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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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PewDiePie is the most overrated thing I've ever seen.

I love rats.

Skyfall was not the best James Bond movie.

Football is boring as hell and I find it sickening that they are paid at least three times more for kicking a sack of air around than doctors are.

Obama's not an amazing president.

I feel no sympathy for most obese people, as a lot of them only have themselves to blame.

I support bringing back corporal punishment, as well as the death penalty and a life sentence SHOULD MEAN A LIFE SENTENCE.

Trolling is not 'cyberbullying'.

You do realize that Doctors indirectly kill 7,000 people annually with their bad handwriting, and medication mistakes also injure 1.5 million annually, right?

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I don't like GTA 5... Vice city is the best GTA hoof down...


COD is over rated, the only good COD game was MW2...


Gears of war1,2,3 are the best games made...


I really bucking hate all the jokes about Celestia.. really getting sick of that shit..


I don't like it when, you try to talk with someone and they just blow you off.. its like wow.. thanks "friend" 


Really getting sick of hear "AppleJack is the best background pony"... I just rrrgg!

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And to be serious, let me explain why some certain ponies are overrated.


Vinyl Scratch: I don't understand. There are several background ponies (Mjölna, Quickfix, Seafoam, Cherry Berry, Tornado Bolt) that directly appear, right in front of the screen, at least five times more than her, yet she still gets all the attention. Not to mention that in my opinion, dubstep is a terrible excuse for music, and this background pony had spawned a bunch of Mary Sue DJ OCs. Great job!


Fluttershy: One-dimensional, the same as always. She receives way too much love than she deserves.


Rainbow Dash: This pony sure isn't a Mary Sue when she's number one at flying, the fastest pegasus in Equestria, and the only one able to break the sound barrier. All masked with her "attempt to cover Mary Sue traits" arrogance. Also created a bunch of "Dash" OCs. She's not that awesome, people. I prefer Applejack and Pinkie Pie over her.


Luna: She's still one-dimensional as Fluttershy. Doesn't deserve the love she gets. And Luna just sits back there, doing nothing. Sorry excuse for a Princess.


Derpy: Just...no. No more of that "save Derpy" or "Doctor Who's assistant" crap. Especially the latter: if you look more closely, Colgate or Carrot Top should have been the assistant; I can not say how many times have they been together. Sorry, but this cross-eyed pegasus gets way too much credit.

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Drum & Bass supersedes all other genres of music. All sub genres specific to DnB are included: Neurofunk. Crossbreed, Jungle, etc.

With that said: Mind Control by Memtrix is Best Pony.

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I don't like cheese cake.

I hated Strongly disliked The Hobbit movie (the new one, they butchered it)

I don't have a problem with drugs being legalized.

Cloppers are human beings, and are among the less weird of what is on the internet. Seriously, look up extreme bdsm.. Don't, you'll regret it. Or you might like mutilation porn, you know, if that's your thing. I'm not gonna hate, but count me out huh.png  There's some messed up shit out there.


I believe in a spiritual side to the universe, and I cross scientific knowledge with spirituality to form my understanding of it.

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I like pewdiepie. (Seems to be less popular because all you have the same opinion of hating him)

My favorite genre of music is country.

I like the twilight books/movies (bite me)

I'm a cat person.

I still watch full house. (Makes me think of my childhood. Lol)

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COD is over rated, the only good COD game was MW2...



How on earth is that an unpopular opinion?


Relatively sure the Atari 2600 can run Ghosts with little to no problems.

Edited by Doge
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Bambi is better than Bambi 2 due to reasons

Fluttershy is annoying, but I still like her

I actually liked Equestria Girls

I did not have a problem with Twilight as a Alicorn, but then again, I was in the fandom for only 2 weeks before the episode aired

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Rainbow Dash is a two dimensional character and the worst of the main 6.


Equestria girls is cancer.


Season 3 was awful.


Metal Gear Solid is a bad franchise.


Final Fantasy is a bad franchise beyond 6-7.


Battlefield 2 is the best Battlefield game.


Call of Duty: World at War was a good game.


Duke Nukem Forever was decent.


Minecraft was good, then killed itself and became boring trash around late 2011.


Valve is overrated.


/k/ is the best chanboard.


Season 4 looks like trash.

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Equestria girls is cancer.


Final Fantasy is a bad franchise beyond 6-7.


Call of Duty: World at War was a good game.


/k/ is the best chanboard.



None of those are quite unpopular opinions, although /k/ is made up of misfits from /b/.


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I hate shipping in fanfics period straight shipping or not I hate it regaldless

transformers is over rated

super hero's can kill how else are you going to keep the villain away from harm

pokemon is stupid

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I believe I posted here before, haven't I?

Ah well...i'll post here again, only this time, i'll be a little nit picky!

1. I honestly don't like PewDiePie....not anymore, at least, not because of the fandom but mostly because he lost his humor and basically forcing it out. All he ever does anymore is scream and make random noises...not so appealing


2. I really hate Blood On The Dance Floor...like i'm 100% against the band. To be honest, I think Dahvie Vanity is a sex crazed pedo-bear man child who will take advantage of younger "tweens". There were dozens of reports slammed against him and evidence of his nature on a site called The Truth About Dahvie Vanity. He even treats his fans like complete crap, and gets phone numbers of other preteens, basically sexting them. (Or at least he attempts). I have a friend who likes the band, and we like to tease each other about it. lol


3. I'm totally against abortion. Unless it's really serious, like a situation where the mother has no choice because of something medical, or a miscarriage, or something I see why it would happen. I don't know where I stand about the whole cliche scenario "Oh, what if the mother is raped?". Well, i'm not sure, I guess that's up to the mom. I mean, I understand the side of the polar opposite's statement about how it's a woman's choice to have the child. Surely, if the mother doesn't want the child, adoption is always an option, that way instead of wiping the child off the face of the earth, they can give it to someone who can't conceive and will take care of it as if it were their own. 


^ Oh and I beg, please do not try to conjure up the guts to fight me about that...sad.png

People will have their opinions, but I don't want to get into a debatable fight that is completely irrelevant to the point of this thread.


Well, it seems those are the only three unpopular opinions people just like to drag me to oblivion for, anyways. lol

Edited by Nature Of Fluttershy
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None of those are quite unpopular opinions, although /k/ is made up of misfits from /b/.



Depends, EqG is cancer is an unpopular opinion amongst bronies, but not the general public


FF is well, yeah that's honestly pretty split.


World at War was hated upon release, and while it has aged well compared to the lens flare infested sequels, on launch everyone hated it.


Can't really say about /k/, but I know most people I've seen pick another board.

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Here's another unpopular opinion of mine to add to my previous list (wherever it is)


Game of Thrones is extremely overrated. Most of the characters follow a pretty common mindset which essentially makes them all materialistic sons of sh*t who would kill everyone in the world if it meant getting their way, and that goes even for the most pure characters out there. Ever since figuring out how this mindset works, the story became too predictable for me that even Tyrion was no longer a mystery.

And before people tell me I only watched the show, I ought to let you all know I've read almost all the books. I dropped it some time ago at Dance of the Dragons part 1.

Edited by ~Chaotic Freedan~
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Depends, EqG is cancer is an unpopular opinion amongst bronies, but not the general public


FF is well, yeah that's honestly pretty split.


World at War was hated upon release, and while it has aged well compared to the lens flare infested sequels, on launch everyone hated it.


Can't really say about /k/, but I know most people I've seen pick another board.


Fair enough.


Most people I know stopped caring after 6.


Eh, that's due to to Modern Warfare.


I only see /v/ and /b/, disregarding /mlp/

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I live in an extremely emotionally unhealthy culture that overempathizes positivity and doesn't know how to deal with negative emotions. We try to cover up anger, pain, sadness, shame, and jealousy or solve it as quickly and as sloppily as possible so that we don't have to look at it, and then we wonder why people are messed up.

Edited by Cygnus
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Here's my list:-
1- I prefer to read anything useful rather than pony fanfics, with exceptions.
2- I never really liked PMV songs, I usually listen to Rock n' Roll  music.
3- Communism is better than capitalism.
4- It really annoys me whenever anyone overreacts about something that he/she dislikes.

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I like all ponies equally. Even Rarity.


I think spirituality and science are merely different outlets for the same goal, each with their own unique methods and ideas, and I'm willing to hear both because I believe either has the potential to be valid.


I am against shopping at big stores like Wal-mart. I would rather burn one down than patronize them in fact. (I wouldn't really, but I do hate their overbearing empire because it chokes out opportunity for small business to even exist)

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