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Ranking the 16th episodes


Favorite Episode 16  

27 users have voted

  1. 1. Which would be your favorite 16th episode?

    • Sonic Rainboom by M.A. Larson
    • Read It and Weep by Cindy Morrow
    • It Ain't Easy Being Breezies by Natasha Levinger
    • Made in Manehattan by Noelle Benvenuti
    • The Times They Are a Changeling by Kevin Burke and Chris "Doc" Wyatt
    • Campfire Tales by Barry Safchik and Michael Platt
    • Friendship University by Kevin Burke and Chris "Doc" Wyatt
    • A Trivial Pursuit by Brittany Jo Flores

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And the divisive episodes continue on with episode 16 and while they maybe more middling for most than straight up horrible, it's clear the later season episodes may have wavering opinions.

1. Sonic Rainboom- A classic episode for Rainbow Dash and Rarity. The characters and their interactions in Cloudsdale really helped move the story along, and of course the legendary Sonic Rainboom moment.

2. The Times They Are a Changeling- Season 6 started great for Spike and continued with this episode along with the introduction of Thorax and great moral. Plus after a few listens, his song really grows on you.

3. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies- Fluttershy's key episode that also marks the turn of her character that worked really well. She got to exemplify kindness in the rawest of sense wonderfully. Plus while we didn't get much the breezies were an interesting species especially Seabreeze.

4. Read It and Weep- The first Daring Do episode and it still holds up great. I enjoy this episode for capturing the feeling of getting into a good book and wanting to see it to the end. Of course that moment doesn't come until the second half but once it does it's pure entertainment.

5. Made in Manehattan- A very middling map episode, while the Applejack/Rarity pairing is used effectively, there isn't much to the story, but it's still a nice one especially with re-introducing Coco Pommel again.

6. Campfire Tales- Another duller episode as the weakest of the pillar episodes and it's most definitely my Crusaders bias that keeps it this high, but as a self contained story it work well enough for entertainment especially Mistmane's story.

7. A Trivial Pursuit- As much as this is frustrating to watch for both Pinkie and Twilight I can't lie and say the comedic elements for the other characters don't work well. It does work as a good episode to not think strongly about but the finality of the season it's in does impact the feelings.

8. Friendship University- The Flim Flam Brothers are back again with a even weirder scheme, and probably their weakest song. I feel the entertainment comes mainly from Rarity and Twilight's espionage escapades but that still doesn't mean the characters involved aren't frustratingly contrived.

  • Brohoof 4
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You know what I'm going to say. It's the episode that made Changelings my favorite non-pony race. And led to the creation of my 2nd OC. Thorax is so adorable especially when Flurry Heart shows no fear to him in Changeling form.


Although I think I could try to write a fanfic where I as Unicorn Will Guide supports Spike and Thorax and even managed to get Shining Armor to explain in better detail why he hated Changelings at first. Then after Spike's song, my experience with letting Thorax feed on my love would give Shining more reason to trust Thorax than just Twilight choosing to befriend Thorax.

  • Brohoof 1


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1-2. Sonic Rainboom, A Trivial Pursuit – the first one is a classic and has one my favorite scenes of all time (the yay one), the second one is very funny and has many nice continuity nods, which I really appreciate.
3. The Times They Are a Changeling – another quality Spike episode, and a very important one too.
4. Read It and Weep – reading is one my favorite things, and this episode was very satisfying.
5-6. Campfire Tales, Friendship University – many great characters were introduced in these episodes: from Rockhoof to Plainity. I still wish the Pillars had more screen time in the show in general.
7-8. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies, Made in Manehattan – both good episodes, but they feel more like parts of bigger stories.

  • Brohoof 2
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Sonic Rainboom a great character moment for Dash and Rarity and introducing the legendary Rainboom. The Times they are a changeling a quality Spike episode that expands on the relationship and bonding with the Changelings. 


Ngl even tho I understand disliking Trivial Pursuit I found it funny as hell.

  • Brohoof 3
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Friendship University wins for giving me a RariTwi team-up & my second favorite dialog exchange in FiM history!


("My name's Eyepatch. I have an eye patch." :maud:) 


I also love the Season 1 classic "Sonic Rainboom". 



  • Brohoof 2



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Times, Times, Times.

Best Spike episode? Check.

Best S6 song? Check?

Spike standing up for Thorax the top moment of the season? Check.

Bridle Gossip done right? Double check!

  1. Times
  2. Friendship U
  3. Sonic Rainboom: If Celestia didn’t sit back and do nothing as Rarity and the WB plummeted, the rainboom achievement wouldn’t be so hollow.
  4. RIaW
  5. Trivial Pursuit: Not that good of an episode, but Twilight’s behavior and the consequences she suffered make up the best part by far.
  6. Made In Manehattan
  7. Campfire Tales: Mistmane’s story is really good. The rest is bland.
  8. Breezies: Shoddy dialogue, worse exposition, a Deus Ex Machina to get the Mane 6 out of the Breezies’ helpless problem, and every Breezy we’re willing to abandon their families (some with kids) to be with Fluttershy made Seabreeze (the one who’s written in the wrong amongst his peers) the only believable character throughout. A shit episode.


  • Brohoof 3

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  1. Read It and Weep (S2) - I fucking love the Daring Do episodes. This is such a pleasure to watch. The gags were great and the story is just so fun to see unfold, which is clearly what they were going for.
  2. Made in Manehattan (S5) - I liked this one a lot. Coco is cute, so that's an automatic point in its favour.
  3. Campfire Tales (S7) - Really cute CMC episode. I don't get the hate behind it.
  4. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies (S4) - I thought it was good. I actually liked the breezies a lot.
  5. A Trivial Pursuit (S9) - There really isn't much to it, but I enjoyed it.
  6. Sonic Rainboom (S1) - Pretty iconic episode. This was where I started to like RD a lot.
  7. The Times They Are a Changeling (S6) - I don't like this as much as most people do, but its a quality episode for sure.
  8. Friendship University (S8) - Flim and Flam being jerk offs again. The Plainity gag was pretty funny though.
Edited by Cash_In
  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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I haven't watched "A Trivial Pursuit" yet, but of the seven I have seen:


1. The Times They are a Changeling

2. Sonic Rainboom

3. Read it and Weep

4. Made in Manehattan

5. Campfire Tales

6. Friendship University

7. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies

Edited by Spider Demon
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1. Sonic Rainboom- Funny, good exploration of Rainbow's character, and some solid worldbuilding (10/10)

2. Read it and Weep- Very fun episode, especially the Daring Do stuff and Rainbow breaking into the hospital (8/10)

3. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies- I really like that there's actual nuance in the moral for once, but it's just not that entertaining of an episode (6/10)

4. The Times They Are a Changeling- Not bad by any means, but it's an episode that seems more interested in hitting plot points than developing the story (5/10)

5. Friendship U- It's just another Flim Flam episode. Sure, there's some fun stuff with Twilight and Rarity and the song is decent, but most of it is really dull (4/10)

6. Campfire Tales- These tales should've been handled like A Health of Information or Daring Done instead of being stitched together with some wraparounds that rip off Sleepless in Ponyville (3/10)

7. Made in Manehattan- A very sloppily written episode with a first act that feels like filler, an anticlimax, scenes that go on for way too long, and an internal conflict for Applejack that I'm given no reason to care about (3/10)

8. A Trivial Pursuit- Literally everything wrong with modern MLP's comedy is on display in this episode (2/10)



  • Brohoof 1
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1) Sonic Rainboom - Just one of the most important episodes in the show, as it solidifies MA Larson as one of the show's best writers. I hate that there's fans actively campaigning to get the fandom to turn on this episode
2) Read It And Weep - Pretty much my go to episode for introducing people into the show, and still probably the best Daring Do episodes, rivaled only by Stranger than Fanfiction. RD enjoying reading is cute and funny and I like the parallels to the brony fandom
3) The Times They Are a Changeling - Easily one of S6's best episodes, and restores some faith in it after the last two debacles, as well as Spike episodes
4) Campfire Tales - A nice and wholesome episode with the CMC and their SIsters. The stories sorta bog it down though, they should have had dedicated episodes to each other much like the other 3
5) Made in Manehattan - One of the weaker and more boring Map episodes. But seeing Coco back was great, and it's the only S5 map episode to utilize both characters(though Griffonstone is easy to forgive since the Friendship Problem was for RD and Gilda, but it really hurts Hoofields and McColts)
6) Friendship University - Rarity and Twilight make a fun duo, but Starswirl is kinda stupid and Flim/Flam still suck
7) It Ain't Easy Being Breezies - Decent Fluttershy and Seabreeze is cool, but the episode is dull, the Breezies are awful, and Twilight's sudden power boost and blatant toy ad were awful

Have not seen Trivial Pursuit

  • Brohoof 1
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  1. Read It and Weep - One of the more direct attempts to show Rainbow Dash overcompensating, and that makes this one of her most interesting episodes to me. It’s ultimately that dichotomy which makes her interesting to me - she puts on a façade of confidence when she’s actually really insecure. This one also has a bunch of funny jokes, the Daring Do stories it introduces are just plain delightful, and the moral about not being ashamed of things you like is easily one of the show’s best.
  2. It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies - This one keeps growing on me. I think it’s super cute, and it’s softer tone is a perfect fit for the challenge this provides to Fluttershy’s worldview. Unlike most of these season 4 “key” episodes, this one has Fluttershy realize that her sensitivity is both a strength and a flaw - her life philosophy isn’t reinforced so much as it’s modified, as she now realizes that she can’t just coddle everyone.
  3. The Times They Are a Changeling - I’m not convinced this entirely works as a story about racism; it still reinforces the changeling stereotype that Thorax needs to “change” from. Thorax is “one of the good ones.” And yet, I find it irresistible: Thorax is cute and sympathetic, and it’s powerful seeing him strain to resist his predatory instincts. Plus seeing Spike stand up for him is equally moving.
  4. Sonic Rainboom - Maybe the first episode to show Rainbow Dash overcompensating, done in season 1’s gentler style. I like this for pretty much the same reasons as “Read It it Weep,” but I like it less because I find Rarity kind of annoying in it. She’s just so selfish in this one. Otherwise it’s great.
  5. Friendship University - I kinda feel like Film and Flam has a point about Twilight feeling threatened by competition, but also this episode is really funny so I can look past that. “Plainity” is one of the highlights of its season.
  6. Campfire Tales - I guess this is a little charming and kinda fun at times, but it doesn’t seem very creative to me. These myths are all pretty generic, and their cultures are all just real-world cultures except with ponies. Not my definition of a compelling world.
  7. Made in Manehattan - This episode is annoying, and I find the whole montage of Applejack and Rarity failing to be overly depressing, but I do like the ending with the roadside play.
  8. A Trivial Pursuit - This kinda seems like one of the things that I liked My Little Pony for not being. Loud noises and weird faces aren’t funny to me, and I actually found this one really obnoxious. 
Edited by AlexanderThrond
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I would say sonic rainboom is my favorite of the bunch, with read it and weep a close second both were great episodes.

The only episode I dislike(Trivial pursuite, campfire tales and It ain't easy being breazies are decent episodes) is friendship university.

It seems that the 16th episodes got worse as the seasons went on.:dry:

  • Brohoof 1
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  1. Sonic Rainboom : A+. One of the best, if not, the best episode of MLP. The pacing, buildup and resolution, characters, settings, comedy and action, details are all great. The first episode that made me actually care about the show.
  2. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies : A-. A good lesson and how Fluttershy's connection to creatures can bring some interesting episode ideas. I consider that Fluttershy's arc is completed here, and the sanctuary episode is just a fanservice.

  3. Read It and Weep : A-. I can't help but put extra points to how cute the character is. Also the only Daring Do episode that I really enjoyed watching.
  4. The Times They Are a Changeling : B+. Almost an impossible task that the story made for Spike to face it. It almost feels like a fanfic. There are some clunky parts here and there.

  5. Campfire Tales : C. The only one I qualify as a legit story is Mistmane's story, and it's the only redeeming quality of this episode.

  6. A Trivial Pursuit : C-. Really weird episode, almost feels like a team of completely different people worked on this episode. It feels like a MLP related dream rather than an actual canon episode that I watch on the screen. Pinkie and Twilight shows their worst aspects as a character in the technical side of storytelling, let alone the personal side. The whole episode was not that much enjoyable to watch and the conclusion didn't feel satisfying.

  7. Made in Manehattan : C-. There is nothing wrong with this one except for being completely boring.
  8. Friendship University : D. Worst character portrayal, worst cast of characters (except for Twilight and Rarity), the story isn't natural, pacing is bad, not so logical episode.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 2 weeks later...

Read It and Weep and Made in Manehattan are great episodes! A Trivial Pursuit is also pretty decent. 

But the episode I chose was Sonic Rainboom, the episode that changed me from "How can anyone like Rainbow Dash?! :eww:" to "She's actually pretty relatable and likable, after all. :) "

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to @Sparklefan1234 for this awesome sig!

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  • 1 year later...

1. Sonic Rainboom

2. Campfire Tales 

3. Friendship University

4. Read it and Weep

5. Made in Manehattan

6. The Times They Are a Changeling

7. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies

8. A Trivial Pursuit

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My starry list for the 16th episode :>

  1. Sonic Rainboom
  2. The Times They Are a Changeling
  3. Read it and Weep
  4. A Trivial Pursuit
  5. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies
  6. Campfire Tales 
  7. Made in Manehattan
  8. Friendship University


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