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Am I the only one who actually likes spiders?


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My mother hates spiders. I dont mind them but i hate killing them. So we made a deal if i can get the spider outside of the house it lives. Spiders are there for a reason and they also help lower the amount of other pests such as flies and roaches with out really bothering us aside from the webs they spin. (If the web is in the way.)


Snakes i am weary of. In my country we have a lot of snakes and most of them are venomous and the fact that the snakes eat our poultry on one of my grandfather's farms doesn't help how i feel about them. If one is found on the farm its dead from either my rifle or a machete. If i see one not near our house or farm i just leave it alone though. (Still hate killing them but i have to.)

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


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I'm neutral about them. I try not to kill them, because they're good for other pests. But when they're in an area where I have to cross or put my hand I'm sorry for the little critter :(

  • Brohoof 1


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Spiders deserve to perish. I am basically the bane of all thngs crawling. If it moves, it gets slaughtered by a flip-flop or my hand. I do admit that spiders are cool creatures but I must destroy them. I'm like an Asari justicar, except instead of destroying evil, I destroy spiders. Have you ever killed a "wild" tarantula that was left in the house by it's previous inhabitants? Now THAT is terrifying to see crawling up a wall at 4 AM.



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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  • 10 months later...





Spiders and snakes are both cool and adorable. You might've seen some of them reblogged, and tagged accordingly of course, in my feathery-dreamer Tumblr.

Jumping spiders are the most adorable-looking, but I'd really love to touch something large like a tarantula. Same with constrictor-type snakes, like boas or ball pythons.


My mom just found one today, around noon, when rinsing the salad bought in the morning. She knew how much I loved them so she told me, and I fetched a tiny cup (that once served to soak contact lenses in disinfectant solution, on which I drilled tiny holes for catching and observing bugs).

Took photos with my iPad, and picked the best ones for the montage below.


Normally, spiders and insects run away from the cup, but this one was the curious type. It just got on (but not in) and walked around. Likewise, it had no problem crawling around on my hands.

It also spent over a minute cleaning its legs, rubbing them together (using the hairy segments like brushes). Many times, I saw it stop with its foremost legs in the air, like antennae, trying to gather information from the air I think.

At one moment though, it got a bit scared and tried scaring my hand, by "getting up" on its hind legs and spreading the two pairs in the front, but fell over backwards. XD


Also, adorable spider picture, in a spoiler for you arachnophobes.

OMG a peacock spider, I only recently found a YouTube video of it, doing this very dance. <3


I mean, what're they gonna do, roll over you?

You mean img-1445271-1-Spider-rolling-escape.gif

Well, following that logic, you shouldn't hate any bug that's too small to pierce your skin, or scorpions with large pincers so they don't have strong venom.



I don't mind humans killing each other, because we are a terrible species, but animals makes me cry.

(...) But we're a sucky species and we like to destroy everything so I'd say we deseerve it.

*cue "kick the dog" trope*

Also that is a generalization, you're ignoring several cultures who live (or lived until invaded by Westerns) in complete harmony with nature. Also groups and organizations in Western-type cultures who work to FIX the damage done by the ones you're talking about.


Edited by Feather Spiral
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"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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You're joking, right? I LOVE spiders. In fact, managed to get a nice picture of this beauty when I was out mowing my lawn. He's just...adorable. He was just hanging out when I stopped to get a good picture of him, and he just...sat there.



  • Brohoof 2


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Yakumo Yukari


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I love all creatures and critters. I wouldn't kill nor harm anypony that bleeds just as I, because they are just trying to survive like humans are. My heart ached when my mother killed a Beetle. :(

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OMG i love spiders!! they are so cool!!! when they are not crawling on me or touching me. I have allways found them interesting though a little creepy at the same time  


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I love spiders, I love them a lot. Spiders and snakes are my two first choices when it comes to pets.


I used to have a pet wolf spider, I caught him myself, we were the best of friends. Am I the only one who thinks that wolf spiders are cute? :)

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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I'm absolutely petrified of spiders. They are top of the list, #1 phobia of mine.


Sure they can be tame and can make great pets (and I'd be..."okay"...maybe...if I were with someone who had one as a pet), but wild ones are scary and creepy to all hell. I especially hate the ones that are/can: A.)Run inCREDIBLY fast, and/or B.)Jump *luckily haven't seen one of them yet X.X*. 


I just have an all around fear of being bitten and getting sick/poisoned :|


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I have always been fascinated by spiders, how they work, how they hunt and observe the pray.. I used to love spiders a lot when I was younger I would often pick them up and examine them. Even just letting them walk around me, I loved bugs. Although I got to admit that even though I loved them my interest stopped and I started to be more interested in killing them. Each time I see a spider I watch it and examine it.. Then I examine it when I squash it. Although I prefer letting them life, I often just kill them, simply because it's the fastest and the easiest way. I just dislike finding them inside my house.


I have never been a lot around snakes, due to the fact there are no snakes in my country. Although those I have seen in other countries are just adorable and I would like to own one myself.

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Yes. You are alone in this. Alone in the world on this topic. Spiders suck. They terrify me.

Rabid dog? No problem. Angry dude who wants to smash my face in? Bring it punk.

Spider. Scream like a girl, and get someone else to kill it. ._.


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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Depends on the type of spider. I respect all of them, but I can't say I want to get all snuggly wuggly with the black widow that thinks it is hilarious to camp out on my water spicket so that I can't use my hose. I used to hate spiders, and this will probably get a lot of people laughing at me, but I was reading a book (The Phantom by Susan Kay). It's a spin off of The Phantom of the Opera (my favorite thing ever) and it tells the story of this poor, hideous, ugly child who was horrifically mistreated because he was ugly. He loves spiders, and empathizes with them because of how they're treated. For some reason after I read this it made me feel like a giant, insensitive jerk and I started thinking about it. You're right, spiders are very interesting creatures, and there is no reason to dislike them for their looks, which they cannot help. After I forced myself to confront and conquer my irrational fear of spiders, I came to like them. Some spiders, like jumping and peacock spiders, I love. Besides they keep the flies out of my barn -_- and I don't like flies.


Seriously, is this not the most adorable thing ever?



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Spiders are a no no for me.I have arachnaphobia,so no spiders.And plus almost every day during last summer,a spider would be in my room and i'd have to use a crapload of tissues to kill it cause i do not wanna feel them.

Snakes on the other hand are actually really cool as long as they're not poisonous.I plan to get a pet snake sometime in the future.


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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I don't like spiders although I know some people who do.


I don't like killing them or anything though,(And typically i'm to afraid to anyways) I just don't like em really, they scare me.


I don't totally get spiders being adorable, but eh I guess thats probably just me idk :P Nothing wrong with liking them I guess.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I can't stand spiders, and I don't know what it is about them that makes them so widely perceived as scary. I mean, cobwebs and spiders are symbols of Halloween. :P It's just ingrained in many people's minds that spiders = no.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not a fan of all spiders, but I like tarantulas. Ooh, and jumping spiders. They are absolutely adorable. I remember seeing a video on YouTube on jumping spiders and in the comments section, someone said that despite the fact that they were arachnophobic, they actually found the jumping spider to be very cute. There's even a meme about these cute little guys:




Oh, and this cute little guy looks like a mouse:




I've actually done a bit of research on jumping spiders and apparently they don't bite. They're rather curious and intelligent and will go right up to some people to get a better look.


The mating dance is rather amusing to watch as well:



  • Brohoof 1
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Yes, you're the only one xD I have a horrible phobia of spiders, but yet I can't kill them. It's weird, I always call for someone to kill it for me xD They're just really creepy to me ...

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I can't understand why people dislike spiders so much. I mean i get why huge, venomous spiders are feared (Finland doesn't have those, feels good man), but the tiny house spiders? There's no reason to hate those cute little guys. :3 I find insects and arachnids fascinating for the most part, some of them look so weird they're like aliens from another planet. I hate beetles though, they're gross and vicious and when they fly it sounds like a fucking armada of Apache helicopters is coming to get you.

Edited by ThatFinnMetalhead
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iRacing like a boss since 2015

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and when they fly it sounds like a fucking armada of Apache helicopters is coming to get you.

Reminds me, in Deadly Creatures, the beetles have a flying attack where they sound like helicopters.


Spiders are the shit, man.

  • Brohoof 1

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"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I adore spiders! I dont see whats so scary about them, I use to catch them and let them crawl all over my arms, the only time i ever get scared of spiders is when i let them crawl on me then i lost track of where they are :o


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Spiders are the most, adorable and delicate creatures I can think of. They create masterpieces with their webs, that catch the more annoying flying insects with great ease, they are graceful to watch, so tenderly stepping with their eight adorable legs, and those eyes, because two cute doe eyes cannot stand against the eight glossy, curious, mystifying eyes of a spider. Spiders are my favorite creature on the planet, even above some humans.

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