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Rock Solid Friendship  

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Throughout the majority (of all seasons and episodes) of the show, I have very typically been super easy to please, sometimes even giving "easy passes" to episodes that I probably could have been harsher on, and rated lower. I used to be quick to defend the show on episodes where a lot of people were criticizing issues they didn't like. There have been a few episodes that I didn't like, but they weren't bad enough for me to really rip into them. 

But "Rock Solid" just pushed me over the edge.

Look. We all know Pinkie is silly and hyper and clingy. We've known this since season 1. It's a big part of why her character appeals to so many of us. She's a laugh enabling, crowd pleasing, cute and loving "go-getter" who rarely uses the word "no." 

The Pinkie we saw in this episode was nothing but a pure caricature. It's like Pinkie Pie was told to play the role of a farce of her own self. In my mind I've always compared Pinkie Pie to Nicolas Cage. They both "overdo it" without actually overdoing it, if that makes sense. Their characters are always vibrant, emotional, and strong willed. But their is a limit... a limit where "mildly provocative" becomes "really fucking obnoxious." Pinkie Pie began this episode already very close to the limit. Each time she bothered Maud about staying in Ponyville brought her a little closer to the limit. As soon as she started bothering Starlight and Maud when they were together (attempting to become friends), she broke past the limit, and was for the remainder of the episode, really fucking obnoxious, getting worse and worse after each interaction.

What really causes this episode to be a letdown overall is the lack of a lesson learned. Once she was taught the lesson, she immediately broke it and bugged her sister and Starlight again. She didn't learn anything. This episode bore no fruit. 

  • Brohoof 2



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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6 minutes ago, Babyyoshi309 said:

Um, sorry to be the one to tell you this... but it is impossible for two women to have a baby together... :confused:

There are lots of female couples that have kids. They just need a sperm donor. Sunburst seems like a good candidate. :smug:

  • Brohoof 2

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Twilight deserved to not appear in this episode. She's already consumed over 2,000 words in the first three episodes this season.

But on the other side, Starlight appears to be catching up (even though she wasn't confirmed until this episode aired). We might see her again in Fluttershy Leans In, but after that, she better slow down. And if Pinkie doesn't appear in that episode, Starlight will reach second place.

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4 minutes ago, Truffles said:

There are lots of female couples that have kids. They just need a sperm donor. Sunburst seems like a good candidate. :smug:


Umm... I was just pointing out that Pinkie was not shipping them. :please:


Also, that would be very awkward for both Starlight and Sunburst. "Hay, Sunburst, I need a sperm donor so I can get pregnant with my girlfriend!". Heck no. Pick a ship and sail it, don't try to sail multiple ships at one time. :confused:

4 minutes ago, FirePuppy said:

Twilight deserved to not appear in this episode. She's already consumed over 2,000 words in the first three episodes this season.

But on the other side, Starlight appears to be catching up (even though she wasn't confirmed until this episode aired). We might see her again in Fluttershy Leans In, but after that, she better slow down. And if Pinkie doesn't appear in that episode, Starlight will reach second place.

I think you are exaggerating a bit.

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1 hour ago, Babyyoshi309 said:

Pick a ship and sail it, don't try to sail multiple ships at one time. 

Aww, now where's the fun in that? :lol:

34 minutes ago, maris99 said:

I want know why there is a whole new world underground. Its very beautiful, and why is there a huge gem cave that anyone can just walk into?

Maybe they'll find dinoponies and sleestak down there? :)

  • Brohoof 1

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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15 minutes ago, silvadel said:


Oh and the kites didn't come out of nowhere.  They have been in her backgrounds.


That is actually a clever catch you made there. I'm not sure if it was a coincidence or deliberate by the show staff, but either way it works! 

  • Brohoof 2



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54 minutes ago, maris99 said:

I want know why there is a whole new world underground. Its very beautiful, and why is there a huge gem cave that anyone can just walk into?

That's where the ponies sealed the monsters underground long ago, obviously. Be careful not to fall into the ruins.

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I'm glad that Maud Pie makes another appearance in this episode and have a relationship with Starlight Glimmer, at the beginning she graduate. I know that Pinkie Pie acts crazy in this episode, and I want her to calm down like every-pony else do.

  • Brohoof 2

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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Well...I unfortunately have to concede that this is the first episode of the season I don't care much for.  I would give the previous episode a meh score, which is a 3/5, but this one I have to give a 2/5.  I really like that Maud and Starlight hit it off, and they have surprisingly great chemistry together, not to mention that I like that we got to see Maud again.  I also really like Pinkie's Maud impression, and the gem cave, and the possibility of Maud being around more regularly, though we'll see.  Also, points for Starlight actually having an episode with one of the mane six who isn't Twilight without all the others having to be around, and bonus points for her bonding with another great supporting character.

What brings the episode down for me is Pinkie.  I haven't been this annoyed by her since A Friend in Deed, and she's almost, if not as cringy here.  I'm a large Pinkie fan, but there are times when I have to admit she overstays her welcome.  Thankfully that hasn't been the case lately, but here...ugh!  I almost wanted to shout at the screen.  "Go away Pinkie!"  Seriously.  There have been episodes since A Friend in Deed that have made me question Pinkie's cognitive faculties, but there are few times where I really think she goes off the deep end like she does in this episode.  

  • Brohoof 3
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4 hours ago, FirePuppy said:

Twilight deserved to not appear in this episode. She's already consumed over 2,000 words in the first three episodes this season.

Come to think of it, mathematically analyzing Maud and Starlight's budding friendship is something Twilight would do, not Pinkie. :lol:


But alas, we did get our fair share of Twilight in the first three episodes, so I'm glad she didn't show up. Give her a little while before her next big appearance so she doesn't turn into S6 Rarity who felt like the focus of every other episode. I'm not saying Rarity had bad episodes (The Saddle Row Review is one of my favorites of the entire series), but I got somewhat tired of her as the season went on. Don't do that to Twilight.

On a completely unrelated note, I wonder if Rarity's little mention of Countess Coloratura while hunting for gems is a little foreshadowing of things to come...

Edited by Prospekt


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I wanted to like this episode. Really, I do. The episode would've been great without Pinkie stalking her sister and Starlight. Seriously, it basically hampers the synopsis of said episode. She basically ripped Twilight's page off from last season's Every Little Thing She Does. I hate to say, but this good episode ended in an unnerving tone with Pinkie Pie constantly following them all the time like a devolved stalker. IDK what were the writers thinking about when they made this. Has a pretty bad moral from the story there.

Like the others said, I know Pinkie is hyper and clingy in nature, but there's a limit to that. And the end of the episode has unfortunately caused me to dislike it. Sorry, but this is the first episode in my opinion that you ended up tainting it, and it was a good episode ruined by you writers yourselves. This is a bad time to be dropping the ball hard.

9 hours ago, GrimGrimoire said:

No. because it is one episode. She has had a ton of good ones. It takes more than a bad performance in an episode to make me hate her or her character. If we all gave up instantly when there was a character in a bad showing, Rainbow dash would have no fans left after Newbie Dash. You just have to accept the fact that all of the characters are going to have weak showings sometimes... it is the nature of the cartoon world... you can't love them all. At least most of us can't.

She does not have anything to redeem either since again, it is just one poor showing. I can get over it.

But what will happen if future episodes end up like this? Sooner or later, the fans will start jumping out of the bandwagon one by one, and even longtime fans will be growing concerned regarding the writers' qualities. If they end up following the example of what happened today, then the future of MLP might end up looking bleak, and it won't do any good too. So technically, it isn't a character in a bad showing. Its the writers' ideas becoming shallow and are starting to rush things through without thinking straight.

It may be just one poor showing to you, but if this continues to drag on, you'll end up wondering how and why the writers of the show are slowly but surely becoming desperate by inconsistently rushing through one episode after the next and their characters becoming off-color, including lack of accurate lessons. Yes, I have hopes, but I've yet to see them actually deliver from the past number of seasons.

Edited by Jon the Bronynerd
  • Brohoof 2


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35 minutes ago, Jon the Bronynerd said:

But what will happen if future episodes end up like this? Sooner or later, the fans will start jumping out of the bandwagon one by one, and even longtime fans will be growing concerned regarding the writers' qualities. If they end up following the example of what happened today, then the future of MLP might end up looking bleak, and it won't do any good too. So technically, it isn't a character in a bad showing. Its the writers' ideas becoming shallow and are starting to rush things through without thinking straight.

It may be just one poor showing to you, but if this continues to drag on, you'll end up wondering how and why the writers of the show are slowly but surely becoming desperate by inconsistently rushing through one episode after the next and their characters becoming off-color, including lack of accurate lessons. Yes, I have hopes, but I've yet to see them actually deliver from the past number of seasons.


So cross that bridge when you get there. I mean seriously.... this is getting obnoxious to see time and again... more than anything the show could ever hope to do. It is like they air an episode that some people don't like and you get a group of "fans" ready to throw themselves out a window over it. What will happen when future episodes end up like what? Good? Boring? Stupid? Funny? I dunno, the same thing that happens every single episode? A bunch of people love it, some just like it, a few don't care for it and some really dislike it. Oh yeah, and a small group pops in to talk about how it is the end of time in Ponyworld.... again. Everyone has an opinion about this episode, there was no universal "It sucks or massive swooning" from us all. This episode had some faults, it was not bad... that is my opinion. Yeah... actually it was a character in a bad showing contrary to your belief. That's all. Not the end of the world. Pinkie pissed me off, oh noes! But Starlight and Maud made me cheer, Yay! So yeah, not a great episode, but pretty good all the same. You don't share that opinion, fine... you just did not get what I got out of it.... sorry to hear it. Better luck next week. The writers are so far doing a great job delivering what a lot of people have been asking for... but sorry they could not fine tune it to every single viewer on Earth and make sure we all would love it before they aired it. Damn you writers for not thinking of that!

I won't wonder anything at all, because I don't stress about a cartoon show and whether it will be good or bad. If the episode is great... Yay! Awesome sauce... more please. If the episode blows, oh well, maybe next week... if the show starts making nothing but awful episodes for me, then I will stop watching... it is really that simple.

As of this moment though, S7 is shaping up strong and I am enjoying it.

  • Brohoof 1


~No profound statement needed~

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2 hours ago, Jon the Bronynerd said:

But what will happen if future episodes end up like this? Sooner or later, the fans will start jumping out of the bandwagon one by one, and even longtime fans will be growing concerned regarding the writers' qualities. If they end up following the example of what happened today, then the future of MLP might end up looking bleak, and it won't do any good too. So technically, it isn't a character in a bad showing. Its the writers' ideas becoming shallow and are starting to rush things through without thinking straight.

I've been displeased with multiple episodes in every season, so I don't really have any reason to believe that one episode with an annoying writing mistake is a sign of impending doom. This is also the first time I've not enjoyed Pinkie in a while, and even then there are elements of her characterization here which I appreciate, so I have ever reason to believe this is merely a one-off error. I'm not enjoying this season much, but I don't see any sign of this being anything more than a weaker entry in a series which has always had its odd weeks. 

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Posted this earlier over on Equestria Daily.

"Definitely wasn't expecting Starlight to become the friend that Maud needed though I am happy that the two of them were able to find something in common. Pinkie did become unbearable at times even though she meant well with her intentions so for that I consider her behaviour to be the one negative of the episode. Maud as always is brilliant being the stoic character who wades her way through a world that can be calm one moment and then chaotic the next, yet Spike once again was used as comedy relief when Pinkie tossed him aside.

Speaking of Pinkie, she can perfectly imitate Maud's facial features to a T. This is both excellent and scary because who knows who else she could mimic. By the way, did anyone else hear Maud's full name get mentioned by Pinkie before Starlight appeared?"


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Wonderful!  Another triumph!

I enjoyed this very much.  I'm also a huge sucker for Maud, though.  I adore Maud.  I love that she's a doctor, now.  Dr. Pie.  How awesome is that?!  Would it be reading too deep to say that this might be a very positive, subtle message to young girls that they can become doctors of the sciences, too?  (Cuz, y'know, everyone knows that women are lacking in the sciences.)  I think it's just the tops.  I also like the fact that this show actually remembers things that were done in the past and revisits them.  I hadn't forgotten that Maud was working on her doctorate, and I was thrilled to see them revisit it and give us resolution.  I feel that the level of continuity and development that this show strives for is a cut above most other cartoons of the genre.  But then again, I don't watch any other kids cartoons, so what do I know?  :lol:

I love that Maud moved to Ponyville.  I loved that she settled just outside the city.  I love her rock cave house.  I totally want to live there.  I wish they'd tone down Pinkie's Pinkieness juuuuust a touch.  They go a little overboard with the slapstick and meme faces.  But that's a minor quibble, I feel.

The only thing I didn't like was that Maud's new friend had to be Starlight.  Now, don't rush ahead, here, and don't get me wrong; I'm fine with the two of them being friends, and I have no problem with Starlight making other friends.  After all, she's really not very close with any of the other mane 5, if you think about it.  Starlight is close with Twi and Trixie.  Oh, she has the group dynamic with the others, but she doesn't hang out with any of them one on one.  (Which is fine.  I kinda like it that way, actually.)  So, the point is, Starlight making other friends is perfectly fine.  It's just....I guess my issue is that it was just too predictable.  As soon as Maud mentioned that she wouldn't mind a friend, I knew it was going to be Starlight.  Who else?  I think it would have been much better to bring somepony in from outside of the mane cast.  Why not have Maud connect with a background pony?  Or a completely new pony?  Personally, I think it would have been great to have Maud befriend a stallion.  The strong, female dominated cast is one of the things I like best about this show, but that doesn't mean we can't have a few males, does it?  For a long time, I've wished that one of the mane cast members would have a male friend.  Not a brother, not a dragon assistant, not a draconnequs, and not a coltfriend (though I'm not specifically against that), just a platonic male pony friend.  I think a little gender variation would go a long way and add a great dynamic.  I think Maud would be the perfect one for this, as she is so unusual.  But at the very least, I wished that she would have befriended somepony new, or a background pony.  Why not have her be friends with Amethyst Star, or Lyra, or Dr. Hooves?  I think that'd be great.

Which brings me to a brief tangent--Why do then seem to specifically go out the way to not have background ponies speak?  It's like they specifically reserved it for the that one single episode, and never again, like the powers that be have not authorized any further background pony lines.  Lyra had a nice little moment today, and a perfect chance for a line.  But they went out of their way to keep her silent.  Now, I'm not trying to obsess over background ponies, here, but it felt more awkward that she didn't speak.  It was unnatural.  Why could they have her say, "Pinkie!  What the hay are you doing?!"  That would be it, and it would have gone such a long way.  How about Derpy?  When Pinkie threw that pizza at her, why couldn't she have said, "Mmm!  Yum!  Thanks!"  Or, considering it smacked her in the face, maybe, "Ouch!"  But again, it feels unnatural to specifically make them all silent.  And you can't tell me that it's a matter of not being able to pay a different VA to come in just for one line, because I'm pretty sure Tabitha did Derpy's final voice in Slice of Life.  I say why not bring one of them into the foreground to be friends with Maud, and then give them a semi-recurring part once in awhile?

I still loved the episode, though.  What I like most is that, for the past three seasons, they've done a great job of featuring and developing troubled ponies that were isolated and alone, and showed that even these ponies can make a friend and have a happy ending.  The mane 6 have always been dynamic and relatable characters, but let's face it, not one of them has had trouble making friends.  Fluttershy's shyness has never really hindered her much.  She was already friends with the others when Twilight rolled into town, and she's been friends with Rainbow since they were fillies.  Twilight didn't think she needed friends, but when went to Ponyville, she made some very quickly, and then decided that she had been missing out up until then.  I know the theme was Twilight learning about friendship, but come on; you can't say that she had a hard time making friends.  Compare her to Moondancer: now there was a character who was troubled, isolated, and suffering.  She had built a defensive shell around herself, and believed that she was meant to be alone.  She is what Twilight might have become without Celestia's intervention.  Moondancer was damaged and hurting.  Starlight and Trixie were alone as well.  Instead of isolating themselves and becoming reclusive, they lashed out at the world.  And then there's Maud.  She was lonely and believed that she was meant to be alone, and no one ever knew.  These were the outcasts.  FIM has done a great job of profiling them, showing their struggles, and showing that there's hope for them, and that a happy ending is possible.  So many of us see ourselves in the outcasts.  Like me.  I think that's what truly sets FIM apart, especially from its previous generations.  Everypony isn't perfect.  Everypony doesn't make friend easily.  Some ponies feel like they're meant to be alone, and suffer by themselves.  FIM doesn't shy away from showing the real struggles of real ponies.

And we got Maud's full name!  That was awesome.  And who knew Maud was so witty?  "I didn't get a rocktorate because I shred guitar like nopony else."  Best line of the episode, for sure.

One other quick thing--it's not about this episode, but it aired today, so I'll just stick this here: I absolutely loved The Fresh Princess of Friendship!  I hope they do more of that sort of thing.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, I can see fanfics of these 2 piling up now, and also battle of the shippers too. Anyways, it was a good episode. Liked the part in which Pinkie impersonated Maud with the mane style and her facial expression. Had a laugh when Pinkie Pie threw the pizza box at Derpy hitting her on the head and bounced off, and Derpy going after the pizza. And also the scene in which Pinkie Pie pulls Lyra in to show her to Maud, and Bonbon pulls Lyra away from Pinkie. XD

Also, I dig Maud's new home as well.

Welcome to Ponyville, :maud:!


"I'm the Messiah the gnashing of teeth, no one meets death until they see me, I am the Alpha and Omega..." -King 810

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Ah, what a lovely episode. "Friendships occur naturally and not forced" is what i take from it.

Maud was really cool

Pinkie was obnoxious and annoying but it's Pinkie

Starlight was nice

I liked all the chemical terms Maud used, cause i like science c:

kinda 4th wall and stuff was funny

pinkie humor

i love it. was a great episode.

"You are right Starlight, you are more talented in magic than me. But talent doesn't mean, that you are privileged to have more power. It's the heart! All you need, to have power, is a heart!"

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I liked the episode, not as much as the other episodes considering it had some flaws here and there, but it was all and all enjoyable.


I think the pairing of Maud and Starlight was nice and even showed Starlights cute side, while also giving a bit more character development for Maud and why she actually likes rocks so much. Yeah, Pinkie was kinda obnoxious in this episode, but it's not really episode breaking for me.


All in all, good one.


15 hours ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

And omg, too much Starlight Gutter. Is there NO OTHER pony that Maude could've been friends with? Derpy? DJ Pon3? Snips and Snails? Carrot Top? Cheerilee? But no- again, we get oversaturation of Starlight. uggggggh.

If Starlight angers you so much, i think you shouldn't watch the show. Starlight won't go away anytime soon.

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11 hours ago, silvadel said:


Oh and the kites didn't come out of nowhere.  They have been in her backgrounds.

I wonder if we should expect some butterfly or bonsai tree interest from Starlight next.

Pinkie should have been toned down a bit and expecially after she had the discussion with Starlight. But she was supposed to be grating so it was not unintentional even if it was meant to be funnier so the episode still functioned well. We should have been more uncertain what Maud felt too, it was clear that she liked Starlight but Pinkie just got into the way.

Hopefully Maud's move will lead to Limestone and Marble visiting too and Maud's friendship with Starlight to interacting with Trixie (hopefully her stint in the rockfarm is remembered). 

Rarity has episode soon coming so it would be fun to see Rara again after she was mentioned but I feel it was merely a reference.

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