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Personality (Disorder) Tests


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Paranoid |||||||||| 38% 49% Schizoid |||||||||||| 46% 53% Schizotypal ||||||||||||||| 65% 53% Antisocial |||||||||||||| 58% 47% Borderline |||||||||||| 46% 47% Histrionic |||||||||||||| 54% 43% Narcissistic ||||||||||||||||| 70% 41% Avoidant |||||||||||||| 54% 39% Dependent |||||||||| 34% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 60% 40%

Haha, nothing too bad. I've always known I'm a bit into myself. The rest, I guess, is relatively normal. I'm fussy, have an unorthodox way of wrapping my head around things and don't open up to absolutely everyone. I'm content.

keep it real .

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Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 82% 49% Schizoid |||||||||| 38% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 66% 53% Antisocial |||||||||||| 50% 47% Borderline |||||||||||| 46% 47% Histrionic |||||||||||| 46% 43% Narcissistic |||||||||||||| 58% 41% Avoidant |||||||||| 34% 39% Dependent |||||||||||||| 58% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||||| 62% 40%

Not that bed I guess :S
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Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100% 49% Schizoid |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100% 53% Antisocial |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100% 47% Borderline |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100% 47% Histrionic |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100% 43% Narcissistic |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100% 41% Avoidant |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100% 39% Dependent |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100% 40%

well fuck...


Uhm, I'd like to see a screenshot of this. I'm pretty sure, no, 100% sure you can't score perfectly (or moreso imperfectly) on each one due to the slight differences.


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Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 66% 49% Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 66% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||||| 42% 53% Antisocial |||||||||| 34% 47% Borderline |||||| 26% 47% Histrionic |||||||||||| 42% 43% Narcissistic |||||||||||||| 58% 41% Avoidant |||||||||||| 46% 39% Dependent |||||||||| 38% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 58% 40%

LOL, I lied on those!
Actual ones :

Paranoid |||||||||| 34% 49% Schizoid |||||||||| 34% 53% Schizotypal |||| 18% 53% Antisocial |||||||||| 34% 47% Borderline |||| 14% 47% Histrionic |||||| 22% 43% Narcissistic |||||||||||| 50% 41% Avoidant |||| 14% 39% Dependent |||||| 22% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 38% 40%

Edited by Aaron

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I got to this questions,

13) I have difficulty making decisions without excessive advice and reassurance from others.

17) I am weird.

and I put very accurate XD

Edited by Pinkazoid




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Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 82% 49% Schizoid |||||||||||||||||||| 86% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||| 78% 53% Antisocial |||||||||||| 50% 47% Borderline |||||||||||| 42% 47% Histrionic |||||||||||| 46% 43% Narcissistic |||||||||||| 46% 41% Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 62% 39% Dependent |||||||||||||||| 66% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||||| 70% 40%

Seems about right =/

"Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works"

I would love to learn how to shuffle. Just like this

Sneak peak to my next Fanfic (First Chapter WILL be prone to editting): http://www.fimfictio...cles-of-Harmony

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Paranoid||||||||||38% 49%

Schizoid||||||||||||||||62% 53%

Schizotypal||||||||||||||||||78% 53%

Antisocial||||||||||||||54% 47%

Borderline||||||22% 47%


Narcissistic||||||||||||46% 41%

Avoidant||||18% 39%

Dependent||||||22% 37%

Obsessive-Compulsive||||||26% 40%


*Scores in grey are the average web scores.


"Schizoid Personality Disorder - individual generally detached from social relationships, and shows a narrow range of emotional expression in various social settings."


Yeah, that is a pretty good description of me offline, other than with a few good friends I mainly stay out of the way. I also (to my dismay) don't show emotion that often, it is not that I don't feel it, but my facial expression and vocalization just don't seem expressive. My mom will actually ask me sometimes if I had a bad day because I look unexpressive or sad, I just tell her that is how I look (in truth I am a very happy go-lucky person). I am starting to improve on this though, so yay! :D


The high marking in Schizotypal doesn't really make sense to me though, considering I have really good close relationships.

Edited by Guest
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Paranoid |||||| 26% 49% Schizoid |||||||||||||| 54% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||||| 42% 53% Antisocial |||||||||||| 46% 47% Borderline |||||| 22% 47% Histrionic |||| 18% 43% Narcissistic |||||| 30% 41% Avoidant || 10% 39% Dependent || 10% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 22% 40%

*scores in gray are the average web score

"Schizoid Personality Disorder - individual generally detached from social relationships, and shows a narrow range of emotional expression in various social settings."
-Yeah, maybe.

Schizotypal Personality Disorder - individual is uncomfortable in close relationships, has thought or perceptual distortions, and peculiarities of behavior.
Antisocial Personality Disorder - individual shows a pervasive disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others.
-Wut? Nope. :blink:


"In this wild and woolly universe, there are three things you can count on: your brains, your bros and your bike!"

"The difficult we do immediately, The impossible takes a little longer."

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Paranoid |||||||||| 34% 49% Schizoid |||||||||||||||||| 78% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 54% 53% Antisocial |||||||||| 34% 47% Borderline |||||||||||| 46% 47% Histrionic |||| 18% 43% Narcissistic |||||||||||| 42% 41% Avoidant |||||||||||| 42% 39% Dependent |||||||||| 34% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||| 14% 40%

Yay! Schizoid!
I'm surprised that it didn't say I was moar antisocial.

"Reducing existential risk — that is, carefully and thoughtfully preparing to not kill ourselves — may be the greatest moral imperative we have."  - Lukeprog


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Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 86% 49% Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 66% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 70% 53% Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 70% 47% Borderline |||||||||||||| 58% 47% Histrionic |||||||||| 34% 43% Narcissistic |||||||||||||| 54% 41% Avoidant |||||||||||| 50% 39% Dependent |||||||||||||| 58% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 34% 40%




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  • 3 months later...

Paranoid 62%

Schizoid 42%

Schizotypal 70%

Antisocial 66%

Borderline 70%

Histrionic 34%

Narcissistic 46%

Avoidant 34%

Dependent 46%

Obsessive-Compulsive 34%


Neeheehee XD

Edited by PinkieDaShy


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I know I'm Schito...so I don't even have to take the test. lol

If you want me to respond, please quote me.

I apologize for any inconvenience but for the time being my MLP stop motion project is on hold.

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<div align="center"> <table style="color: black; background: #eeeeee"border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#eeeeee"> <div align="center"> Personality Disorder Test Results <table style="color: black; background: #dddddd"border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="4" bgcolor="#dddddd"> <tr> <td><a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder_info.html#paranoid">Paranoid</a></td> <td width="50">||||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">82%</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder_info.html#schizoid">Schizoid</a></td> <td width="50">||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">54%</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder_info.html#schizotypal">Schizotypal</a></td> <td width="50">||||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">82%</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder_info.html#antisocial">Antisocial</a></td> <td width="50">||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">78%</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder_info.html#borderline">Borderline</a></td> <td width="50">||||||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">86%</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder_info.html#histrionic">Histrionic</a></td> <td width="50">||||</td> <td width="30">14%</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder_info.html#narcissistic">Narcissistic</a></td> <td width="50">||</td> <td width="30">10%</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder_info.html#avoidant">Avoidant</a></td> <td width="50">||||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">66%</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder_info.html#dependent">Dependent</a></td> <td width="50">||||||</td> <td width="30">22%</td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder_info.html#obsessive-compulsive"> Obsessive-Compulsive</a></td> <td width="50"> ||||||||||||||</td> <td width="30">58%</td> </tr> </table> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder.html"> Take Free Personality Disorder Test</a><br><font size="1"><a href="http://similarminds.com/personality_tests.html">Personality Test</a> by <a href="http://similarminds.com/">SimilarMinds.com</a></font> </div>



uh...you might want to edit that...


nvm you did...

Edited by river_angel

If you want me to respond, please quote me.

I apologize for any inconvenience but for the time being my MLP stop motion project is on hold.

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yeah lol i just got lazy


lol okay
  • Brohoof 1

If you want me to respond, please quote me.

I apologize for any inconvenience but for the time being my MLP stop motion project is on hold.

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Personality Disorder Test Results



Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 78% 53%

Schizoid |||| 18% 38%

Schizotypal |||||||||||| 50% 52%

Antisocial |||||||||||||| 54% 46%

Borderline |||||||||||||||| 70% 51%

Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 66% 37%

Narcissistic |||||| 22% 35%

Avoidant |||||||||||| 42% 52%

Dependent |||||||||||| 50% 46%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 38%




Seems like I'm paranoid and "Borderline"...

Edited by Tenshinohana
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Paranoid 26%

Schizoid 18%

Schizotypal 74%

Antisocial 10%

Borderline 42&

Histrionic 25%

Narcissistic 10%

Avoidant 42%

Dependent 74%

Obsessive-Compulsive 26%


O_O i did better thne i thought i would ^_^


hen i see my Schizotypal score... Xd

Edited by Midnightive
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So everyone has all the terrifying disorders then?


I wouldn't even take this it's so ridiculous,

if you think you have an issue go see a psychiatrist/psychologist


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So everyone has all the terrifying disorders then?


I wouldn't even take this it's so ridiculous,

if you think you have an issue go see a psychiatrist/psychologist



I think this is more "How easily you could get one of this disorders" type of things. But these really enver give you the answer, tho~

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I wouldn't even take this it's so ridiculous,
if you think you have an issue go see a psychiatrist/psychologist

This sounds oddly familiar...

Anyway, taking it for kicks.

Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 70% 53% Schizoid |||||| 30% 38% Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 58% 52% Antisocial |||||||||||| 42% 46% Borderline |||||| 22% 51% Histrionic |||| 14% 37% Narcissistic || 10% 35% Avoidant |||||||||||| 42% 52% Dependent |||||||||| 38% 46% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 30% 45%

Hmm... these results I can understand, but I would've lost my shit if I got high on Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Edited by NeverNeverland


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