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MMMystery on the Ponyville Express

Oh Jesus, this episode made me CRINGE from start to finish! Why the fuck did Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy take bites out of their FRIEND's entry into a huge competition?! That's not an innocent mistake, that's being horrible friends! Oh, and this episode went WAY overboard making Pinkie look like a complete idiot! Also, the ending is just weird. They make a huge cake out of all the entries that had been partially eaten. That is just fucking disgusting! And GOOD GRIEF, THAT CRINGEWORTHY JAMES BOND REFERENCE! You don't know what it's like being a huge James Bond fan having to watch that crap! God, I hate this episode!

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I've posted here before. I forgot which episode I picked, but I can now say with 100% certainty that whatever episode that may have been now pales in comparison to "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies," and my dislike of that episode boils down to the simple fact that the people who worked on it did not give a single crap. It's the only episode of the series I can think of where the writers didn't even try, and that disappoints me.


It's one of the two episodes that felt like an ad for toys.  (the other one was Twily's kingdom) 


Which would have been fine if the Breezies didn't look like mosquitoes.  Fluttershy didn't act like she couldn't put her hoof down to an animal (such as the bear or Angel).

A few more lines supporting her thought process and not shoving "Fluttershy should know better because she knows all about magical creatures." would have helped a lot also.


Finally, a bit more subtlety on the Breezies' part when manipulating Flutters would have at least kept me guessing if it was for their best.  But the breezies looked like jerks throughout the episode.

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MMMystery on the Ponyville express.  An obvious homage to Murder on the Orient Express.  In the 1st place, Hercule Poirot isn't my favorite Agatha Christie character (way prefer Miss Jane Marple).  In the second place, the poorly done Holmes & Watson references.  In the 3rd place, it just wasn't well done.  You just can't live without a mystery homage?  Try either Columbo or Murder She Wrote.


The CMC episodes are not my favorites, but they are more for the younger viewers & I don't mind them.  Besides, they have some of the best songs & videos (Bad Seed & Hearts Strong As Horses, for instance)  The only really bad one is Hearts & Hooves day.  Too Cute To Live


Spike At Your Service was really annoying, although Twilight's lame attempt to fake a Timber Wolf was amusing. (T, you are not trying to scare a half witted 2 year old, Spike is smarter than Pinkie) 

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  • 3 months later...

All the one's with the Owl, they were just a bit of a filler and just boring..  :maud: 

Also; Sweet and Elite - was just a filler, didn't happen a lot in it.

And: Just of Sidekicks - Bit boring, also more of a filler.




sorry not sorry if these were one of your favorite episodes.

it's called opinions.

LOOΠΔ // olivia hye - egoist

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  • 3 months later...

Only watched up through season 2 ep 20 so far, but...one recent one I didn't care for at all was The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.  I mean, hey, maybe getting some machinery out there in the Apple fields would actually be helpful.  I thought the message and "moral" were convoluted and unconvincing.


And I say this as a guy who thinks our culture suffers from techno-narcissism and techno-grandiosity, so...yeah, I'm certainly no super-rah-rah-Tech guy, but come on...

My least favorite episode is The Last Roundup. I just didn't like how Applejack kept ignoring her friends.


Yeah this one was bad, I was pretty frustrated with Applejack here.  I just wasn't convinced her character would actually behave that way and make those decisions.  It all felt pretty forced.

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Putting Your Hoof Down




- WAY too mean spirited


- Iron Will is blamed at the end, even though it's Fluttershy's fault


- The episode expects us too be sympathetic towards Fluttershy, but she was being a b****


- Fluttershy changes her personality too quickly and too drastically. 



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My least favorite episodes are Princess Spike and Putting Your Hoof Down. The former is something I wish I could erase from season five. Spike is already an underrated character with little to no characterization, but they dug the hole even deeper by making him completely unlikeable. In Just for Sidekicks, Spike was supposed to have learned about the consequences of being selfish, but he acted even worse in Princess Spike. I was hoping for good Spike episodes this season, because I feel he is a wonderful character if given the time of day, but this episode made me give up hope of this happening.


Putting Your Hoof Down was terrible to me because the premise was wasted potential. Fluttershy could have grown as a character through this episode - learning how to assert herself and not be treated as a doormat. But instead, the writers made her a bully. Her rant towards Pinkie and Rarity, who were only trying to help her, was completely unneccesary. She practically called their reason for living useless and insulted their intelligence. When Rarity began to cry, I marked this episode as the worst episode of the show. It makes me cringe just thinking about it. This episode is one of the reasons I think people may not particularly like Fluttershy.


/mini rant over/


MLP is amazing, of course, but every show has a few duds. Fortunately, with the exception of Princess Spike, the show is getting even better. 

  • Brohoof 1

"When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball."



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Party Pooped... the Yaks where so unlikeble, that I have to wonder why anyone would want to be Friends with them, declaring War because Spike used a Player Piano was stupid, Pinkie's Journey was IMPOSSIBLE... and don't tell me it's Pinkie Pie, cause even SHE can't travel from Ponyville to Dodge Junction to Manehatten then being the Drummer of a Band, who makes several Hits, before disbanding in the Crystal Empire in ONE AFTERNOON


Her entire Journey was completly Pointless since she travels THE WHOLE WAY BACK ON A SLED


And then there is the Fact, that Twilight is afraid of Quesadillas... I'm sorry but of all the STUPID! ASININE SHARK-JUMPING BULLSHIT... and I pretty much Rage-Quit at this Point, cause I can't see ANYONE being afraid of some specific kind of Food (disliking it or being afraid of Cheese in General would have been okay)


Overall this was not an Episode of MLP and I honestly hope Nick Confalone will do a better Episode next Time (but considering he wrote for Johnny Test I'm not expecting much

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There have been episodes I didn't care for like Boast Busters, Owl's Well That Ends Well, MDW, and Magical Mystery Cure but I don't necessarily hate them.


Episodes like Friendship is Magic Part 2, Part I of Canterlot Wedding, Spike At Your Service, and Putting Your Hoof Down were episodes that had particular elements that irked me in terms of character being out of character, flanderized, and the plot itself being either contrived, rushed, or both (MMC falls into that boat as well)


But...as a Spike fan, Dragon Quest disappointed me on so many different levels. If there was going to be an episode where you could have given Spike development and his own identity, this was the episode to do it. Instead we get the mane six being out of character, the teenage dragons being annoying and extremely cliche, poor world building, Spike not really learning anything about being a dragon, and a moral that isn't...BAD at the end but it felt phoned in the more I think about it. Then again, the one thing the writers seem to struggle doing more than anything is writing Spike's character in his own episodes (or in general really). 


I love Spike. He's my favorite character in FiM because of how much I identify with him but the writers should stop giving him his own episodes. They clearly don't know how to do one right or at least have a bad track record with them. Just stick with him being the supportive friend to the main focus character. He does great when he's in that role for the most part (i.e. Lesson Zero and Equestria Girls) 

Edited by Rocky
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my least favourite episode would probably have to be "the show stoppers." apart from the fact that it isn't very good at all, it is also partly responsible for my friend not liking mlp. and it's a shame because he's the type of person who would probably enjoy mlp. but it just had to be that episode he saw first.

oh yeah and I also didn't like"baby cakes". after about four minutes I had to jut stop watching and move onto the next episode. I really can't stand babies.

I guess this is my signature...

you likey?

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Number one worst is Slice of Life. The concept was good, but the writing was so atrocious that it was almost physically painful. It's the first episode that I couldn't watch in its entirety because of how awful it is. It felt like the writers thought they could just shoehorn in as many meme references as a substitute for actual clever writing.


Second is Tanks For The Memories. I've never been a fan of Rainbow Dash, but at least she usually has SOME qualities. This episode turned her from a selfish jerk into a straight-up villain who is willing to risk hundreds of lives for a small personal gain. What really ruins the episode, however, is that she gets away with no consequences at all; no one is even aware that she was responsible for the explosion that destroyed half of a major city. Just having one scene where she admits her crimes and apologizes would have been enough to salvage this, but they let her get away scot-free with an act that is almost up there with what season premiere/finale villains do in terms of severity.


Third is Dragon Quest. Another good idea executed poorly. When I first heard that an episode was going to be set in Spike's birthplace, I was super excited for all of the backstory we were going to learn. By the end, we learn absolutely nothing about Spike's origins, and instead get a racist moral: All dragons are bad, but Spike is at least better than the others because he was raised by ponies, who are the superior race.


Fourth is Magical Mystery Cure. The main plot of cutie mark swapping has nothing to do with the conclusion where Twilight becomes a princess. The songs were all unmemorable, I literally can't remember how a single one of them goes. It all felt rushed, like they had already written most of the episode when Hasbro suddenly forced them to shoehorn in Twilight becoming a princess.

  • Brohoof 4


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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I have two: Boast Busters and Luna Eclipsed. While I like Luna Eclipsed much more, I feel it deserves mention as it is an episode that I truly don't like at this point. I just want to erase Boast Busters from existence.


Boast Busters: I feel it was a lot of wasted potential and a story that deviated and degraded very quickly about halfway through. The issue that I have is that in the beginning, it was Rarity, Applejack, Spike and Rainbow Dash who were the antagonists, not Trixie. In fact, nothing that happened in the episode was really her fault. While Trixie was a snotty, self-absorbed little... you-know-what, she didn't really do anything wrong. She played up her abilities for her stage show and her blatant boasting pissed off Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. She issued a challenge to them, they stepped up and accepted, and Trixie beat them down. Then they just got mad at her even more instead of admitting that while she's obnoxious, she does have some skill. But Spike cranked it up a notch and despite of Twilight's obvious objections, all but demanded that she step in and show Trixie up. The episode up to this point was set up to deliver a good lesson about respecting your friend's wishes and not being oversensitive. However, it completely derailed when the Ursa Minor entered. At this point, we were supposed to believe that Trixie was the bad guy. If she hadn't lied about defeating an Ursa Major, Snips and Snails wouldn't have wanted to go find one in order for Trixie to prove herself. But that's still no reason to actually blame Trixie for it, she didn't ask those two dipshits to do it. But by then it was set. By the end of the episode, the writers wanted so badly for us to blame Trixie for everything that Snips and Snails, the ones who truly deserved punishment, got off with a slap on the wrist. I understand the process of creating a character specifically meant to be disliked, but don't flanderize everyone else in order to make it so.


Luna Eclipsed: This episode, like Boast Busters is wasted potential. I love Luna and I actually like the majority of the episode, but the last four or five minutes just killed it for me. Every time Luna started to open up, Pinkie Pie was stirring everybody's fears up. Then she actually admitted to Twilight that she knew all along that Luna was no longer Nightmare Moon. Now, this was the perfect place for Pinkie Pie to learn a lesson about taking a joke too far. But when Twilight was about to call her out, Pinkie mentioned that it was fun being scared and suddenly all was forgiven. To the point where Twilight basically told Luna to suck it up in the name of fun. Now, I've always been an advocate for "suck it up" and it worked out fine for Luna, I feel it's wrong that Pinkie never got any reprimand. I have problems with every episode that distorts storytelling in order to make Pinkie right all along, but this one really got to me.

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My bottom 3 for each season are:

Season 1:

1) Boast busters

2) Owl's well that ends well

3) Look before you sleep

Season 2:

1) Putting your hoof down (worst ep ever in my opinion)

2) Baby cakes

3) Dragon quest

Season 3:

1) Spike at your service

2) Games ponies play

3) One bad apple

Season 4:

1) Rainbow falls (2nd worst ever)

2) Somepony to watch over me

3) Leap of faith

Season 5;

1) Appleloosa's most wanted

2) Party pooped

3) Princess Spike (not bad just meh)

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Putting Your Hoof Down is currently the only episode i've never watched again after first watching it, and when you're someone like me who watched every episode at least 5 times, that's saying something. It's just painful to watch, and before it Fluttershy was one of my favorite characters... sadly, now she's my least favorite mane 6 pony. I don't hate her, but I can't forgive her PYHD behavior.  :(

Besides that, I don't think that there's an episode that has pissed me off that much. Rainbow Fails was pretty darn bad, but at least I can watch it without seeing my favorite characters being jerks to each other for no good reason.  :okiedokielokie:

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Putting Your Hoof Down is currently the only episode i've never watched again after first watching it, and when you're someone like me who watched every episode at least 5 times, that's saying something. It's just painful to watch, and before it Fluttershy was one of my favorite characters... sadly, now she's my least favorite mane 6 pony. I don't hate her, but I can't forgive her PYHD behavior. :(

Besides that, I don't think that there's an episode that has pissed me off that much. Rainbow Fails was pretty darn bad, but at least I can watch it without seeing my favorite characters being jerks to each other for no good reason. :okiedokielokie:

Whilst I agree that Putting your hoof down is the worst episode ever, surely her appearence soon after in Hurricane Fluttershy (A candidate for the best episode) makes up for it?

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Whilst I agree that Putting your hoof down is the worst episode ever, surely her appearence soon after in Hurricane Fluttershy (A candidate for the best episode) makes up for it?

Well, kinda... I don't dislike her, she is a cute character after all, but when I remember about that horrible scene of her making her best friends cry (especially Pinkie), it still makes me mad... and when I can (kinda of) enjoy (not like) Diamond Tiara, that's saying something.

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