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movies/tv What's the worst movie you've ever seen?


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Aside from the "knocked off movies" which is the worst, I would say Ninjago the movie. What a sorry excuse for a movie,

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Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.

Not saying the first was anything to right home about, but the second is an INSULT to the first, and the gaming franchise as a whole.

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The 1984 adaptation of Dune.


Pacing was the worst I've ever encountered, plot was presented in a way that made it totally uninteresting. Characters had very little to them, and most of them I didn't really care for a lot. Literally the definition of a bad film adaptation.


I would put the Emoji Movie, but I've never actually seen it as much as have seen the trailers and etc for it, as well as have heard several reviews on it that give extremely strong reasons for it being the worst animated movie in all of history.


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Blair Witch 2 Book of Shadows. Everything about it was a travesty. Not a single thing about the movie worked for me. It wasn't scary, it wasn't even remotely screepy. It was just cringey and a total bastardization of what the original film did. I love the first film for being realistic and subtle to its core. Book of Shaddws was a cash in, nothing more. Worst movie ever and worst sequel ever.

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My Little Pony: The Movie!

...Actually, I'm just kidding. The worst movie I ever recall seeing is the 1993 film Super Mario Bros. Served itself right for being "ain't no game"!

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Nothing can prepare you for the horror of Disco Worms....

True Story with Jonah Hill and James Franco was unbearably boring. They took a really interesting story, and did nothing with it. I swear they kept repeating the same type of scenes over and over again. I'll take a fun terrible movie over a boring one anyday.




Edited by ultrairongorilla
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This insulting piece of shit that's a literal rip-off the actual movie San Andreas  

Image result for san andreas quake trailer    See they added "Quake" into the title so it's very similar to the movie it's ripping off- that way they could lure more people into watching it because they mistake this knock-off as being the actual thing.

I only watched it because I thought it was the actual thing, not some cheap knock-off, I started getting suspicious when the Rock Johnson never came on-screen

They put more money into their box-art than they did the actual movie 

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Snoop Doggs Hood of Horror

It' like Far Cry Primal

The colors are so overly saturated that it gives you brain tumors just looking at it.

Not yo mention they are both horrible

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Paranormal Activity.

For real though, it's the most boring flank horror movie ever. If you even want to call it a horror movie that is. The ending is even worse. Just when something actually happens, it ends on that. Nothing but a disappointment.

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6 minutes ago, Mystic Brush said:

Paranormal Activity.

For real though, it's the most boring flank horror movie ever. If you even want to call it a horror movie that is. The ending is even worse. Just when something actually happens, it ends on that. Nothing but a disappointment.

It' pretty much just some people haunted by the ghost of Disapointment.

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You know what, I think it' actually the movie Circles

Pretty sure it' called Circles, or the Circle

Anyways, its a movie about aliens who kidnap every human on earth and put them in this room, standing in a circle, if you step out of the Circle your dead. About every minute or so the people have to vote on who dies next. It had a budget of $5 and a rocket pop. But it was entertaining and I suggest you watch it on Netflix(if they didn' remove it)

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I would say Birdemic, but I couldn't get through it. It's literally Sensory Deprivation: Attack of the Nothing.

So, I'll go with one I actually got through. Deadpool.

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Many of these movies have been reviewed by Doug Walker's Internet Persona, Nostalgia Critic from the Room to Blair Witch 2. For the most part, his reviews of these movies are way more entertaining than the movies.

For me personally, in terms of movies I saw in the cinema and had to pay money for, the one I regret seeing the most is Son of the Mask.

Nostalgia Critic reviewed it several weeks before I became a Brony in 2013, as well as put it near the top of his Top 11 worst sequels list:

Start from 4:00 for background on the first film; start from 5:28 to start from the film's first scene. But just be warned!

Jump to 21:15 for just Son of the Mask

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9 hours ago, Narcissus said:

Hateful 8 and pretty much everything made by Quentin Tarantino. 




I thought that the hateful 8 and Pulp Fiction was good, but never heard of a Tarantino hater

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"The Secret of NIMH" was a wonderful movie. The sequel...

Not so much.

That's actually a fantastic understatement.

"The Secret of NIMH 2 - Timmy to the Rescue" lands right on this thread for being astoundingly horrifyingly terrible.

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