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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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“Just gotta keep moving” Chelsea said. Suddenly there was a long moan. Chelsea’s ears perked up. The baby whale took the lead. It seemed as if it knew this moan. “I think we are close to its mother. Since it took the lead, it knows that call.” Chelsea said. 

(OOC: Would you mind if I control all the sea creatures and the time for this segment?)

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@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart (Sorry I wasn't sure who to mention, so I tagged you both just in case.)

Silver was somewhat confused by Pastel’s response; he had just been poking a bit of fun at her after all. Silver concluded that this must be some sort of game reference that, unsurprisingly, he didn’t get. He felt like there was going to be a lot of that going on. Silver couldn’t help but giggle slightly when the pink filly got cross, it reminded him of one of those little owls that puffed up its feathers when it got mad, which only made it look more adorable than before. They would have to have a race one of these days and settle it once and for all.

Silver pondered Pastel’s words about his village for a moment. “When you live in a place as remote as Kirin Grove and everypony there thinks relatively the same way as you, you don’t tend to spend a lot of time wondering why things are the way they are. You have nopony else different enough to compare yourself to. To us, it was just normal. Only recently as some of us have started to venture out from the village did we realize how different the world around us was. But yea, you’re right, that’s one of the reasons why I started my adventure. I’ve been traveling around Equestria and sending letters back to my village to tell them all about my findings. If nothing else, I hope it helps them gain a better understanding of the world around them.” He explained.

He was happy to hear that Pastel enjoyed singing and dancing as well, his earlier ‘prediction’ had been correct. Silver didn’t fully understand how that worked, nor did he really have any control over it.  It just kinda happens sometimes. He hoped that somepony here, possibly Samurai or Astral, could help him better understand such things.

“Good idea, Pastel, a mini arcade machine sounds cool, then I can play games when I get back home! Wherever that ends up being…” His voice trailed off as he was reminded of the decision that he would soon face. Silver grabbed the device and added it to the basket, sighing slightly. Hopefully as the day progressed, he would see something or meet somepony to make his decision a bit easier.

Pastel mentions her grandpa briefly before heading off to pick out what she wanted. “Oh yea? Your grandpa must’ve had an interesting job if he was getting drinks thrown at him.” He mused. “What did he used to do, if you don’t mind me asking?”

Then he noticed the game she grabbed. Silver didn’t know Pastel all that well, but he didn’t think that looked like a game that little fillies should be playing. But then again, he didn’t exactly know much about games in general, and she seemed fairly set on getting this one in particular. Still, the Kirin felt it wouldn’t hurt to just check and make sure she didn’t pick the wrong one by accident.

“You sure that’s what you want, Pastel? I know I don’t know you all that well…do you usually play games like this?” He asked. Ultimately, Silver wasn’t her parent, so he wasn’t going to tell her what to do. He was just concerned that she may have made a mistake or something.

Silver tried to reiterate his earlier query about the griffons. “Do you know anything about these griffons, Pastel? I don’t really know what to get them. This is gonna sound stupid, but I’ve never given or received a gift from anypony that’s not a Kirin…so I don’t really know what other ponies like, if that makes any sense. I’d need to know something about them, first.” Silver was hoping to move this shopping trip along soon, Samurai didn’t seem like the type to want to hang around in a mall all day, and neither was he, in all honesty.

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@C. Thunder Dash

Pencil smiled when the whale took the lead. It seemed to know where it was heading, which meant it probably knew where its mother was. Pencil felt relieved but also excited now that the whale finally knew where it was going. Hopefully, it would find its mother soon and be reunited with its family. Pencil’s smile widened at the thought of a big whale family.



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The baby whale began to swim faster as a large figure could be seen up ahead. The large figure appeared to be the source of the deeper moans. "Look, there's its mother up ahead." Chelsea said as the baby whale went in and nuzzled its mother, moaning and rubbing against her. The mother whale moaned in response. 

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20 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:


@Ragland Tiger, @CameoShadowness

Seeing the artifact effect Beryl so wildly, the library mare squees in fear, panics, and quickly snatches the artifact before Beryl can turn into a giant or something. Afterwards, Beryl's questions confuse her. "Y-you mean... You mean you DIDN'T come from the butterfly garden next door?"

With a cold expression and her slowly shrinking back she replied. "No." If there is a Patch of Breezies in the Butterfly Garden literally next door to the library- why isn't there anything on Breezie culture? Why is it the only book that talks about breezies is so small? Something was terribly wrong and the fact that the mare referred to it her not being inside of it as 'freedom' is quite alarming.

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@Samurai Equine  @CameoShadowness


"A w-w-w-windigo.  I-I-I don't n-n-know who-who or what c-conjured it, b-b- but if there's one,  there's going to be m-m-more, and they'll get big-big-bigger and more da-dangerous unless they're st-st-starved of the ha-ha-tred and antagonism that f-feeds them.    If I r-r-read this book right, they-they will destroy this t-town, and ma-maybe the rest of Equestria with-with it unless s-s-something is done immediately.  I must re-report this to the p-palace in Canterlot."

Edited by Ragland Tiger
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@Dynamo Pad


He roughly hit his back while laughing. He may be too rough house for Dynamo in the end but atleast they understood each other?

@C. Thunder Dash

The last rough bump made Iron Shoal spill his beer, to his dismay. He attempted to pull up another one... But it seems the bottomless bag wasn't do bottomless.





@GeneralDirection @Samurai Equine

"I see. I'd love to be an adventurer too! I'd ask if ya wanted a companion but I've already found my knight in shining armor, nyahaha~ Oh, grandpa? He's a pro wrestler! Or was! Retired now! He has a book! If you buy it my allowance gets boosted, nyahaha~"

A sly wink. Even Pastel is in on the marketing campaign. Pastel had a lot  to say, but the writer feels lazy today. She She looked at the game she picked up, back to Silver, back to it, and to Silver again.

"Ohhh yeah this! The clerks never let me buy stuff with the MA label! Total jabronis! Grandpa usually has to get them for me! I dunno what the big deal is."

...Seems the efforts of censorship are lost on Pastel. Atleast she hasn't killed anypony. Yet. She tilted her head as he brought up the subject of the griffons. She was just as lost on them as he was as she had no idea what their interests were.

"Like, I just met them! I'm taking a shot in the dark! Take it with me, Silver Star! That's your name now! We better move fast though or Sami will leave without us!"

Supplies in tow, and an unnecessary checkout scene later, Pastel dashed off to the arts and crafts store for something for Pencil, and the music store for something for Samurai. She remembered him singing in Japanese and knew just what to do. Considering Silver could keep up, or if he'd go his own way, she'd successfully speed run the mall.

"Now, where could that Sami be?"

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@Pastel Heart (Good to have you back! ^_^) @Samurai Equine

“Oh that’s fine, Pastel, I wouldn’t want anypony to get dragged into the situations I find myself in so often. I seem to attract a lot of negative attention wherever I go. This is probably the first place I’ve been where everypony has been welcoming of me. Besides, I’m used to being by myself, anyway.” He gave a look of indifference. That last bit sounded a lot more depressing than Silver had intended it to, but it was just the truth. It had been nice to have some alone time considering he had spent most of his life surrounded by other Kirin.

Silver smiled and shook his head at her attempted marketing ploy. Everypony’s always tryin’ to sell ya something, aren’t they? If it had been some other pony, he may have tried to explain why little fillies and colts weren’t supposed to play mature games, but Silver felt his effort would’ve been a waste, and since it seemed her grandpa didn’t take issue with it, not much could be done.

“Silver Star, huh?” He raised an eyebrow, knowing fully well that he was stuck with that nickname now. Oh well, he had been called way worse things before. It would also seem that Pastel was equally lost on what to get the griffons, but Silver went along with whatever the pink filly deemed was best. Any shot in the dark she made would’ve been a million times better than anything he could’ve come up with. They finished up in the games store and moved on.  

After what was, in Silver’s opinion, a criminally short amount of time spent in the art supply store, they finished up the shopping trip at the music store, successfully keeping up with Pastel the entire time. He would have to go back to that art store and pick up some supplies for himself, provided he chose to stay here. He rolled his eyes at his brain’s stupid fixation on the topic.

With the shopping done, all that was left to do was meet back up with Samurai and Fable and move on to wherever they were headed next. Silver started wandering back down the halls they came from, motioning for Pastel to follow. He knew they couldn’t have gone off too far. In another part of Silver’s mind, he wondered if there was some sort of spell he could learn to help him locate other ponies, particularly if they used fire magic like he did. Alas, the longer he spent away from the village, the more he ended up feeling like a discount unicorn. Silver quickly pushed those thoughts out of his mind and snapped back to reality, almost walking into a post. His tendency to start daydreaming was slowly becoming worse. He told himself that there were plenty of things that he was good at, and now was not the time to start feeling miserable! Surely, he was better than this.

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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22 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

"I have that game. I've nearly beaten it as well. "And dune hopping is very safe. Just gotta make sure your suspension is in great condition and you've adjusted it to take landings." Thundy said as he started to go up a dune. "Here we go! First one!" Thundy said smiling. He then engaged the secondary turbos. More acceleration was felt as the raptor hit the peak of the dune and soared into the air giving Thundy and the others the sensation of weightlessness. "Woo!" Thundy yelled with glee. The raptor began to fall back to ground after 4 seconds. "Brace!" Thundy called out as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. The raptor landed firmly back on the sandy ground, the suspension giving a cushion. 

"I'm glad I'm not the only one that hasn't beaten the game yet. The final boss is a bit tricky, in my opinion. I'm planning on finishing said game one of these days." Dynamo responded, releasing a sigh he did not know he was holding. "Well, that's good to know. Hopefully, we can just stick the landings with no issues." He would say, before the vehicle raced off towards the first dune. The group was driving so fast that the gamer pony felt himself being absorbed into the seat. As he soared into the air, Dynamo's eyes shrank in fear at gaining so much height. It was as if he was taking a ride on a rollercoaster, while not being able to find his voice. Soon, he managed to take a breath as he tried to shout. "Holy, sweet Celestia!" He yelled with fear, before it turned to slight glee. Hearing Thundy call out to brace for impact, Dynamo grabbed the seat with his hooves and sat tight. Grunting as the raptor landed on the ground, the blue unicorn could feel himself being rocked all around from the sudden impact.

2 hours ago, Pastel Heart said:

@Dynamo Pad


He roughly hit his back while laughing. He may be too rough house for Dynamo in the end but atleast they understood each other?

@C. Thunder Dash

The last rough bump made Iron Shoal spill his beer, to his dismay. He attempted to pull up another one... But it seems the bottomless bag wasn't do bottomless.


After taking a few deep breaths to steady his beating heart, Dynamo turned his attention towards Iron and Thundy. "Okay. I won't lie to either of you. That...was...awesome! I'm a hit or miss when it comes to rollercoasters, but that was epic! That was simply so much exhilaration. It was simply a giant rush of adrenaline!" He exclaimed, before being hit in the back by Iron. He understood it was a pat, but it still hurt, nonetheless. "Easy on the back, please. I don't want to have any injuries if we are still going to have more dune jumps." He would say, before smiling as he was glad he and the older stallion understood each other.

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@Emerald Heart (It's fine! You are loved. :coco:)
@Pastel Heart (If you ever need some additional help or support, don't be afraid to reach out to me!)

Samurai's ear twitches again. He can't help but sense something, and he won't ignore it like he has before.
He looks over at Pastel and Silver. Looks like they are getting along well, and picking out a few items after all. Silver seems to have chosen something for himself. Good! All according to plan.

Samurai looks over at Fable. "Frightening, huh? I've heard that before about myself... She sounds like a great friend, though. I hope I get the chance to meet her some day. You have to tell me more about yourself and your friends, but first, I need to check on something important. I'll be back in 5 seconds. Be sure to keep an eye on Pastel and Silver for me, would you? Thanks." Samurai bows and teleports away.

@Kronos the Revenant

Oof... Samurai was feeling it. He's all ready used a few of his teleportations today, and he is running into his limit. This might be the last few times he can do it for today.

Examining where he has appeared, he sees a path of destruction, bees, and panicked ponies. With a less than amused look, Samurai walks forward.
First, he pays for some bee-repellent, and uses them to keep the bees off the citizens. They ooh and awe at how well it woks and start buying their own.
Next, he uses magic to put statues back into place, to clean up roadsides, and other easy-fixes. Some of the local unicorns figure out they can do it too, and take over for Samurai.
Finally, Samurai uses his flame magic to absorb and redirect some firework explosions into the sky. He does the same for fireworks that had just been launched.

Looking around, Samurai figures it out, and teleports one more time. Appearing behind Kronos, he taps him on the shoulder. "Is that you, Kronos? You might be invisible, but I have experience fighting shinobi, so I'm pretty good at finding camouflaged and cloaked assailants." Samurai says, a little cross right now.

@Ragland Tiger, @CameoShadowness

The library mare notices how mad Beryl looks. "Umm... I can explain? Legend says, the late founder of this library opened the butterfly garden next door. While she was out collecting butterflies in her net, she accidentally caught a breezie in her net. She didn't realize her mistake until she brought the breezie to the garden. She apologized and let the Breezie go. Out of gratitude and mutual respect, the breezie gave her a magic artifact from the breezie homeland. I wasn't sure if the legend was real since breezies don't usually migrate this way. But... Well, this artifact has been a regular tool here for years. And when I saw you, I was afraid the legend was coming true."

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

Thundy chuckled at Dynamo’s enthusiasm. “Oh you haven’t seen anything yet!” Thundy said as he drifted across the sand giving lateral g forces and kicking up a lot of sand. 

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@Samurai Equine @Pastel Heart @GeneralDirection

Fable nodded in return then turned around and faced the two. 

"So.... what do you wish to speak about? I know that three people together in one space who do not know each other very well sitting in silence is considered awkward. Not that I mind."

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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@Samurai Equine

Kronos turned slightly to the back, but not looking directly at Samurai. He gave a light grunt. 

He wouldn’t understand, his voices said, besides, we’re supposed to keep our client anonymous from anyone, including him. 

So what do you suggest I do? Kronos asked his voices. 

Uhhh, the Origami Shinobi?

What would he have to do with this!?

Uhh, I don’t know. 

Gee, thanks for nothing. 

You’re welcome for nothing. :squee:

Kronos finally turned towards Samurai and told him, “I have no concurrent explanation for what occurred here, nor am I in any position to tell you who told me to do this nor why, because I don’t know why he wanted me to do this either; however, given that there were no casualties, there’s no need for hostility, Samurai.”

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@Kronos the Revenant

Samurai closes his eyes and nods. "That's the kind of response I expected to be honest." He looks at him again. "I'm not going to pretend I understand what's going on here, but I will say, please don't spend all day doing this. Because if somepony ends up in hospital because of what you're doing, I'll be sure to send the medical bills your way." Samurai starts to turn around, but then stops himself. "Oh! One more thing, Kronos. Later this evening, when the sun is beginning to set, would you mind meeting me at the town's front entrance? I have something important to give you. Not right now, but later. Thanks!" Samurai says then turns away.

He has to really concentrate and hype himself up now, working a sweat. But it pays off, and he teleports away.

@Emerald Heart, @Pastel Heart, @GeneralDirection

Samurai reappears at the mall where his three friends are. "Back! Sorry about that. Got a little distracted. Just had to do some damage control is all, and I wasted the last of today's teleportation spells doing it... Did I miss anything?" Samurai asks, chipper as can be, though he does wipe a bit of sweat off his brow.


@Astral Vision (Sorry, completely forgot about your reply!)

Like a zombie, Trilby turns to him and gives a creepy smile. The dark aura around him growing stronger. He puts his hooves on Astral's shoulders. "You should go see him, Astral... Dr. Milenko wants us all to be happy... Don't you want to be happy too? Give in to the happiness, Astral..." He says.

This looks bad. Whatever this is, it's not Trilby. Astral will need to think fast, if he is going to save Trilby and/or himself. But how come this corrupt feeling didn't take over him before?
Seems so random. Last time this happened, he seemed possessed, but then the presence of Shadow Trail and his other friends snapped him out of it.

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Emerald Heart @Pastel Heart @Samurai Equine

Silver the conversationalist. Three words that were never going to be spoken by anypony, ever. Ever.  Silver was looking for Samurai and Fable, but only found Fable. Yes, let’s make meaningful conversation with ponies he barely knew. Sounds like fun.

“…Where’s Samurai at?” He asked.

Yep, that’s all he’s got. Amazing. He had certainly been rather chatty earlier, what happened between then and now is anypony’s guess. Thankfully, it wouldn’t be long before Samurai came back, teleporting in, nonetheless. That certainly got Silver’s attention.

“Nah, you didn’t miss much.” Silver answered, seemingly now out of his reverie, and turned towards Pastel. “Pastel and I got gifts for everypony you mentioned, so we’re good to go whenever you are! Hope everything’s alright, Samurai, you look a bit winded.” He turned to face Samurai, concerned. Silver may not be able to teleport, but he knew enough to know that spell wasn’t an easy one unless you used it a lot.  

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash

Having run out of dialogue for the occasion, Iron Shoal merely roared and celebrated the stunts, getting over the beer spill quick. What a rush, as old friends of his would say!




@GeneralDirection @Samurai Equine @Emerald Heart

"Yeah, Silver Star, like Silver Star Story! Good game! And it's about a spontaneous adventure, you'd like it~! Ooohh I shoulda got you that... Oh well, next time! Don't worry though, any creature can be our friend! If any one else doesn't like it I'll smack em!"

After promises of pint sized violence, luckily they managed to find their friends. Pastel waved, even though they weren't far away at all, saddlebags absolutely stuffed.

"Yooo, what's up! We got lotsa stuff! Hopefully that didn't take too long! Sami is gonna like his loads, and Dyny and Pencil too! Not sure about everypony else but i did my best!"

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9 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

Thundy chuckled at Dynamo’s enthusiasm. “Oh you haven’t seen anything yet!” Thundy said as he drifted across the sand giving lateral g forces and kicking up a lot of sand. 

7 hours ago, Pastel Heart said:

@Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash

Having run out of dialogue for the occasion, Iron Shoal merely roared and celebrated the stunts, getting over the beer spill quick. What a rush, as old friends of his would say!

Hearing Thindy’s response caused the blue unicorn to raise an eyebrow. “Oh?” He simply asks, before giving a slight grin. “If that’s the case, then let’s see hat these dunes are capable of.” He was still scared, but he was psyched to try more of this dune hopping. He made sure not to stick his face out of the car window. If so, then he would run the risk of sand flying up and hitting his face.

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11 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:


@Astral Vision (Sorry, completely forgot about your reply!)

Like a zombie, Trilby turns to him and gives a creepy smile. The dark aura around him growing stronger. He puts his hooves on Astral's shoulders. "You should go see him, Astral... Dr. Milenko wants us all to be happy... Don't you want to be happy too? Give in to the happiness, Astral..." He says.

This looks bad. Whatever this is, it's not Trilby. Astral will need to think fast, if he is going to save Trilby and/or himself. But how come this corrupt feeling didn't take over him before?
Seems so random. Last time this happened, he seemed possessed, but then the presence of Shadow Trail and his other friends snapped him out of it.

@Samurai Equine

Astral nearly screamed in terror, it was clear now that something was wrong with Trilby, possibly a curse. The blue unicorn knew that if he didn't act quickly, the curse may claim him as well.

"Wait a minute, could this power have been the darkness I sensed back at the talent show? So I guess I wasn't imagining things. Okay, think Astral, you've handled curses before. The first thing you need to do is detain Trilby for his safety, but he could just retaliate with his magic, and the last thing this town needs is magic collateral damage. But wasn't Trilby with somepony before... aha, YES, Shadow Trail! Alright, lets see if this works!" the unicorn thought as he formulated his plan.

Astral's horn began to glow a bright turquoise hue, blinding Trilby for a moment. When the light faded, a black pegasus stood in the same place as Astral.

"Just what do you think you're doing?!" Said the new pony in a rather high tone.

Astral had used his mental projection magic to disguise himself as Shadow Trail, and he hoped it would be enough for Trilby to lower his guard. This strategy was surprisingly underhoofed and shameful for Astral, but sometimes these actions were necessary to protect others.

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@C. Thunder Dash

“Aww, yay, it found its mom!” Pencil squealed. At last, the baby was happily reunited with its mother. Pencil tried to clap in excitement, but struggled to clap as fast as she wanted due to being underwater. She decided to dance around a little instead, as if she were a messenger bee. With the whale issue, resolved, Pencil eagerly awaited for Chelsea to start the next part of the adventure.

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@Pastel Heart @Dynamo Pad

Thundy approached the next dune . "Alright, get ready. Here comes the next one." Thundy warned. 


A large school of solar fish seemed to be blocking the path ahead. Some noticed Chelsea and Pencil, and made a hole for them to pass through. "Solar fish love to stay in massive schools. They protect each other like this in case a large predator like a shark tries to attack them." Chelsea explained.  

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On 7/26/2020 at 2:20 AM, Windy Breeze 🥧 said:

@Buck Testa

Sundae noticed something off: Boulder didn't seem happy. She frowned “What's wrong Boulder?” Server began to notice it as well, giving her newest master a concerned look. 

“Mr. Dash, is there something wrong?” did she said something wrong? All she did is talk to him and introduce herself.

“Boulder, are you okay?” Sundae became worried. The doctors said he was fine but it looks like he's having a panic attack. Before she could say anything, a voice interrupted him.

“Is there something wrong, madame Delight?” grouped on the stairs was 12 ponies, wearing white and black outsides consisting young healthy-looking mares and stallions of all three kinds of ponies. Standing infront of them like a leader is an elderly stallion “Whoa, madame, when did you have daughter?” 

If he had a more level head, he'd have been able to calm himself down. He'd be able to just go with the flow and pretend everything was fine until he got a better read on the situation. Yet his body was just not having any of it. It could not handle the pressure his mind was under, and he couldn't hold back the torrent of emotions that were overwhelming him. He'd at least be able to control his tongue and not say something stupid, and yet, 

"I-I'm scared!" 

He wanted to kick himself in the face as that slipped out of him, making him sound like the kid he looked like. He didn't know any of these ponies, he didn't know if showing weakness like this could be a problem or not. This stupid body didn't care about any of that as it quaked in place surrounded by all those eyes on him, so many big eyes from creatures he had never seen before until just recently. Creatures like the one he had turned into. There was so much he just didn't understand. 

"I don't know what's happening at all! I barely even know what we are! I don't know anything I'm supposed too and I could get captured again! IS THAT WHY THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE HERE?! ARE YOU TRYING TO CATCH ME OFF GUARD AGAIN?!"  

He didn't even catch his slip up with calling them people instead of ponies. His nerves and mind were on full fight or flight mode at this point. It was clear he didn't mean what he was saying in a rude or aggressive way, he was genuinely terrified of there being so many ponies surrounding him. With how worked up he was it was a miracle he hadn't fainted from the over excitement. Boulder was aware enough to be alarmed that he went that far though. Alarmed enough that tears started flowing out of his eyes that darted around the room in fright. His body was violently trembling. It was a wonder he hadn't made a break for the door. 

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On 7/27/2020 at 4:38 PM, Samurai Equine said:


@Ragland Tiger, @CameoShadowness

The library mare notices how mad Beryl looks. "Umm... I can explain? Legend says, the late founder of this library opened the butterfly garden next door. While she was out collecting butterflies in her net, she accidentally caught a breezie in her net. She didn't realize her mistake until she brought the breezie to the garden. She apologized and let the Breezie go. Out of gratitude and mutual respect, the breezie gave her a magic artifact from the breezie homeland. I wasn't sure if the legend was real since breezies don't usually migrate this way. But... Well, this artifact has been a regular tool here for years. And when I saw you, I was afraid the legend was coming true."

@Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine

"The legend of Posurmade?... But that isn't how it goes." She looks confused and then turns back at the book with the torn pages and flips through it for a minute before simply flipping back. "dat isn't how it goes..." She looks back at the torn pages." but dats for anoder day... For now, we need to find out these pages. Someding major is gonna happen, soon."

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@Emerald Heart, @GeneralDirection, @Pastel Heart

"Oh, really? You finished shopping? Sugei! Show me what you got for everybody." Samurai says as they make their way to the checkout counter. Naturally, he is ready to pay for it all, provided they didn't decide to just grab everything the store has to offer. He also leans over and whispers something to Fable. "Thanks for watching them while I was gone. I owe you one."

@Astral Vision

Trilby was slipping pretty far into the darkness. However, once Trilby sees and hears Shadow talking to him, he changes. "...Shadow?" With a blink and a confused look, the dark aura disappears from his eyes. He lets go of the disguised Astral, moves away, and looks around. The dark aura surrounding him subsides and fades away again.

"Wha--Where? What happened? I thought I was talking to Astral. I-- We were talking to Mayor White, he was thanking me, something about a ruby I think, and then... What happened next?" As Trilby looks around, trying to find Astral, he also rubs the side of his head. He even wipes away a tear, which surprises him. "Did I miss something? I feel like something bad happened. Like I wanted to make a friend, but it felt wrong somehow... Did I do a bad thing?" Trilby tries to make sense of it. Seems he has no memory of what he just did. The dark aura, trying to corner Astral, none of that.

@CameoShadowness, @Ragland Tiger

"Posurmade?" The library mare asks, doing her best to imitate what Beryl said, despite the accent. "I don't know who that is. I'm just repeating what I heard..." She looks at the book with the torn pages. "If that book is ruined, we could always order a new copy. It'll take at least a week for it to arrive, though."

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19 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Pastel Heart @Dynamo Pad

Thundy approached the next dune . "Alright, get ready. Here comes the next one." Thundy warned. 

Dynamo’s ears perked as he heard that there was another dune was up ahead. “I would love to make a joke and all, but all I can say is bring it on.” He responded, grabbing onto the seat cushion with his front hooves. All he could do now was wait for the inevitable jump from the vehicle.

  • Brohoof 1
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