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Lord Theoretical

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I despise metal, heavy metal, or anything related, it's never really been my interests.


People overreact to Dubstep


Console gaming has sucked since the Xbox 360 and PS3 release


I hate Halo 


I hate World of Warcraft


Microsoft is now just a wannabe Apple, again


Garry Newman has ruined Gmod

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I like reading pairing stories, epecially with RainbowDashxEverypony else lol.

I think communism is the pest thing ever, on small scales.

(Most) Alicorns seem like stuck-up a** holes. None in the series so far has had any real substence.

I have terrible spelling just to troll people, and then they'll misspell something and I'll troll them :)

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I like reading pairing stories, epecially with RainbowDashxEverypony else lol.

I think communism is the pest thing ever, on small scales.

(Most) Alicorns seem like stuck-up a** holes. None in the series so far has had any real substence.

I have terrible spelling just to troll people, and then they'll misspell something and I'll troll them :)

On alicorn Ocs I agree for the most part, most are don't poorly and because of such I only have one alicorn OC I have ever liked... Nyx of Past Sins.

On pairing stories with Rainbow Dash I have read some very good ones, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy seems to work out well most of the time... as long as Rainbow Dash isn't labeled.

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brokeback mountain deserved best picture

Hey, only unpopular opinions here. C'mon, get your act together.


I jest, of course. Then again, it's pretty much a fact that Brokeback should have won.

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Best fan is not determined by the love held for the pony.


Speaking of best fan...there's no such thing as one. 


Earth ponies are, by far, the most vital and important species of Equestria.


Most ponysonas are bullcrap.


Adding "just kidding" does not make it okay to insult others.


Most girls are idiots who gossip all day about fashion and boys. I'm so glad to be the minority. 


Gossip is bullshit.


Kids are not obnoxious.

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Umm... cats rule and dogs drool? :huh:

*kidding but serious*


In all honesty, I really do not find Rarity to be all that attractive, I mean sure, she IS a fashion pony but still, her look just does not seem to appeal to me at all...


Also, bottles are best toys...

Literally, they make noise and stuff and you can use them for bowling and such...


The bottle caps are even better


I also love popping those packaging bubbles

I find it so much fun to hear them pop and stuff



Briefs are the most comfortable clothing ever made :wub:


That's it for now

(I'm pretty sure that some of those are pretty popular opinions but still...)

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I am not in the least bit bothered by Michael Bay's Transformers films. They didn't have much plot, sure, but they were a visual treat and left the characters unmolested unless you want to complain about the bizarre outcomes of some of the fights. Call me about how bothered you are when you've got Moffat in your fandom and the characters are making out for fans, abandoning their classic quirky humor for the kind of cheap ball jokes a particularly immature 10-year-old would like (okay, so the thing with the dogs was just weird), making a laughingstock and comic relief out of all their old enemies, and deliberately dumbing it down so as to be even more appealing to children and all the new fans because it's been decided, and I quote, that they need to "slut it up" and "compress storytelling" and "write it like a movie poster."

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that they need to "slut it up" and "compress storytelling" and "write it like a movie poster."

you just quoted what i hate about most everything that i love that get ruined.


i believe being a alcoholic/addict is a choice not a addiction because you chose to go down that road and to continue down it.


i think we only hear 30% truth in the media and the rest is fluff either to boost rating, to reinforce political gain and to keep america for the most part (75% of the population any who) mentally dumbed down to the level of a grapefruit


i dont believe in global warming, i think that is all a ploy to make money off of the simple minded that just have to get behind a cause to show they care.


to be perfectly clear, im a conservationist and have dedicated more than my fair share of time in the great smoky mountains national park fighting fires,picking up litter,hanging moth boxes and scraping grave in cades cove. i believe in recycling aluminum due to the dirty mining/ refining process and the use of bio friendly chemicals for constitutions of infrastructural  to protect our water ways and it inhabitants. but carbon credits, really thin water bottles, plastering everything with a leaf and calling it green to make more money and plug in cars!!!! omg plug in cars for god sakes they have made it here to knoxville and there all being recharged with coal/nuclear derived power! oh the hypocrisy! 


wow i kinda got caught up in the moment! 

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I prefer older songs by bands like The Doors and have a strange like for "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Deep Blue Something. I feel that any Call of Duty game after the 3rd was horrifically easy and focused too much on multiplayer.

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009 Sound System is a very good band.


Children should be able to view sexual themes, and if not, sexual themes should be prioritized above violent ones.


Dubstep has many feels but can also sound like elephants getting brutally slaughtered (even those types have feels).


The government should tax all drugs, no matter how dangerous they are.

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Mass Effect 3's ending was AWESOME.  See: Indoctrination Theroy.
Syndicate (the remake) was a good game.
So was Red Faction Armageddon.
Alicorn Twilight is a good idea.  Highly conditional, though - it'd have to be at the end of the series, and executed properly, which it probably wouldn't be.

RAINBOW DASH IS NOT A CARDBOARD CHARACTER.  WILL PEOPLE STOP TELLING ME THAT.  I wrote 45,000 words of fanfiction with her as the narrator, I know her better than my own mother.
And I'll shut up before I start ranting about that last one.

Almost forgot: I *love* 009 Sound System and Oceanlab.

Edited by Winged Anomaly
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1. I dont love derpy hooves

2. I dont like fluttershy

3. i prefer touchscreen phones to non touchscreen phones

4. I like clopficiton (but also non clop fimfiction)


I might have gone too far with the first and second one, havent i ?

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I absolutely despise the .mov series. It makes my skin crawl and makes me want to vomit up my insides into a rusty bucket and spill it all over the floor whilst being skinned to death.

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I think minimum wage should be lower. It's not meant to be a wage to live off of, it's meant as a starting block and if a person works hard enough, they get a raise that matches their efforts, talents, and desire.


Wpahwpahwpah minimum wage has dropped dramatically. It's still 7.50 an hour, but the value of the dollar has increased and minimum wage 50 years ago was worth almost 20 an hour now.

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i believe being a alcoholic/addict is a choice not a addiction because you chose to go down that road and to continue down it.


I think this depends on the person rather than the situation.  I had an alcoholic father my entire life and he's just now getting back on track and I'm almost 14.  He keeps going back and forth because he as OCD and it messes with his head.


Some people really are too stupid to stop and not start in the first place though.

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I believe that anything, even the most trivial thing, is worth discussing about.


Babies are damn annoying, I've personally experienced trying to calm down my baby brother in a tantrum. 

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Babies are damn annoying, I've personally experienced trying to calm down my baby brother in a tantrum. 


YUUUUUS! God damn, I hate babies. They're hideous, they're loud, they drive the parents insane, they're the most unholy demon-spawn on this planet.  

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YUUUUUS! God damn, I hate babies. They're hideous, they're loud, they drive the parents insane, they're the most unholy demon-spawn on this planet.  

-Uses Scar's Voice- "Oh they're not all bad"


Of any case I do find that to be interesting, especially since we were all once babies.

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YUUUUUS! God damn, I hate babies. They're hideous, they're loud, they drive the parents insane, they're the most unholy demon-spawn on this planet.  

And you were one of them once. So was Einstein, so was Stephen Hawking, so was Jesus Christ, so was Hitler, so was Genghis Khan. There is all the potential of good and of evil in every one of them. They have their good days and their bad days like all of us. And your opinion will no doubt change when you have one of your own.


I like them, personally, especially if I can hand them over to someone else when they do what babies do. :)


Unpopular opinions:

1. While I admire their creativity, most people who make pony videos using Garry's Mod way, way, way over-use the "Squee" sound effect. It's great in the show because they know not to overuse it. If only internet users could gain a similar discernment.


2. People who have played the leaked version of "Fighting is Magic" are weak of will and lacking in moral fiber. And they are gaining an unfair advantage over those who refuse to play the game until it is officially released. Admittedly, this advantage may be ameliorated by changes to the system, and yes, the team did give their blessing for people to play the leaked version, but that doesn't make it right, in my opinion.


Take it or leave it.

Edited by Full Spectrum
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Gangnam style sucks and is too overrated.

Same thing with angry birds.

I dislike the PC version of minecraft because I cant get it to work at more than 5 FPS.

Despite my name I acually don't like pokemon.

I liked the phantom menace.

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