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spoiler The third annual MLP Forums Class of 2017

Mentis Soliloquy

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Hi! I'd like to enter with my only OC, the one, the only, 100% genuine crystal pony, Crystal Clear!


Here's the picture, as requested:




If anything seems off with the picture, my OC or my plication, just send me a notice and I'll try to adres any issues you might have.

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   Well now, as I can hardly pass up an opportunity to gain a wider audience & make more work for an artist that hardly deserves it, I do endeavor to fork over an image of myself upon the undoubted heap of work you have. Been around since October-ish sos I feel I fit most criteria & should there be any hiccoughs along the way in translating it to form, do not hesitate to bring it up with me! Really. Please do. I'm sure this involves technology & I make a serious effort to warn beings that technology tends to die around me. So. Warning, there.   Anyhoodles! Without further ado!


   To paraphrase a Pit Lord demon: TAKE MY OC!

Pause for a dramatic breath to build suspension.


 His words, not mine. Technically. Demons, you know?!


Because really, we can't have this year go by without more Drakleonnagui! You positively need my fuzzy-headed, pink putz!  Ah, Exit, ah, stage Right!


          *Thud, crash, tinkle*

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Well, of course! Kind of...sorta...well...uh... One sec, let me get my author!

*thud, clunk*

Stop doing that! I was supposed to be the the one writing this post originally! You'll have to pardon him, the faults of creating a third-wall breaking OC.

  To answer your question, no not really. Sort of mild levitation. He mostly moves via slithering, just air can be as solid to him as water or earth. Reality can be a bit... wonky when applying it to a Draconequus. You know, the thing Discord is? Do hope he counts as a cannonical race for your purposes. Feel free to shove him in a back corner over the rest.

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Oooh! Oooh! Can they be costumed? Can I submit more than one character if they have their seperate image files?


I LOVE this idea!









(Also, if anyone wants their OC drawn in vector for this occasion, check my signature. ;))


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Here is one of my many ocs - Valeska! The artist signature is light enough that I don't think it should be a problem. But if it is, then please let me know and I can erase part of it. 


Also if there is anyway I can help to make the process of making this a reality, please let me know. :)



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Decided to make a more MLP-ish version so it fits better. Thanks again, Mentis! :)




Can you please use this updated version? I had to make a couple of edits. 

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I think I'm still a low ranked member. Haven't checked status or posted on site in ages. I did join a RP group for awhile, but I lost my inspiration for an OC character. However, I am a strong brony supporter and I'm a member of both fanfiction and fimfiction sites. Not sure if I'm allowed to post links, but look up Swift Wind29 on fanfiction and Discorded Imagination in fimfiction and you'll see the strength of my boast about being a strong brony.


I have always kinda thought it would be nice to see myself as a pony, but I have to admit I'm a bit useless at art.

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Feel free to shove him in a back corner over the rest.


You will be with me, you can't be having a zombie pony next to actual ponies can you? 


Well not unless you want every pony to be a zombie after the shot anyway, i got no issues with that in the slightest


Others might have, though the biting hurt feeling doesn't last long




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You will be with me, you can't be having a zombie pony next to actual ponies can you? 


Well not unless you want every pony to be a zombie after the shot anyway, i got no issues with that in the slightest


Others might have, though the biting hurt feeling doesn't last long




   Oh posh, don't worry about Boopy! AS an interdimensional god of vague, undefinable powers I am immune to such piffling triffles!

      Besides! I'm sure a zombie virus, disease, wossnames can just be washed out of the system of most of you organic mortals. It's nothing to worry about, I'm sure! Besides! I'm SURE  we aren't the biggest concerns out there in these forums! AS you OCs these days go, there's likely others you need to worry about. Pretty sure I've seen one pony made entirely out of explosions!


   "Ohh, you can't stop that bit-ing feel-ing! Deep inside oooofff youuu..."

Edited by Widdershins
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Would like to see if I can get my OC/Persona in on this to please? Nightmare Season.(Ya, also my user name ;))



Pic keeps breaking so here is the link as well.


Edited by Nightmare Season
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