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In the past I used to identify as agnostic and then as an atheist.

Over the last few years I've felt deeply connected to Buddhist belief and practice, after I went to a Buddhist temple in Thailand and saw followers meditating and making offerings there. It's definitely enriched my life and made me happier and more at peace than I was before.

  • Brohoof 3

Friendship isn't always easy. But it's definitely worth fighting for.


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I guess I could be considered Agnostic. I grew up in a Catholic household, but I distanced myself from religion as I grew up.

  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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Old Lutheran, non ELCA. Not too terribly church going at this point in time, due to a slight dislike of the current pastors sermons. 

I swear there's multiple ones of these around the forums.

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  • 1 month later...

Christian, but I don't identify with any specific denomination.

I was raised as a Catholic, turned away from it at age 13 and went through a rebellious atheist phase, and then rediscovered my faith when I was about 18-19. I feel as though each specific subset of Christianity teaches something very slightly different to what I believe, and so it is hard for me to pick just one to identify with - furthermore, I feel as though it isn't particularly necessary to identify yourself with a religious group in the first place. My relationship with God is personal to me, and I feel as though I have a much closer connection with Him now than back when I was 12 and was forcibly dragged off to church every Sunday against my will.

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Eastern Orthadox as with the rest of my extended family but I choose which tenets to actually put faith in. I believe there are some lessons that help temper my worst qualities, but practicing faith as a whole is mostly a familiar/social activity for me. My husband and his family are extremely serious about it but I'm just cherry-picking my beliefs and keeping that fact to myself. Singing in mass is nice though!

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My mom's side of the family (besides my mom herself) sure tried to raise me Jehovah's Witness, I am an Atheist. I have nothing against religious people, but I have bad experiences with organized religion.


As it turns out most of them don't really like bisexual trans women. More than that though, it was seeing the way they tried so hard to scare my cousin into becoming one when he was dying. How they treat another one of my cousins, a trans man. How they treat my grandmother, who left the church and now her own mother refuses to speak to her. I just want nothing to do with it.

Edited by Magpie
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10 hours ago, Magpie said:

My mom's side of the family (besides my mom herself) sure tried to raise me Jehovah's Witness, I am an Atheist. I have nothing against religious people, but I have bad experiences with organized religion.


As it turns out most of them don't really like bisexual trans women. More than that though, it was seeing the way they tried so hard to scare my cousin into becoming one when he was dying. How they treat another one of my cousins, a trans man. How they treat my grandmother, who left the church and now her own mother refuses to speak to her. I just want nothing to do with it.

I'm so sorry to hear that. I myself am a Jehovah's witness.... and is sad to hear at what's happening to you and your family.:worry:

And would like to give some light or some kinda help in a way. "No preaching"

That's the last thing you need religious talk shoved in your mouth.

I'm sure your parents don't hate you or your cousin... Maybe confused and misunderstood, but not hate( I hope not! sure there's a lot of kinds of people and Jehovah's witnesses get a lot of people...)

First of all we don't like the idea. BUT that doesn't mean we hate the person. That's one teaching I remembered and is trying to practice... I mean sure I don't like the idea of gay because I'm straight in the first place. But I don't hate the person. I actually respect some gay people! especially the ones who are struggling in life and became successful.

Good for them!

And one things for sure forcing others to do what they don't like, especially forcing religion ends very badly. I've seen it happened. And I've seen it in you.

I myself want to say sorry for what happened.

And your cousin dying.... I think I know why they end up doing that.... I think their heart is in the right place...but they're executing it sooo wrong..... And badly ( is what I imagine through what you just said.)

And they should know ( your Jehovah's witnesses parents) that Jehovah reads people's hearts..... So everyone know that your heart is not in it if it's forced. So yeah they should really meditate and ponder on what they preach and practice.

Of course that also reflects on to me too !:mlp_laugh: really who am I to judge them when I myself do a lot of questionable stuff!

My family is also has similarities to yours. They're the old gen. Of witnesses and some of them are very hard headed, and dislike changes.... Pretty much all old people are...:yeahno: luckily I meet  and learned from good teachers along the way....

Did they also forced you to get baptized? I'm pretty sure they did tried it once, judging by the way you said about them:mlp_laugh:.

Anyway I hope I didn't come off as preachy to you :mlp_laugh:.....:worry:




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40 minutes ago, Kujamih said:

I'm so sorry to hear that. I myself am a Jehovah's witness.... and is sad to hear at what's happening to you and your family.:worry:

And would like to give some light or some kinda help in a way. "No preaching"

That's the last thing you need religious talk shoved in your mouth.

I'm sure your parents don't hate you or your cousin... Maybe confused and misunderstood, but not hate( I hope not! sure there's a lot of kinds of people and Jehovah's witnesses get a lot of people...)

First of all we don't like the idea. BUT that doesn't mean we hate the person. That's one teaching I remembered and is trying to practice... I mean sure I don't like the idea of gay because I'm straight in the first place. But I don't hate the person. I actually respect some gay people! especially the ones who are struggling in life and became successful.

Good for them!

And one things for sure forcing others to do what they don't like, especially forcing religion ends very badly. I've seen it happened. And I've seen it in you.

I myself want to say sorry for what happened.

And your cousin dying.... I think I know why they end up doing that.... I think their heart is in the right place...but they're executing it sooo wrong..... And badly ( is what I imagine through what you just said.)

And they should know ( your Jehovah's witnesses parents) that Jehovah reads people's hearts..... So everyone know that your heart is not in it if it's forced. So yeah they should really meditate and ponder on what they preach and practice.

Of course that also reflects on to me too !:mlp_laugh: really who am I to judge them when I myself do a lot of questionable stuff!

My family is also has similarities to yours. They're the old gen. Of witnesses and some of them are very hard headed, and dislike changes.... Pretty much all old people are...:yeahno: luckily I meet  and learned from good teachers along the way....

Did they also forced you to get baptized? I'm pretty sure they did tried it once, judging by the way you said about them:mlp_laugh:.

Anyway I hope I didn't come off as preachy to you :mlp_laugh:.....:worry:

Thank you for your input. You seem to genuinely mean well, so I appreciate it. You may be right that they don't hate me, but when you get called "obscene" and they refuse to associate with you, it gives the impression. As for my cousin's death, it just hurt me that they never left him alone. He had never been religious beforehand, and I just wanted him to be able to enjoy the time he had left instead of being preached at. He did start doing Bible study and such at the end there, and they gave him a witness funeral. Maybe he truly did convert, I suppose I'll never know.

 I'll leave it there because I don't want this to turn into a debate. (Also it's not my parents but my mom's extended family. I was just raised in large part by my grandma and my aunt, so they had their influence. My mom is pretty secular and my dad's side is Jewish, but also largely secular).

Edited by Magpie
Posted early accidentally.
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6 hours ago, Magpie said:

Thank you for your input. You seem to genuinely mean well, so I appreciate it. You may be right that they don't hate me, but when you get called "obscene" and they refuse to associate with you, it gives the impression. As for my cousin's death, it just hurt me that they never left him alone. He had never been religious beforehand, and I just wanted him to be able to enjoy the time he had left instead of being preached at. He did start doing Bible study and such at the end there, and they gave him a witness funeral. Maybe he truly did convert, I suppose I'll never know.

 I'll leave it there because I don't want this to turn into a debate. (Also it's not my parents but my mom's extended family. I was just raised in large part by my grandma and my aunt, so they had their influence. My mom is pretty secular and my dad's side is Jewish, but also largely secular).


5 hours ago, Starforce said:

All hail Suri. Suri is the one true goddess. 

...what? Suri?

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1 minute ago, Kujamih said:


...what? Suri?

Suri Polomare. One of the characters in the show. If you look back a few pages, you will see what I consider my religion to be. In short, I hold no loyalty to any religion, organization, god, or anyone. I am an individual and I question everything and make my own decisions for my life. It's my life, so I'm going to maximize my individuality and never conform to any religion.

  • Brohoof 2



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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36 minutes ago, Starforce said:

Suri Polomare. One of the characters in the show. If you look back a few pages, you will see what I consider my religion to be. In short, I hold no loyalty to any religion, organization, god, or anyone. I am an individual and I question everything and make my own decisions for my life. It's my life, so I'm going to maximize my individuality and never conform to any religion.

Ey you do you! Stay fresh.

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  • 3 months later...

Welp, ever since January 2021, I've renounced my faith in the Adventist movement after I've been learning an awful lot of the things that do not make it Christian whatsoever. Thus, I've claimed myself to be a non-denominational Christian since I don't want to hold allegiance to any specific Christian denomination.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm agnostic. If it can be proven to me that some sort of otherworldly God or deity is in control above us, and especially without the use of old fables and archaic understandings of the world around us, then I may be open to conversion. However, that seems super unlikely.

But if I did have to follow a religion it'd be Buddhism. It doesn't line up perfectly, but it lines up the best with my personal beliefs and encourages genuine free thinking and accountability in comparison to the Abrahamic religions where it feels more like an illusion of free thought.

There isn't a God to appease but rather the state of nirvana to achieve, which, to my knowledge, is basically overcoming one's internal suffering which means getting over hatred, greed, and ignorance.

This can only be achieved through finding wisdom and compassion through nonviolent means, and the journey is different from person to person. One can even achieve nirvana by stopping the journey to seek nirvana.

The five precepts (more if you're a monk) are simple and holds accountability, and the leniency is based on specific situations since the intentions are very important. Like if you stole an animal being abused to take care of it or free it. Stealing breaks one of the precepts, however the animal was being abused so it's not really a big deal according to Buddhism.

The whole rebirth thing is interesting too. Get an infinite number of chances and this cycle of life will either reward you with a "good spawn" or punish you with a bad one depending on how you acted. You finish the game when you "get it," if that makes any sense.

Other religions, I dunno. It doesn't sit well with me to appease a God without being able to have the flexibility to think whatever I want. Angels, demons... they all sound the same to me at this point.

But if you're religious and at minimum you don't use it as an excuse to shield your poor decisions, then that's fine and fair. One's religious beliefs don't matter too much to me but I have interacted with many hypocrites who are devout to certain religions. They might get points for being an unbearable bully under an Abrahamic religion, but being a bully in Buddhism will make them lose points big-time.

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 However non-religious I was before, if it were possible to become even more non-religious, I am. It's in part due to some first hand experience and research into Pentecostalism/Charismatics/Non-Denominationals (in this kinda sense, I know there are other uses of that).

The kind of Christian that my parents are, I generally can abide with. My dad says some weird stuff from time to time (he believes that these are certainly the end times, much like the groups mentioned above, but much unlike them, is who he considers the anti-Christ, of whom is a figure that many of the above think is anointed to lead America. I agree with him that this figure is awful, but I don't with this end times nonsense or anything about there being an anti-Christ. There have been so many awful figures throughout history that took power like Hitler, so why is this one the anti-Christ and not Hitler or so? The end times and anti-Christ nonsense is a constant move of the goalpost.).

But these kinds of Christians... OMG. I had no idea that people like them really existed. I say this not to be so hateful (although these kinds of people are the kinds of people infiltrating my government and taking away my rights and freedoms and think I should be "delivered" from loving women.), it's to say seeing them and their beliefs has drawn an extremely large rift between their beliefs and my beliefs. It's like they live in a different reality where their neighbors are witches casting spells causing them to lose their car keys, where ailments are Demons attacking their bodies, and so-called "Prophets" who use the most basic of charlatanry and have made many false predictions are actually "Prophets".

I post this be cause it's frightening to me that there can be such a large rift between them and myself. It's created an us and them mentality (which they 100% reciprocate, of course) that I'm not fond of myself having.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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