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Happy Hearts and Hooves day 2023 - Your Matches - The Gathering

Ice Princess Silky

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9 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"I knew there was something sus about that parasprite!" Skylight remarked. "I got my baguette bread. And glitter. Lots of glitter!" Skylight said, pulling out a baguette bread out of thin air while taking up a defensive position and continuing to glare at the parasprite.

Vibrant would look with visible confusion and surprise as a baguette suddenly appeared in Skylight's hooves. "What?" was the only thing he was capable of saying, normally he'd start laughing, but given severity of the situation they're in, he was simply speechless.

Vibrant would become more vigilant, hearing trotting sound from the distant, not aware that they belong to @The Wife of LawWolf Tracks and @Dark HorseSaffron. His attention, however quickly shifts towards a sudden flash of light and a change in parasprite's appearance.

1 hour ago, ChrysalisM said:

After a white flash a changeling stood before those gathered where the parasprite stood.  It was missing a wing, and had a single starch white eye. It looks around a bit sheepishly and takes a few moments before speaking. "I know you all probably are mad right now, but hear me out. Please." The changeling than seems to regain an element of composure. "First of all, my name is Cimex, but feel free to call me Ix. I haven't been in the reach of Equestria for a while, rather worlds apart, and the last contact I had was during the wedding. I need not say which. Needless to say, I didn't exactly think that high of ponies. Still, since I came back, with a much broader view than I had before, I found the state of affairs was much different than I previously had experienced. I took this job out of loyalty to my queen (as much of an old hag as she is), but I really couldn't lead you to your dooms. I'm Chaotic Good for Myhriss's sake!"


Ix than kneels before you. "I'll take whatever consequence you feel is necessary in light of my actions, and surrender myself to your mercy."

"A changeling!" Vibrant would shout in surprise and outrage. "What do You want? What do You all want from us, invading Princess Cadance's wedding wasn't enough for You?!". His pose was defensive, expecting an attack any moment. He faltered though seeing that the changelling is kneeling before them. "You better explain Yourself and do it fast, changeling". 

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7 hours ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

@GeneralDirection @Skylight Scintillate @Sir Hugsalot @Dynamo Pad

Caramel would frown, "I think you are all right here, things just aren't adding up" she would say, then use her basic telepathy to only speak to her companions without the Parasprite hearing "This Parasprite is very strange indeed, the healing was too quick for my liking and..it can speak, very, very abnormal for a Parasprite.. it is also very strangely intelligent for a Parasprite" she then directs her thoughts towards Vibrant "You're right, this certainly feels like a trap, but I will do my best to get us out of this, as I feel responsible, being the one to follow this..thing here".

Caramel would then hear Dynamo speaking and look over to him, nodding and giving him a reassuring smile "It's okay Dynamo, we got this, try not to focus too much on it, just try to follow my lead, I am sure we will get this" she says to him, still smiling at him "Try not to panic, here, I'll tell you a bit about myself to distract you from the current situation while we play" she says, beginning to play again, "First of all, I do like Boop it as well, that was a fun game, I had a lot of..alone time, as a filly" she'd say and then think of something ele "I am originally from Manehatten, but my dad thought it would be a good idea to enrol me into the School of Friendship to help me make friends...and I did, though I was a few yours younger and i a few years below Ocellus and her friends. WE hang out every now and then" she'd say, smiling and tapping out the patern with her hoof, then drection her thoughts to Skylight "Thank you for your trust, Skylight, I promise to get us out of here"


Blinking in surprise to hear Caramel’s voice in his head, he listened as she gave her thoughts of both the situation and the parasprite. Closing his eyes, a single thought ran through his mind. ‘Is this my fault? Should I have not followed the parasprite?’ He thought, feeling guilty of as his failures in the game weren’t helping either. It was hearing Caramel’s voice that caused him to gasp. “C-Caramel?” He uttered out, listening closely to her words of encouragement. He couldn’t understand why, but hearing her words made him want to believe in her and their teamwork. It wasn’t that he doubted her, but more so if doubting himself. 

“O-Okay. Let’s do this, Caramel. Together.” He would say as he listened to her voice. “I-I do know how you feel in being alone. I…I didn’t really have many friends when I was growing up. It wasn’t until I met @Skylight Scintillate and some other students, that I managed to make friends. I’m originally from Fillydelphia, but I went to Canterlot for Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. After graduating, I went back to Fillydelphia for a bit, before moving to Ponyville.” He explained, listening more and more as he continued. “I remember visiting Manehatten, but I don’t think we ever met. I remembered meeting Silky when competing in a tournament, but she and I became best friends.” He smiled, feeling nostalgic. “Since I’ve been to Ponyville, I don’t remember if I’ve seen you. Do you live at the school, or are you a resident around town?” He asks, before his turn came back to him.

Taking a deep breath, he recalled the things he and Caramel talked about. Even her words of encouragement stayed in his mind and close to his heart. Lifting a fore hoof, he pressed the buttons, while keeping a close eye on the pattern. Watching as the lights had faded, he watched with bated breath as there was no red light to show he failed. “Hey, Caramel? I think I did it! Is the pattern back to you?” He asks, smiling as his heart felt lighter

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@Sparklefan1234 @TheRockARooster @Tao

Raven says to Roswell, "Let's go back and regroup."

She back tracks to find Nocturne Blue (and whoever else is in this part of the group :P)

"Sorry Nocturne, the waffles will have to wait. But I think there is some force here that eants me. Wait, is that a changeling?"

@Dynamo Pad

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@Dynamo Pad @Sir Hugsalot @GeneralDirection @ChrysalisM@Skylight Scintillate

Caramel would smile over at Dynamo as he had succeeded, and she nods "yes, and I think..one more turn and wr can be.." She then  turns her head to see that the parasprite had revealed itself, "I.. was hoping it wasn't true, I was hoping I hadn't let my new friends down and led them into a trap" she'd say, before doing the pattern  "listen, I'm not mad at you, upset yes, but not mad..you were following orders, and I know..I know that not all changeling are bad, because I've met two very nice ones and a grumpy but good one and..." She was about to finish the pattern when Chrysalis appeared, making her shrink back and hiss.

After Chrysalis did her monologue thing and then disappeared, she'd shudder and then return to the 'game', "I got this.." She then succeeds in the pattern, and she cheers, but then sighs  "to finish what I was saying, I know not all Chamgelings are bad because.." She sighs and turns to her true form, which was quite different from the type that Chrysalis was, as she herself was a spider Changeling, a jumping spider to be precise "because, I am one myself"

Ooc: this is what she looks like




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4 hours ago, Chrysalis said:

"Your little antics are enraging me! You THINK that because you've won over one our WEAKEST links...." She'd narrow her eyes to make it personal with Cimex, "That that somehow gives you some kind of power?! You're all below me in power and your pursuit of silly freedom will be all for naught." She'd cackle maniacally. "I have hundreds -- millions of allies below me to ensure you remain in your doom -- FOREVEERRRR!"


I assume your mother was a cheese grater because that speech was totally cheesy! :dash: *Wind Walker sticks out her tongue defiantly* *Bleh* :mlp_gag:

@Brony Number 42@Tao@The Wife of Law@Dark Horse @GeneralDirection @Dynamo Pad@Aurora Glimmer@TheRockARooster


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4 hours ago, Chrysalis said:

Stage 2: Mossy Wall Divide

As the ponies would gather -- the silence of their confusion would be shattered with a growl that immersed from the skies.
The presence of someone's eyes confirmed as the voice would finally speak with a pretentiously booming authority!

"Your little antics are enraging me! You THINK that because you've won over one our WEAKEST links...." She'd narrow her eyes to make it personal with Cimex, "That that somehow gives you some kind of power?! You're all below me in power and your pursuit of silly freedom will be all for naught." She'd cackle maniacally. "I have hundreds -- millions of allies below me to ensure you remain in your doom -- FOREVEERRRR!"

She'd then stop for a moment to notice Caramel and then wince with a snarl before retreating back into the dark cloud from whence she had emerged.
The black cloud would dissipate. The air would only slightly improve and then it was as if no one was even there....

For Mossy Wall Divide Group: 
@Brony Number 42 - Raven @Tao -Nocturn Blue @The Wife of Law - Wolf Tracks @Dark Horse - Saffron @Skylight Scintillate - Skylight @GeneralDirection - Nebel @Dynamo Pad - Dynamo Pad @AuroraGlimmer - Caramel @Sparklefan1234 - Windy @TheRockARooster - Rosewell


You’re not gonna get away with this, not if we have anything to say about it.


@Brony Number 42@Tao@The Wife of Law@Dark Horse @GeneralDirection @Dynamo Pad@Aurora Glimmer@Skylight Scintillate

Edited by TheRockARooster
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On 2/20/2023 at 1:06 AM, Star Silk said:

"Teas and potions, of course!" her eyes would light up as she'd flutter up towards the tree's vibrant foliage adorned with crowns of beautiful flower. She'd lightly pat one with her hoof, requesting permission of the tree before it would plop willingly into her basket. She had a deep reverence for nature and its own pulsing form of life and it was visible with how delicately she requested even a single flower.

Upon gathering a bundle of them, she'd spot @Totally Lyraand @Stone Cold Steve Jobsin the distance approaching. "Hey!" She'd call invitingly "I'm so glad you ponies are okay! Please come join us. For some healing potions, food and some tea." She would begin brewing up some materials from plants around the healed tree later on for the potions. For now, she would sit with @Astral Souland combine her potion mixtures with his tea. Bringing in some of the flowers into a vase to place at the center of the rustic table. Sure, the place didn't look very elegant, but she still wanted her guests to feel welcomed. They were here because of her, afterall.... "Everyone, please take a moment to retreat and recover. You did very well in keeping yourselves in tact." She'd then smile at the little filly @Silverspark184 and @Sycofear13 "And it looks like somepony learned a valuable lesson in sharing, thanks to @Sophie H. from what I've heard." She smiled, her eyes narrowing fondly.

On 2/20/2023 at 9:12 PM, Astral Soul said:

@Silly Druid

Astral Soul pondered for a moment. Then he took his saddle bag put it on his back and said : yes,of course

I dont let me friends go alone

Happy to have Astral by her side, Tree Song approached the tree and heard it whispering to her. She listened for a long moment, then addressed the group:

"Listen everypony! The tree has more things to say to us. There will be two more gems, I'm not sure who they are meant for though..." She searched the area where the gems were found last time, and indeed there were two more: one deep grayish blue, and one glistening pinkish yellow. "Look! Here they are." She showed them to the rest of the group.

"There is one more thing for me and @Astral Soul..." She took two flowers from @Princess Silky, and gave one to Astral. "Whisper a wish into it," she told him, and whispered her own wish so no one could hear it:

(OOC: You can look into the spoiler and see the wish, if you dare.)


I wish Astral would find The Orb.

"After that, we should exchange the flowers and make them into the tea," Tree Song explained.

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On 2023-02-19 at 7:17 PM, Magloria said:


Magloria contained herself and immediately straightened herself up as if nothing happened. She tucked the gems into her bag as she walked forward, not giving the other ponies another glance as she walked with him - away. 

They walked as far as they could before reaching the far wall. It seemed like everything was entirely enclosed. Frostbite squinted at the wall of roots; he couldn't see or hear anything beyond from the rest of the ponies who had been at the gathering. If force wasn't going to work, and general magic had no noticeable effect, there had to be some other way out. Being confined made him restless, and all he wanted to do was fight the changeling queen who'd put him here.

She'd said something earlier -- right before siccing her followers on them. He couldn't remember. It'd had something to do with the ponies arguing.

He figured it didn't matter, instead prodding the ground. Digging their way out probably wouldn't work, and even if it would, he wasn't about to do something so degrading. Maybe there was a specific spell that could work?

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Magloria observed the far wall and saw how everything was all enclosed. The situation made her disgusted - but she kept her emotions under control. She knew that Changelings feed on emotions - so what if the key to defeating the Changelings was to simply feel nothing? She was good at that. It got her through her life so far, so why not now? Magloria looked to him, her eyes moving to look over at him, Her eyes were deep and cold. Much like an arctic ocean. If he looked closely, he could see the reflection of their environment on her gray-blue eyes.

"Those insects feed off of emotion. Trying to get us all in here so we could fight each other so they can feed off of it like the parasites they are. I suggest we play the waiting game. Keep contact with other ponies minimal." she spoke calmly.

Magloria would examine their prison. "The Changelings will obviously keep us alive. A dead pony means no emotion to drain off from." she added, her eyes narrowing slightly.

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9 hours ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

@Dynamo Pad @Sir Hugsalot @GeneralDirection @ChrysalisM@Skylight Scintillate

Caramel would smile over at Dynamo as he had succeeded, and she nods "yes, and I think..one more turn and wr can be.." She then  turns her head to see that the parasprite had revealed itself, "I.. was hoping it wasn't true, I was hoping I hadn't let my new friends down and led them into a trap" she'd say, before doing the pattern  "listen, I'm not mad at you, upset yes, but not mad..you were following orders, and I know..I know that not all changeling are bad, because I've met two very nice ones and a grumpy but good one and..." She was about to finish the pattern when Chrysalis appeared, making her shrink back and hiss.

After Chrysalis did her monologue thing and then disappeared, she'd shudder and then return to the 'game', "I got this.." She then succeeds in the pattern, and she cheers, but then sighs  "to finish what I was saying, I know not all Chamgelings are bad because.." She sighs and turns to her true form, which was quite different from the type that Chrysalis was, as she herself was a spider Changeling, a jumping spider to be precise "because, I am one myself"

Ooc: this is what she looks like

  Reveal hidden contents



@Dynamo Pad @Aurora Glimmer

As both Dynamo Pad and Caramel manage to succesfully repeat proper patterns both walls suddenly lit up. Whatever magic was holding two ponies in place seems to have dispersed, allowing them to have freedom of movement again. Below the mushrooms, on both ends something begun to glow, inviting both ponies to reach for it. Whatever emitted the glow seemed to almost sing...



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@Aurora Glimmer @Dynamo Pad @Skylight Scintillate @GeneralDirection @ChrysalisM

Vibrant would find himself even more shocked upon Caramel's change. He never saw a creature like this. A changeling... spider? He found himself confused as to how to react. 

"Ca...caramel...? You're a changeling too? But..." he found himself stuttering and turned to Dyny. "Dynamo, did You know? Don't get me wrong, I know we are all allies here, I am just... in shock.". 

He heard distant trotting sounds, but wasn't sure about the source, that kept him on his guard. If Chrysalis already sent one changeling after them, then certainly there have to be more. He hopes that others, especially @Princess SilkyStar Silk are okay. 

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1 hour ago, Mossy wall said:

As both Dynamo Pad and Caramel manage to succesfully repeat proper patterns both walls suddenly lit up. Whatever magic was holding two ponies in place seems to have dispersed, allowing them to have freedom of movement again. Below the mushrooms, on both ends something begun to glow, inviting both ponies to reach for it. Whatever emitted the glow seemed to almost sing...

As Dynamo and Caramel traded button prompts, the couple successfully managed to clear the patterns. Effectively making the wall light up, while the effects of their body's being frozen in place had dissipated. Blinking in surprise at regaining control of his body, Dynamo's smile slowly grew into a grin as he jumped for joy. "Woohoo! Alright! We did it!" He cheered, before taking notice of something peculiar on the ground. Squinting his eyes as he thought he was seeing things, he leaned down to see something glowing underneath the mushrooms. He couldn't explain why, but it was as if the glow was inviting him to take what looked like a gem. Reaching out with his hoof, he pulled the gem out, before standing up and taking a look at what was in his hoof. "Uh...hey guys? I just found this gem, but do you have any idea on what this is or what this means?" He wondered, turning the gem around a few times to make heads or tails of it. The only thing that he knew was that the gem shared the same color as his fur.

On 2023-02-20 at 1:27 PM, Nebel said:

@Dynamo Pad@Sir Hugsalot

A smile slowly forms on Nebel’s face as he hears where Dynamo lives. “Oh, I live in Ponyville, too. That works out quite conveniently. I’m glad that you’re open to playing, having more ponies in the session always makes it more fun. I can introduce you to the rest of my friends some time and you can see how you like it. If not, we can always do our own thing sometime. I agree that being able to support your teammates is a great feeling indeed.”    

“Understood.” Nebel gave a brief but sincere nod in response to Vibrant. Nebel could sense his nervousness and make a note to himself to keep a close eye on him. In addition, he took turns between watching Dynamo and Caramel solve the button puzzle, watching the parasprite fly back and forth above them, and keeping an eye out for any movement outside of the room. He had confidence that the two could figure out the game that would hopefully get them out of here, or at the very least allow them to move closer to freedom.

23 hours ago, Skylight Scintillate said:

"Well a board game I like playing is Takenoko, but that's the only one I can remember off of the top of my head. And I like playing Ogres and Oubliettes too. I like to plays a wizard type character usually, but with a twist. You know how I love to use baked goods as a weapon, so my characters usually have that ability too," Skylight said, glad to be bonding with her old friend again, while also getting to know Nebel a bit more. 

"As for that parasprite, I don't trust it. I trust Caramel though. And this room is really strange," Skylight said as she glanced around, trying to analyze it's magic. "Something seems off about how everything seems to relate to Dynamo and Caramel..."

"Oh cool! I live in Canterlot, but visit Ponyville frequently. We should definitely meet up more often and maybe play Ogres and Obuliettes," Skylight chimed in.


Looking back towards @GeneralDirection Nebel, Dynamo grinned upon learning the unicorn's hometown. "Now that's really convenient and you can say that again. I might need a refresher course on the game, but I'm always up to playing with a team. It's like the old saying goes with strength in numbers." He would say, nodding at the mention of being introduced to the others. "Awesome and I look forward to it. Thank you for the invite, Nebel." He says with a smile, before recalling a few memories with @Skylight Scintillate. "Oh, I remember we did do a session of Ogres and Oubliettes together. I remember the one time you defeated an enemy with a move that made it rain with baguettes." He chuckled, before sighing softly. "That was truly nostalgic. Oh, I miss the old days, but I remember how resourceful you were when playing that game. I think I remember you and I played Takenoko together with Twinkle and Sealight, but it's definitely been a while. I'm really sorry if I forgot the rules, Sky."

When the mention of the parasprite came up, Dynamo had to agree. "I'm glad you trust Caramel as I trust her, as well. I'm not sure what to make of the parasprite, but it did try to help us. Granted, we got ourselves into that earlier situation with being stuck in place to play a game. I want to say they meant well, but I'm not entirely sure, to be honest." He would say, giving his two cents, before smiling. "I'm glad you still live in Canterlot. It'd be pretty cool to visit every now and then. If Nebel is having a session of Ogres and Oubliettes, then I know I'm definitely inviting you. If @AuroraGlimmerCaramel is interested in that, then I hope to invite her, as well.

14 hours ago, ChrysalisM said:

After a white flash a changeling stood before those gathered where the parasprite stood.  It was missing a wing, and had a single starch white eye. It looks around a bit sheepishly and takes a few moments before speaking. "I know you all probably are mad right now, but hear me out. Please." The changeling than seems to regain an element of composure. "First of all, my name is Cimex, but feel free to call me Ix. I haven't been in the reach of Equestria for a while, rather worlds apart, and the last contact I had was during the wedding. I need not say which. Needless to say, I didn't exactly think that high of ponies. Still, since I came back, with a much broader view than I had before, I found the state of affairs was much different than I previously had experienced. I took this job out of loyalty to my queen (as much of an old hag as she is), but I really couldn't lead you to your dooms. I'm Chaotic Good for Myhriss's sake!"


Ix than kneels before you. "I'll take whatever consequence you feel is necessary in light of my actions, and surrender myself to your mercy."

Closing his eyes from a momentary white flash, the gaming unicorn slowly opened his eyes to see the parasprite had changed. Gone with the small pink ball and wings. In it's place was a changeling. However, this changeling was missing a wing and had a starch white eye. Dynamo's eyes widened in surprise as his jaw dropped slightly. He didn't expect the parasprite to be a changeling, but from the way Ix kneeled, it looked to be friendly. "I mean, we were basically tricked, but I don't want to say mad. Confused and concern would be more appropriate as I can imagine this is on everyone's mind. Why did you help us? Was this room meant to be a test or trial for us to overcome, or was this a sort of trap set up by Chrysalis?" He asks, wonder what Ix's intentions were. By the way the changeling kneeled, he wanted to understand this changeling. From what Caramel had told him of Ocellus and the other changelings, he knew that everyone deserves a chance.

12 hours ago, Chrysalis said:

Stage 2: Mossy Wall Divide

As the ponies would gather -- the silence of their confusion would be shattered with a growl that immersed from the skies.
The presence of someone's eyes confirmed as the voice would finally speak with a pretentiously booming authority!

"Your little antics are enraging me! You THINK that because you've won over one our WEAKEST links...." She'd narrow her eyes to make it personal with Cimex, "That that somehow gives you some kind of power?! You're all below me in power and your pursuit of silly freedom will be all for naught." She'd cackle maniacally. "I have hundreds -- millions of allies below me to ensure you remain in your doom -- FOREVEERRRR!"

She'd then stop for a moment to notice Caramel and then wince with a snarl before retreating back into the dark cloud from whence she had emerged.
The black cloud would dissipate. The air would only slightly improve and then it was as if no one was even there....

12 hours ago, AuroraGlimmer said:

@Dynamo Pad @Sir Hugsalot @GeneralDirection @ChrysalisM@Skylight Scintillate

Caramel would smile over at Dynamo as he had succeeded, and she nods "yes, and I think..one more turn and wr can be.." She then  turns her head to see that the parasprite had revealed itself, "I.. was hoping it wasn't true, I was hoping I hadn't let my new friends down and led them into a trap" she'd say, before doing the pattern  "listen, I'm not mad at you, upset yes, but not mad..you were following orders, and I know..I know that not all changeling are bad, because I've met two very nice ones and a grumpy but good one and..." She was about to finish the pattern when Chrysalis appeared, making her shrink back and hiss.

After Chrysalis did her monologue thing and then disappeared, she'd shudder and then return to the 'game', "I got this.." She then succeeds in the pattern, and she cheers, but then sighs  "to finish what I was saying, I know not all Chamgelings are bad because.." She sighs and turns to her true form, which was quite different from the type that Chrysalis was, as she herself was a spider Changeling, a jumping spider to be precise "because, I am one myself"

1 hour ago, Vibrant Grove said:

@Aurora Glimmer @Dynamo Pad @Skylight Scintillate @GeneralDirection @ChrysalisM

Vibrant would find himself even more shocked upon Caramel's change. He never saw a creature like this. A changeling... spider? He found himself confused as to how to react. 

"Ca...caramel...? You're a changeling too? But..." he found himself stuttering and turned to Dyny. "Dynamo, did You know? Don't get me wrong, I know we are all allies here, I am just... in shock.". 

He heard distant trotting sounds, but wasn't sure about the source, that kept him on his guard. If Chrysalis already sent one changeling after them, then certainly there have to be more. He hopes that others, especially @Princess SilkyStar Silk are okay. 



Once the group gathered up, the gaming unicorn's ears fell as he heard the sound of a growl. Looking up, he narrowed his eyes slightly as Chrysalis had made her appearance known. "How could you say such a thing? You call Ix a weak link when maybe they wanted to try and do the right thing. With what I've learned, maybe the weak link is the opposite way of thinking." He wanted to say that maybe Chrysalis was the weak link, but he knew he'd probably end up in trouble. He had to hold his tongue as seeing her toss Ix aside had bothered him. Even if they failed, it still wasn't right. A friend wouldn't do that to another friend, but it looked like Chrysalis was different. Just as soon as she had appeared, she vanished into a dark cloud without a trace. Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, he looked over to the others to see how they were holding up. That was until he saw the chocolate pony turn into her true form, a spider changeling. Seeing the new creature in front of him, Dynamo's eyes shrank as he started to back away slowly. "S-S-S-S..." He tried to utter out, but found himself unable to find his words. Looking around, he met @Sir Hugsalot Vibrant's gaze, while his look of fear and shock were still present. "N-No. Honest and I promise I didn't know about Caramel turning into form." He would say, his back slowly leaning up against the mossy wall, before his legs gave out on him. Sitting down, he pulled his hind legs close to him. Lips quivering as he felt his spine tingling. "I-I'm really sorry, Caramel. I-I'm really sorry everyone. I-It's not that I'm against Caramel or anything along those lines. I-It's j-just..." He closed his eyes as he felt worried about bringing this up. "...I'm honestly afraid of s-spiders. I'm not afraid of Caramel as a changeling as I know that she's not like Chrysalis or any other bad changeling. I-I'm just afraid because of my fear." He would say, feeling ashamed as he felt he heart his crush's/date's feelings.

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@ChrysalisM@Sir Hugsalot@Dynamo Pad@AuroraGlimmer

Nebel watches in silence as one thing after another is revealed before him. The parasprite is a changeling, which was something they has all started to suspect anyway. Caramel is also a changeling, and Nebel is only slightly surprised by this. Chrysalis makes another appearance, simply to taunt them, before disappearing once again. While most of the group is focused on Caramel, Nebel decides to take the opportunity to approach Cimex, who looks to be feeling rather nervous about the recent events.

“Don’t worry, Ix.” Nebel addresses the changeling calmly. “Nopony here is mad at you. You did the right thing when you easily could’ve turned against us. If you wish to continue helping us, then please stay with the group, as we have no idea what we may be up against next, and we can use all the assistance we can get.” He smiles before turning his attention back to the others.

Nebel also senses the presence of others but isn’t sure who. Dynamo and Caramel seem to have successfully solved the puzzle, and now something has started glowing underneath the mushrooms. As Dynamo pulls it up, they can all see that it’s a gem, but he can’t infer much else from it. Nebel continues his silent watch, seemingly unphased by all the chaos going on around him.

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21 hours ago, Vibrant Grove said:

"A changeling!" Vibrant would shout in surprise and outrage. "What do You want? What do You all want from us, invading Princess Cadance's wedding wasn't enough for You?!". His pose was defensive, expecting an attack any moment. He faltered though seeing that the changelling is kneeling before them. "You better explain Yourself and do it fast, changeling". 

Ix sighs. This one will be impossible to talk to, but still... "Think of it this way. I currently am not harming you. I have no intention of harming you later. At worst, you have a cooperative prisoner. At best, and I assure you it's at best, you have a friend who can help." They offer a hoof out with a small smile.

9 hours ago, Vibrant Grove said:

@Aurora Glimmer @Dynamo Pad @Skylight Scintillate @GeneralDirection @ChrysalisM

Vibrant would find himself even more shocked upon Caramel's change. He never saw a creature like this. A changeling... spider? He found himself confused as to how to react. 

"Ca...caramel...? You're a changeling too? But..." he found himself stuttering and turned to Dyny. "Dynamo, did You know? Don't get me wrong, I know we are all allies here, I am just... in shock.". 

He heard distant trotting sounds, but wasn't sure about the source, that kept him on his guard. If Chrysalis already sent one changeling after them, then certainly there have to be more. He hopes that others, especially @Princess SilkyStar Silk are okay. 

Ix looks a bit surprised. "Wow... I've never seen an arachnid changeling before! Where do you hail from?"


7 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

Closing his eyes from a momentary white flash, the gaming unicorn slowly opened his eyes to see the parasprite had changed. Gone with the small pink ball and wings. In it's place was a changeling. However, this changeling was missing a wing and had a starch white eye. Dynamo's eyes widened in surprise as his jaw dropped slightly. He didn't expect the parasprite to be a changeling, but from the way Ix kneeled, it looked to be friendly. "I mean, we were basically tricked, but I don't want to say mad. Confused and concern would be more appropriate as I can imagine this is on everyone's mind. Why did you help us? Was this room meant to be a test or trial for us to overcome, or was this a sort of trap set up by Chrysalis?" He asks, wonder what Ix's intentions were. By the way the changeling kneeled, he wanted to understand this changeling. From what Caramel had told him of Ocellus and the other changelings, he knew that everyone deserves a chance.

"Twas a trial, but you already passed, so it's a moot point. I heard the death trap's a doozy though!" Ix shrugs. "Can't say I've seen it. Steve may have been joking."


6 hours ago, Nebel said:

@ChrysalisM@Sir Hugsalot@Dynamo Pad@AuroraGlimmer

Nebel watches in silence as one thing after another is revealed before him. The parasprite is a changeling, which was something they has all started to suspect anyway. Caramel is also a changeling, and Nebel is only slightly surprised by this. Chrysalis makes another appearance, simply to taunt them, before disappearing once again. While most of the group is focused on Caramel, Nebel decides to take the opportunity to approach Cimex, who looks to be feeling rather nervous about the recent events.

“Don’t worry, Ix.” Nebel addresses the changeling calmly. “Nopony here is mad at you. You did the right thing when you easily could’ve turned against us. If you wish to continue helping us, then please stay with the group, as we have no idea what we may be up against next, and we can use all the assistance we can get.” He smiles before turning his attention back to the others.

Nebel also senses the presence of others but isn’t sure who. Dynamo and Caramel seem to have successfully solved the puzzle, and now something has started glowing underneath the mushrooms. As Dynamo pulls it up, they can all see that it’s a gem, but he can’t infer much else from it. Nebel continues his silent watch, seemingly unphased by all the chaos going on around him.

Ix bows, touching a hat that you could have sworn wasn't there a second ago to their heart. "Thank you friend. It means a lot."

Edited by ChrysalisM
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13 hours ago, Raven said:

@Tao @TheRockARooster @Dynamo Pad @Aurora Glimmer

"Something here wants me back. They want to use me for some nefarious purpose. Maybe we have to deeper in. But I can't do this alone. What else has been going on?" She looks around.

@Sparklefan1234 @Brony Number 42 @Tao @Dynamo Pad @AuroraGlimmer

We’re all in this together.

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Wolf Tracks looked up at Chrysalis again as she spoke. The insect pony was clearly confident in what she had planned. Wolf Tracks was more worried than frightened, however. Not much scares her considering her background.

When she turns her attention back to Saffron, she notices there are 8 others that have appeared. “Oh, for the love of wolves… Just what I need, eight more bodies to worry about” she says with an obvious tone, rolling her eyes. “ @Dark Horse Saffron, we should stay with these guys. There is strength in numbers” she adds, looking at Saffron with honest eyes”.


Finally, she turns to the group

@Brony Number 42 @Tao @Skylight Scintillate @GeneralDirection @Dynamo Pad @AuroraGlimmer @Sparklefan1234 @TheRockARooster

“I would like to know what is happening here. First I receive a bizarre invitation to a party and then Chrysalis arrives. If any of you know what’s up, tell me and everyone else. I really don’t have time to be dealing with her”. Wolf Tracks’ ears twitch, as her sensitive hearing picks up on her moving. “But for right now, we should find a way to escape. I’m willing to trust all of you”.

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@Brony Number 42 @Tao @Skylight Scintillate @GeneralDirection @Dynamo Pad @AuroraGlimmer @The Wife of Law@TheRockARooster


4 minutes ago, The Wife of Law said:

Wolf Tracks looked up at Chrysalis again as she spoke. The insect pony was clearly confident in what she had planned. Wolf Tracks was more worried than frightened, however. Not much scares her considering her background.

When she turns her attention back to Saffron, she notices there are 8 others that have appeared. “Oh, for the love of wolves… Just what I need, eight more bodies to worry about” she says with an obvious tone, rolling her eyes. “ @Dark Horse Saffron, we should stay with these guys. There is strength in numbers” she adds, looking at Saffron with honest eyes”.


Finally, she turns to the group

@Brony Number 42 @Tao @Skylight Scintillate @GeneralDirection @Dynamo Pad @AuroraGlimmer @Sparklefan1234 @TheRockARooster

“I would like to know what is happening here. First I receive a bizarre invitation to a party and then Chrysalis arrives. If any of you know what’s up, tell me and everyone else. I really don’t have time to be dealing with her”. Wolf Tracks’ ears twitch, as her sensitive hearing picks up on her moving. “But for right now, we should find a way to escape. I’m willing to trust all of you”.



I don't know what's going on either, I was invited to whatever this is by @Princess Silky and I really just wanna go home. :sunny:

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@The Wife of Law

Raven was annoyed. "I'm not sure exactly, but there was some crystal that I found. When I touched it, it triggered memories. Dark forces were after me, I thought that I had escaped their grasp years ago, but maybe not. I don't know if they are behind this, or if said crystal just brings up troubled memories for any pony."

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28 minutes ago, The Wife of Law said:

Wolf Tracks looked up at Chrysalis again as she spoke. The insect pony was clearly confident in what she had planned. Wolf Tracks was more worried than frightened, however. Not much scares her considering her background.

When she turns her attention back to Saffron, she notices there are 8 others that have appeared. “Oh, for the love of wolves… Just what I need, eight more bodies to worry about” she says with an obvious tone, rolling her eyes. “ @Dark Horse Saffron, we should stay with these guys. There is strength in numbers” she adds, looking at Saffron with honest eyes”.


Finally, she turns to the group

@Brony Number 42 @Tao @Skylight Scintillate @GeneralDirection @Dynamo Pad @AuroraGlimmer @Sparklefan1234 @TheRockARooster

“I would like to know what is happening here. First I receive a bizarre invitation to a party and then Chrysalis arrives. If any of you know what’s up, tell me and everyone else. I really don’t have time to be dealing with her”. Wolf Tracks’ ears twitch, as her sensitive hearing picks up on her moving. “But for right now, we should find a way to escape. I’m willing to trust all of you”.

Saffron glared at the Changeling Queen before she vanished. Typical of her to crash a party uninvited!

"Well, she's in a particularly fine mood..." He said dryly. "I suppose she must see herself as the life of the party."

Saffron turned to face the others. "Well, I suppose at this point, there's not much for it. Strength in numbers after all." He nodded and turned his attention back to Wolf Track. "Well, I'm glad I have you with me, Wolfie. I trust that acute sense of smell won't lead us astray. Though, uhh.. I hope you don't mind if I prefer to stay close to you specifically. Just in case we need to make a sudden getaway or something." The stallion gave a slightly sly yet confident smile as he took Wolf Track's outstretched hoof in a grip of trust.

"Whatever that bug has in store for us, let's face it together."

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