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technology What is your least favourite social media site?


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Facebook for the last few years were miserable, especially after 2016. 2018 I finally said “fuck it” and deleted it after some deliberation.

Even Twitter I mainly just use it for artwork and shitposts

  • Brohoof 1
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Let's try this again! :derp:

I personally don't enjoy Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Snapchat. Idk why, something about their layouts just isn't fun to me! I usually prefer sites that have more customization options- I miss when you could customize your forum pages with HTML!

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1 minute ago, Cherrychip said:

Let's try this again! :derp:

I personally don't enjoy Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Snapchat. Idk why, something about their layouts just isn't fun to me! I usually prefer sites that have more customization options- I miss when you could customize your forum pages with HTML!

that’s why i love tumblr tbh! you can change the colors of your blog so it feels so much more personal :catface: i’ve seen people do custom html themes on there too.  

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Facebook actually have some groups that are interesting, but I need an account to keep reading the comments, and it is annoying. I don't ever want to register and support Facebook.


I would say Twitter is my least favorite, hearing so much bad stuff about it. Again, seeing some really cool tweets from animators, with drawings, is really cool.

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1 minute ago, brony_bonk said:

that’s why i love tumblr tbh! you can change the colors of your blog so it feels so much more personal :catface: i’ve seen people do custom html themes on there too.  

Oh, I've heard that tumblr is a good place for cool art, too! Might have to hop on :eager:


2 minutes ago, Splashee said:

Facebook actually have some groups that are interesting, but I need an account to keep reading the comments, and it is annoying. I don't ever want to register and support Facebook.

Omg, I hate websites that make you sign up to view stuff! They're so annoying, especially when you just want context for something or to find a high quality photo. Looking at you Pinterest...

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All of them? In every single place I see the shallow reflection of my own father, and this animal farm he made for human creatures. And it is always the same crap, cycling and going nowhere. He says I was a murderer since the beginning. But at least I am not a rapist or a molester like him, like YHWH. Like humanity's creator and "daddy". You saw what he did in the bible. So, same about every media platform, it is all the same meaningless garbage, politics, sports, social media... but then what else are you supposed to do inside of here?

How much time have I been trapped inside this dome?

And I understand, the archetypal monopolar male and female souls that have been made after the image of YHWH are very simple and straight forward. They are like little animals. But then there is another type of soul with which you are sharing this footstool of YHWH that is the earth. This fixed plane. And that is the Luciferian soul type, which unlike the YHWH soul archetype, where a man is a man, and a woman is a woman. Now you have a male that is both a man and woman simultaneously. Because they are composed of two polarities, as oppossed to the one polarity YHWH souls are made of.
Imagine a normal male soul has a centrifugal electromagnetic field. While a luciferian male soul is both centripetal and centrifugal at the same time. Both feminine and masculine. Imagine all the problems and confusion this brings to Luciferian soul types, but they won't never tell you that most of the people who are trans or homexual have this types of souls, and that they are experiencing crushing internal friction over a flaw in the make up of their electromagnetic field. Let them mutilate their own bodies, become dependant upon life-long testosterone and estrogen treatment, and eventually kill themselves. Yikes, if you saw some of the charts from my family. Most suicides are commited by luciferian souls, which are inherently bipolar. Same with most homeless people, many artists, and individuals who experience this internal paralysis in life because their souls are a contradiction of nature.

And this is the origin of the serpent seed theory. Which is true to some degree. As Cain was a Luciferian soul, while Abel was YHWH soul. I don't know who impregnated Eve to produce Cain, but it was not Adam. So, you have the egotistical bully, that sacrificed innocent animals to please daddy YHWH and his own ego, and the sensitive soul of Cain, who was a forager and a farmer who did not harm any life. And they were always at odds with each other, because of the electromagnetic conflict that exists between them makes them attract repel each other, at least on the side of Abel. The same way I would have YHWH type males react violently towards me in school for no reason, or feel sexually attracted towards me, because their electrogmanetic fields were picking up on the feminine, or attractive/centripetal force within my own electromagnetic field. Until I beat these "macho" men into a pulp. And the same happened with Abel, because just as YHWH, he was constantly aggro, until he got what he deserved. And there is nothing God could do, because he knew the unique problem that lied within the soul of Cain. And you have had the serpent seed/Luciferian complex fight against the woman seed/YHWH complex to this day.

It is not so difficult to understand, if you have the eyes to see. It is all around you. Left and right, left and right. But it has been disguised like the nature of this earthy plane. "Welcome to planet earth", "The human animal farm of dreams, when we never talk about what we do in the dark".

And that is the other problem with social platforms, besides censorship about any sensitive information. Count how many times you see some ***hole talking about anything in particular on media. And you would see the image of the globe just there in the logo, for no reason. Or someone talking about something that has nothing to do with anything like a comedian, and there you will see a "globe map" in the background, or they would make the conscious effort to mention "planet". "Planet", "PLANET". I was watching a playthrough of half-life alyx, and there it was again. Did you know "The  Planet, earth", "The Planet", "The PLANET". I turned that crap off.

They have to keep repeating this nonsense to keep Luciferian souls distracted from the internal conflict that lies within them, so they lie to them and infantilize them. Just count how many times a day you see the image of that ****** globe. It does piss me off. Because I WAS a murderer since the beginning, but one that was always honest at heart, and I never lowered myself to abuse others like daddy YHWH, and his souls archetype on earth, who did try to abuse me, in both men and women. What a wonderful world.

And the eternal conflict between the diametrically opposed forces within my electromagnetic field makes me a very violent and voluminous person, but one that does not tolerate violence. So, in a way. I am always longing for the truth, which is release from this lie called planet earth. But when the whole world paradigm is a lie, then how are you supposed to express yourself? People do not like truth.

So, why do I hate social media? Because much like the "planet" we live in. It is LIE. And I despise lies and deception. I despise YHWH, and I despise every monopolar animal soul that is like him. And this domed plane is full of it. So full of hypocrisy and pretence. So, out with the truth, already. That you are making people hurt themselves. You are lying to them. You are lying to the whole world. And you are gonna get very hurt when this is all over.

Edited by They call me Loyalty
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Twitter at least has decent art. Facebook groups can be useful for finding different kinds of stuff. I didn’t know Tumblr was still a thing :confused:

So that leaves Snapchat and TikTok, and I don’t really understand either of them, but I’ve seen a few fun voice actor accounts on TikTok so that’s something. I guess it’ll be Snapchat in last place :mellow:


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I would have to go with TikTok since there have been so many stupid challenges on there that end up getting people hurt or killed. There needs to be monitoring beforehand if these challenges to prevent the more dangerous ones from spreading.

  • Brohoof 1



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  • 3 weeks later...

Facebook, had many bad experince of it, there a person I wanted to know and see her photos, sure it not that bad it not I wanted to met her. I friend her in her other account, Rikku, it a role play acount and wanted to see her real accoint, that all. I know what yo going to say? When looking back can't believe what I did. I moved on, it just wanted to what she look like but I now she want to keep private, of course. Her friend did talk to him that was year after and I was moving on. There another friend name Rikku, she was good and was best thing in facebook she has alots of friends but she does reply to me alot. Suddnely during the time, thing change she think I was being serious and do not reply to my comment, she say I don't repond. Sure I did but last time I repond to her i deletled cos I was upset about something, we fell out, I deleted her frommy friend list and she tell why I delete her like I never think she even care. Things when crazy then claim down, I talk to few time but still didn't repond then delete her again and moved on. Yes being friends online not good and never know them much that girl never know me, I do know her abit and what she like. Had another friend were i thought was good and alway there for me, she somehow deleted me cos she sick of me moaning of block and not get add, which i know was stupid. In facebook I try to become friend with some people I was fro MySpace that time and I was still new to Social Media. Not I learn what Social media and online friend about, even they seem good friends and maybe best things online things will change. I still have two friends from facebook and had them in instragam, one from France she married, two kids, have big famliy and into things from Japan and South Korea, and still with in instragam liking my photos, message me few times and view my instragam stories. Still had Facebook, it a love and hate relationship. Also learn it not being friend with people you haven't met.

MySpace, It was my first Social Media, did had many bad experince, it called a place of friends. I try to friends with few people but few give me who are you and rejection. I do enjoy looking at MySpace account like mY General Interests. I did miss it and can't believe what happen to it. It not as worse as with Facebook.

Don't judge me at that time i was new to Social media and been having some hard times. 

I guess I going to say TikTok also, there other things to look at, cos they do have videos that not teenagers or weirdos, I do post videos, I did have pathetic trolls I post a video with writing, one post about lists of Fandoms I part of and an idiot comment 'Most saddest things I see all day'I was p*** I didn't reply I block and that person has account with no Profile Pic, and videos, guess he's a troll. there another troll it got Homelander on Profile Pic and it has some video I not sure but that user reply to my video that list My Superhero and Comic Book Character, should put it as Favourite Superheroes and Favourite Comic Book Characters, this user troll comment it should one not mulitupe' I repond 'Some people will say more than one when say what their favourite Superhero or Colour' then' He respond you don't make scene, I was p**** not sure he said that or being a p****. I hate trolls and negatives, I post a video about trolls then a commet say about cancelling, trolls and negative comments not free speech.

Edited by BritishBrony2012

Proud British Brony

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Was going to answer Twitter as I hate almost everything about it, but I think TikTok is probably a better answer as it introduces a bunch of harmful stuff to children en masse. My 13 year-old brother told me last week that he started watching Andrew Tate through TikTok, I think that's enough of a reason to deem it a bad influence.

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Definitely TikTok for the reasons mentioned above. It isn’t the only platform where toxic behaviors run rampant, but there have certainly been quite a few appalling situations related to that app specifically.

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TikTok. It's a cesspool of people doing stupid things and in my opinion, that now outweighs the genuinely entertaining or useful content. And the humor in more harmless content, free of petty drama or outright toxicity, often just isn't my thing. Deleted the app after a short while! 


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  • 1 year later...


I have friends on there but I think Facebook is the crème de la crème of toxicity filled cesspools online.

I never want to go back there as that toxicity really brings out the worst in you and I never want to experience that ever again.

  • Brohoof 1


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Probably Instagram, it’s too vapid even for me. I’d say TikTok but I don’t actually use it so I don’t feel like I can comment. I have heard the MLP fandom on there is one of the most toxic on the internet which I definitely believe.


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  • 2 weeks later...

All of them. People suck on there.  It’s dangerous 

On 2024-05-28 at 2:01 AM, FairyBarf said:

Probably TikTok (mean teenagers :() orrrr kiwi farms of that counts. I don’t like much social media

I don’t either. I like forums better. 

Edited by Sugaredquills
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