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mega thread How are you feeling?

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   Rather stressed.

Have a doctor's appointment to get to soon, and worried how & if i'll get there on time and if I can afford it. Lotta self-doubt, as per usual with me. The vague general sense of dread over how I can't do anything right and the soul-crushing, maddening loneliness isn't helping with my depression. Don't think i've even been closer then a yard to another human being for at least the past decade. Not that I couldn't hold it together well enough today to at least appear cheerful & friendly and nobody ought be able to tell apart from some involuntary twitching I may or may not be doing. 


Then again, just ate a bowl of cereal that was likely 85% sugar when i'm already pretty wound up and dat mightnottaBEENagoodIDEA!

  • Brohoof 3

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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I'm a bit mad at my aunt right now.  Sometimes I wish I had a more liberal family or at least treated others with some common decency.  For someone that talks about morals quite often, she's certainly lacking in those regards herself...

  • Brohoof 4
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I'm a bit mad at my aunt right now.  Sometimes I wish I had a more liberal family or at least treated others with some common decency.  For someone that talks about morals quite often, she's certainly lacking in those regards herself...

That's my view of all religious people. Hope things go well for you. 


Woke up very hungry, had a good breakfast, and I'm feeling happy. 

  • Brohoof 3


                                                    Made by: @Pucksterv


Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer are best ponies.

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So goddamn tired, was editing a video THE ENTIRE DAY, just wanna go to sleep asap, but have a test tomorrow so I don't at the same time ;_; Fml

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That's my view of all religious people. Hope things go well for you. 


Woke up very hungry, had a good breakfast, and I'm feeling happy. 


I don't really speak to my family(either my mom's side or my dad's) since my mom disowned me but I do have some family still on my facebook.  She shared a picture of two body-builder women that made me angry, she and some of her friends kept calling them hideous and she even said that someone photoshopped some woman's head onto a man's body which made me pretty angry.  I wanted to mention that there was nothing wrong with these two and they should be left alone, also to imagine herself being called ugly and disgusting on a daily basis like these two women might receive(or not, I don't know what their lives are like).  I know that mentioning this to her would have resulted in an argument with her and maybe some of her friends which they seem to live for, for some strange reason.  Long story short, she's not "conservative" because of religion but just because she has shoved her head up her rear and kept it there for so long.  She might even consider herself a "fair person" but she does a poor job at it sometimes.

  • Brohoof 3
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I'm a bit mad at my aunt right now.  Sometimes I wish I had a more liberal family or at least treated others with some common decency.  For someone that talks about morals quite often, she's certainly lacking in those regards herself...


That's quite irritating isn't it? Conservative hypocrisy is quite wonderful (Being that I'm the only liberal person in my house, and likely in my family, I think I know quite well about it)  -_- Speaking of which...

I feel a bit concerned. I have seen way too many Trump Pence signs, and only two Clinton Kaine signs. Makes me concerned for what people want in a president (heck even Clinton, I'd say, was the worst candidate for her party in my opinion). Sorry to get political, but that's how I feel.

  • Brohoof 3


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Well, the Dodgers tied their NLDS bracket against the Nationals, so I feel good about that. They just need to press on and win the game on Thursday, and they've got it!


But I'm also getting pretty exhausted preparing for all these exams. Where's my little Flyer when I need him to comfort me?

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However today has been wonderful. I guess you could say I've been seeking/searching to find someone to be in a relationship with. Hoping luck will be by my side and well I'll just let dices roll where they will.

Edited by Gone Airbourne
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Ehh, today was an interesting day, my friend told me some of his problems in his home, and he got emotional during it so naturally I feel sorry for him.


Right now I'm kinda in a reflective, but still relaxed mood, I went over my college essay with the head of the English Department in my school, she told me that my essay needed personality and now lots of good memeories are flooding into my mind.


Man, I gotta make a blog post on here at some point

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Good! Just grilled some steaks and eating some dinner.

  • Brohoof 6

"I could have been happy above if I'd never donned the copper carapace and dipped my head beneath the waves to hear the muddled man-made sounds. Distorted and dreamlike droning. The whir and thrashing of a distant propeller, the tumultuous thundering thud of fogbound freighters. Mud underfoot, no sights, except the grasp of a diver's trained hand, dreaming of distant lands knowing all the while this is what I love, not the blue skies and wondering faces above. Canvas, rubber, brass, copper, and glass. Leather and lead, mud and sweat, heaving around in dark, damp depths seldom seen by most yet talked about by all. As if a sunny, happy place where mermaids and seahorses play and chests of gold are lain bare, untarnished by salt and time for all to grasp who are bold enough to go below..." -"Deep Sea Diver", Steven L. Waterman



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Friend from last night is good now, so I was feeling better. Emphasis on that "was".


Longtime friend blew up at me and blamed everything wrong with his own life on me, sooo yeah. Switching between angry and upset as hell.


Been a strange week so far.



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Just went and got my dinner. I did not feel like making anything, so take out it was.


"And the sound of much nomming was heard... and the sounds of a rumbly belly were thus made quiet... "


~The book of Luna~

  • Brohoof 5


~No profound statement needed~

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I'm doing great! I've had quite a day and am very happy and relaxed. Also excited to hear my sister is coming home from the hospital tomorrow!  :yay:

  • Brohoof 3


                                                    Made by: @Pucksterv


Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer are best ponies.

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Feeling great staying up late and chilling practicing some guitar :3


Trying to learn Thunderstruck I've gotten the hammer ons and pull offs perfectly. But the proper way to play it is straight picking every single note I've been getting better at picking it but this one takes a long time to master.


And Stormy May Day I can play perfectly... I just need a glass slide.




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I feel terrified! Tomorrow I have an orchestra concert and I'm still not good at bass. I'm not good at the songs we are going to do.


Relax and just have fun! Don't think about what you can or cannot do or how good you think you are or are not, think about what you want to do, and just let it happen. No matter that outcome, you will be better for it, and only get better as you go.



I'm feeling a little worried regarding my age issues.


Nothing too worry about. You are only as old as you truly believe you are.




As for me. It's morning... and I have stuff planned.


Big big stuff. Lots of important big big stuff.


It might involve saving the world. It might not. Or it could involve just making breakfast.... that is pretty important to.


I might skip the big big stuff and just go back to bed.


After breakfast of course.

  • Brohoof 6


~No profound statement needed~

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