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Happy Hearts and Hooves day 2023 - Your Matches - The Gathering

Ice Princess Silky

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Hey there, lovelies! Remember this is an RP event, so while it's fun to banter OOC be sure to keep it in character. You can use the references IC as well.

I know it may seem confusing but this year we shall be having a lot of events! So the The Maze of Friendship link that derives away from this thread shall be a scavenger hunt for those who want to team up with their friend to do it! The original event with the hearts and hooves badge exchange shall carry on here. We're just buying some time so that the other shier ponies meet their match (and some people are on vacation or tending to real life stuff) but once things are settled, the event shall carry on and something will happen! So stay tuned. ;)

I'm looking forward to getting to know your OC more and the dynamics with their new friend/pairing.
*Hoof bump* /) 

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10 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:


As he made his way over towards the bespectacled mare, he thought he had seen a blush upon her cheeks. Was it due to him being nervous, or was she as nervous as he was. He was thankful that he wasn't the only one as it seemed like others were feeling as nervous, as well. Hearing his name, he blinked suddenly, before giving her a nod. "H-Hey. That's my name, b-but how do you know who I am?" He asked with curiosity in both his voice and expression. Upon hearing her name, he gasped as he levitated the invitation for them both to see. "Wait a minute. You said Silky? From the invitation? You're Caramel Ripple?" A small smile began to form upon his lips as her sheepish smile felt infectious. "It's so nice to finally meet you! I remember hearing about you from, Silky, as well. Although, she never told me of your name. She said that she found the perfect match for me." He wasn't sure if he should hug the mare, or if that would be considered too formal. However, he was still feeling so nervous, yet ecstatic.

Caramel smiles a little, she saw a blush across his muzzle as he approached her, which to her meant he was just as nervous as she was. Upon hearing him speak, she'd smile and nod "Yes, Silky told me about you, said something about you liking me for who I am" she'd say, smiling a bit more "and yes, I'm Caramel Ripple, but most call me Caramel" she would then gently hug him "it's nice to finally meet you too" she replies before hearing the announcement "oh, seems the events are happening soon, I've always wanted to do a scavenger hunt, how about you?"

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2 minutes ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

Caramel smiles a little, she saw a blush across his muzzle as he approached her, which to her meant he was just as nervous as she was. Upon hearing him speak, she'd smile and nod "Yes, Silky told me about you, said something about you liking me for who I am" she'd say, smiling a bit more "and yes, I'm Caramel Ripple, but most call me Caramel" she would then gently hug him "it's nice to finally meet you too" she replies before hearing the announcement "oh, seems the events are happening soon, I've always wanted to do a scavenger hunt, how about you?"


As he listened to her speak, what she said sparked a memory he had with Silky. "Oh, yeah. I remember Silky asking me who I was into and I remember saying that. About how I'd like someone for who they are. I didn't understand at first, but seeing how this is a couples get together, I'm starting to understand what she had meant before." He'd say, blinking in surprise at the gentle hug, before returning the gentle embrace. "Just like what you said, my name is Dynamo Pad, but friends call me Dynamo." He would say, turning to see that events were taking place. "Oh, that's right. I haven't done a scavenger hunt in a while, but I'm definitely up to doing that if you are. Maybe we can get to know each other along the way. What do you think?" He asks, holding out his fore hoof for her to take with a smile upon his face.

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9 hours ago, Reality Check said:

RC rolls his eyes in amusement as the make their way to their destination

Sophie'd stop for a moment, wiggling her nose "hey! Do you love music? I DO love music! since it's the language of our soul" sophie says proudly "Do you play any instruments? or.." she breaks her speaking for a moment just to gasp for a moment "DO YOU SING?!"

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13 hours ago, Roswell said:

That's awesome.

I know @Patty Thundersnow, she's a lovely pony but I haven't seen her in years though.

I have heard of @Totally Lyra and @The Wife of Law but I've not met them yet, they sound like awesome ponies.


Yes, I like it.

Not been a fan for a long time though.


You have a favourite wrestler?


Cool! My favorite wrestlers are Trot Stratus and "The Ponenomenal" AJ Stables. (:P)

What kind of sports do you like? 

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On 2023-02-16 at 12:02 AM, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Oh we still see each other daily. It's a shame that I couldn't do the same with you, but things have just been so busy for both of us recently, though I'm still grateful that you're my friend. I haven't heard of Caramel Ripple before I don't think. And I have no idea who I'm meeting tonight," Skylight admitted. She leaned in to whisper the next part. "Do you think you could help me break the ice with Nebel when he arrives? I'm afraid I won't know what to say."

Skylight stared at the ground nervously, not quite sure how to react to the conversation dying out either. However, he noticed that @Dynamo Pad was still with them, and he hoped that maybe Nebel and Dynamo know each other and that Dynamo would be able to help the pair break the ice. 


As Dynamo and Caramel made their way over towards the Maze of Friendship, he noticed that Skylight was standing next to a few of their friends. Taking notice of his friend staring down at the ground, he frowned as he was worried about the light blue unicorn. "Hey, @Skylight Scintillate!" He called out to the light blue unicorn to gain her attention. "I'm really sorry about walking away like that. I hope I wasn't gone for too long." He would say upon arrival, while having an apologetic expression upon his face. "I'm glad you, Twinkle and Sealight still keep in touch. Since it was busy for us both, I made sure to write a letter every chance I got. I hope they're doing well. I know it would be cool to meet up again with them sometime. It's been way too long and I miss my old school friends." He says, nodding at the mention of helping to break the ice. "I'll admit that I'm in the same boat as you are, Sky. I always had trouble figuring out what to do or what to say, but I promise to do my best. We always worked well like a team together even back in school. Remember?" He smiled, giving a reassuring pat to her shoulder.


"Speaking of which." He started, gesturing his hoof towards his match. "This is Caramel Ripple. Caramel? This is Skylight Scintillate. I met her when I attended Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.." He would say, before looking towards Skylight and Nebel. Upon seeing the unicorn, Dynamo had to admit that he never seen or met Nebel before. "Hey, Skylight? I'm really sorry, but I don't think I've ever met Nebel before. However, it's the same for me as I never met Caramel before and this is my first time meeting her." He whispered to Skylight, before thinking of how he could help break he ice. As he was thinking, he recalled the Scavenger Hunt that he and Caramel were taking part in. "Hey, Sky? Caramel and I were going towards the Maze of Friendship for one of the events. Did you and Nebel want to team up? Always good to work as a team. Plus, it'll help to get to know each other more." He says, before looking back towards his date. "If that's okay with you, of course, Caramel."

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29 minutes ago, Sophie H. said:

Sophie'd stop for a moment, wiggling her nose "hey! Do you love music? I DO love music! since it's the language of our soul" sophie says proudly "Do you play any instruments? or.." she breaks her speaking for a moment just to gasp for a moment "DO YOU SING?!"

Shocked by her sudden outburst, RC processed what @Sophie H. said. Although he previously mentioned he gets a headache from loud noise, he decided he might as well bare with it for now. "Uh not so much sing... I like listening to music and I've played one or two instruments before, but I never really sing, let along thought about it. ^^;"

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@The Wife of Law

Saffron took the hoof of Wolf Track with a slight grin of amusement. Her peculiarities aside, he had a feeling of sincerity about her. Maybe it was just the comment of him being "harmless". He supposed that was as good a description as any, though it may yet have been better to suggest "mostly harmless".

"Well, I'm glad to make your acquaintance, Wolfie." He said to her warmly. "I'm Saffron. Saffron Shadow. I guess you could call me a bit of a wanderer. Traveling around investigating places of historical and archological interest at my leisure. Equestria is certainly full of fascinating wonders. I've been on a little break from my journeys for a while now, though. I suppose that's why I even got the invitation. Someone must've known I'd get hold of it."

He paused for a moment, as though sizing Wolf Track up, then added: "Forgive me asking, but you don't seem like a pony from any particular parts I've been. Are you living far out? You seem a bit, ahh... wary of the crowds."

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12 hours ago, Sophie H. said:

Sophie'd stop for a moment, wiggling her nose "hey! Do you love music? I DO love music! since it's the language of our soul" sophie says proudly "Do you play any instruments? or.." she breaks her speaking for a moment just to gasp for a moment "DO YOU SING?!"

Vibrant would overhear Sophie @Sophie H.and joined in the musical conversation

"Hey, You play multiple instruments, don't You? I so happen to have a guitar with me that I can spare. How about You play something for us, Sophie?"

He hands over a neatly made instrument, curious as to what will the mare play for them.

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Silky was pleased to see that the elusive and beautiful Wolf Track @The Wife of Law had arrived, then respectfully smiled at Saffron @Dark Horseand gently, she picked up @Silverspark184the little filly one more before she'd notice other ponies had gathered with @Sir Hugsalot.

She had to introduce herself first. "Good evening, Wolf Track, My name is Star Silk. It's a pleasure to know that you could come, allow me to explain." She spoke warmly towards Wolf Track and Saffron. "You see, I am an alchemist who runs a beauty shop and I was experimenting with this combination of rare plants which I've mixed with gems -- they're called pairing stones and they glow when two friends or partners are tied through a destiny or a match... for whatever reason." She looked from Wolf Track to Saffron and a nervous smile gently touched her lips as if doubt had just hit her. Her gaze would then wander towards all of the diverse matches..  so many unlikely ponies paired and she faltered -- hoping she wasn't making a mistake with her impulse to unite them all. "Uh-ahem... anyway... consider this a social experiment. I don't know if the stones are connected to anything beyond or not.. I am no unicorn... I only ask that you make yourself at home. Ask your potential new friend some questions and if nothing else -- you get some free food. Also.. I don't know why several mysterious ponies arrive. I only know the stones had glowed around your general direction while I was flying by and matched with another pony either far or closeby." That was a lot to explain to a stranger but she hoped it was enough.

She'd then look over to where Thundy @Totally Lyrawas at and notice the lantern with the flower. "Oh!!" Looking back to the other guests including those nearby like @TheRockARooster@Sparklefan1234"lovelies, if you'll excuse me... I really need to greet the others..." and with a courteous nod and kind eyes, she'd dismiss herself. 

"Vibrant! It's glowing even brighter now!" She'd smile at each guest as she'd walk by with @Sophie H.and @Reality Checkwho were talking -- the poor RC looking rather confused as to why Sophie was suddenly talking about music. She walked by @Sycofear13@Astral Soul@Silly Druid@Cagey@TheRockARoosterwho was distracted by candy topics of candy with @Sparklefan1234in the distance...

Finally, she'd approach Thundy, Vibrant and Ana all looking at the glowing flower. Ana was so beautiful as the light gently bounced against her curious features and Thundy's perplexed expression right beside her. "Hmm.... " Silky became more curious as she drew closer... "Wait! Don't get too close because it's rather elusive.." 

But as she'd draw near, something would happen....

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"WHAT-?!" Frostbite stumbled as the wall forcefully shoved the gathering apart, shaking the ground, alarming the brightly-colored ponies standing closer to it. He leaped forward, past Magloria @Props ValRoa, but the changeling queen was already gone, leaving a dense wall of vines in her place, reaching high above them. "HEY!"

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30 minutes ago, Chrysalis said:

Wall of Moss: The walls are made of stone and covered in moss. The moss doesn't look healthy. The texture is slimy and the rot can be clearly seen. Once You try to smell it You can smell the decay of it. Entire area is moist, like a swamp and there's a lingering presence in the air, a result of Chrysalis's foul magic.


Yuck! This place is wet and sticky and it smells absolutely horrible! My best friend, Rarity would definitely not like this! :pout:

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A look of pure and utter rage comes across Magloria's face. Her body pulses various shades of blue as long chains would appear into existence at her sides. They were translucent and had an icey blue hue to them, even looking at them could make one shiver. At the end of the chains, there were large sharp ice blades. Looking up, without a word, her chains would burst forth towards the air - and the blades would sharpen - she was going to attempt to cut through the roots that trapped them.

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2 minutes ago, Magloria said:


A look of pure and utter rage comes across Magloria's face. Her body pulses various shades of blue as long chains would appear into existence at her sides. They were translucent and had an icey blue hue to them, even looking at them could make one shiver. At the end of the chains, there were large sharp ice blades. Looking up, without a word, her chains would burst forth towards the air - and the blades would sharpen - she was going to attempt to cut through the roots that trapped them.

Frostbite, meanwhile, attempted to kick and bite at the roots, heedless of the thorns and seemingly forgetting about the axe strapped to his saddlebags. The roots glowed darkly as he failed to sink his fangs into them -- they were protected by magic. He kicked them again out of frustration.

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@AuroraGlimmer@Dynamo Pad@Skylight Scintillate

Nebel was about to respond to Dynamo when suddenly, giant wall emerged from the ground and separated the entire party into two separate groups. On his side, he found Skylight, Dynamo, and his match, Caramel. In addition, there were also several other ponies who Nebel had yet to meet. It is dark in the maze but not so dark that it prevented anypony from finding their way. Everything around them was slimy and… mostly dead.

“Is everypony ok?” He asks his newfound companions. “I guess we’re going to be navigating a maze together whether we wanted to or not.” He says with a bit of a nervous laugh.  

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25 minutes ago, GeneralDirection said:

@AuroraGlimmer@Dynamo Pad@Skylight Scintillate

Nebel was about to respond to Dynamo when suddenly, giant wall emerged from the ground and separated the entire party into two separate groups. On his side, he found Skylight, Dynamo, and his match, Caramel. In addition, there were also several other ponies who Nebel had yet to meet. It is dark in the maze but not so dark that it prevented anypony from finding their way. Everything around them was slimy and… mostly dead.

“Is everypony ok?” He asks his newfound companions. “I guess we’re going to be navigating a maze together whether we wanted to or not.” He says with a bit of a nervous laugh.  

just the mere presence of the evil Changeling Queen would make Caramel shudder, which in turn would make her disguise flicker and she would quiver "I-I don't like thisss" she would say, letting a prolonged s out, "What iss, ssssshe doing here?" she would ask, staying close to @Dynamo Pad and @Skylight Scintillate  "ssshhhe sssshouldn't be here"

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10 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:


As Dynamo and Caramel made their way over towards the Maze of Friendship, he noticed that Skylight was standing next to a few of their friends. Taking notice of his friend staring down at the ground, he frowned as he was worried about the light blue unicorn. "Hey, @Skylight Scintillate!" He called out to the light blue unicorn to gain her attention. "I'm really sorry about walking away like that. I hope I wasn't gone for too long." He would say upon arrival, while having an apologetic expression upon his face. "I'm glad you, Twinkle and Sealight still keep in touch. Since it was busy for us both, I made sure to write a letter every chance I got. I hope they're doing well. I know it would be cool to meet up again with them sometime. It's been way too long and I miss my old school friends." He says, nodding at the mention of helping to break the ice. "I'll admit that I'm in the same boat as you are, Sky. I always had trouble figuring out what to do or what to say, but I promise to do my best. We always worked well like a team together even back in school. Remember?" He smiled, giving a reassuring pat to her shoulder.


"Speaking of which." He started, gesturing his hoof towards his match. "This is Caramel Ripple. Caramel? This is Skylight Scintillate. I met her when I attended Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.." He would say, before looking towards Skylight and Nebel. Upon seeing the unicorn, Dynamo had to admit that he never seen or met Nebel before. "Hey, Skylight? I'm really sorry, but I don't think I've ever met Nebel before. However, it's the same for me as I never met Caramel before and this is my first time meeting her." He whispered to Skylight, before thinking of how he could help break he ice. As he was thinking, he recalled the Scavenger Hunt that he and Caramel were taking part in. "Hey, Sky? Caramel and I were going towards the Maze of Friendship for one of the events. Did you and Nebel want to team up? Always good to work as a team. Plus, it'll help to get to know each other more." He says, before looking back towards his date. "If that's okay with you, of course, Caramel."

"Oh, hello again, Dynamo. You and Caramel are also doing the maze? Nice. Nebel and I are doing the maze too. Maybe doing something together would be a good way of getting to know each other. I definitely appreciate the letters that you send, Dynamo, although they can't really compare to seeing you in person, and now I'm getting all sentimental again," Skylight said, getting teary eyed as she hugged Dynamo again. She dabbed her tears and nodded along to what Dynamo said next before turning to face Caramel Ripple.

"Hello Caramel Ripple," Skylight said as she stuck out a hoof to shake. 

Skylight frowned when she realized that Dynamo hadn't met Nebel. However, while she wasn't sure about Caramel, that made three ponies that were awkward at introductions. "Hey maybe we share a similarity in being awkward with introductions?" Skylight asked, hopping that Nebel would agree. With Dynamo by her side, she was feeling a bit more confident talking. "I mean, when we first met at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, it was super awkward too, but next thing we knew, we were best of friends. Say, Dynamo, do you want to explain what you did after graduating from Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns? As for me, I continued studying magic and such..." Skylight explained. 

1 hour ago, GeneralDirection said:

@AuroraGlimmer@Dynamo Pad@Skylight Scintillate

Nebel was about to respond to Dynamo when suddenly, giant wall emerged from the ground and separated the entire party into two separate groups. On his side, he found Skylight, Dynamo, and his match, Caramel. In addition, there were also several other ponies who Nebel had yet to meet. It is dark in the maze but not so dark that it prevented anypony from finding their way. Everything around them was slimy and… mostly dead.

“Is everypony ok?” He asks his newfound companions. “I guess we’re going to be navigating a maze together whether we wanted to or not.” He says with a bit of a nervous laugh.  

Skylight gasped and instinctively took a step back when the wall appeared, splitting the general group. Thankfully, the group with Nebel, Dynamo, and Caramel remained intact. "Oh I'm so relived that our group remained unsplit. I don't know what I would do if we were split up," Skylight said as she sighed a breath of relief. "At least we get to do it together," Skylight replied to Nebel.

28 minutes ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

just the mere presence of the evil Changeling Queen would make Caramel shudder, which in turn would make her disguise flicker and she would quiver "I-I don't like thisss" she would say, letting a prolonged s out, "What iss, ssssshe doing here?" she would ask, staying close to @Dynamo Pad and @Skylight Scintillate  "ssshhhe sssshouldn't be here"

"Wait, didn't Twilight blast her with rainbow lasers? How is she still here then?" Skylight pondered, whispering to the rest of the group. Skylight suddenly realized something. "Hey Dynamo, remember how you loved playing videogames with me whenever you had spare time in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns? And then there was that game where we had to run through a maze while being chased by changelings and it was like, totally spooky and everything?" Skylight asked.

If Dynamo didn't remember, Skylight would point to the sky and suggest to the group using that to maintain their sense of direction.

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As RC was chatting with @Sophie H. about singing and music, a giant wall made of roots appeared from the ground, separating them from half the group. The roots also covered the top as well, leaving barely any light for them to see.

RC tried using his magic to break through the roots, but the roots immediately regenerate, fixing the damage. “Great, we can’t break through. And it doesn’t look like we can fly out either.” RC said as he looked up

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