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least favorite thing about your sex/gender


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On 6/1/2017 at 11:22 AM, Tangle said:

Breasts. Never wanted them T_T

I'll trade ya bodies!  I'd rather be female.

What I hate most about being male is the fact that it's so socially unacceptable for men to express a feminine side.  This sort of gender double standard is very much a one-way street.  Women can do masculine things much more easily than vice versa.  I love feminine clothing and like to wear dresses, but it's so taboo, whereas women can wear basically anything they want and it's normal.  It used to be unthinkable and scandalous for women to wear pants.  That ridiculous double standard was smashed into dust, and now pants are worn by everyone.  Why can't we get the same treatment for dresses/skirts?  In many ways, it's like there's only two types of clothing: women's....and unisex.  That's what I hate.  I want to be able to just be me and wear what I want and not be thought of as a warped freak.

  • Brohoof 4


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I like being a girl but there ARE some things that I don't like. For instance, being treated like meat. Just because I'm pretty, people think I'm going to be easy to take advantage of. They think because I look a certain way that I'm automatically going to bend over backwards for their needs and conform to their stereotypical expectations.

Periods is an obvious one so I want go to far into that. 

SJW's ... oh god are they embarrassing. Most SJW's I've met are women and they are very crazy...

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10 hours ago, PuddingPonyPal said:

SJW's ... oh god are they embarrassing. Most SJW's I've met are women and they are very crazy...

Hahaha, you got that shit right, love.Hit the nail on the fucking head. :D

And don't even get me to start on male feminists. :D

Biggest joke on the planet.

  • Brohoof 1

“Discovery is dangerous . . . but so is life. A man unwilling to take risk is doomed never to learn, never to grow, never to live.” - House Harkonnen

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Monthly, disgusting, leaky, non-cosy, cramping periods! UGh, that gotta be the worst thing about being a female. Especially for those who don't even want kids in the future. Like it's not enough with cervical fluids already...... Yuck!


Long extra rant below for those interested.



Being sexualized and stereotyped when I go out to drink and shit. STOP grabbing me without my approval. Stahp it. And the catcalling is annoying, don't do that.

Also being looked down at for being female and "weak" and less capable of doing things because I have a vagina between my legs. Like when I play League of Legends and get frowned upon because since I'm a female I clearly CAN'T PLAY PROPERLY only support if even support, I'm such a useless piece of junk and I should go back to the kitchen! Or the fact that people think I'm not capable of carrying heavy objects or that I'm more sensitive and am going to get upset about every little thing because I'm this fragile little person which I'm not. I don't want to get specially treated.

Emm, having to wear make-up and guys saying "Oh you're fine without make-up, natural is the best" before they see me without make up and tell me that I look sick and tired. THANKS. And when I do wear make-up, people think I normally look like that and they're like "You're not wearing any make-up, are you?". BOI, I don't normally look decent enough for society to accept me apparently, screw yoou!

I could keep going but I'm tired soooo... That's all for now! My list is long. Sorry for my rant but I just couldn't leave it simple when I had so many concerns about this and mostly it's because of society and not biologically. 

Still, being a female is awesome without all these things. So I'm going to bring up the positive things too, for some positivity. I love positivity!

I'm independent, mentally strong as a diamond, determined, I personally LOVE my own vagg, curves and boobs, I love being awesome at the games I play and I love that my voice actually is decent sounding so that I can do what I love- Sing and voice act! Also I love my hair and my eyes. I'm fabulous and I love my gender! Goodnight, everypony.



Edited by darkwingmare
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Several things. As a guy I have found that:

1. Most teenage boys my age seem to be some of the most vile people on the earth (at least in my experience).

2. Most of my interests are frowned upon by others guys my age because they aren't "manly enough" or are different to the norm which leads to bullying and back to my 1st point.

3. Guys my age seem to spend most of their time objectifying girls and making comments about them that, lets just say, shouldn't be said.

4. The fact that, as a guy, I keep being asked if I'm gay. Not that I have a problem with gay people, just I keep being asked by people at my school because I'm not all that interested         in girls and getting into a relationship, which seem completely stupid.

  • Brohoof 2

Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement - Will Rogers


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And not being able to travel alone without it being dangerous (I want to go backpacking in australia but no way I could ever think about doing that alone, for my own safety). Or even walking through town alone sometimes already feels unsafe.

Let alone having to be dropped off at home by one of your guy friends when you want to go home from a party or something in the dark because everything is dangerous. 

Also society making you very concious about your looks, about your body and everything. You try to shake it off but that is muc easyer said than done. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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  • 5 months later...

The hair around my crotch is so annoying. I have to keep shaving it to stop it from becoming itchy.


  • Brohoof 1

“All Muslims are like a foundation, each strengthening the other; in such a way they do support each other.” (Abu Musa, Bukhari & Muslim)

“Say: He is God, who is One. God, the Eternal. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.” (Chapter 112, Qur'an)

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Expectations to do all of the heavy lifting. Sure I might be more capable of something such as lifting 50 lbs for longer periods of time, but taking turns or lending a hand could save everyone form throwing their backs out.

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Definitely the body hair. Don't get me wrong, I like some hair, but there are just some places that hair should not grow.


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Well for sex, all this fucking hair. Seriously, it’s all ugly XD I’m talken body hair not face or head hair; I love my long flowing hair (that has nothing to do with sex) but also I like having facial hair, I want a beard. But I don’t like leg, armpit, butt, or pubic hair. Of course this is different for every man but more likely to be hairy. 

Also of course the lack of curves. Again, this also various and can be changed by exercising the right areas etc. but obviously people of the female sex are naturally more likely to have nice curves. I want a bigger butt and legs. 

In terms of gender, idk. There’s a lot of things that I have surpassed and see them as societal issues that women and men both have towards “being a man”/“being masculine.” I could care less about all of those things and tbh don’t hide any of the things I’m into that might be against the norm. 

Fuck any expectations anyone has of being a man. I’m gonna do what I want/enjoy. 

Edited by Misscellanio
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Because I am a female,

Its okay to ignore me when I have something to say that's an interest to males.

Its okay for them to talk me down because I'm "always wrong" and "don't know what I'm talking about."

Its okay to shove your beauty expectations at me so the public won't assume you're into x-type of girls, then shame me if I don't.

Apparently. :/

  • Brohoof 1


Thank You for the Sig, Skoffee. (:

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Being female, people think you're dumb. Have an opinion on anything? It's probably emotionally based. Know anything? Unless it's a deep mastery of the subject, you just probably just watched some show or your husband did it. 

Can't be assertive without being treated like you're a collosal, out of control PMSing bitch. Guy confronts another guy in the same situation and he's treated like just a reasonable person.

Or people assuming that you're going to eventually get married and have kids, just a fact of life. Tell them otherwise and the response is often outright denial. Or if it is, you must be gay. Goodness forbid you would rather focus on your job and simply don't care about marriage/don't need someone else to be financially stable. 

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2 hours ago, Total Lunar Eclipse said:

Being female, people think you're dumb. Have an opinion on anything? It's probably emotionally based. Know anything? Unless it's a deep mastery of the subject, you just probably just watched some show or your husband did it. 

Can't be assertive without being treated like you're a collosal, out of control PMSing bitch. Guy confronts another guy in the same situation and he's treated like just a reasonable person.

Or people assuming that you're going to eventually get married and have kids, just a fact of life. Tell them otherwise and the response is often outright denial. Or if it is, you must be gay. Goodness forbid you would rather focus on your job and simply don't care about marriage/don't need someone else to be financially stable. 

Again, it's society's stereotypes and expectations that make life so damn horrible sometimes.

Freedom MY FLANK.

  • Brohoof 1

“All Muslims are like a foundation, each strengthening the other; in such a way they do support each other.” (Abu Musa, Bukhari & Muslim)

“Say: He is God, who is One. God, the Eternal. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.” (Chapter 112, Qur'an)

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- Guys tend to not mature as quickly as girls. I'm in college and there are idiots here who might as well be in the fifth grade because that's about how mature they are. Frickin incredible. :dry: Especially frat guys. But my disdain for fraternities and sororities is a topic for another thread. :wacko:

- If you're a guy like me and more of your real-life friends are girls than guys, other guys tend to think you are a wimp.

- Nice guys get pushed to the sidelines. Nice guys do finish last... because the macho alpha males always get more attention. Always. At my age, it's hard to be the guy who just wants to treat other people--male and female--the way he wants to be treated and who wants to live a clean life free of drugs, hookups, and all-around debauchery.

- Guys are expected to speak first and listen later.

  • Brohoof 4


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Unwanted body hair and shaving is really the only thing I hate about being a girl, but guys have to shave too, so...? :wat:

And there's always periods, and yeah they suck, but mine have always been so light I sometimes forget it's even there. :wacko: I don't really get PMS either. I consider myself very lucky because heavy periods run in the family. So honestly, I don't have much to complain about being a girl. :P

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1 hour ago, shadowwarp940 said:

Feminists that act like women deserve more. we have equal rights already, stop putting men down for their gender

The only people I'm putting down are ones that treat others poorly in regards to their gender. If I was a man, I'd have a whole different set of things to compain about. 

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On a physical level, I have no problems being a guy. 

But my god, I’m ashamed how guys act. I think I’m just preaching to the choir here, but so many guys just act disgusting. :dry: 

I could rant on for days, but eh, that’s all been covered above, I think. ;) 

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Menstruation is an excruciating experience. I could definitely do without it, especially since I don't really want kids.

Can't say there's anything I particularly dislike about being a girl otherwise, other than the fact that I get assumed that I have particular political affiliations/beliefs because I am a girl, but I don't find that happens too often for me to say it's a reasonable gripe.

TwiDash, Promptis & Sonadow. RC Enthusiast. OC: Canary WingSignature by @Kyoshi

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The peer pressure to see women as just T&A. 

The stereotype that a man that sleeps with lots of women is cool but a woman who sleeps with lots of men is called a slut.

Being told that you have to act a certain way to be considered a man.

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Uh, well, uh, I like being a guy. 

No real negatives here, not physically anyway.


If I had a gripe, it's just that Males don't get a lot of fairness in custody battles, nor get taken seriously when they are the victims of physical/spousal abuse and/or rape. Oh and that women are conditioned to think that we are rapey, or lusty, or only think about sex----but that effects more of my kind of the heterosexual variety. As a homosexual male---I mean, I... I mean I don't really have anything to complain about. Neither does my husband. I don't even mind really morning wood or random erections. They happen, it's natural, you get good at hiding them in social situations. So it's just... natural flow for me.


Other than that, no complaints. 


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