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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@Buck Testa

“You're welcome” Sundae replied. She never had a foal before. She might be one of the well known ponies in Friendshire, but no stallion will dare to be infected by the curse that had befallen on her and her entire generation. She envy the mare's who had foals. Maybe this was her chance to experience what a mother does to her foal. Boulder gave her a chance, she will return the favor “Shadow, can he stay at my place”

“Are you sure, Sundae? Taking care of him is a big responsibility” Shadow said. 

“I have a substitute for my business. They'll manage everything while i take care of Boulder” 

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@C. Thunder Dash, @Dynamo Pad@ExplosionMare

Samurai waves at Pencil. "Hi, Pencil. Hope you're still making amazing artwork."

Samurai listens to Dynamo speak. With a smile, Samurai bows. "I promise. No harm will come to anypony under my supervision."

Samurai goes up to Thundy. "It's fine by me what you do out here, as long as you aren't harming anypony. Sorry I haven't made any personal time for you or Chelsea. But I will do something to make up for it, I promise. For now, I just hope you're enjoying Friendshire and everything it has to offer, and thanks for keeping my friends company."

@Pastel Heart, @Emerald Heart

Samurai starts to walk off with this two friends by his side. "Pastel, are you sure you don't want to invite your grandfather along? There's room for him too. But I guess if he wants to stay, that's fine too."

He looks over at Fable and nods. "I am just glad you like it. But since we're spending the day together, I was wondering... What brought you to Friendshire anyways? Whenever anypony comes here, I usually expect them to be like Trilby; down on their luck with nowhere else to go."


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@ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash

Pastel teared up a bit. She didn't really wanna leave her friends so soon like this.

"Hehe, thanks... I'll definitely come back for this!"

She gave Pencil a hug and scooted along with Samurai and Fable. Seeing Dynamo wave at her, she gave a weak wave and awkward smile, not sure how she was gonna break the news... That was for later though.

Iron Shoal, in the meantime, waved his grandaughter off and broke a bottle against the car, declaring his intentions to follow this group to the beach for some reason.

"HAHA! SHOAL WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE LUXURY OF SUCH A VEHICLE! And, when there is time... You. We will talk, stallion to stallion."

He looked to Dynamo as he said this. It seemed intimidating, but perhaps Dynamo would be used to this behavior already. The old pony seemed serious but was perhaps coming off more intense than he would realize.

@Samurai Equine @Emerald Heart

Looking back, Pastel giggled and shook her head at Samurai.

"Seems like he wants Dyny for something, or he's interested in the car, or both, he beats to his own drum! He's my grandpa though, the only one I got... Besides, I can see him any time. I wanna see my friends as much as possible."

Her expression was a bit melancholy as she said this, but shook it off quickly. She looks up at Fable soon, like she's sizing her up.

"Hey, I think I saw you the first day and we didn't talk! What's your name? I'm Pastel Heart, Friendshires one and only magical girl super heroine supreme~!"

She seems to put herself over well, no matter how ordinary she actually is.

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@Pastel Heart

Thundy looked over at the older pony. "Well you sure are full of energy. I wouldn't mind taking you out to the dunes or trails for some blazing and hopping." Thundy stated as he waited patiently. . 

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@Pastel Heart

"Indeed." Fable answered, "You may call me Fable, and I have a great knowledge of magic and magical creatures, both mythical and real." She said, nodding her head at the end of her sentence, "Pleasure to meet you."

Edited by Emerald Heart
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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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7 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:


@CameoShadowness, @Astral Vision

Trilby smiles and lets Beryl eat. He pulls up a chair and looks through the book about Breezies. "Well, now I know where to get food you like. Maybe I can ask the grocer to be your personal supplier."

Beryl nodds as a little bit of food slipped out of her mouth as her face was clearly stuffed.

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@Kronos the Revenant

“Gotcha. Well, I doubt there’s much I can do to help you with that, and I’ve probably bothered you enough for now anyway. Good luck with your mission, and on the off chance I can help you somehow, do let me know.” He said with a smile. “Even though we’re both adventuring for different reasons, I think it’s cool that we’ve crossed paths in our own explorations. I doubt I would’ve met you otherwise.”

Kronos then pulled out something that projected a figure of his family that allowed him to communicate with them...somehow. Silver wasn’t going to even bother trying to understand how it worked, he struggled enough with basic magic spells! All he did was smile and quietly wave goodbye, leaving Kronos to talk with his family. Silver figured he had been nosey enough and should let the Rokian pony have some time alone. The Kirin was sure that if Kronos needed him for some reason, he’d know how to find him.

@Emerald Heart @Pastel Heart @Samurai Equine

Silver turned and headed over to Samurai’s house to see if anypony was still around. He had seen multiple ponies head out from here in various directions, so it was reasonable to assume that everypony may have left. Once he got closer, he noticed there were several ponies all gathered around some sort of vehicle that was making a fair amount of noise. Of the ponies there, the only one he recognized was Samurai, who was just heading off somewhere with two earth ponies, a pink filly and a green mare. Silver thought he’d catch up with them and see if they’d let him tag along. The Kirin quickly trotted along and yelled “Hey, Samurai!” as he caught up to them. “Mind if I join you all?” He asked, and then turned to the others. “Oh, sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Silver Slate, nice to meet you!” He waved a hoof and smiled.

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Samurai turns his head when he hears a voice calling out to him. "Oh! Silver! Glad you caught us when you did. We almost got too far away." Samurai gives him a friendly pat on the back. "We're going to be running errands for a while. Hope you don't mind that. But we can all get to know each other better along the way." Samurai says.

@Pastel Heart, @Emerald Heart

"So, you got lost, huh? Well, you wouldn't be the first citizen that found Friendshire that way." Samurai gives a short little laugh. "But if you weren't trying to find Friendshire, where were you going? Is anypony going to miss you by staying here?" Samurai asks. He also enjoys how Pastel and Fable are getting along.

As they walk, they make their first stop at Trilby's Hats & Clothing Store. "Hmm..." The sign on the door says CLOSED. "He's usually open by now. Oh well, I'll just write down my order and leave it here for him. Hopefully, that will do for now." Samurai writes down a request and puts it through the mail slot before the four of them continue on their quest. "Pastel, have you ever been to the mall?" Samurai asks.

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7 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

@C. Thunder Dash, @Dynamo Pad@ExplosionMare

Samurai waves at Pencil. "Hi, Pencil. Hope you're still making amazing artwork."

Samurai listens to Dynamo speak. With a smile, Samurai bows. "I promise. No harm will come to anypony under my supervision."

Samurai goes up to Thundy. "It's fine by me what you do out here, as long as you aren't harming anypony. Sorry I haven't made any personal time for you or Chelsea. But I will do something to make up for it, I promise. For now, I just hope you're enjoying Friendshire and everything it has to offer, and thanks for keeping my friends company."

Dynamo smiled as he returns the bow to h Asian pony. “Thank you, my friend. I have no doubt that she’ll be safe under your supervision. I’d just be worried about hat her grandpa would say if anything happened. To Pastel.” He would say, shuddering with worry as he didn’t want to think about the possibility.

6 hours ago, Pastel Heart said:

@ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash

Pastel teared up a bit. She didn't really wanna leave her friends so soon like this.

"Hehe, thanks... I'll definitely come back for this!"

She gave Pencil a hug and scooted along with Samurai and Fable. Seeing Dynamo wave at her, she gave a weak wave and awkward smile, not sure how she was gonna break the news... That was for later though.

Iron Shoal, in the meantime, waved his grandaughter off and broke a bottle against the car, declaring his intentions to follow this group to the beach for some reason.

"HAHA! SHOAL WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE LUXURY OF SUCH A VEHICLE! And, when there is time... You. We will talk, stallion to stallion."

He looked to Dynamo as he said this. It seemed intimidating, but perhaps Dynamo would be used to this behavior already. The old pony seemed serious but was perhaps coming off more intense than he would realize.

@C. Thunder Dash @Pastel Heart @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine
Dynamo didn’t see the tears that were welling you in Pastel’s eyes. Due to having her back turned as she began to follow Samurai and Fable. He was glad that she waved back to him, but it felt half hearted with a weak smile. He wondered if something was bothering her and didn’t want to talk about it at the moment. He was broke out his thoughts with a jump as he heard Iron hit Thundy’s vehicle with a bottle. “That doesn’t seem good. I hope Thundy got insurance.” He muttered, before hearing Iron had addressed him. He looked around, before pointing at himself to confirm his suspicions. His suspicions were answered as he had an intimidating glare. With a gulp in fear, Dynamo could only nod to Iron’s request in a talk. “Uh...o-okay, sir. I’m okay with a chat whenever there is time.”

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13 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

@CameoShadowness, @Astral Vision

Returning just as fast as he left, Trilby enters the library again. "Astral! You made it! I've got something important to tell you. But first..." Trilby lifts up a bag and shows it to Beryl. "I've got some food for you, Beryl. Let's take this conversation to the staff's lounge room. We shouldn't be eating in the regular part of the library."

Trilby guides Astral and Beryl to the lounge room. Once there, Trilby opens the bag and puts the contents on the table. There is some magic pollen, mushrooms, roses, and more! All the things Beryl asked for and then some. "The pony at the natural grocer was very smart. He knew some things about stuff that Breezies eat, and he really hooked me up. I hope this is to your liking, mini horse." Trilby says.

@Buck Testa@Ragland Tiger, @Windy Breeze 🥧

The doctor missed Boulder holding back laughter. He just popped in to deliver the good news. But Samurai caught it, and mistakes the potential laughter for pain. "Ano... Are you okay, Boulder?" But then, he seems fine, he's talking and everything. Whatever it was must have passed.

He hears Shadow make a suggestion about where he can stay. Seems like they might be coming up with some ideas. "Well, I don't know too much about that apartment complex, but I don't see why it wouldn't be a problem. In fact..." Samurai turns to Shadow, Keen, Sundae, and Bluebell. "Can I ask all you to please help Boulder get situated in Friendshire today? I hate to impose, and I'll understand if you have other things to do today. I also have a lot to do. But I hoping I can trust a least one of you."

@Emerald Heart

Samurai turns away from them, and moves on to Fable next. He puts a hoof on her shoulder. "Fable, what would you like to do? If you want to stay and help Boulder, I understand. But I'm going to pick up Pastel Heart in a moment to spend some time with her and complete a few errands I have to do around town. I was hoping you'd join us. I could use your input on some things, as we could spend more time together. But if you want to help Boulder instead, I would respect your wishes. The choice is yours." Samurai explains.

@Samurai Equine @CameoShadowness

Astral followed Trilby and Beryl to the lounge area of the library, and sat down while placing his satchel bag next to the table.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Trilby. I hope our conversation will be beneficial to both of us."

Astral took a quick view of the are for any spying eyes; once he was certain that they were alone, he began to explain what he had uncovered.

"Since our last encounter, I've found a couple more pages to that book I found here; they've shown me that the two mayors used to be very close, but I'm still not sure what caused their divide, other than a pony named Final Premonition being involved for some reason."

Astral then leaned in, and with a whisper, explained his experience from the previous night.

"In fact, last night was when the weirdest thing happened. The page I found at the race teleported me to the top of a building, where I then met an old pony covered in watches. He told me that the book wasn't what I should be looking for, he wanted me and the others to succeed where he failed, and he also said that one day he would take back the book or something of equal value. I'm sure that pony had to be Final Premonition; if what he said was true, I'll need to go even deeper to solve this mystery, which is where you come in. Can you tell me anything about Mayor White, possibly something about the divide from Mayor Black?"

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@Emerald Heart

"Ooohh, magical creatures!? You must be super smart then! Can you summon them? Talk to them? Battle them?"

Pastel kept hurling questions in her curiosity, which she had a plenty.


Pastel smiled and waved to the new pony, her anxiety from earlier brushed to the side for now.

"Hihi, new friend! Silver! Silver Side Up~! Nyaha~ I'm Pastel Heart, and I'm Friendshires only totally for real magical girl!"

@Samurai Equine

Samurai mentioned a mall. There was one here in Friendshire? She was surprised but pretty happy.

"A mall!? There's one here!? There was a huge one in Manehattan, with neon lights, and aesthetic music! I wanna go I wanna go!"

Pastel happily skipped along as she hummed a tune familiar only to her. Role your dice for a music lore check to recognize An 8 Ball Affair by Flamingosis.


@Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash

"GOOD! ROAD TRIP SHALL COMMENCE THEN, BUBBAS! This will be like my days on the road 30 years ago! And do not worry, Pad of the Dynamo! I just have a few things to say to you. Perhaps I show you something in exhange for being a great comrade to my filly, eh?"

Iron Shoal unceremoniously hopped in the back of the vehicle. He seemed cheerful in his own way, for certain. He seemed right at home. Though his lifestyle of the rich and famous was gone, he could pretend for a bit.

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@Pastel Heart

"No, not particularly." Fable answered, "I just know things, but I suppose that could help someone in battle with a particularly irritating beast. I still don't see why one would want to fight, because that would just make matters worse." She shrugged, "My whole family is gifted with small bits of magic. My younger sister can tell your future, and it is always accurate. I can't do magic, but I still have a connection to it, if that makes sense."

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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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16 hours ago, Windy Breeze 🥧 said:

@Buck Testa

“You're welcome” Sundae replied. She never had a foal before. She might be one of the well known ponies in Friendshire, but no stallion will dare to be infected by the curse that had befallen on her and her entire generation. She envy the mare's who had foals. Maybe this was her chance to experience what a mother does to her foal. Boulder gave her a chance, she will return the favor “Shadow, can he stay at my place”

“Are you sure, Sundae? Taking care of him is a big responsibility” Shadow said. 

“I have a substitute for my business. They'll manage everything while i take care of Boulder” 

This was sounding less like just living with this Sundae person and more like being adopted by her. He wasn't exactly sure how he felt about that, but he figured if worst came to worst he could always just leave. He had learned that he could out maneuver a lot of ponies, though the horned ones seemed to be a hard counter to his strength. Without any leverage for his hooves, his abnormal strength would be effectively useless, and the horned ones seemed to have some kind of telekinesis that could easily lift him off the ground. He'd need to figure a way around that. 

Part of him wanted to dig again as well. The ability to burrow through the ground at alarming speeds was one of the few perks of this tiny body, and he wanted to explore it when he wasn't being chased by Diamond dogs. He would follow Sundae as he pondered things like this.  

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@Pastel Heart

"Perhaps sitting up front next to me will be the safest." Thundy said pointing to the passenger door for the older pony. He opened it for him and went to his side of the truck, getting in. 

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@Samurai Equine

Seeing Samurai wave to her, Pencil smiled. He complimented her art which made her blush a little. Trying to maintain her modesty, she looked down and kept quiet to avoid saying anything silly.

As soon as Samurai appeared, he left. Pencil pouted at his second sudden disappearance, but understood the stallion had places to go and things to do. After all, he was in charge of Friendshire. It wouldn’t surprise Pencil if Samurai had to run around every now and then.

@Pastel Heart

Looking down at Pastel, Pencil noted her mood was better, albeit slightly. The filly, with tears in her eyes, gave Pencil an appreciative hug, which Pencil gladly accepted. This was probably the only time Pencil wasn’t too irked about being touched since she usually didn’t mind hugs from foals.

Once Pastel headed out the door, Pencil gave her a slow wave. She hoped whatever she was summoned for would be safe, but also kind of fun. From what she heard, it sounded like some sort of cool prophetic adventure.

@Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo and Chelsea were eager to head off, so Pencil chimed in and said,

“Don’t worry, I’m ready guys! Just let me put this away real quick...”

Pencil began to mutter to herself as she packed all of her art supplies up, listing off where everything went. She took a minute to put the colored pencils and other drawing materials away so as not to break off any of the sharp points. Unsharp drawing utensils are greatly upsetting. As Pencil finished up, she set her breakfast plate aside and hopped off the table. She trotted over to Dynamo and Chelsea and waited for them to head outside.

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Chelsea took the lead and headed towards what seemed to be a path. She sniffed the air. There was indeed a beach close by. She continued down the path making sure the mare that was with her was following behind. 

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14 hours ago, Astral Vision said:

@Samurai Equine @CameoShadowness

Astral followed Trilby and Beryl to the lounge area of the library, and sat down while placing his satchel bag next to the table.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Trilby. I hope our conversation will be beneficial to both of us."

Astral took a quick view of the are for any spying eyes; once he was certain that they were alone, he began to explain what he had uncovered.

"Since our last encounter, I've found a couple more pages to that book I found here; they've shown me that the two mayors used to be very close, but I'm still not sure what caused their divide, other than a pony named Final Premonition being involved for some reason."

Astral then leaned in, and with a whisper, explained his experience from the previous night.

"In fact, last night was when the weirdest thing happened. The page I found at the race teleported me to the top of a building, where I then met an old pony covered in watches. He told me that the book wasn't what I should be looking for, he wanted me and the others to succeed where he failed, and he also said that one day he would take back the book or something of equal value. I'm sure that pony had to be Final Premonition; if what he said was true, I'll need to go even deeper to solve this mystery, which is where you come in. Can you tell me anything about Mayor White, possibly something about the divide from Mayor Black?"

@Samurai Equine

@Astral Vision

Beryl stops and stares. Final Premonition... Why does it feel like she knows where this is going? Why does this remind her of... "oh no... Wind pony!" She barely managed to say in her stuffed mouth. She swallowed her food. "sumting chaos! I dink! Chaos!" 

She tried thinking of what she heard when she was with the wind pony. Something about chaos, bees and just crazy things... She can't remember the details but she remembers. "chaos soon!" She couldn't put her words together. "wind pony chaos...." She clearly struggled to think and it looked as if it pained her.

Edited by CameoShadowness
Little fix up.
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@Emerald Heart @Pastel Heart @Samurai Equine

“Nah, that’s fine by me. I wanna learn my way around town, and that’ll be a great way to do it.” He said, walking alongside Samurai. “I’m also running a bit low on food. Like I’m not totally out yet, but I’d like to keep it that way.” Silver says with a bit of a laugh, nodding his head and smiling when Fable and Pastel introduced themselves.

Silver overheard something about being lost. “Ah, don’t worry about getting lost. I got lost myself, thought I was following my map, yet here I am in a city that’s not even on my map.”

“So, Fable,” He started, “You know a lot about magical creatures, yea? Might you happen to know what sort of creature I am, then?” It didn’t matter to Silver whether she knew or not, by now he was used to explaining what a Kirin was to everypony that he met. It would just be kinda cool if this was one less pony he’d have to do it for.

Silver then turned his attention to Pastel. “Magical, huh?” He was partially curious, but also somewhat skeptical. But with all the ponies that he’d met in his travels, one thing he learned was to never underestimate anypony, so he’d give her a chance before drawing any real conclusions. “What sort of magic can you do, Pastel?” He asked with an eyebrow raised.

The grey-blue Kirin was also interested in the prospects of a mall. Chances are there would be food of some sort in the mall, and that was something that Silver was rather keen on obtaining.

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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1 hour ago, CameoShadowness said:

@Samurai Equine

@Astral Vision

Beryl stops and stares. Final Premonition... Why does it feel like she knows where this is going? Why does this remind her of... "oh no... Wind pony!" She barely managed to say in her stuffed mouth. She swallowed her food. "sumting chaos! I dink! Chaos!" 

She tried thinking of what she heard when she was with the wind pony. Something about chaos, bees and just crazy things... She can't remember the details but she remembers. "chaos soon!" She couldn't put her words together. "wind pony chaos...." She clearly struggled to think and it looked as if it pained her.



Astral raised his brow in confusion, had this breezie also met Final Premonition? Just how many ponies had Final made himself known to that night?

"Wind Pony? Chaos? Hmm, well I don't think Discord is involved, something about this mess just doesn't seem like his style... On the other hoof- uh, are you okay Miss?"

Astral grew worried as he noticed the Breezie's pain, just how much had the little creature been through?

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4 hours ago, Astral Vision said:


Astral raised his brow in confusion, had this breezie also met Final Premonition? Just how many ponies had Final made himself known to that night?

"Wind Pony? Chaos? Hmm, well I don't think Discord is involved, something about this mess just doesn't seem like his style... On the other hoof- uh, are you okay Miss?"

Astral grew worried as he noticed the Breezie's pain, just how much had the little creature been through?

"Discord? nnnoooo!" Beryl face palm. "Wind pony, pony who I was wit. Da one who controls da wind!" She motions her arms as if she was slicing the air with a sword. "I fell asleep on him. He's gonna bring chaos." Beryl tried to explain. She was still hurt from not remembering because she was truly worried. "he had... armor... and he... uh... uhh... Bombs... canons... BEES! AAAHHH" She shook her head and hit herself harder accidentally knocking herself down. She couldn't remember the details because how grogy she was at the time. She had no idea but felt like it all mattered. She just had no idea how to explain. She didn't know who Final Premonition was but there was something so unsettling hearing his name after hearing what the wind pony was saying... or rather who he was talking to. This after seeing the Griffons, and seeing that creepy guy who they met in the library in her first day. It all felt so heavily tied to gather but she doesn't know how.

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@Emerald Heart

Silver had to admit, he was somewhat impressed, but moreso relieved that Fable knew what Kirin were. “I’m glad you know so much about us.” He smiled. “Oh, and you know about the whole stream of silence thing, too! That’s awesome. I know you may not need it, but if there’s anything you’ve ever been wondering about Kirin that you haven’t been able to find the answer to, let me know and I’ll try to help you as best as I can.”

Silver went silent for a moment before continuing. “Most ponies I’ve run into either had no idea what I am, or the only thing they knew about is the…you know…negative traits about us. Things didn’t tend to go over well with ponies in that latter group.” He remarked. “But it hasn’t all been bad. I’ve met some pretty cool ponies in my travels, too.” Silver quickly explained why he had been exploring Equestria to gain information on the various ponies that lived across the nation. “…and that brings you to where I am today. Here with you three walking down the streets of Friendshire.”

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Buck Testa

Shadow pondered for a right decision. Sundae was a kind mare, but she hadn't known her entirely, and how will Boulder react when he found out he was going to stay in a rich mare's house? She hoped Sundae gave him freedom but not too much to ensure his safety. On the other hoof, since Sundae is rich, Boulder have no problems with food and water. 

“Alright” She decided to let Boulder stay with Sundae “Good luck, Sundae” she turn to Keen “Let's go, Keen” Keen nodded. They left, leaving behind Sundae and Boulder.

“So, what do you want to go, Boulder?” Sundae asked him “Do you want to go to the library? or the arcade? Or to my house?” 

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