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Calling All Bronies


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Hello Fellow Bronies!


I would like to start international Brony day. Does this exist already, on an international scale?

I think it'd be good to come together and show our support for our community publicly and it will be a lot of fun. The possibilities are endless really.

I am beginning to organize a convention in Canada, where I live, however, I would really like to see something that everyone could easily be involved in.

What do you guys think about choosing a day, as a collective, and wearing all wearing one of these?

Posted Image

I wonder if we'd be able to get a discount if we ordered a large number of these. I can contact the site where I found them and see if there are any deals on large quantites. I know they have $5.89 flat rate shipping so that is a bonus!


Let me know if you support this fun and awesome brotherhood :)

and I will get started depending on the amount of interest




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I would but because of a bad group I'm in at school, if they found out I was going and be beat crapless, so sorry there. I would go otherwise!!

  • Brohoof 1

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I don't really think you just can set a day to be the "brony day". Something must happen.

Also, I don't think everypony wants to wear that certain t-shirt. Why not let everypony pick their own favorite? I don't think this will work, to be honest. :blush:


And what Ez says here below me --v

Edited by Mr. Pillow


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Not to be mean, but I honestly don't think you currently have what it takes to organize such a thing.You'd need a few EqD posts at the least to kick it off, and it would still be small at that, with how bronies are so spread out around the world.
  • Brohoof 2


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I don't really think you just can set a day to be the "brony day". Something must happen.

Also, I don't think everypony wants to wear that certain t-shirt. Why not let everypony pick their own favorite? I don't think this will work, to be honest. :blush:


And what Ez says here below me --v


Great Points! I was just suggesting that shirt as a starting point, however, all ponies could definatly choose their own shirt, we could even make them! That would probably be the most fun :)


Not to be mean, but I honestly don't think you currently have what it takes to organize such a thing.You'd need a few EqD posts at the least to kick it off, and it would still be small at that, with how bronies are so spread out around the world.


ouch man!

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I have to agree with Ezynell here. Everyone would have to be able to find out that this day was on, and even if you sent stuff into EqD, you still wouldn't have a large enough following.


what if i made a youtube channel, a facebook group, myspace page, partnerned with EQD and got other sponsors? Then i could send press releases to the newspapers and online media outlets, radio stations, blogs etc.

Then i could get the messege out, and maybe even do a contest where someone could win all inclusive tickets to the event?

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You called, I answered, I agreed, I will help it succeed, send me some info and I'll help you get this off the ground in the U.S

  • Brohoof 1

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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what if i made a youtube channel, a facebook group, myspace page, partnerned with EQD and got other sponsors? Then i could send press releases to the newspapers and online media outlets, radio stations, blogs etc.

Then i could get the messege out, and maybe even do a contest where someone could win all inclusive tickets to the event?


Hah, MySpace.


Even that won't get you enough publicity.

Edited by Emperor DylanKLJ The III
  • Brohoof 1
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The reason there is much support is because it is such a daunting task that could take half a year to plan... I know this because I have helped my father plan the 200 something marine corp ball twice and that took 60% of the year and 200000$

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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I would but because of a bad group I'm in at school, if they found out I was going and be beat crapless, so sorry there. I would go otherwise!!


That would count as harassment or assault. You could get them arrested or sued for that.


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That would count as harassment or assault. You could get them arrested or sued for that.


Yeah I know, but I'm scared to. They've got other friends I don't know about

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Yeah I know, but I'm scared to. They've got other friends I don't know about


Don't be scared of them. If they do try to beat you up just run like hell and grab something to scare them away. Then report them to the cops


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Not that there's anything wrong with brony day, but we already have Derpy day, right?

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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1 word: Derpy Day.



Edited by ADashOfRainbow



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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international brony day wouldnt work because of all the hate bronies get from across the world. Something bad would happen, maybe a fight or something and the police would have to get involved. I just honestly dont think it would work

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Honestly, I thought there would be a lot more support than this.


I'm sorry if this put a damper on your spirits, but I think that we mean well when we say that it's going to be a lot more work than you may anticipate.


I think the number one problem with an idea like this is that it would be difficult to pick a day that every brony can agree to. The best way to declare a brony day would be if Lauren Faust herself decided on a date. If someone lower in the hierarchy tries to create such a date, there's bound to be much more disagreement and miscommunication.


The idea of a brony day picked out by a fan reminds me of all those Facebook events that people make, some of them being the same event but on different dates. One that comes to mind is Dress like a Cat day (or something like that), which I remember being invited to 3 different times but on different dates because communication with people who had similar ideas were near-impossible to reach to.


I agree with what others have said about the t-shirt. I like the MLP t-shirts I currently own, and I'm glad that none of them say BRONY in big obnoxious letters. If there were to be an international brony day picked out, I would wear a t-shirt that I already own.


But best of luck in organizing a Canadian convention.

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......... So much complication for a good idea and this would stand next to Derpy day because some bronys aren't partial to Derpy.

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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I honestly think we should all just stay on the Internet the real world is no place for ponys and those who praise them. Just I cant imagine what bad stuff could happen.


I think it's just best to remove all possibilitys of failure before it happens.


lets hope this works

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Just make a day for it like "Talk Like a Pirate Day," make it just a fun for the lulzy type deal that anypony can do easily.

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