashbacks.

Edited by steve88
  • Brohoof 3



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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Now personally for me, I had always thought that, the Mane 6 was younger, don't know why, that's just how they seemed to me, but thinking about it, their ages seem to be more like 15-20, of course, we have to keep in mind that, in the Equestria girls movie, they're in high school, the mane six is high school age so, they can really only be around 14-18, or something along those lines. Which, thinking about it does make more sense, they do kind of seem like teenagers when I'm watching the show, but them being high school age just seemed weird to me at first.


Now as for the CMC, in one of the Equestria girls music videos, I saw one human pony that looked to be Scootaloo, and she looked like she was around 10-13, or something like that so, I would say that the Mane 6 is probably around teens/preteen age, weird though for me seeing as on the show they seem to be younger imo. Actually, on the show The CMC seems to be around the ages of 6-8. My thoughts are about seeing what looked like Scootaloo is maybe that the school itself that they were in was a middle/high school combined, seeing as some schools do that, I'm not sure though.......



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Now personally for me, I had always thought that, the Mane 6 was younger, don't know why, that's just how they seemed to me, but thinking about it, their ages seem to be more like 15-20, of course, we have to keep in mind that, in the Equestria girls movie, they're in high school, the mane six is high school age so, they can really only be around 14-18, or something along those lines. Which, thinking about it does make more sense, they do kind of seem like teenagers when I'm watching the show, but them being high school age just seemed weird to me at first.


Lauren Faust said that their mentality is set back a few years from their age. In the show they all live on their own which is typically past high school age.




Equestria Girls is supposed to be a separate entity from the show. Hasbro itself came up with the idea >_> (to make another thing to sell) and it shouldn't really be considered for guessing the actual pony character ages.

Edited by steve88



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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i think the order of age is like this: Rarity (28) Applejack (26) Rainbow dash/ fluttershy (24) and Twilight Sparkle & pinkie Pie (23)


my reasons?: Rarity being the oldest , well, partly its in the way she looks and the way she carries herself, plus she is the same age as cheerilee (they were in class together), and considering the schooling that cheerilee needed, and the training she needs before even setting foot in a classroom, most likely, she had at least 24/25 before she started teaching, and something suggests this isn't her first class. (the youngest I've ever seen a teacher was 24).


applejack being the second oldest, i dunno, she just seems to be older. well, also she looked older than the rest in her flashback, she looked at least 9 or10 (or at least as old as applebloom) when she ran away, while twi, for example looked to be about 6).

(hmm, perhaps she may be the oldest)


fluttershy and rainbow dash looked to be the same age, (same class) and were already in school at the time, so that places them third oldest.


twilight appeared the youngest. she was just starting school (not including the possibility of preschool) at the time, and even now, she seems to be fresh out of college (and/or celestias school in that case) so, about 23.


pinkie, since she is a year younger than fluttershy.

Edited by looking glass
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Four bits of information give us indication of their ages.

  1. Griffin the Brush Off confirms that Fluttershy is a year older than PInkie Pie.
  2. Cutie Mark Chronicles puts them all in the same age range.
  3. Apple Family Reunion shows that AJ was an infant during a previous reunion, that happens every 100 moons (7 years, 6 months, 12 days).
  4. The Journal of the Two Sisters says that Rainbow Dash lived in Ponyville for 10 years.

Well, we know that the reunion with baby AJ couldn't be the previous, because than Dash would have moved to Ponyville before she was even born.  The reunion before that was 15 years, 26 days ago.  That would make Dash 5 or 6 when she moved, which is clearly wrong.  So, that leaves the reunion before that, which was 22 years, 7 months, 9 days ago.


Since the comics have confirmed that at least 2 years have gone by since the show started (more likely 3), that puts their age range at 21-24.  Older than I'd previously estimated.  Let it never be said that I never admitted when I was wrong.

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I know for a fact that these are the ages of the My Little Pony friendship is magic of the mane six and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, my dad works in the Hasbro UK branch and has told me

rarity- 16

fluttershy - 15

twilight - 14

pinkie pie - 14

rainbow dash - 13

applejack - 13

applebloom - 6

sweetie bell - 6

babs seed - 6

scootaloo - 5

I know that it seems a bit young but that's apparently what lauren faust intended

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