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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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Overdrive (I often refer to him as OD) is my OC/Ponysona/Avatar. As such, I thought it was appropriate to adopt that as my username. The Sn- part is seasonal, to go along with the holidays and winter n'at.

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My name is, I would say, is the name of my first OC character of my first attempts at writing fan fiction which has absolutely nothing to do with FIM or ponies in General.


Argumedies is actually a Gummy Bear lol


(And I will personally hunt down anyone who compares it to that damned song)

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I'll do my entire name history.


I originally chose TheTechBrony because I'd used it other places before, and I'm tech savvy.


I then changed it to Logged Out because I left MLP Forums for a while to focus on other things, like a death in my extended family (got $1 from the inheritance).


I changed back to TheTechBrony because I arrived back here again.


I then changed over to L33t ><-p3r7 because of someone I met, and I encouraged myself to do so, due to a short spurt of 1337 use.


I finally chose TheAnonBrony because of certain . . . memberships I have.

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I've always liked the word Cirrus for some reason. I also recently remembered that another name for cirrus clouds is "Mares' Tails." I figured that it would be a good name to use here.




Also have a picture of some Cirrus clouds that are 20% cooler. :)

(Yes it is real)

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My first username that I used was from an MMO called Free Realms. My character name was Dylan Moondart. On forums for Free Realms, my screen name was Dylan Moondart. I soon changed my character name to Mastër Chief. I went by Chief on FR related stuff for a while before leaving the community altogether. My current username came from Minecraft. I needed a good name, and Mechanical came into my mind. It was taken, so I tried MechanicalDoom. I just thought it sounded cool. There isn't any sort of deep meaning behind it.

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I started out as ThatOneBrony. It was highly uncreative and it really was the first thing my head farted out. 


I was shy during my time as ThatOneBrony. I didn't get around here much and I'd be inactive for months at a time. Back then, there wasn't much content on here and I just wasn't confident in posting on here. Fast forward about a year or so and I'm still a brony. Only by this point, I've moved away from my parents' house where they couldn't monitor me. I got more active on here. 


I had run into a video on YouTube called "Moonstuck." The premise is basically Woona's adventures on the moon during her time there, but in a cute manner. 



It led me back to a popular comic on Tumblr called Science Woona




I really wanted to call myself Science Woona, but I figured I wouldn't use that name for two reasons

  • I didn't create the comic; thus I didn't want to actually be associated with it, thus taking credit for something I didn't do and
  • I mean...come on...I was more creative than that...

So I went about thinking of the things I liked before I changed my name. I came home one night and saw the stars. I can almost always point out Orion in the night sky...and I like to stargaze. I've always had a passion for space so I chose the name Space Woona. 


I like Space


I like Woona 


It makes sense. 


The Duke part comes from a thing going on in Count to a Million where we're all taking on titles reflecting royalty or leadership positions :lol:

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I've had my username for as long as I can remember. I got it from an old poem about death from some guy I read during English class. Its not only original sounding to most but it also doubles as a pony reference, so I kinda lucked out.

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My user name is a combination of Azathoth (a god-like being from the writings of H.P. Lovecraft) and "trot" (the type of horse gait). I haven't actually read any Lovecraft (but I do know some of the beings (like Azathoth) from the Cthulhu-mythos), but I did need a user name, and considering how things are named in MLP (Canterlot, Manehattan etc) I thought it would be a rather fitting name, even if I'm not actually a blind idiot.

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Based  on the Farside cartoon Anatidaeophobia: fear that someplace, somehow a duck is watching you. It's my favorite comic, but when I went to use it on the website I was on, I accidentally, in my anxious 13yr old haste to get signed in, misspelled it LOL. I've used the name on everything for the past 12yrs. 



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Originally the username I used for everything was angus9000, which I first used for my original PSN account. Angus is the name of my (very adorable) pet dog, and the 9000 part just sorta popped into my head, and so I was angus9000 for years; long before FiM even existed. A couple months back, I decided to make a new PSN account, for reasons. I went with kuma9k because 'kuma' is the japanese word meaning 'bear' and I think it sounds cool, and 9k is just 9000 shortened. And so kuma9k is  what I've used for everything since then.

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Because I'm an AdorbzFangirl. :D No, really though... it started out as just being my twitter handle. I became rather attached to it, and I decided to use it on places where I had the ability to change my name. Thus, AdorbzFangirl was born. \o/

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Odyssey is one of my favourite words. It has this vibe of both grandness and journey, similar to the epic poem Homer's Odyssey. It's also a word that I would compare to my own life. I've been through plenty of trial-and-errors, but in the end I would never give up on life.

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