Jeric 46,862 September 19, 2018 #1 Share September 19, 2018 SEASON 8 SPOILERS WILL BE IN HERE. SEASON 9 SPOILERS WILL REQUIRE AN OFFICIAL SPOILER TAG, THOUGH THIS PRIMARILY A SPECULATION THREAD. All Season 9 general speculation topics will be merged here. This will be an official event thread and a mega thread on general Season 9 Speculation, with a game of sorts. Now that the season 8 finale is behind us, what do you believe season 9 will bring? Make five predictions about season 9. The closest to getting all correct will win this little prognostication contest. They need to be legit predictions or I will not count them. No saying "It will have ponies". If they are obvious, they don't count. Your original UNEDITED predictions are what counts. This game will close when the first official trailer arrives so make it good. Also, I can see what you all change posts to so no shenanigans or I will exclude you from any prizes. I'll start. 1. Spike's true origin will be revealed. 2. Applejack Map episode 3. Final Season 4. Cozy Glow's 'friendships' with the beings in Tartarus will be an important element of the finale's successful resolution 5. The end of Sparity 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlareGun45 2,221 October 13, 2018 #2 Share October 13, 2018 (edited) Sup brahs? It's that time of the year again! A new waiting thread for the new season! Whether or not it's the final season still remains to be seen, but for now let's talk about what we want to happen! If you wanna see my episode ideas, they're right here:'s_MLP_Season_9_Episode_Ideas_(final_version)?useskin=oasis#WikiaArticleComments Remember, brahs: If there are any more early releases or another massive leak, don't forget to censor your comments on the subject with [ Spoiler ] [ / spoiler ] just removes spaces! Edited October 13, 2018 by FlareGun45 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kind Claw 407 October 13, 2018 #3 Share October 13, 2018 Hi Everypony! With season 8's final airing worldwide and coming to a close, let's all discuss what we hope to come from season 9 episode 1. No doubt the team of ponies making the episodes have been planning something in the works they certainly do listen to feedback and the Brony community, so lets have a little chat about what we hope to come from the next and potentially final season of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. Personally for me I hope there will be some answers to questions long asked by the fandom and the reveal of a new villain (Who's name will not be spoiled as seen from EQD) So...What do you hope and or expect to come of Season 9 Episode 1? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,862 October 13, 2018 Author #4 Share October 13, 2018 @FlareGun45 and @Kind Claw had this topic hidden and waiting for today before I could spring it. Sorry for that. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MAIKUN 262 October 13, 2018 #5 Share October 13, 2018 Here are my speculations or predictions for S9...And mine are. 1) Scootaloo's parents 2) Starlight revealed as Twilight's Other Half a la Kingdom Hearts II 3) Cozy Glow and Tirek Team-up 4) Less Sparity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlareGun45 2,221 October 13, 2018 #6 Share October 13, 2018 Ok we doing top 5 predictions? Alrighty then! 1. Spike's destiny/purpose 2. Spike and Starlight episode 3. End of Sparity/maybe start of a new romantic interest for Spike 4. Scorpan appearing and having a connection with Spike 5. Cozy Glow backstory and reformation and Spike being the one to do it! :3 Hey best season for last! Could be Spike's biggest season ever, especially if there's gonna be a 7th element! IF there's a 7th element, which I'm not sure about. What am I sure is that if there is one, Spike would be it! Here's 5 more predictions that have nothing to do with Spike: 1. Rainbow becomes captain of the bolts 2. Discord/Trixie episode 3. Big Mac and Sugar Belle get married 4. Manehattan CMCs episode 5. Scootaparents and/or aunts You probably only want me to do just 5 so I'll just pick: 1. Scorpan appearing 2. Spike and Starlight episode 3. Big Mac and Sugar Belle getting married 4. Scootaparents and/or aunts 5. Cozy Glow reformation and backstory These are my final answers for the game! 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunlight Glisten 368 October 13, 2018 #7 Share October 13, 2018 On 2018-09-19 at 9:06 PM, Jeric said: 3. Final Season Expand That's cheating, it's already been announced, hasn't it? 1. Apple themed wedding, big Mac and sugar bell 2. Student 6 official graduation 3. The fate of Bright Mac and Pear Butter. (Or a triumphant return???) 4. A finale with all the great villains; chrysalis, tirek, sombra, and yes cozy glow. 5. A groundhogs day episode, where one pony is aware everyone is reliving the same day so they try doing things differently to break the time loop. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,862 October 14, 2018 Author #8 Share October 14, 2018 On 2018-10-13 at 11:30 PM, Sunlight Glisten said: That's cheating, it's already been announced, hasn't it? Expand I'm excluding myself anyway, but it hasn't official been announced I believe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ganondorf8 11,401 October 14, 2018 #9 Share October 14, 2018 I really would like to see Sunset make an appearance in an episode--even if it was just a cameo appearance--but the chances of that are very slim indeed. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmarston1 5,959 October 14, 2018 #10 Share October 14, 2018 Well this seems like fun, so here's mine in no particular order: The return of Cozy Glow A Rarijack episode Scootaloo's aunts showing up (assuming season 9 is the final season, than this could actually make sense given that other popular shows such as the Legend of Korra and Adventure Time had their LGBT representation at the very end, I could see FiM doing the same. Another episode focusing on Sugar Belle and Big Mac's relationship A fully musical episode similar to what we got in seasons 3,4,5 and 6 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nye 1,652 October 14, 2018 #11 Share October 14, 2018 (edited) The final episode will be a time skip and (hopefully) prepare for G5 of pony and G5 is a continuation of G4. Ex. Flurry Heart will be an adult or close to adult. CMC would be in early to mid-twenties. A deeper exploration into magical artifacts. Equestria Girls will be completed and Sunset Shimmer will (hopefully) come home. Perhaps EG Sunset will join the friend group thus prompting Pony Sunset that her time has come to say goodbye. A Discord origins episode. Perhaps him and Pinkie Pie go on a long adventure through time and break the fourth wall along the way. The entire world that Equestria resides upon will be visited or drawn out, or mentioned. As well as canonical distances between and the such. That is my five things. I hope they do all come true. Edited October 14, 2018 by Nightmare Nye-t I hope that edit doesn’t disqualify me. One of the things I said kind of was the same as something else. ~ Team Manehatten Ask me a question here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CastletonSnob 3,079 October 14, 2018 #12 Share October 14, 2018 I can't believe the show will be ending next year. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regis Stella 1 October 14, 2018 #13 Share October 14, 2018 (edited) On 2018-10-14 at 1:44 AM, VG_Addict said: I can't believe the show will be ending next year. Expand Let's not get ahead of ourselves, just because it's the 9th season, does not mean that it's the last season, you hear me? Edited my most wanted things to see is: 1. Applejack's parents alive or dead. 2. The fandom's most well know O.C's making an appearance as the 200th episode. 3. The Young 6 becoming the next Elements of Harmony. 4. A big finish at the end (if it is the end of the show). 5. Celestia's and Luna's parents (at least their mother and just wishful thinking (Lauren Faust as their mother)). Edited October 14, 2018 by Regal Charmer the first 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheAnimationFanatic 3,597 October 14, 2018 #14 Share October 14, 2018 (edited) Predictions on what will most likely happen: Villain Team-Up. More Cutie Map missions (possibly for the Students). Grogar as the big bad of the season. At least one more reformed villain. At least one more returning villain or fan favorite character. Epic battle in the series finale. One more "SugarMac" episode. One more episode with Maud Pie. Scootaloo flying (?) Mane 6 passing the torch to the Student 6 in the finale. Edited October 14, 2018 by Theanimationfanatic 1 "Work Hard! In the end, passion and hard work beats out natural talent." - Pete Docter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashen Pathfinder 16,162 October 15, 2018 #15 Share October 15, 2018 Now with deer essentially being canon thanks to the "Best Gift Ever" Hearth's Warming special; my predictions are now as follows: 1. King Sombra returns in some fashion 2. Grogar plays a major part in either the premier or finale. 3. A cameo for Tempest Shadow 4. A cameo and possible permanent return for Sunset Shimmer 5. We'll learn something about Spike's parents; and Scootaloo's guardians 6. The Student 6 will ascend as the new bearers of the Elements in the series finale Pathfinder I Sojourner I Corsair | Zu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~ Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Van123 29 October 15, 2018 #16 Share October 15, 2018 (edited) On 2018-10-14 at 1:37 AM, Nightmare Nye-t said: The final episode will be a time skip and (hopefully) prepare for G5 of pony and G5 is a continuation of G4. Ex. Flurry Heart will be an adult or close to adult. CMC would be in early to mid-twenties. A deeper exploration into magical artifacts. Equestria Girls will be completed and Sunset Shimmer will (hopefully) come home. Perhaps EG Sunset will join the friend group thus prompting Pony Sunset that her time has come to say goodbye. A Discord origins episode. Perhaps him and Pinkie Pie go on a long adventure through time and break the fourth wall along the way. The entire world that Equestria resides upon will be visited or drawn out, or mentioned. As well as canonical distances between and the such. That is my five things. I hope they do all come true. Expand the mlp G5 is a reboot not a sequel and it is not related to G4 or to the previous ones as LPS had one in this year so they will do the same with mlp. Edited October 15, 2018 by Van123 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nye 1,652 October 16, 2018 #17 Share October 16, 2018 On 2018-10-15 at 9:44 PM, Van123 said: the mlp G5 is a reboot not a sequel and it is not related to G4 or to the previous ones as LPS had one in this year so they will do the same with mlp. Expand I refer you what the title of this topic is. “Speculation” ~ Team Manehatten Ask me a question here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DonMaguz 1,023 October 16, 2018 #18 Share October 16, 2018 Alright, I'll throw some speculations: 1. AJ having a hard time about BigMac's marriage. 2. Starlight moves out of the Friendship Castle. 3. Luna and Celestia save the day (on a high stakes crisis). 4. Chrysalis song. 5. The CMC get older designs. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Nth Doctor 663 October 16, 2018 #19 Share October 16, 2018 Scootaloo flies, Granny Smith passes away, and Starlight goes back to her village for good Seriously, Starlight, you've gone back there what, twice? "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." YouTube | FiMFic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buttonmash1973 1,026 October 16, 2018 #20 Share October 16, 2018 Let's not forget episode 200. Also more Sugar Belle and Big Mac episode. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ2489 2,855 October 16, 2018 #21 Share October 16, 2018 Alrighty my Season 9 predictions: 1. Another Pearbutter/ Bright Mac episode (more of a hope than a prediction) 2. An episode centred around Sweetie Belle and Big Mac 3. Scootaloo's parents make an appearance 4. The Pillars make a return Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DonMaguz 1,023 October 16, 2018 #22 Share October 16, 2018 On 2018-10-16 at 9:07 PM, AJ2489 said: 2. An episode centred around Sweetie Belle and Big Mac Expand Are you sure you meant Sweetie Belle? Maybe we could see the full 'call of the turkey' contest..? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJ2489 2,855 October 16, 2018 #23 Share October 16, 2018 On 2018-10-16 at 9:18 PM, DonMaguz said: Are you sure you meant Sweetie Belle? Maybe we could see the full 'call of the turkey' contest..? Expand Nope definitely not Sweetie Belle! My bad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sepul-Coloratura 762 October 16, 2018 #24 Share October 16, 2018 (edited) Twilight eating hamburgers. Rainbow Dash napping on a cloud. Pinkie Pie caring about everybody. Rarity trying her best to be fabulous. Fluttershy picking flowers. Applejack picking apples. Spike being No.1 assistant. Edited October 16, 2018 by Sepul-Coloratura 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ImpctR 155 October 18, 2018 #25 Share October 18, 2018 (edited) Overall I liked the direction of how MLP:FiM grew up. As someone who's not been interested in old gen ponies and they looked lame to me, I was considering it silly to even watch such girly things, I already liked Season 1 and started watching it being a new show to watch. When Season 2 came with The return of Harmony, intro to Discord, I really got intrigued by such episodes and more than ordinary episodes in which nothing happens, like majority of S1. The Canterlot Wedding Season 2 finale, first intro of Chrysalis especially since I made relations to one game that had changelings, I was so making comparison between changelings and changelings that Queen Chrysalis looked like the queen of Blades, not to say the expansion came around the same time as Season 2 finale. Some even made ponycraft clips. The show won me even more, I was waiting for newer and newer adventure episode, and while Season 3 was short, (but introduced King Sombra and the Crystal Empire), there it stands, season 4 with Twi's Kingdom the best episode so far, never felt so hyped watching this, recently did a flashback to it before the Season 8 finale, so the show was already growing on me. And while the show had more and more eps that are more interesting than Season 1, I was still focused on my fave Mane 6 like Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash. Season 5 introduced Starlight and we saw a little of what each villain's kingdom would look, but you know what hasn't been done? I will post this a bit later for Season 9. Season 6, I almost forgot what it was focusing on Starlight doing better and focusing a lot on her, and sometimes but now noticeably less focus on the Mane 6, still anticipating their episodes like RD attempts to get in Wonderbolts. Still, we got new places but it was still pony focused and in the end Changeling focused. It almost felt like Chrysalis' Hive end was more recently and is now so long ago. Season 7, the story started focusing more on duos e.g Rarity and Pinkie, so common, the indian pony restaurant? But the pieces coming together in a finale (the ones that lead to Pillars of Equestria) was something already done what lead to Season 4's finale. The different items It wasn't until MLP The Movie that not only opened whole new worlds of explorations but this combined with the Pillars opened so many possibilities that it is hard to juggle with all at the same time. As can be seen. there is no time for Pillars other than to say 'they are doing something away, Star Swirl is reading messages', and appearing some like in 'Rockhoof and a hard place' 'Friendship Uni' to not get forgotten. But with the opportunities the Movie opened, and the School of Friendship, the focus shifted away from Mane 6 but I don't mind it. I actually like it so. In Season 8 not only did we have all these nice moments of continuity from the movie: The Storm King (plenty of references now), Hyppogryphs and Aris ( My first love of Season 8), then the Student 6 that I already started liking more than CMCs for all the CMC past seasons. Smoulder became my fave but even what they develop in these characters is more interesting than 'yay we kids we look for cutie marks', I like them much more. Season 8 was great for showing all these new interesting places, so as finale it was not the best, mentioned why Cozy Glow, too much credit given to her, but the episodes overall were. (Probably comparable are Season 7 episodes related to visiting places of the Pillars). I like these fantasy adventure episodes more. And now season 8 gave us also Kirens, the Holiday special - deers? Either way, it is time for some things to happen in Season 9, call it wishlist 1) Shows have had a unity of villains, it makes things more interesting and I mean more of a Cozy Glow-Tirek union. With Chrysalis out there and the Mean 6 unexpectedly not continued in Season 8, it is time for powerful union, Be it Sombra-Tirek-Chrysalis or any such. The friendship has united creatures so now we have powerful alliances of Yaks, Hyppogryphs, Changelings, Ponies, Gryphons, Dragons, Kirens and this leads to 2) It is time for the big battle, Lord of the rings style.. no I get that it can't turn into this but maybe like the 'Cutie Re-mark' stories, yes make things darker, leave some problems staying for half a season or so. Let the Pillars take part like the heroes they were, let the Mane 6 have a role and the School 6 if they are new bearers or soon-to-be bearers. Dominate the season in such plot episodes, than 'The End of Friend' pointless episodes, it is FINAL? Let Kirens and any new that side with ponies join the final conflict, with the Crystal ponies too. If they can't air 3-parters make the last 24th episode before finale feel like addon to the finale, not like 'Father knows beast' thanks for the useless ep. 3) Tempest Storm bring her (for an episode or more)! There has been Stormking, his guards, Kludgetown reference but no trace of her. Even as evil? 4) Escape Tartarus with Cozy and the others? Find all villains and make the arch-villain league? Something like that. 5) Friendship wise/relationship episodes, it doesn't matter to me how they develop characters, the way they do so far is fine, simply less filler episodes. Edited October 18, 2018 by ImpctR 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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