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How many Nintendo systems do you own .3.

Also, what Kirby game is best Kirby game. :J


EDIT: yay, an opportunity to edit my queztion! 8D

Edited by One Reliable Gamer (NF160)
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*came in to ask legitimate question*

*sees many anti-Trixie remarks*



Anyways, if you had a different pony as your favorite, would you still be receiving this amount of teasing?

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When will you accept that Princess Cadance is hotter than Trixie?


Also, why is Trixie such a pony whore? ;)


(By the way, I'm just kidding about the pony whore thing :P)

Edited by Arctic Wolf
  • Brohoof 1
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First video is finally up! Not sure what happened to the video quality, I'll look into that. Since it's mostly just voice, I'd recommend just opening a new tab and let the video play in the background so you can hear it while browsing the webz. And any questions that did not make it in this one will make it into the next one tomorrow!

Edited by Tom The Diamond
  • Brohoof 6
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First video is finally up! Not sure what happened to the video quality, I'll look into that. Since it's mostly just voice, I'd recommend just opening a new tab and let the video play in the background so you can hear it while browsing the webz. And any questions that did not make it in this one will make it into the next one tomorrow!


You avoided answering my beautiful question ):<


Next question: What will you do when you find out Trixie is a man?

  • Brohoof 2
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Why am I the best member of the forums?

And why am I best Canadian now?

How did NNL take the demotion?






Why isn't the title of the video "The return of Sir Reginal"?


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Damn right I have swag. X-SWAG!! YEEEEEAHHHHHHH!!


But for your info, XFizzle is ebonic-ally short for XFace, which is short for Crossface, which was the finishing submission move of wrestler Chris Benoit when I made my first ever online username Crossface619. 619 is the finishing move of Rey Mysterio.


Fine Shanky, I'll post a question: If Trixie was real, human, and in your house, where would you take her on a date? What would your date night consist of?

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
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Does the fact that me and Lurpy are nudists creep you out? ~



Damn right I have swag. X-SWAG!! YEEEEEAHHHHHHH!!


But for your info, XFizzle is ebonic-ally short for XFace, which is short for Crossface, which was the finishing submission move of wrestler Chris Benoit when I made my first ever online username Crossface619. 619 is the finishing move of Rey Mysterio.


Why isn't this a question?


  • Brohoof 1
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Oh...you did answer mah question....oopsie.... :0


Anyways, my new question is:


Which Kirby game is best Kirby game. :3

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1. Why are you so funny, do you like try really super hard to be funny or is your natural awesomeness just so awesome?

2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

3. Has anybody guessed your age correctly???

Btw, yes I'm 12

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