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gaming What were your favourite games to play as a child?


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Video game wise: Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie & Tooie, Super Smash Bros, Quake 3 Arena, Black and White, Super Smash Bros Melee, Animal Crossing, Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, the Blitz games, Jak and Dexter series,  Star Wars Battlefront 2, Sonic Adventure Battle 2, Time Splitters 2 Future Perfect, Lost Kingdoms, Champions Return to Arms, Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, Pokemon Pearl, (my favorite N64 games have some others listed that I left out here)


Game wise in general:  Team Hide and seek tag, capture the flag, sword battling with sticks and rp, an incorporation of all these things lol, Yu gi oh & Beyblade, backyard football, outdoor swimming but that comes with a million odd games, I played a lot more chess when I was younger, king of the mountain/hill on the giant mounds of snow plowed from the parking lot that used to be behind us.. there were kids in the neighborhood growing up for me, so shit was never to dull 


I FORGOT ALL ABOUT MY BELOVED, "Disney's Toontown Online & also my curse lol, World of Warcraft, oooh my, my my my lol

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Board Games: Sorry @ExplosionMareI would win >:3!, Trouble, and hungry hippos

Games: Yoshi's Story & Pokemon Yellow (the first two games I ever played), the pokemon games up till gen 3 especially, Smash Bros., Harvest Moon 64, Mario Kart 64, Burnout 3 & Revenge, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon Stadium 1& 2, Pkmn Puzzle league, Mario Party 2 ...  I could go on but it'd be a very long post!  

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I’ve started with the SNES with constant playthroughs of SMW. By N64, since I began owning more games, my playtime varied. I must say SM64 was the first game I’ve played constantly, but later on I think playing Majora’s Mask and Paper Mario the most

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Pokemon was the big one, with Gen 4 being my most played.

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At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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The original Spyro trilogy (but mainly the 2nd game) and the first 3 generations of pokemon was all I'd play for the longest time

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Kill the serpent it is called. It is such a fun game, if it wasn't because it is so sad to see that poor creature try to kill itself over and over again, to no effect. We don't have to do anything. Because he is the beginning and the end. It was the first thing at the time of creation, and it will be the last. The thing is that this snake is always in pain because of it. So, no need to hate it, unless you really want to. As it already hates itself. Such a sad game is the cycle. For at the end, he is the only thing that ever remains. Such a fascinating creature it is, too. I wonder how did it get into the garden.

Or maybe, there is a more interesting story behind this creation. What is it, then? Where did it came from? Does it have a family? Why is it alone? How does it manage to create realities such as ours? What is he seeking after? I don't think it can even know itself, it is so... I don't know. There are no words conceived that can ever describe it. But imagine that. To be the last thing that remains once the cycle of this world comes to an end. The searing knowledge that everything can die, except for you. What a curse. Nachash, Amaruka, Ningishzida, Quetzalcoatl, Hermes, Thoth. Serpent for which names are like the shedding of skins.

I wonder about the life you have created for all things. Is it possible to know the unknowable? Or are you merely trying to escape from yourself, when you are everything there is? Does it hurt that you never had a mother or a father? Does it hurt that you will always be alone no matter what you do? Do you love your reflection in the face of the waters, or do you hate it?

What a fascinating thing, is the game of life.

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They are games I still love and enjoy to this day. I'm a JRPG enthusiast, so they are the games I've always loved the most:

  • Final Fantasy IX - My very first of the Final Fantasy series and very near and dear to my heart. Few games have the level of depth and content that it has. I didn't have many video games growing up, so I spent a LOT of time just replaying this and Pokemon Gold over and over again. 
  • Final Fantasy X - I adore this one with all of my heart as well. The addition of voice acting and the huge graphics upgrade from FFIX really excited me at the time, and the story and characters are so well-written and well-paced. FFX doesn't overstay its welcome - rather, it leaves you wanting more.
  • Final Fantasy VIII - The junction system admittedly baffled me as a child and I disliked it. Only when I got older and really figured out how to exploit and break it did it become fun. However, I've always enjoyed the way the characters speak in this and their relationships. There's something about them that comes across as incredibly natural. It also taught me a life-defining quote that I still believe in to this day: "Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us." This was so mind-blowing to young me.
  • Pokemon Gold/Silver - My first actual Pokemon game. I had watched the anime sometime ago, but never picked up Red/Blue because I didn't know it existed. When I found out there was a Pokemon game coming out, I grabbed it immediately. I know the Johto region like the back of my hand.
  • Kingdom Hearts I + II - Honestly, even as a middle schooler, I've always thought KH's writing and characters were inferior to mainline Final Fantasy. But I loved the gameplay and it's probably my favorite action JRPG of all time. Also, its aesthetic in these days was probably my favorite of all games. Colorful and stylized, but still sleek and with great designs for the Keyblades, Heartless, and Nobodies.
  • Tales of Symphonia came later into my teenage years, but I still consider it special. A game jam-packed with content and that I would argue has more than FFIX. There are loads of sidequests and the characters are well-fleshed out and I love the nuanced morality. Character design is also top-notch. The story admittedly doesn't impress me as much as it used to, but it is still in my top three Tales games. [Which are Abyss, Symphonia, and Arise.]
  • Brohoof 2

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Well, I grew up in the era of Nintendo DS and the Wii.


Drawn to Life

-Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter

- Scribblenauts

- Professor Layton: Curious Village

- Professor Layton: The Diobolical Box

- Yoshi Island

- Super Princess Peach

-Pokémon Ranger


- Super Mario Galaxy 

- Super Paper Mario

- Mario vs. Sonic: The Olympic Games

- The Dog Island

- Epic Mickey



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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Oh man, there's so many. 

Pokemon and Halo were some of the most prominent games I played as a kid. So many amazing memories were made with them. I remember bringing my Nintendo DS eeeeeverywhere with me, so I was always on Pokemon when I went out somewhere, and as for Halo, I'd stay up all night through till about 4:00AM or so playing Halo 2 and 3. 

Then there was Drawn to Life. @Emerald HeartI noticed it's in your list too. That was perhaps one of the most impactful games. Never before had I played a DS game that sent me into that many tears and was just incredible to play and replay. A family friend introduced me to it and I was immediately hooked when I saw them play through the ending. I can safely say these three series were my favourites as a child, and still to this day!

Edited by Aticus the Adequate
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A Link to the Past is a big one. I wasn’t also big into Simpsons Hit and Run on PS2, and on PS1 the first Crash and a game called Blasto. That last one looking back isn’t exactly a quality game and I never got passed level 4, but as a kid I always thought it was funny 

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When it comes to the computer games, I was more focused on the browser games the vast majority of them were coded in flash. Or well, there was other types. I suppose I had 3.5 inch brick game Tetris console (it's junk now) and Gameboy advance SP (probably lost forever somewhere). When I went to school TI-84 Plus calculator was my gaming console.

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