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What do you love about MLP and its fandom?

Crazy Misty

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I'll be honest, I never cared for anything MLP until I started watching this show- truth be told, I despised the franchise.  On top of that, real life actual ponies give me the heebie-jeebies.  I'm still amazed that I like the show as much as I do.

The thing is, it's a show that centers on genuinely caring platonic inter-personal relationships.  Most other shows that have been on over the past decade or so have been extremely cynical- even paranoid- about platonic relationships (mainly because every sitcom today is a ripoff of either Seinfeld or Friends, and reality shows almost always encourage back-stabbing).  The kids shows on now are almost all condescending; some are even creepy- I'm lookin' at you, Doc McStuffins!

But FIM isn't any of those things.  It's uncynical, but not in a sappy way.  It teaches a lesson, but it's not preachy.  The characters actually care about one another without any ulterior motives.  And could you have a better house than Twilight's?  Fo' realz: it's a house and a library and a tree combined!

I think the intended audience watches because it's a well-made show that teaches a lot of valuable lessons.

But I think adult males- like myself- watch it because it reminds us of how important we are to each other.  My generation will forever be known as the one that ushered in the internet, and we've failed colossally at one of its earliest selling points: interpersonal connection and an end to loneliness.  We're the most isolated generation the world has ever known, and we're not getting any better. FIM is the opposite of that; it's all about how great and rewarding having friends can be.  It spends half an hour to tell us why being isolated is a bad idea and self-destructive.  And it's reeeeeeeeally good at it, too.

I've been in a very unhealthy place for a while now, and haven't been able to have any meaningful conversation for well over two years now (no kidding, I feel like I've forgotten how to talk to other people).  I've been lead to believe that I'm overly sensitive and awkward.  FIM leaves me feeling a bit vindicated: it shows how much we need one another.

And if nothing else, there's always Twilight's house.

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On one level, it's just good old fashioned entertainment.  The writing is solid, the characters are well rounded, the world it inhabits is well defined, good animation, good music, what's not to like about that?  Every episode has several great little gags or one liners.  The characters generally are likeable and full of personality, and they're all really unique and well defined.  I think that anyone could take their favorite character and explain in great detail what makes them so unique and fascinating, and it would be perfectly defensible.  Hell, I can even see the case for my *least* favorite of the mane 6, Rainbow Dash, and I get why a lot of people like her.  Plus the relationships between the cast are very well constructed.  You could pair any of them together and provide some kind of interesting contrast of personalities. 


But it's more than just the creative skill behind making the show that makes it special. It's the spirit and the values that the MLP FIM universe encompasses.  First of all, it's a world that manages to be optimistic and cheerful while being *intelligent* and not simplistic about it.  And that's what sets it apart from earlier generations.  In earlier ones like G3, all the characters seemed to be just vapid and mind numbingly cheerful creatures who existed solely to do "girly stuff" .  Oh, they might have had some surface differences here and there, but in the end they all seemed like they were on the same scale of disgusting sanguinity.


G4 is different. Equestria in G4 is a world that is generally a positive and happy place, but it's not drenched in eternal cheerfulness.  It's cheerfulness with a dose of intelligence.  I like that it's a world where concepts like "Sarcasm" and "Neurosis" can exist, but not in such abundance that it drags the whole world down into cynicism, and I think that makes it feel ever slightly more real.  Going back to the characters, all of the Mane Six are among the nicest, most good hearted ponies you'll meet, but they're not totally *perfect*.  Each one of them has definite character flaws, and each of them has at one point or another acted like a jerk.  But that's fine.  I welcome a little bit of jerkish behavior now and then, because it rounds them out as characters, as long as they're being jerks in a way that's consistent with their established personalities.  They don't live in an endlessly happy utopia, they live in a world that feels real but is just a little happier and more hopeful than ours.


And the values of the world of MLP- they're hammered in rather bluntly, but I think that they're important and they tie into some of what I said above about how the world of Equestria is handled with intelligence and realism.  . I think that many of the lessons about friendship still apply more today than they ever had.  The lessons aren't just "don't be mean" or "It's important to share", but simple little lessons that we often forget, like being open and honest with our friends, the importance of hard work, or being ready and willing to say "I need help".   Maybe this would be a better world if we remembered some of these lessons more often. 


Bottom line is, it's a great show that's not only sharply written, animated, acted, and generally executed, but one with a lot of heart and optimism, and frankly I think we need more of that these days.

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Why is MLP important to me? Well, that question needs to be answered in two parts: the show and the fandom.


First, the show: MLP:FiM is an awesome show, plain and simple. It has many of the qualities in a cartoon that are lacking in most others, in some way or another. MLP seems to have them all. The universe is well designed and in-depth, as well as relatable. As @hawkflame said, while it has some utopian qualities, it is also full of realistic conflicts bring it back down to...Earth. If anything, Equestria is the kind of place that we should strive to emulate in our world, if only we put our hearts and minds to it. It is an ideal Earth. The characters are equally as relatable and in-depth as the universe, and each has some quality that we can relate to...we can see ourselves in them. At the same time, this is all set to smooth, clear animation styles, awesome music, and plenty of cultural references. It is a richness that I haven't seen in a carton in years. Watching an episode is like a treat for the soul.


Next, the fandom: To me, the fandom is just as (if not more) important to me than the show. Sure, the show is what brought us all together, and the common fuel that keeps us burning bright, but we've taken the show and made it so much more. There's millions of fan art pieces out there that wouldn't exist if it weren't for MLP. Not to mention thousands of songs and tens of thousands of stories (some of which have fandoms of their own). We've taken the background ponies and given them a world of their own. Names we take for granted like Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Lyra, Berry Punch, Colgate, and so many more would be noponies if it weren't for the work of the fandom. We took the already well-developed universe of Equestria and expanded it one-hundred-fold. We took Equestria and made it our own (whether Hasbro likes it or not :lol: ).


But still, beyond the creativity, there's more to it. The fandom has...soul. We're more than a fandom, we're a community. A family. Sure, a lot of fandoms are close, but this fandom seems so much more personal than the others. We're not afraid to open our hearts to each other, and we aren't afraid to be shoulders to cry on and helping hooves to each other. We dream our dreams, we hope our hopes, we live our lives, and we do it with love in our hearts.


*digs through old posts* Here, I wrote this on the first night I came here, when I was going through the initial rush of finding the community. I'll spoil it to keep this already large text wall from getting much larger.




Since everyone is pouring their hearts in this thread, I figured I
should pour a little, too. LOL. Anyway, here's a paraphrased version of
something I posted on another MLP board.


There's something just so...awe inspiring about the Brony/Pegasister
community. The energy, the creativity, the collective spirit that
everypony in our community creates is just so beautiful. I've been in
fandoms before, but I've never experienced anything this beautiful, with
this much power and interconnectedness.


When you're a brony, you're more than part of a community...you're
part of a family. And I'm thankful everyday that I get to live in a time
where I can share this passion with all you amazing people, and
celebrate the universal truths that MLP teaches us - that friendship,
love, tolerance, and togetherness are truly the most powerful forces in
the universe.


Any time I face a challenge in my life, I'm going to carry something
MLP-related with me. I already do - I always have my Spencer's brony
belt on and have my keys with my brony lanyard on me. When I have my
first solo flight and the flight school cuts a square from my shirt,
I'll give up my Dr. Whoove's shirt (I can always just get another, what
that moment signifies is much more than the price of a shirt). Why? As a
constant remind of the amazing community whom I love and who love me,
whom I will always protect and hold dear and who will always have my
back. Together, we can accomplish anything, because we truly are one big
happy family.



PS: I still carry a little something MLP-related around at all times. ;)


I'd like to think that with every act of kindness this fandom creates, with every dollar of charity we raise, with every broken heart we mend, and every dream we help realize, that we are slowly but surely making Equestria real.


Pony on, everypony. /)*(\ Pony on...

Edited by AtomicBassCannon
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I had been on Toonzone and Rotten Tomatoes where I got banned and trolled for being a furry.


For few years ago I would end up in bed depressed.


Now some people I knew noticed I were happier after watching FiM, and I had not seen a better show since my childhood in the 1970s.


Bronies like from places like the livestream chats and reactions is as good as the show.


Then I found FiM sigs, avatars and more on a forum years later.

Edited by Ulrik Raben
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Sometimes this is a question I ask myself too. Why do I like the stories I like? Why is it that I love these characters so much, what makes a character lovable to me? Through past self analysis, I have an understanding of the sort of person I am. So therefore, the job is to piece together the pieces and look at what would appeal to me and why.


I think I love MLP because I see a little bit of myself in the characters. Do I love sports like Rainbow Dash or work on a farm like Applejack? No, but I understand the concept of being completely ooey-gooey sweet on the inside but having a hard time showing it like RD and being terrified of failing or letting others down like AJ. Like Twilight Sparkle, I worry myself into a frenzy. Like Pinkie Pie, I love making people laugh and smile.


The episodes and characters show real issues that I've faced in life. Not in the exact form, maybe in a more abstract sense, but as someone who has undergone real life "character development", the stories function almost as a mirror to the soul. I took Lesson Zero more seriously than most, because I saw myself in Twilight, especially at the time of release. Her "I'm a bad student" speech at the end of the episode hit close to home... and it made me smile when her teacher and friends comforted her, because in a way, it comforted me too.


I probably sound like a crazy obsessed weirdo at this point, but most of these processes go on in the background. They are why I enjoy any form of fiction. It almost doesn't matter how good the actual original work is; if it makes me think and feel as a result, I consider it worth my while. But it is true, that the better the story and characters, the better the thoughts it inspires and the more deeply I think about it. And MLP is a masterly designed show in that sense. 

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There is probably a lot I can say to answer the question of why MLP has meaning to me.  But the first thing that comes to mind is that MLP is a character driven show.  Although it is rated TV Y, the characters deal with real and sometimes heartbreaking issues. Real life isn't a bed of roses.  While Equestria is whimsical and idealistic in many ways, it is not a perfect world.  There are a lot of similarities to real life, which helps me relate to the cartoon.  MLP places special emphasis on formative events in the Mane 6's life.  There's a saying, "How can you know where someone is going until you know where they've been?"  One of the things I love the most about MLP is the care that has been taken to illustrate why the ponies are the way they are.  The Cutie Mark Chronicles, other flashbacks, and additional backstory details provide so much information.  I know of no other cartoon in this genre that has done this, especially to this degree. 


I could go on, but I should really go back to sleep now.  Therefore, I will quote a post written by one of my colleagues myself that compares MLP to Littlest Pet Shop.  The lack of information, to date, on what has influenced the characters to develop the way they have is, in my opinion, the biggest difference between the two cartoons.



The biggest single difference between MLP and LPS was so obvious, so under my nose, that I kept overlooking it. But I finally put my finger on it. In MLP the characters, the Mane 6 especially, have depth and developed backstories. Apple Family Reunion tells us why Applejack is a workaholic who routinely neglects her own well-being for the sake of others' happiness. Hurricane Fluttershy explains why Fluttershy is prone to bouts of uncontrollable sobbing. But because LPS has yet to explore its characters' histories and personalities in this way, Penny Ling is a crybaby for the sake of being a crybaby.  Anyway, from the few episodes I've seen, I don't think this type of thing has been done. 

If LPS truly wants to follow in the footsteps of MLP, a great way to do that would be to explore and develop the characters. What motivated Blythe to become a fashionista who loves animals so much? Why is Mr. Baxter such a goofball? What is the reason for Penny Ling's excessive bawling? An attempt to answer questions like these would help viewers relate to the pets and the humans in LPS better.


Special thanks to me for writing that insightful post.  :P

Edited by Wingnut
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Of course, the animation, the writing, the music, but, mostly, what got me hooked on the show was the relatable characters(especially Fluttershy, since I relate to her the most) who face real situations.


Other than that, it's really only a show that I watch(although, I don't have another TV show that I keep up with other than MLP). Not an incredible amount of deeper meaning other than I really like the characters. The show itself hasn't done too much to me in my life(other than affecting my apparel...). However, the fandom is another story...

  • Brohoof 1

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Man, where do I start? I guess I'll just go over the big ones:


- The positive messages.

This show takes me out of this cruel, unforgiving world and puts me into a place full of well, magic and friendship. I just like to avoid negativity and 90% of everything else on television, the internet, and even the newspaper is just negativity. My Little Pony FiM is full of positive messages and positive characters. I'm not a depressed person or anything, I just like HAPPINESS.


- The characters.

The Mane Six are so colorful and lovable in everything they do. I can't stand shows with horribly unlikable main characters, and it's pretty common for me. However with FiM, I like all six members of the main cast. They all have their own lovable charms and quirks that I just want to pull them out of my TV screen. And I'm a sucker for those anime-styled eyes.


- High-quality show.

The flash animation is colorful and lively, the music is so top notch it feels like I'm watching an epic Disney movie, and the voice actors put their heart and soul into their characters. The storylines aren't exactly fresh, but the writing is strong, and I love the retro feeling the show bring. I feel like all of those wonderful 90's and early 2000's cartoons that I grew up with and loved are finally back. And we all know the cartoons of today are pretty trashy. Horrible art style, annoying voice work, and an over-reliance on gross-out potty humor for "comedy." FiM is genuinely funny. Pop culture references are aplenty, the characters have enough life to them to keep me laughing and smiling, and nothing is crude. I can't stand watching something that's labeled as being for "mature" audiences, when in reality it's just some lewd, crude, and offensive garbage.


- It's a slice-of-life series that presents real characters and real issues that I think a lot of us can relate to, as silly as that may seem. The show has plenty of morals and honest life lessons that I think more people should be taught.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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To me, MLP:FiM is only important because of the fandom. Don't get me wrong I love the show, but I wouldn't be anywhere near as much into it if it weren't for this amazing fandom. So, it's a source of revenue pretty much, because I mostly already stand by most of the lessons in the show, and I did so before I even started watching it, so, you know, whatevs.

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I was extremely vaguely aware of the show previously, and would never have expected to get into a show entitled "My Little Pony", thinking it simply would have been some girly girl preschool show, but yet here I am, after my first few weeks of being a fan, and am genuinely surprised in the most positive of ways with the quality of the show itself, and just how broad and far reaching the fanbase is.


These are stories which are genuinely entertaining, are brilliantly written for the most part, have a good and lighthearted sense of humour along with that occasional laugh-out-loud moment, that special and perhaps even unexplainable charm, and to top it all off has some of the most believable and likeable characters I have ever known.

And as an added personal bonus, it's one of those very rare programmes which genuinely always manages to cheer me up.


In my book, what's not to like?

Edited by PianoOfMuffins
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I like that it's character focused, sweet, and has good animation. 


I also like that it kindof brings television back to basics.  Around the 80s, TV started getting more dysfunctional, dropping morals and throwing in more twists and screw the audience moments and adding shock value.  It must've been very refreshing at the time, but now everything does that and it's getting somewhat predictable.  MLP tells nice simple stories with resolutions, morals, and stays true to itself, and I like it for that.

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I love you.

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I came for the show, but stay for the community......and the show. 


The series is so amazing and that amazingness rubs off on the Brony community which is a really awesome thing. 

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I like My Little Pony because, of its community and the show.


MLP has a lot of good plotlines, songs, animation. The very artistic showing of the characters, down to the last detail. All shows back in the 70s and 80s had good storylines, and MLP has what the shows had.

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I could go on and on about why, but quite possibly why I love it is because of character development. Often times, cartoons just have bleak characters cut and pasted throughout episodes with the same mindset each time. Here, we see that characters obviously grow, learning from mistakes and whatnot. It makes the small stories and characters more enjoyable to watch, seeing how they reach their full potential as time goes on.


Plus, animation-wise, it is gorgeous. The attention to detail is astounding - practically everything moves, making the place more than just a fictional destination. The background characters are just as animated as the foreground characters, the way the manes and tails move makes the characters feel lively, and there are just small bits of detail everywhere that really make a great, positive difference.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everypony! I have a slight suspicion that this topic will be merged with another one because im paranoid like that. Anyhoof, I would like to ask for your opinions on why the brony fandom is so great. Personally, I love how everyone can just relate to each other. Its so rewarding to hear someone go through the same experiences that I might have gone through because I know where they may be coming from. Also, I greatly appreciate how kindly everyone treats each other. Finally, I love how no one judges you for watching a show about pastel coloured talking ponys with sunshine and ranbows and stuff. So yeah! Cheers!

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I like how I can just be myself on here and not get judged. I just can't do that anywhere else, especially at school (although my school has plenty bronies). If I do I'll get called a "weirdo" or something.

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I really like the music that most bronies make, the art is awesome, though I feel I need 80 years of art lessons after I look at brony art. (first grader drawing skills YOLOSWAGderpy_emoticon2.png) Fan fictions are really good also.



I like how I can just be myself on here and not get judged.

I agree with you.


I also love how most people here are happy and not insulting anyone.

I also (for some reason) like how antibronies have zero proof of any of us being gay (I have nothing against homosexual people), they just call us GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, and since they have no proof, I just laugh at how stupid it is.laugh.png

  • Brohoof 2


Amazing sig made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I really like the music that most bronies make, the art is awesome, though I feel I need 80 years of art lessons after I look at brony art. (first grader drawing skills YOLOSWAGimg-1356691-2-derpy_emoticon2.png) Fan fictions are really good also.



I agree with you.


I also love how most people here are happy and not insulting anyone.

I also (for some reason) like how antibronies have zero proof of any of us being gay (I have nothing against homosexual people), they just call us GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, and since they have no proof, I just laugh at how stupid it is.img-1356691-3-laugh.png

Well, I've been accused of being "gay" (I also have nothing against gay people) even before I became a brony. Basically, doing anything outside of society norms makes you "gay".

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I love that it's like a secret society, and if you happen to ever find one of us in real life then you and them are pretty much instantly best friends. I was wearing a steampunk Gummy shirt and as someone passed me in the hall they stopped me and complimented my shirt. Both over excited, we weren't sure how to react, but settled on a brohoof.


It was the best day of my life.

  • Brohoof 2


"Hi I'm hipster superman, you probably haven't heard of me I'm pretty obscure."

The center picture is hipster superman. The other four pictures are my favorite webtoon, anime, band, and comic. They're pretty obscure.

They might actually not be but I've never met anyone who's heard of them.

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It's cool to find out you're not weird for liking the show, and that there's people from all walks of life in the same boat as you-a little self concious at first, but soon realising they're among friends.


There's a simplicity and innocence to the show-as well as a positive message which seems to permeate the fandom. After years of discussion boards that consist of people arguing over everything, this is a breath of fresh air.

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You finally get to be open about being a brony once you find others in the fandom. And you won't get judged for it, you easily make new friends, etc. This fandom is amazing, and I'm proud of being a brony. Bro-hoof to all

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I like that the Brony fandom has given me a reason to be able to go into wal-mart, squeal at ponies, die laughing at Celestia's, Luna's and Rarity's  wonky coloring, and know people are thinking, "Oh, she's a brony." 

Because more and more people are seeing that the men and ladies who love this show...love this show.

We're not a bunch of freaky pedophiles. 

We're artists, we understand (and overanalyze) every element that goes on in the show, behind the show, around the show, in anything related to the show, stuff that has nothing to do with the show but somehow reminds you of that one time Rarity looked like a marshmallow....

And it's FUN.

I have never in my life had such a good time pouring over what made the writing so brill, what little animation errors there were to find (which i do alot) and Character analysis ( I have videos coming soon).

Its also a friendship. I can honestly call myself friend to each and everyone of you, even if we've only spoken once. 

And that really is magic. wink.png

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What I love about the brony fandom in general, is basically how we accept & treat one another. The content that the fandom can make as whole, and the wonderful community that we have. By content, I mean well: Art, Music, Fan Fictions, and fan-made content.


I really am glad that I joined the community and became a brony. :)

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