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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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18 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Dynamo Pad

”Now that really adds a huge twist. So it could be quick thinking on your part, but again, cheap conclusion...and to answer your question, unicorns can develop their own repertoire of spells. Same goes for creatures who normally don’t have magic. It’s like superheroes.” Thundy said. 

@C. Thunder Dash

"I suppose you could say that. I wouldn't say it's a cheap conclusion because even I'm not sure what had happened. I was able to make it happen by thinking about it and concentrating. I'm still trying to learn about how magic works, after all." Dynamo explained, nodding as he listened to Thundy's explanation. "Is there a way we can find out what kind of elemental magic I'm capable of using? I know for unicorns it's kind of different with the whole repertoire of magic. Since their magic is based solely off of what their cutie mark is. I'm not sure for me as I have a video game controller as a cute mark. I know Samurai and I were thinking it was more along the lines of video game magic, but it's still a work in progress to coin the term."

2 hours ago, Pastel Heart said:

@Samurai Equine @Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash

Pastel waves goodbye to Silver awkwardly and let's herself get dragged around by Samurai for awhile until they find Iron Shoal, who sits away from Dynamo and Thundy, drinking alone and looking bored. She nods to Samurai and smiles with a salute.

"You betcha, m'Lord! No worries, I got this!"

She waves Sami off and sneaks up on her grandpa, whom she pokes.


"MY FILLY! THANK THE ALICORNS YOU ARRIVED! I was watching the Pad of the Dynamo and one called Thundergrunt engage in acts of unicorn spectacles but now they've devolved into socialization! I can no longer remember my score! So I drink!"

"But.. You always drink."

"BESIDE THE POINT, MY FILLY! This town is not Shoal class! I will go insane staying another day here! All due respect, of course."

Pastel looked sadly at the ground, but quickly shook it off, actually going past her grandpa, who was puzzled. She had never ignored him before like that. He just sipped his beer though.

"HEY DYNY, THUNDY! We're meeting back up for a surprise secret conference! You stayin or catching up!?"

@Pastel Heart

As Dynamo was discussing with Thundy on the idea of his magic, his ears perked as he heard a familiar voice calling out to him. He glanced over to see that it was Pastel, who was walking up towards her grandfather. He waves with a slight smile. However, he didn't respond right away as he remembered what had happened earlier when he was given the cold shoulder by her. It didn't help with the whole discussion that he and Thundy had before. So, he was feeling slightly nervous, yet concerned. He did happen to smile as he watched the discussion between grandfather and granddaughter. "Hey, Pastel. Thundy and I were discussing and hopefully practicing with magic. I'm also possibly learning something from your grandpa too. If he's still willing to teach me, that is. I remember that you, Astral, Pencil and I have to meet up with Samurai later. I'm catching up, but for the moment I might stay until it's time. Hoping to learn some things before the meeting, of course."

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@C. Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

Silver waved goodbye to Pastel and Samurai but felt kinda awkward being left there alone. He decided to head back near Samurai’s place, where he left his cart last, and take stock of what he had, and what he’d need to pick up. As he walked back, Silver took note of a few key places he’d need to come back and visit. He noted a grocery store where he could pick up food, the ice cream shop that Sundae had mentioned, and an arcade hall, which he would be frequenting soon.

Silver soon arrived at his destination, quickly inspecting his cart, and finding everything to be still in place. Quickly growing bored of his cart, Silver looked around to see if anypony had come back. Off in a nearby field, he spotted Pastel, along with an older looking earth pony, a unicorn, and a…griffon. Right? That’s what those were called? Silver wasn’t 100% sure, he hadn’t seen many in his travels, and even fewer had been sociable. Still, Silver had never been one to judge based on past experiences, so he hoped that this one would be friendly.

The kirin walked over to where the three ponies had gathered around and stopped behind Pastel, gently ruffling her mane.

“Hey guys, I’m new here, my name’s Silver Slate. I had been hanging out with Pastel and Samurai for a while, then I think he had to go do something, so I came back here to check on my cart, and saw some ponies I hadn’t met yet, so I thought I’d introduce myself.” He stuck out a hoof to greet them and smiled. “Do either of you live here? I’ve decided to stay here, or at least for now, anyway.”

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@C. Thunder Dash

“Hmm, you’re right. Guess we’ll have to keep looking,” Pencil responded.

Pencil looked around some more, waiting apprehensively for more like-colored seaponies to come out. She hoped they would arrive soon since she was a little worried about the baby. What if it hadn’t eaten in a long while? There wasn’t any telling how long the baby seapony had been out. 

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@GeneralDirection @Dynamo Pad

"Well, you certainly could come up with spells that could help you during combative situations..." Thundy said before hearing another voice. He turned to see a blue kirin who had introduced himself. "Ooh! A kirin. It's nice to meet you Silver. The name's Thundy and this is my friend Dynamo Pad, or Dynamo for short. We were just discussing magic." Thundy said as he gathered some electricity and created a ball of energy. He then forged it into Jak's jetboard from Jak 3. He gently sat on it criss-crossed as it levitated off the ground. 

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@Dynamo Pad

"Huh? Is he? Uhh... Grandpa! Dyny wants you for something!"

Pastel had a lot to say to Dynamo, but it had to wait, it seems. Iron Shoal tossed his beer, which narrowly missed Silver, in a reckless throw and approached Dynamo.

"AH YES, PAD OF THE DYNAMO! I did have something to show you! Consider it the Shoal special! Do not worry about a thing, Shoal protects his opponents! Please, lie down on your stomach. I will show you how to apply the old family finisher!"

Family finisher? It must be what they talked about before. He didn't seem like he wanted to hurt Dynamo atleast, so it was a matter of Dynamo trusting him.


Meanwhile, Pastel closed her eyes and smiled all catlike. She'd practically be purring right now, like a spoiled cat. She didn't question where Silver came from or if he followed them or not, she just liked the headpats. She was a little worried for Dynamo, since her grandpa was rough, but she didnt think he'd hurt him on purpose.

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20 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

@Astral Vision

Trilby rubs the back of his head. "A pair we are indeed..."

He was just about to go back to work when he hears Astral's question and faces him again. "Thanks for the offer, but I get the feeling Samurai will want to pick it up himself. He's a very work-focused pony. But thanks just the same. Oh, and be sure to spend as much time with Beryl the breezie as possible. She may be small, but she clearly has a big heart that cares about this town, and wants to know as much as she can. Seems like you and Samurai are learning the most about it." Trilby tips his hat to Astral.

@Pastel Heart, @GeneralDirection

Samurai is about to take Silver's hoof when he notices Pastel wanting in. Lifting her up to join them, Samurai takes both of their hooves and puts his other hoof on top of all 3. "Then it's decided. We officially have a pact to visit each other's homes some day." Samurai says, sealing the deal. He lets go and puts Pastel back down. Now all three of them are in on it. "Heh. Look at us. Aren't we quite the trio? A magical girl, a henshin hero, and a stardust crusader. I think we make a pretty good team." Samurai says. Silver might not get the references, but Pastel probably will.

Eventually, they finish their work there. Samurai thanks Silver and waves goodbye to him, parting ways. From there, Samurai walks off with Pastel. It takes a moment, but he eventually finds where her grandfather is. "Why don't you go spend some time with your grandfather? There's still a bit of time before the evening rolls around. I've got some loose ends I need to tie up myself. I bet you've got a lot to tell him about." Samurai says with a smile and a wink.

Samurai and Pastel will meet again later this evening. For now, Samurai walks away. He needs to be alone for what comes next...

@Samurai Equine

"I'll be sure to keep the name Beryl in mind; a Breezie you say, she must be brave to venture so far away from natural forestation. And yes, while I probably don't know as much about Friendshire as Samurai, the town has grown on me. Until we meet again Trilby, and thank you for all your help."

While Astral didn't have a hat to tip, unlike Trilby, he gave the fashion unicorn a simple bow as he exited the shop. Astral had made quite a lot of progress today, he had finally met one of two mayors face to face, though the sight of Mayor White's condition was anything but pleasant. If the town events truly were helping to restore his health, Astral knew he had to keep helping the others make the town shine; and even though he wasn't able to discover the curse's creator today, in time, Astral promised he would help free Trilby Hatter too.

@Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash @Pastel Heart

As Astral walked through the streets of Friendshire, pleased with his accomplishments, he stopped. He smelled something, something unfamiliar, yet the scent itself told a story.

"Hmm.. I believe that's Alcohol, but who would be drinking in the middle of-"

As the blue unicorn turned his head, he spotted two of his friends, Pastel's 'unique' uncle, and what appeared to be a griffin. Intrigued, and mostly free for time, Astral trotted over to greet the old and new faces.

"Dynamo, Pastel, fancy meeting you here. As well as Mr. Shoal and.. Thundy, I believe? My apologies, but there are always so many new faces in this supposedly 'unpopular' town. What events have you been up to this fine day?"

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@Astral Vision @Pastel Heart @Dynamo Pad

"Oh, hello there. Are you Astral? Dynamo has been talking about you that you've been teaching him some stuff about magic." Thundy said as he continued to sit on the jetboard that he had forged, which was levitating off the ground. 

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14 hours ago, GeneralDirection said:

@C. Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

Silver soon arrived at his destination, quickly inspecting his cart, and finding everything to be still in place. Quickly growing bored of his cart, Silver looked around to see if anypony had come back. Off in a nearby field, he spotted Pastel, along with an older looking earth pony, a unicorn, and a…griffon. Right? That’s what those were called? Silver wasn’t 100% sure, he hadn’t seen many in his travels, and even fewer had been sociable. Still, Silver had never been one to judge based on past experiences, so he hoped that this one would be friendly.

The kirin walked over to where the three ponies had gathered around and stopped behind Pastel, gently ruffling her mane.

“Hey guys, I’m new here, my name’s Silver Slate. I had been hanging out with Pastel and Samurai for a while, then I think he had to go do something, so I came back here to check on my cart, and saw some ponies I hadn’t met yet, so I thought I’d introduce myself.” He stuck out a hoof to greet them and smiled. “Do either of you live here? I’ve decided to stay here, or at least for now, anyway.”

@GeneralDirection @C. Thunder Dash @Pastel Heart @Astral Vision

As he was continuing to discuss with the male griffon, Dynamo's ears perked as he heard a new voice he was not too familiar with. Looking over, he saw a creature that he had never met before. They looked like a pony, but they didn't seem like a pony at the same time. The creature had gray fur, green eyes, a red unicorn-like horn, some scales of some sort, and a light blue mane and tail. Dynamo turned towards the creature, who was known known to be Silver. "It's nice to meet you, Silver. My name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. Have you just gotten to Friendshire recently?" He asks, extending his hoof to return the hoof shake. "I definitely live here. I've just moved here recently and have been here for a few days now, or most likely a week."

11 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@GeneralDirection @Dynamo Pad

"Well, you certainly could come up with spells that could help you during combative situations..." Thundy said before hearing another voice. He turned to see a blue kirin who had introduced himself. "Ooh! A kirin. It's nice to meet you Silver. The name's Thundy and this is my friend Dynamo Pad, or Dynamo for short. We were just discussing magic." Thundy said as he gathered some electricity and created a ball of energy. He then forged it into Jak's jetboard from Jak 3. He gently sat on it criss-crossed as it levitated off the ground. 

Upon hearing Thundy mentioning that Silver was a griffon, Dynamo's eyes almost bugged out of their sockets. His jaw dropped as he almost hopped around in excitement. "Are you serious!? I didn't know Kirin's existed! I thought they were only mentioned from anime! Are you able to do elemental attacks? If so, then are you able to do anything in terms of lightning!?" He stopped hopping as he was almost so close to the Kirin. He soon realized what he had been doing, before stepping back to allow personal space. He also gave Silver an apologetic look. "I'm really sorry about that, Silver. You see, I didn't know what kind of creature you were, until Thunder here had told me." He would say, pointing over towards the griffon with his hoof. "I've only ever heard of the name Kirin in anime and/or manga before. Someone was able to make a giant energy clap of lightning and called it Kirin. I hope you can forgive me for any confusion from before." He gave a sheepish smile, before continuing. "At any rate, what are you doing here in Friendshire? Are you here for visiting, or is there anything that you're looking for in this town?" He wondered as it was still pretty cool to meet a new friend. 

"Also, I'm not sure if I'm able to find any sort of combative style spells. I might have to look into it though." Dynamo responded to Thundy, who had used his energy to summon a jetboard from a game he used to play.

9 hours ago, Pastel Heart said:

@Dynamo Pad

"Huh? Is he? Uhh... Grandpa! Dyny wants you for something!"

Pastel had a lot to say to Dynamo, but it had to wait, it seems. Iron Shoal tossed his beer, which narrowly missed Silver, in a reckless throw and approached Dynamo.

"AH YES, PAD OF THE DYNAMO! I did have something to show you! Consider it the Shoal special! Do not worry about a thing, Shoal protects his opponents! Please, lie down on your stomach. I will show you how to apply the old family finisher!"

Family finisher? It must be what they talked about before. He didn't seem like he wanted to hurt Dynamo atleast, so it was a matter of Dynamo trusting him.


Meanwhile, Pastel closed her eyes and smiled all catlike. She'd practically be purring right now, like a spoiled cat. She didn't question where Silver came from or if he followed them or not, she just liked the headpats. She was a little worried for Dynamo, since her grandpa was rough, but she didnt think he'd hurt him on purpose.

The gamer pony blinked as he heard Iron calling out to him. He remembered he was also going to learn something from the old stallion, but he couldn't say what. He figured that he would find out soon enough. "A Shoal special? What do you mean, sir? Is it something I might need in the long run?" He wondered, before listening to Iron's remark about protecting his opponents. His face fell slightly as he was asked to lie down on his stomach. Dynamo felt there was something wrong and wanted to object. However, he didn't want to anger the stallion, so he decided to comply by lying down on his stomach. "O-Okay, sir. Y-You're not going to hurt me, r-right?" He wondered as Iron had mentioned along the lines of 'the old family finisher.' Glancing over to Pastel, Dynamo watched as Silver was ruffling her mane. His cheeks flushed in slight jealousy as it seemed that Pastel was purring like a cat. He didn't know why he was feeling jealous, but he decided to let it go for the time being. Considering that Pastel had already give him the cold shoulder for most of the day.

1 hour ago, Astral Vision said:

As Astral walked through the streets of Friendshire, pleased with his accomplishments, he stopped. He smelled something, something unfamiliar, yet the scent itself told a story.


"Hmm.. I believe that's Alcohol, but who would be drinking in the middle of-"

As the blue unicorn turned his head, he spotted two of his friends, Pastel's 'unique' uncle, and what appeared to be a griffin. Intrigued, and mostly free for time, Astral trotted over to greet the old and new faces.

"Dynamo, Pastel, fancy meeting you here. As well as Mr. Shoal and.. Thundy, I believe? My apologies, but there are always so many new faces in this supposedly 'unpopular' town. What events have you been up to this fine day?"

Dynamo ears perked once more as he heard the familiar voice of Astral. He smiled as he was glad to see his friend again. "Hey, Astral. It's good to see you again. I remember we all went our separate ways for the day." He says, shaking his head at Astral's apology. "Oh, there's no need to apologize. It seems as if Friendshire has really become popular in regards to gaining new friends." He would say, frowning slightly as he tried to hide the frown to the best of his abilities. "O-Oh, it wasn't too bad. I learned of some things in regards to video games and we got to ride a truck. Thundy, Mr. Iron and I went and jumped some dunes, before coming back here to learn some magic. I'm currently lying on my stomach as Mr. Iron said he wanted to teach me something. I'm not sure why, though. How about you? How are you and what have you been up to?"

Suddenly and without warning, the image of the pony that he, Iron and Thundy had met in the car flashed into his mind. His eyes widened slightly as his neck quickly looked up towards the blue unicorn. "Wait, Astral! There's something very important that you and I need to talk about!"

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@Dynamo Pad 

Pastel looked at Dynamo look at her strangely. She hadn't seen him much today, mostly cos she was worried about crying in front of him, he must think she's mad at her... If Dynamo was jealous for the attention she was getting, it made her kind of happy She gave him a refreshing smile and winked at him like an idol, hoping that would make him smile.

...Well, for a moment anyway.

An old flame glowing in old eyes, Iron Shoal stood over Dynamo and put his weight down slightly, just enough so it wouldn't hurt, and wrapped his front hooves around his chin, pulling just enough to where Dynamo could feel it. It put a lot on pressure on his back, but since Shoal was working the move, it actually didnt hurt much, just enough to earn a wince at the most. Those fallen in the bar fight weren't so lucky. From a distance this may look very painful, which earned a worried look from Pastel. As a former wrestler, Iron Shoal learned the craft of making something look painful while protecting the opponent. Dynamo actually wasn't in any danger. He pulled only a brief second to showcase the capabilities such a submission has.

"THIS IS THE CAMEL CLUTCH, BUBBA!  Get somepony in this and you can break their back if you wanted to! You feel that tug on your spine? Make your enemies submit, beg for mercy or SNAP THEM!"

@Astral Vision

With Astrals arrival, this must be quite a sight, he looks like he's beating the crap out of poor Dynamo. 


"They're... Training, I think? Don't worry, it's okay! I think."

Edited by Pastel Heart
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@Astral Vision @C. Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad

Silver’s ears perked up, suddenly hearing a woosh behind him, only to look behind him and narrowly dodge a glass bottle that has been thrown carelessly by the older pony sitting nearby. Silver cast an annoyed look in his direction before turning back to the others.

“Ah, well it’s nice to meet you both, Thundy and Dynamo. You say you’re discussing magic, huh? Looks like electricity magic to me, and if that’s the case, I’m afraid I won’t have much to contribute to that conversation. My magical abilities are a bit…lacking.” He said, not really wanting to dwell on that any further.

He turned towards Dynamo, who looked…just a bit too excited to see him. Silver didn’t mind, he was used to it, and he much rather preferred this over hostility. Silver couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as he replied to Dynamo.

“Yes, I just got here earlier today. Kinda got lost.  I’m not sure what stories you’ve heard about us, but I can guarantee you that this lightning thing is definitely not something that I’m capable of. I only wish I were that cool. Kirin are most skilled with fire magic. We have a whole transformation we go through to use it. We can also do other magic through use of our horns, but it’s nothing special. Simple telekinesis for the most part. Though I’m curious as to whether or not I could learn more. My village was rather complacent in these things.” He stated.

“As for why I’m here, I’ve been on a long adventure across Equestria to discover the world and report my findings back to my fellow kirin. So, I’ve been talking to everycreature who’ll let me, finding out whatever I can about them, their traditions, and so on. Well, I was on my way back home, when I must’ve made a wrong turn somehow and wound up here. Wandered around town for a bit, and then a found a bunch of ponies in front of Samurai’s house, so I tried to meet all of them. Then I hung out with him, Pastel, and Fable for a while, and after all that I decided that I was gonna stay. So here I am now.”

Silver watched in amusement as Dynamo laid down and the beer bottle-throwing pony from earlier appeared to be teaching him some sort of wrestling move. He also noticed Astral join them, and Silver waved a hoof silently, seemingly unnoticed by the unicorn. That was a first for Silver. Usually wherever he went, he was the first pony to be noticed.

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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6 hours ago, Pastel Heart said:

@Dynamo Pad 

Pastel looked at Dynamo look at her strangely. She hadn't seen him much today, mostly cos she was worried about crying in front of him, he must think she's mad at her... If Dynamo was jealous for the attention she was getting, it made her kind of happy She gave him a refreshing smile and winked at him like an idol, hoping that would make him smile.

...Well, for a moment anyway.

An old flame glowing in old eyes, Iron Shoal stood over Dynamo and put his weight down slightly, just enough so it wouldn't hurt, and wrapped his front hooves around his chin, pulling just enough to where Dynamo could feel it. It put a lot on pressure on his back, but since Shoal was working the move, it actually didnt hurt much, just enough to earn a wince at the most. Those fallen in the bar fight weren't so lucky. From a distance this may look very painful, which earned a worried look from Pastel. As a former wrestler, Iron Shoal learned the craft of making something look painful while protecting the opponent. Dynamo actually wasn't in any danger. He pulled only a brief second to showcase the capabilities such a submission has.

"THIS IS THE CAMEL CLUTCH, BUBBA!  Get somepony in this and you can break their back if you wanted to! You feel that tug on your spine? Make your enemies submit, beg for mercy or SNAP THEM!"

Dynamo thought he had seen Pastel winking at him, but he couldn't tell as he felt a bit of pressure being placed upon his back. He winced slightly, his face being lifted as Iron wrapped his hooves around his chin. It didn't hurt as much as it didn't seem he was performing the move to it's full potential. His ears winced as he yelled, but he managed to get the gist of what Iron was talking about. "B-Break my back?" He managed to ask, the pressure causing him to wince more as he sucked in a gasp of breath. "C-Can you l-let me go, p-please? M-My back is s-starting to hurt, s-sir." He knew Iron wasn't trying to hurt him, but to show him the technique he wanted to teach. However, he wondered if it was better to see a better example instead of being used as the example. Regardless, he knew this would maybe help in the long run.

2 hours ago, GeneralDirection said:

@Astral Vision @C. Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad

Silver’s ears perked up, suddenly hearing a woosh behind him, only to look behind him and narrowly dodge a glass bottle that has been thrown carelessly by the older pony sitting nearby. Silver cast an annoyed look in his direction before turning back to the others.

“Ah, well it’s nice to meet you both, Thundy and Dynamo. You say you’re discussing magic, huh? Looks like electricity magic to me, and if that’s the case, I’m afraid I won’t have much to contribute to that conversation. My magical abilities are a bit…lacking.” He said, not really wanting to dwell on that any further.

He turned towards Dynamo, who looked…just a bit too excited to see him. Silver didn’t mind, he was used to it, and he much rather preferred this over hostility. Silver couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as he replied to Dynamo.

“Yes, I just got here earlier today. Kinda got lost.  I’m not sure what stories you’ve heard about us, but I can guarantee you that this lightning thing is definitely not something that I’m capable of. I only wish I were that cool. Kirin are most skilled with fire magic. We have a whole transformation we go through to use it. We can also do other magic through use of our horns, but it’s nothing special. Simple telekinesis for the most part. Though I’m curious as to whether or not I could learn more. My village was rather complacent in these things.” He stated.

“As for why I’m here, I’ve been on a long adventure across Equestria to discover the world and report my findings back to my fellow kirin. So, I’ve been talking to everycreature who’ll let me, finding out whatever I can about them, their traditions, and so on. Well, I was on my way back home, when I must’ve made a wrong turn somehow and wound up here. Wandered around town for a bit, and then a found a bunch of ponies in front of Samurai’s house, so I tried to meet all of them. Then I hung out with him, Pastel, and Fable for a while, and after all that I decided that I was gonna stay. So here I am now.”

Silver watched in amusement as Dynamo laid down and the beer bottle-throwing pony from earlier appeared to be teaching him some sort of wrestling move. He also noticed Astral join them, and Silver waved a hoof silently, seemingly unnoticed by the unicorn. That was a first for Silver. Usually wherever he went, he was the first pony to be noticed.

@GeneralDirection @Pastel Heart

With one eye that wasn't wincing, Dynamo glanced over to Silver, who seemed to have been enjoying the lesson being taught by Iron. He wanted to talk, but he found he was a bit tied up and preoccupied at the current moment. "Uh...I'd l-like to talk, but I-I'm kind of stuck in a predicament. S-Sorry about that, S-Silver." He chuckled as he grunted from the slight pain to his back. He wanted to talk and get to know the Kirin, but he knew he was training/learning from the old stallion. His eye glanced over towards Pastel, before giving her a pleading look. "P-Pastel-chan. Help me, please?" He asks, his lower lip quivering as he hope she could help him.

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10 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Astral Vision @Pastel Heart @Dynamo Pad

"Oh, hello there. Are you Astral? Dynamo has been talking about you that you've been teaching him some stuff about magic." Thundy said as he continued to sit on the jetboard that he had forged, which was levitating off the ground. 

@C. Thunder Dash

"Yes, I'm Astral, the one and only I imagine. I believe we briefly met at the buffet this morning. And yes, I have taught Dynamo a little of my magic expertise, have you been doing the same?" said Astral as he spoke in a kind tone.

5 hours ago, GeneralDirection said:

@Astral Vision @C. Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad

Silver’s ears perked up, suddenly hearing a woosh behind him, only to look behind him and narrowly dodge a glass bottle that has been thrown carelessly by the older pony sitting nearby. Silver cast an annoyed look in his direction before turning back to the others.

“Ah, well it’s nice to meet you both, Thundy and Dynamo. You say you’re discussing magic, huh? Looks like electricity magic to me, and if that’s the case, I’m afraid I won’t have much to contribute to that conversation. My magical abilities are a bit…lacking.” He said, not really wanting to dwell on that any further.

He turned towards Dynamo, who looked…just a bit too excited to see him. Silver didn’t mind, he was used to it, and he much rather preferred this over hostility. Silver couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as he replied to Dynamo.

“Yes, I just got here earlier today. Kinda got lost.  I’m not sure what stories you’ve heard about us, but I can guarantee you that this lightning thing is definitely not something that I’m capable of. I only wish I were that cool. Kirin are most skilled with fire magic. We have a whole transformation we go through to use it. We can also do other magic through use of our horns, but it’s nothing special. Simple telekinesis for the most part. Though I’m curious as to whether or not I could learn more. My village was rather complacent in these things.” He stated.

“As for why I’m here, I’ve been on a long adventure across Equestria to discover the world and report my findings back to my fellow kirin. So, I’ve been talking to everycreature who’ll let me, finding out whatever I can about them, their traditions, and so on. Well, I was on my way back home, when I must’ve made a wrong turn somehow and wound up here. Wandered around town for a bit, and then a found a bunch of ponies in front of Samurai’s house, so I tried to meet all of them. Then I hung out with him, Pastel, and Fable for a while, and after all that I decided that I was gonna stay. So here I am now.”

Silver watched in amusement as Dynamo laid down and the beer bottle-throwing pony from earlier appeared to be teaching him some sort of wrestling move. He also noticed Astral join them, and Silver waved a hoof silently, seemingly unnoticed by the unicorn. That was a first for Silver. Usually wherever he went, he was the first pony to be noticed.


As Astral spoke to the griffin, his eyes wandered to another member of the group, who in fact turned out to be the kirin, Silver Slate.

"Silver! Sorry I didn't notice you before, I thought you were still with Samurai?"

@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

Astral didn't know if he should have chuckled or grimaced, the sight of Dynamo pinned down by a powerful and intoxicated stallion wasn't exactly calming. However, knowing of Pastel's care for Dynamo, it was unlikely she would allow any permanent harm to pass. But soon, Dynamo's tone grew in volume, and it seemed there was something important he needed to say.

"What is it Dynamo, what's up?!"

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@Dynamo Pad

All Thundy could do is watch Dynamo as the older pony used his wrestling moves on him. He hoped that he would come out okay after, as he heard the older pony state that he wouldn't hurt Dynamo. However, he had the urge to get the older pony off Dynamo, after hearing Dynamo ask him to get off since it was starting to hurt. "Yea...I kinda figured this wouldn't be a good idea." He said. 

@Astral Vision

"I sure have. I've been teaching him about elemental magic, and what is called ultra instinct." Thundy stated. 


Thundy sort of moved toward Silver on his jetboard. "That older pony who's the grandfather of another pony named Pastel was a wrestler. I still don't get how he manages to keep himself in check with how much he drinks." Thundy commented.

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@Dynamo Pad @Astral Vision @GeneralDirection

As Pastel was about to approach and say something, Iron Shoal released Dynamo, dropping him unceremoniously with a laugh.

"HAHA! IN MY YOUNGER DAYS I WAS ROUGHER! You will be feared Equestria over, Pad of the Dynamo! Pick yourself up and talk to your friend! I must prepare for departure! You ponies are too much for my old heart! HAHA!"

He stepped away so Dynamo could talk to Astral, it sounded important, atleast. Seemed like Iron Shoal had overstood his stay... and...

Upon hearing the words "departure", Pastel looked like she was about to cry. She steeled herself and walked up to her grandfather with purpose.

"Wait... Grandpa! I'm not going back!"

Iron Shoal turned around, raising an eyebrow. Pastel never talked to him like that before. He seemed intrigued, rather than angry.

"Hmmm? Is that so?"

Pastel stomped her hoof, and talked loud enough for everycreature present to hear.

"I... I can't go back yet! There's so much to enjoy here! I have friends here. Fillies and colts who look up to me, after I sang at the concert. It was amazing. I never felt like that before...  Me being here has been such a dream come true, and I don't wanna wake up yet! I love this town. I love my friends... And I wanna be a magical girl! A REAL magical girl! I wanna be an idol for everypony that doesnt have anypony to inspire them! Like the magical girls on TV did for me, like you did for me when I was all alone... I want to be the heroine this town deserves! I want Dyny to notice me! And... and... I wanna be their idol!"

Pastel declared this with all her might, tears in her eyes.

And as she did this... A cutie mark, unbeknownst to her, formed on her flank. It was a neon, purple sunset shaped like a heart, inside was a brightly colored neon pink microphone that looked like a cross between a stage mic and a Sailor Moon-esque magical girl septor.

Iron Shoal was at a loss. At both her fire and spirit, and the fact she just got her cutie mark before his eyes. A tear formed in the old stallions eyelid, before he wiped it away and laughed loudly, petting her head.

"HAHAHA! I WAS NEVER GONNA TAKE YOU SO QUICK, MY FILLY! You seem to have grown up a bit, eh? At least on the inside! I can see you like it here, and your friends mean a lot to you. Ever since I adopted you I just wanted you to be happy, my filly. And you are! So stay in Friendshire for the summer! If your class camp calls me I will tell them to GO #&%^ THEMSELF!"

Pastel smiled widely and hugged her grandpas leg happily. They were a family, albeit a really weird family. It looks like Pastel wouldn't have to go after all, and she got a little something extra along the way. 

What a day.

Edited by Pastel Heart
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@Astral Vision @C. Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

Silver looked at the empty bottle on the ground nearby, and then looked back to Thundy.

“Yea, no kidding.” He mused. “Guess that’s his life, though. Might not agree with it but I don’t know the stallion, so who knows what he’s been through. Seems like he’s all that Pastel’s got for family, though. Would just appreciate a few less glass bottles being thrown at me.” He commented with a small smile.

He then turned to Astral. “All good, and I was with him, but I think he had something to go take care of, so he went off to wherever and I came back here. Sounds like Dynamo’s got something important to talk to you about, so I’ll leave you to that, but perhaps later we could have a talk? Just have a few questions for you if you wouldn’t mind.” He asked with a smile.

It was probably more like several questions, but Silver didn’t want to overwhelm Astral. He seemed like the sort of pony that was always busy, and since the kirin was staying in town, he didn’t have to try and get all his questions out at once. There would be time later.

Silver’s look of amusement soon changed to one of concern as he saw the impromptu training session continue. Dynamo looked like he had enough, and luckily the earth pony released him, albeit rather unceremoniously. Silver watched the exchange with Pastel and her grandpa with interest. He doubted there was anypony here who wanted to see her leave, and much to his relief, Pastel would be staying after all.

Silver was very happy to hear this news but didn’t show any outward sign of his excitement due to being around a bunch of ponies he didn’t really know yet. His other consideration was that is seemed Dynamo and Pastel had something going on between them, whether they were just great friends or something more Silver was unsure of. But based on that look his got from Dynamo earlier, it would probably be best to curb his enthusiasm for now.

However, as all this occurred, Silver couldn’t help but notice that Pastel’s cutie mark had appeared after she finished speaking.

“Hey, Pastel,” Silver spoke up amongst all the noise, “you’ve got your cutie mark now!”

What a mark she got, too. It was very colourful, which suited her perfectly. He wasn’t quite sure what it represented, but the nearest he could figure is it probably had something to do with performing, since she had talked about that just prior to it appearing.

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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On 8/10/2020 at 4:35 AM, Samurai Equine said:

The library mare looks back as Bluebell approaches here again. "I swear, I'm telling you the truth, Ms. Royal Historian from Canterlot. I've got nothing to hide. I'm just an underpaid, overworked library staffer. We don't even have a head librarian around here anymore. The last head left town a few years ago because, well, I don't know if you've noticed, but this town is kind of nowhere town. Our mayors are avoiding their responsibilities, most of town's providers and leaders have left. We're just waiting for some capable ponies or creatures to take over and make this town lively again." The library mare begins.

"As for the artifact, I really don't know anything. All I know is rumors that I've heard, and even that might be completely false. The artifact was part of the library before I joined. I was trained to use it for shrinking books down, for cataloging purposes. Plus, it makes it easier to re-shelve the books. Why go back and fourth a bunch of times when you can shrink them all and take all of them with you?" The library mare explains with a smile. "If Ms. Sturdy Cover was still here, she'd probably tell me not to give away library property so easily. She'd probably tell me not to open the vault for non-staff members either... But she isn't here, and I don't want to cause an international incident between ponies and breezies. So if it'll make your breezie friend happy, she can keep it. ...Honestly, I shouldn't have even bothered either of you. But as a library staff pony, it's my job to ask if anypony needs help. You both looked like you needed it. Sorry if I haven't been the help you deserve. Checking books in, checking them out, and restocking the shelves is all I'm really good at."

@Samurai Equine  @CameoShadowness

"You-you have no n-n-need to apo- apologize.  I n-n-n-know it-it won't make up for the w-w-way I be-behaved,  but I think you-you're very brave. At t-times like this,  keeping a-a public l-l-library running may be one of the bra-bravest things a p-p-pony could do."  Bluebell reached over and gently patted the library mare's shoulder.  "B-by the way, being ca-called 'royal' any-anything feels kind of w-weird and embarrassing, so just c-call me B-Bluebell."  She smiled, and went back into the vault.

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@Ragland Tiger, @CameoShadowness

"Okay, Ms. Bluebell. I'm Ledger Pie, or Leslie for short." The no longer nameless library mare nods, appreciating Bluebell's patience, and lets them both do as they please.

@Windy Breeze 🥧

It takes a while, but Trilby does finish his work. He wraps it up in plastic and sets it aside for Samurai.

A moment later, he walks through the town. He sees that Kronos has given up for the day, and any places he has terrorized are just trying to rebuild. He also makes a stop at the natural grocer and at a local magic shop.

Finally, he arrives at the library, and starts looking around.  "Beryl?" He says quietly, trying to find her while also trying not to disturb anyone else at the library. He has no way of knowing that she's in the vault right now. "I know I'm a little late. That took way longer than I assumed. But I brought some more food that you'll like, and--" While he cannot seem to find Beryl, he find the next best thing!

He sees Shadow and Keen sitting by themselves and walks over to them. "Hey there, Shadow. Keen. How long have you two been here?"

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6 hours ago, Pastel Heart said:

@Dynamo Pad @Astral Vision @GeneralDirection

As Pastel was about to approach and say something, Iron Shoal released Dynamo, dropping him unceremoniously with a laugh.

"HAHA! IN MY YOUNGER DAYS I WAS ROUGHER! You will be feared Equestria over, Pad of the Dynamo! Pick yourself up and talk to your friend! I must prepare for departure! You ponies are too much for my old heart! HAHA!"

He stepped away so Dynamo could talk to Astral, it sounded important, atleast. Seemed like Iron Shoal had overstood his stay... and...

@Pastel Heart @C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo felt tears sting his eyes as he felt like his back was about to break from the pressure. He knew Iron had stated he wasn't going all out, but he wasn't fully sure. He was spared from the agony as Iron had finally let go of him, before the unicorn fell flat upon the grassy terrain. The gamer pony could only pant and groan from the pain he had felt build up in his back from the hold he had been feeling. He wanted to give Iron a sort of angry look as he was basically used as an example for the teaching. He didn't know if he'd remember it based on either being shown the technique in another way. However, he could only sigh as he knew it would be pointless. Given that Iron was turning his attention over towards Astral. He blushed as he felt embarrassed in front of the others. He took a deep breath with a sniff as he felt his pride or self being was hurt. He wondered if they thought if he looked ridiculous or thought it was funny for him to be what he thought was punishment for some unknown reason. "I'm not aiming to be feared across Equestria, sir. Unless it's through video games as I want to be a professional gamer." He uttered out, but it seemed that Iron was gone to talk to Astral.

9 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Dynamo Pad

All Thundy could do is watch Dynamo as the older pony used his wrestling moves on him. He hoped that he would come out okay after, as he heard the older pony state that he wouldn't hurt Dynamo. However, he had the urge to get the older pony off Dynamo, after hearing Dynamo ask him to get off since it was starting to hurt. "Yea...I kinda figured this wouldn't be a good idea." He said. 

Dynamo could only sigh as he didn't think anyone had heard his earlier remark. He did, however, hear Thundy's reply. Which made the gamer pony look over to him with a deadpanned expression. "Was it really that obvious?" He would say, before giving the griffon an apologetic look. "I'm sorry about that. I just thought it was something important that Mr. Iron was trying to show me. I guess it was important, but I don't know when or if I'm going to need this camel clutch as he called it. I wish he could have at least let me try it against someone, then I would have an idea of how to use it. I know it's not the best example when the one wanting to learn besomes the example."

6 hours ago, Pastel Heart said:

"Wait... Grandpa! I'm not going back!"

Iron Shoal turned around, raising an eyebrow. Pastel never talked to him like that before. He seemed intrigued, rather than angry.

"Hmmm? Is that so?"

Pastel stomped her hoof, and talked loud enough for everycreature present to hear.

"I... I can't go back yet! There's so much to enjoy here! I have friends here. Fillies and colts who look up to me, after I sang at the concert. It was amazing. I never felt like that before...  Me being here has been such a dream come true, and I don't wanna wake up yet! I love this town. I love my friends... And I wanna be a magical girl! A REAL magical girl! I wanna be an idol for everypony that doesnt have anypony to inspire them! Like the magical girls on TV did for me, like you did for me when I was all alone... I want to be the heroine this town deserves! I want Dyny to notice me! And... and... I wanna be their idol!"

Pastel declared this with all her might, tears in her eyes.

And as she did this... A cutie mark, unbeknownst to her, formed on her flank. It was a neon, purple sunset shaped like a heart, inside was a brightly colored neon pink microphone that looked like a cross between a stage mic and a Sailor Moon-esque magical girl septor.

Iron Shoal was at a loss. At both her fire and spirit, and the fact she just got her cutie mark before his eyes. A tear formed in the old stallions eyelid, before he wiped it away and laughed loudly, petting her head.

"HAHAHA! I WAS NEVER GONNA TAKE YOU SO QUICK, MY FILLY! You seem to have grown up a bit, eh? At least on the inside! I can see you like it here, and your friends mean a lot to you. Ever since I adopted you I just wanted you to be happy, my filly. And you are! So stay in Friendshire for the summer! If your class camp calls me I will tell them to GO #&%^ THEMSELF!"

Pastel smiled widely and hugged her grandpas leg happily. They were a family, albeit a really weird family. It looks like Pastel wouldn't have to go after all, and she got a little something extra along the way. 

What a day.

The gaming unicorn placed a hoof behind him upon his back. Rubbing the sore spot from where he was twisted from the wrestling move, while trying to relieve the pressure and pain he had received. His ears perked as he heard Pastel call out to her grandfather. He looked over towards the duo, tilting his head in confusion as to what was going on. 'Departure? Pastel's leaving Friendshire?' He thought as that didn't make any sort of sense. The possibility of her leaving had caused pain to fill in the unicorn's heart. He couldn't explain why, but he knew he would miss his friend if she left town suddenly. He was caught off guard as the young mare stomped her hoof upon the ground. Having the courage to stand up to someone that she would call family. Upon hearing Pastel's reasons on why she couldn't leave, Dynamo truly felt sorry for her. She was just a pony, who seemed adventurous and wanted to live life in her own way. He nodded as he was one of the friends that she had mentioned.

He blinked slightly at the mention of Pastel wanting to be a magical girl. He knew of magical girls from reading anime and watching anime, but he wasn't sure if such a thing could exist in the real world. Either way, he knew he would support Pastel in whatever dream she wished to fulfill. He blushed slightly at the mention of Pastel wanting for him to notice her. 'W-Was this what she was meaning from within the letter?' He panicked slightly as he knew Astral had probably heard that. He frowned as he remembered what Thundy had said earlier, but he did know that talking to Astral and the others would be important later. For the moment, Dynamo winced his eyes briefly as a bright light had flashed out of seemingly nowhere. As the bright light died down, the blue unicorn looked over to Pastel, who had changed slightly. His eyes widened as her cutie mark had finally appeared. "P-Pastel-chan, look! You got your cutie mark!" He exclaimed, taking notice of a neon/purple sunset shaped like a heart. In front of the heart was a neon pink microphone, but it also looked like a stage mice and magical girl scepter.

Dynamo was truly proud as Pastel had finally discovered what her special talent and goal for the future was. He turned towards the hearty laugh of Iron, who explained that he wasn't going to take Pastel away from Friendshire. With a sigh of relief, Dynamo could only smile as he was greatful that Pastel would still be with him and the others in town. He could only chuckle happily at the display of Pastel and her grandfather sharing their own special hug.

12 hours ago, Astral Vision said:

Astral didn't know if he should have chuckled or grimaced, the sight of Dynamo pinned down by a powerful and intoxicated stallion wasn't exactly calming. However, knowing of Pastel's care for Dynamo, it was unlikely she would allow any permanent harm to pass. But soon, Dynamo's tone grew in volume, and it seemed there was something important he needed to say.

"What is it Dynamo, what's up?!"

@Astral Vision @GeneralDirection

Dynamo's attention was soon turned towards Astral, who had asked him a serious question. Dynamo tilted his head in confusion with everything that had happened in the span of minutes. However, his eyes widened as what he needed to tell the blue unicorn came back to the gamer pony. "Oh, that's right! I almost forgot! I recently ran into someone that was looking for you. Apparently he knew your name and he even knew my name, Thundy's and Iron's too! We were on our way back to Friendshire when he supposedly waiting for us. He hopped into the vehicle and sat there for a few moments. He even knew of some things about each of us that we never even told him before. Ask Iron. He would know." He stopped as he remembered the state that the elder stallion was in. With a somewhat deadpanned expression, Dynamo soon shook his head as he looked over towards Thundy. "On second thought, never mind. I would say ask Thundy as he can vouch for me. Also, I didn't catch his name, but I managed to take in his appearance. He had a long, fluffy beard with random pieces of clutter in his beard, He wore a coat that had multiple kinds of watches traveling up his coat arms. The stallion also wanted me to tell you something about the quartz's. Do you happen to know who that pony was, or what they were talking about Astral?" He would ask, trying to wrack his brain for any answers.

He soon turned his attention back to Silver, who seemed to have been staring at him from earlier. It didn't help with the predicament the gamer pony was in, but he remembered he didn't get a chance to talk to the Kirin. "Hey, Silver? I hope you can forgive me from earlier. I was going through a lot during that supposed training session with Mr. Iron. I think you were answering some things, but I was in pain and wasn't able to hear you. If it's okay, then can you repeat what you said? I was hoping we could talk and maybe get to know each other too. If that's okay, that is." He would say, hoping the Kirin wouldn't mind in repeating their earlier conversation.

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5 hours ago, Ragland Tiger said:

@Samurai Equine  @CameoShadowness

"You-you have no n-n-need to apo- apologize.  I n-n-n-know it-it won't make up for the w-w-way I be-behaved,  but I think you-you're very brave. At t-times like this,  keeping a-a public l-l-library running may be one of the bra-bravest things a p-p-pony could do."  Bluebell reached over and gently patted the library mare's shoulder.  "B-by the way, being ca-called 'royal' any-anything feels kind of w-weird and embarrassing, so just c-call me B-Bluebell."  She smiled, and went back into the vault.


5 hours ago, Samurai Equine said:

@Ragland Tiger, @CameoShadowness

"Okay, Ms. Bluebell. I'm Ledger Pie, or Leslie for short." The no longer nameless library mare nods, appreciating Bluebell's patience, and lets them both do as they please.

"No head of a library an dis place is well kept as is- you did a good job an danks." It may not seem like it but Beryl was truely grateful, both her tone and body language changed with the new info giving a softer, happier feel to it- although she still wasn't apologetic. Keeping a library together was no easy task and she knew that first hand.

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@GeneralDirection @Dynamo Pad

Breaking her hug with her grandpa, Pastel perked her ears up to Silver and Dynamo, turning her attention to her flank with a look of surprise. She smiled and brushed it with her tail happily.

"Huh! That's actually super pretty! I dunno what I was so hesitant for! One more point for my style and charms~! Nyaha!"

She posed happily, admiring and showing off her flashy looking cutie mark. Seems whatever hesitation she had before was gone. She wiped the tears from her eyes and threw herself into Dynamo, smiling and squeaking in excitement as she hugged him, all those bad vibes earlier disappearing.

"I get to stay, I get to stay! I'll be an idols idol! But most importantly, I'll back up all my friends! I'll be the best Pastel for Dyny, and Silver, and Sami, Astral, Pencil, and and... Nyaaa I can't even name everypony this is all so great!!"

Pastel was so excited she was now hopping back and forth from Dynamo and Silvers backs. Iron Shoal smiled and approached the trio.

"HAHAHA! What a story! Not as great as mine, though! Speaking of which..."

An apologetic looking Iron Shoal pulled out a VHS tape and offered it to Dynamo. It was old looking, and had a white label with "EWF Wrestling, Manehattan Garden, December xxxx" sloppily written with black permanent marker ink. The date was over 37 years ago.

"Apologies, if I was too rough on you, Pad of the Dynamo. This tape has the match I won the World Championship! I was younger and in shape. My glory days... Study the way I apply the camel clutch here, eh? Respect, Dynamo Pad! You take good care of my filly! All goes well, in 10 years or so I'll be calling you my grandson! HAHAHA!"


Pastel blushed and frantically flailed her hooves at her grandpa, Iron Shoal simply laughed and stood farther away so he couldn't be slapped. This would probably be the last time the group saw Iron Shoal.

Edited by Pastel Heart
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@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

Silver nods his head towards Dynamo and reiterates what he said earlier.

“Sure, sorry about that, wasn’t quite sure what was going on. Anyway, you were asking about when I got here and what I was doing. I just got here this morning. Was on my way back home and got lost. Thought I’d just ask for directions but got a lot more than I bargained for. Met quite a few ponies here, and everypony’s been very friendly to me so far. So, I’ve decided to stay. I’ve been traveling across Equestria for months now, been on a mission to discover new ponies and cultures, and then I write back to my village to tell them all about it. Kirin Grove is a rather isolated place.

Regarding my magic, Kirin are most skilled with fire magic. I don’t know what you’ve read or heard, but there’s no way I could do anything like call down lightning as you suggested. I’m not cool enough to do anything like that, anyway. We can also do other magic through out horns, but it’s rather basic stuff, like telekinesis. I would like to find out if there’s more I can do; my village is rather complacent on the magic front.” He explained.  “I think that was everything.”

Silver finishes speaking and smiles at how happy the filly is to have her cutie mark. Kirin don’t get cutie marks, so Silver didn’t entirely understand how she felt, but based on her expressions and how she was bouncing around on their backs, he could tell it must be a very important moment in a pony’s life. Silver looked up as the older earth pony approached them, apparently, he was heading off to…wherever it is he came from. Silver didn’t really know Pastel’s grandpa, so he felt like the less he said, the better.   

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@Dynamo Pad @GeneralDirection

Thundy hovered behind Dynamo on his jetboard and gathered some electricity. He then rested his talons on Dynamo's back and let out a slow soothing and healing current that caused the pain to diminish gradually. It did feel a little tingly, but in the long run, Dynamo wouldn't have anymore back pain. "There, that should make you feel better Dynamo." Thundy said with a smile, lifting his talons off of Dynamo. 

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18 hours ago, Pastel Heart said:

@Dynamo Pad @Astral Vision @GeneralDirection

As Pastel was about to approach and say something, Iron Shoal released Dynamo, dropping him unceremoniously with a laugh.

"HAHA! IN MY YOUNGER DAYS I WAS ROUGHER! You will be feared Equestria over, Pad of the Dynamo! Pick yourself up and talk to your friend! I must prepare for departure! You ponies are too much for my old heart! HAHA!"

He stepped away so Dynamo could talk to Astral, it sounded important, atleast. Seemed like Iron Shoal had overstood his stay... and...

Upon hearing the words "departure", Pastel looked like she was about to cry. She steeled herself and walked up to her grandfather with purpose.

"Wait... Grandpa! I'm not going back!"

Iron Shoal turned around, raising an eyebrow. Pastel never talked to him like that before. He seemed intrigued, rather than angry.

"Hmmm? Is that so?"

Pastel stomped her hoof, and talked loud enough for everycreature present to hear.

"I... I can't go back yet! There's so much to enjoy here! I have friends here. Fillies and colts who look up to me, after I sang at the concert. It was amazing. I never felt like that before...  Me being here has been such a dream come true, and I don't wanna wake up yet! I love this town. I love my friends... And I wanna be a magical girl! A REAL magical girl! I wanna be an idol for everypony that doesnt have anypony to inspire them! Like the magical girls on TV did for me, like you did for me when I was all alone... I want to be the heroine this town deserves! I want Dyny to notice me! And... and... I wanna be their idol!"

Pastel declared this with all her might, tears in her eyes.

And as she did this... A cutie mark, unbeknownst to her, formed on her flank. It was a neon, purple sunset shaped like a heart, inside was a brightly colored neon pink microphone that looked like a cross between a stage mic and a Sailor Moon-esque magical girl septor.

Iron Shoal was at a loss. At both her fire and spirit, and the fact she just got her cutie mark before his eyes. A tear formed in the old stallions eyelid, before he wiped it away and laughed loudly, petting her head.

"HAHAHA! I WAS NEVER GONNA TAKE YOU SO QUICK, MY FILLY! You seem to have grown up a bit, eh? At least on the inside! I can see you like it here, and your friends mean a lot to you. Ever since I adopted you I just wanted you to be happy, my filly. And you are! So stay in Friendshire for the summer! If your class camp calls me I will tell them to GO #&%^ THEMSELF!"

Pastel smiled widely and hugged her grandpas leg happily. They were a family, albeit a really weird family. It looks like Pastel wouldn't have to go after all, and she got a little something extra along the way. 

What a day.

@Pastel Heart

A bright light flashed as Pastel argued with her grand colt, but as the glow faded, an amazing sight was revealed; the little pink filly had finally obtained her cutie mark!

"Wow, congratulations Pastel! You should be proud, not many ponies get their mark at such a young age; surely this will help you to be an even greater pop star!"

11 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:


@Astral Vision @GeneralDirection

Dynamo's attention was soon turned towards Astral, who had asked him a serious question. Dynamo tilted his head in confusion with everything that had happened in the span of minutes. However, his eyes widened as what he needed to tell the blue unicorn came back to the gamer pony. "Oh, that's right! I almost forgot! I recently ran into someone that was looking for you. Apparently he knew your name and he even knew my name, Thundy's and Iron's too! We were on our way back to Friendshire when he supposedly waiting for us. He hopped into the vehicle and sat there for a few moments. He even knew of some things about each of us that we never even told him before. Ask Iron. He would know." He stopped as he remembered the state that the elder stallion was in. With a somewhat deadpanned expression, Dynamo soon shook his head as he looked over towards Thundy. "On second thought, never mind. I would say ask Thundy as he can vouch for me. Also, I didn't catch his name, but I managed to take in his appearance. He had a long, fluffy beard with random pieces of clutter in his beard, He wore a coat that had multiple kinds of watches traveling up his coat arms. The stallion also wanted me to tell you something about the quartz's. Do you happen to know who that pony was, or what they were talking about Astral?" He would ask, trying to wrack his brain for any answers.

He soon turned his attention back to Silver, who seemed to have been staring at him from earlier. It didn't help with the predicament the gamer pony was in, but he remembered he didn't get a chance to talk to the Kirin. "Hey, Silver? I hope you can forgive me from earlier. I was going through a lot during that supposed training session with Mr. Iron. I think you were answering some things, but I was in pain and wasn't able to hear you. If it's okay, then can you repeat what you said? I was hoping we could talk and maybe get to know each other too. If that's okay, that is." He would say, hoping the Kirin wouldn't mind in repeating their earlier conversation.

@Dynamo Pad

Astral was intrigued by Dynamo's description at first, he wondered who could be looking for him, though his face soon grew dark at the description of the pony's appearance. A grey beard, lots of wrist watches, that description fit the bill entirely for one pony.

"Final Premonition... It has to be. Listen, Dynamo, remember that night in the hospital where I briefly disappeared? The pony you described was likely the one responsible, and I think there's much more to him than he'd like us to know. He said to me that one day he would return to take what was his, or something of equal value, so it stands to reason he may come for the Laronde Box. Did he say WHY he was looking for me?"

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10 hours ago, Pastel Heart said:

@GeneralDirection @Dynamo Pad

Breaking her hug with her grandpa, Pastel perked her ears up to Silver and Dynamo, turning her attention to her flank with a look of surprise. She smiled and brushed it with her tail happily.

"Huh! That's actually super pretty! I dunno what I was so hesitant for! One more point for my style and charms~! Nyaha!"

She posed happily, admiring and showing off her flashy looking cutie mark. Seems whatever hesitation she had before was gone. She wiped the tears from her eyes and threw herself into Dynamo, smiling and squeaking in excitement as she hugged him, all those bad vibes earlier disappearing.

"I get to stay, I get to stay! I'll be an idols idol! But most importantly, I'll back up all my friends! I'll be the best Pastel for Dyny, and Silver, and Sami, Astral, Pencil, and and... Nyaaa I can't even name everypony this is all so great!!"

Pastel was so excited she was now hopping back and forth from Dynamo and Silvers backs. Iron Shoal smiled and approached the trio.

"HAHAHA! What a story! Not as great as mine, though! Speaking of which..."

An apologetic looking Iron Shoal pulled out a VHS tape and offered it to Dynamo. It was old looking, and had a white label with "EWF Wrestling, Manehattan Garden, December xxxx" sloppily written with black permanent marker ink. The date was over 37 years ago.

"Apologies, if I was too rough on you, Pad of the Dynamo. This tape has the match I won the World Championship! I was younger and in shape. My glory days... Study the way I apply the camel clutch here, eh? Respect, Dynamo Pad! You take good care of my filly! All goes well, in 10 years or so I'll be calling you my grandson! HAHAHA!"


Pastel blushed and frantically flailed her hooves at her grandpa, Iron Shoal simply laughed and stood farther away so he couldn't be slapped. This would probably be the last time the group saw Iron Shoal.

@Pastel Heart @C. Thunder Dash @GeneralDirection @Astral Vision

Seeing the young mare had finally taken notice of her cutie mark, Dynamo smiled as he was proud and happy for her. He did wonder what she had meant from her mention of hesitation, but he chalked it up on the mention of standing up to her grandfather, while not wanting to leave town. He chuckled once more as Pastel posed and admired her cutie mark. He blinked as the young mare suddenly threw herself into him. He felt his breath being knocked out of him from the sudden tackle, but he was soon able to recover in order to return the embrace. "I didn't even know you were possibly about to leave town. I wish you could have told me, but I guess that's why you were acting the way you were earlier. The whole giving the cold shoulder and being distant. I kind of wish you would have told me. I know I would have defended you and try to let you stay." He would say, giving a look of worry on his face.  "I felt like I was to blame too because I thought I had done or said something wrong to hurt and/or upset you. If I did anything wrong, then I'm really sorry, Pastel." He would say with an apologetic look upon his face. His expression soon changed to that of happiness as he was ecstatic. "Now that all is well, then that means you get to stay! I'm really happy for you and I'm glad you're not leaving." He says, tightening his grip on the hug. He raised an eyebrow as Pastel escaped the hug, before he winced from her hopping from his back to Silver's. He was happy for her, but his back was still in slight pain, after all.

The gaming unicorn was then handed a VHS tape as Dynamo levitated said tape in his grasp. Looking at it, the date seemed to have been pretty old. On the front the tape had a label that was about what looked to be Iron's wrestling back in the day. He looked over to the elderly stallion, while wondering if he could have just had the tape instead of being used as an example. Maybe it was iron's way of a warning to not upset or hurt Pastel, or maybe it was the state that Iron was in. At any rate, Dynamo would not truly know. However, he was momentarily caught off guard as he heard Iron call his name correctly. Instead of the usual calling his name backwards. He wondered if he truly earned the respect of Pastel's grandfather, but he was brought out of his thoughts with a blush from Iron's remark. It didn't help that Pastel was equally sporting a blush like he was. Nevertheless, he decided to nod and give the stallion a smile. "Thank you, sir. I'll make sure to take care of Pastel and make sure she stays safe. I'll also make sure to take a look at and practice the camel clutch."

7 hours ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

@Dynamo Pad @GeneralDirection

Thundy hovered behind Dynamo on his jetboard and gathered some electricity. He then rested his talons on Dynamo's back and let out a slow soothing and healing current that caused the pain to diminish gradually. It did feel a little tingly, but in the long run, Dynamo wouldn't have anymore back pain. "There, that should make you feel better Dynamo." Thundy said with a smile, lifting his talons off of Dynamo. 

The unicorn soon felt a talon upon his back as Thundy was using some sort of spell. He winced slightly from the sudden pain, before letting out a long sigh. The pain in his back was starting to fade as if it wasn't there in the first place. After the healing spell had ended, Dynamo turned around and gave the griffon a thankful look. "Thank you for that, Thundy. I might have to add healing magic to my training. You never know when it might be useful." He says, knowing he might ask the others for training later when the would meet. That, or in the future regardless.

7 hours ago, GeneralDirection said:

@Dynamo Pad @Pastel Heart

Silver nods his head towards Dynamo and reiterates what he said earlier.

“Sure, sorry about that, wasn’t quite sure what was going on. Anyway, you were asking about when I got here and what I was doing. I just got here this morning. Was on my way back home and got lost. Thought I’d just ask for directions but got a lot more than I bargained for. Met quite a few ponies here, and everypony’s been very friendly to me so far. So, I’ve decided to stay. I’ve been traveling across Equestria for months now, been on a mission to discover new ponies and cultures, and then I write back to my village to tell them all about it. Kirin Grove is a rather isolated place.

Regarding my magic, Kirin are most skilled with fire magic. I don’t know what you’ve read or heard, but there’s no way I could do anything like call down lightning as you suggested. I’m not cool enough to do anything like that, anyway. We can also do other magic through out horns, but it’s rather basic stuff, like telekinesis. I would like to find out if there’s more I can do; my village is rather complacent on the magic front.” He explained.  “I think that was everything.”

Silver finishes speaking and smiles at how happy the filly is to have her cutie mark. Kirin don’t get cutie marks, so Silver didn’t entirely understand how she felt, but based on her expressions and how she was bouncing around on their backs, he could tell it must be a very important moment in a pony’s life. Silver looked up as the older earth pony approached them, apparently, he was heading off to…wherever it is he came from. Silver didn’t really know Pastel’s grandpa, so he felt like the less he said, the better.   

Dynamo then turned his attention over towards Silver, while shaking his head with a smile. "That's okay and there's no need to apologize. A lot of crazy things happen in this town. So, it never gets boring around here." He chuckled as he began listening intently to Silver's earlier statement. "I'm glad you were able to meet a lot of new friends. I am sorry you got lost from getting home, though. I don't exactly know where Kirin's live, but I can imagine that it's a nice place. I think you'll like it here in Friendshire. I've been here almost a week and I'm starting to really like this town. Granted, I was thinking of going to Ponyville, but after being here, I decided to change my mind." He was fascinated by Silver's talk on magic, before giving a sheepish smile. "Yeah...sorry about that. I was reading a manga that had someone create a thunder beast that was made entirely out of lightning. They called it Kirin, but it looks a bit different from you. I didn't know that Kirin's could also do elemental magic either. If you could call it elemental magic. I know I'm discovering something like that, but I'm making a whole new kind called video game magic." He explained with a nod. "If you'd like, then maybe we can discover that magic together. It would be cool to have a magic training partner when learning from Astral and the others."

23 minutes ago, Astral Vision said:

Astral was intrigued by Dynamo's description at first, he wondered who could be looking for him, though his face soon grew dark at the description of the pony's appearance. A grey beard, lots of wrist watches, that description fit the bill entirely for one pony.

"Final Premonition... It has to be. Listen, Dynamo, remember that night in the hospital where I briefly disappeared? The pony you described was likely the one responsible, and I think there's much more to him than he'd like us to know. He said to me that one day he would return to take what was his, or something of equal value, so it stands to reason he may come for the Laronde Box. Did he say WHY he was looking for me?"

Upon hearing the name of Final Premonition, Dynamo's ears soon perked as he almost felt his jaw drop slightly. He slowly turned towards Astral, before nodding from recalling that memory of Astral's disappearance at the hospital. "I could never forget that night. I remember you said that you had met somepony, but it was only briefly. I remember he looked at his pocket watch, said his time was up, and then he just disappeared. I wanted to ask his name and why he was in town, but he was gone in an instant." He would say with a sigh. "You can definitely say that again. It's like he's cloaked in a shroud of mystery." He tapped his chin with his front right hoof, before nodding. "All he said was that he wanted me to tell/remind you about the quartz's. I'm not sure what he meant, but I thought that maybe you would know. I guess the Laronde Box and Final Premonition really are linked together somehow. If possible, then we'll definitely need to talk to Samurai about this tonight."

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