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What would you change if you were in charge of the show?


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To specify, what would you do if Hasbro randomly emailed you and told you that the show had been handed over to you? Is there anything you would change, improve or take out? Are there any characters you'd bring back-or even take away all together? Would you change the animation, music, themes or storylines if it were your choice?


For example, I'd personally keep it the same, but possibly add a continuing storyline, like say, the Cutie Mark Crusaders gaining their Cutie Marks in different episodes. I'd also probably expand the background of characters-particularly Celestia, Discord and Luna.


Remember, you are allowed to change anything you want, without limits.


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I would probably make more arcs that laste longer amounts of time. I liked how they did the gala arc a lot .


Luna would defiantly appear a lot more, she's so underused in the first 2 seasons.


I think I would also involve families of the other ponies appart from apple jack a bit more, maybe even have an episode of all of the mane 6's gradmares which would be pretty funny :D


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If I were in charge? Hmm...

  • I'll probally make the episodes run for 30 minutes or more.
  • I'll make the enemy battles last a bit longer.
  • MORE LUNA!!!
  • More breaking the fourth wall.

That's pretty much all. The show doesn't really need much change since it's already perfect (in my opinion).


Life is an adventure. An adventure of mistakes, accidents, and misunderstandings.

That's what makes life life.

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I would remove all the unnecessary forced memes and anything else that is a bit too influenced by the fanbase.

  • Brohoof 1



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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More Discord. More Luna. Other than that it's wonderful as is. I might want more episodes focused around the CMC though.................

Forget Celestia and her Friendship Reign, come have some real fun with Discord on the Nonsense Train

Join the Legion of Anarchy, and take up the flag of Discord here on MLPForums~

> The Legion of Anarchy <

OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lightning-flicker-r1268

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GTFO Fluttershy! Granny Smith is the NEW member of the Mane 6!

I'd bring in a lot of the one-shots again (like Steven Magnet, Trixie, Flim/Flam, Discord).

  • Brohoof 1


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More memes, more references, more musicals, more derpy, more non-easy and exciting battles, more suspense, more sadness, more happiness, more laughter, more friendship, more hyperness, more cheesyness, more food, more parties, more sillyness, more more more more.

*goes to google.com*

*types in 'I hate it when h'*

*auto complete suggests: 'I hate it when hitler steals my nutella'*

*pokerface* ._.


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i'd fix Rainbowdash's character development and stop making episode around her start of with her being shallow just to try and redeem her because it doesn't work as well as they think


other then that... nothing :D i would try to make changes to a already winning formula so i'd let them work there magic

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Hmm, if I was in charge of the show.. I would definitely make the arcs longer and make the shows consecutive. That, and work on building a stronger history for the show. So more background on the mane 6 and celestia and luna. Maybe do a spinoff that depicts the war of the sun and moon.

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*clears throat and drink some water.*


What I would change is this...

  • I would have one male alicorn in the show, and say its a very rare chance of it happening and he feels alone.
  • More Luna
  • Give Derpy more backstory
  • Fluttershy Dragon transformation
  • Pinkie Pie gets a visit form one of her sisters
  • 1 Love interest with the mane 6 and a colt.
  • Twilight goes to Canterlot as spike stays in ponyville to help with the other friends
  • Have Changelings be shown a new light... maybe find friendship in the process.
  • Celestia becomes a subject for a day with a bet with Luna and finds out how hard it is being a earth pony.
  • Spike becomes his fantasy self to save rarity in a magical book.
everything else the same.


I Run and Operate Alicornradio

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This thread could almost be a predictions for s3 thread :P


It's also funny how different people can be


GTFO Fluttershy! Granny Smith is the NEW member of the Mane 6!

I'd bring in a lot of the one-shots again (like Steven Magnet, Trixie, Flim/Flam, Discord).


This me me laugh so hard ><


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If I could change the show, I'd...


Put more references to philosophical/scientific ideas

Make the plots a little more complex

Have the morals "build" on each other

The music more classically-influenced in nature and polyphonic

Focus a little more on Twilight's character, make her a little more snarky

Maybe make the episodes an hour in length (although the half-hour format works very well for me)

Add some good-natured and intelligent satire

Add more whimsy/humor

Have other ponies switch places with the Mane Cast members every once in a while

Have a running gag of either Rainbow Dash changing her dreams for the future or Rarity changing her business model

More strongly develop the limits and influence of certain types of magic

Have the ponies act more like actual horses again (which seems to have been lost somewhat in Season 2)

Hablo español--Je parle français--日本語を話す--我说中文--...and sarcasm (yeah right!)

I compose music.  Six Pony Rags

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I would pretty much intentionally destroy every fan made idea of vinyl scratch and every other background pony. I would make derpy the daughter of a Goddess. I would change the opening theme. I would kill get rid of Rarity somehow. Trixie would get eaten by ursa major...


And I would abandon the current cast of characters entirely in favor of an antihero male cast that will eventually go to war with the current cast over a long brooding conflict, but one of the male cast falls in love with the female cast even though the two brooding clans don't want them together - Doctor whooves comes up with a scheme where they can run away, it involves one of the female cast drinking a poison designed to make it look like she died, but the male character sees her and thinks shes really dead so kills himself. When the female wakes up and sees him dead she follows suit and takes her own life.


As a result everyone else lives happily ever after.

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More love stories! Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy need to start seeing a stallion...one of the royal guards maybe? I would love to see Rainbow experiment with being more girly, and then find out it's not for her. Also, I would probably change the theme song.

Edited by Heartthrob
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my main thing would be longer story arcs that last a whole season. like what they did to the Teen Titans where they would have a normal one show story but it would tie in to the over all plot with slade in a small way. then have a few just stand alone episodes just to take a break from the large story arc. maybe alter the intro song a little each season but leave it generally the same.

Edited by irobern2857
  • Brohoof 1
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I would kill get rid of Rarity somehow.


:o I don't understand why you all hate Rarity so much. If its her attitude, I don't understand why people take her flaws the most personal when everypony has a flaw that no-one likes in a friend.

  • Brohoof 6
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:o I don't understand why you all hate Rarity so much. If its her attitude, I don't understand why people take her flaws the most personal when everypony has a flaw that no-one likes in a friend.


I love they way she is portrayed and voice acted, but I dislike how she is the element of generosity and seems to be so much more material orientated then any of the other ponies and not like her element at all in some cases.


(I actually do like rarity, but she is defiantly my least fav of the main 6 )

  • Brohoof 1


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Scootaloo would get an episode.

Vinyl and Octavia would get lines.

Return of Trixie, In which Twilight tries to be friends, but Trixie shoots her down. (lesson: Someponies just don't want to be friends, and that's fine.)

Return of Gilda, she's sorry and wants to make up for what she did, but nopony will believe her. (lesson: be willing to give a second chance)

Better Continuity.

The introduction of a new Side character named Page Turner who operates the Ponyville Bookstore. (Hay, Sibsy gets away with it)

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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I'd make sure a huge 5 part epic episode of the Royal Wedding quality got made. The one I hated about it was being to short, it's like they wrote to much plot for the run time and had to compress and speed it up.



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Add more monkeys.

The only monkeys we have seen are those at the Gala.


I'd probably make them Mute Monkeys though... not sure if talking monkeys would work :huh:

and not sure what kind of monkeys either, in the sense of just pets, or big families in the forest, or an entire hidden civilization of Monkeys?!


Oh and Bananas. Like secretly have every primary character eat a banana in the span of an entire season

Edited by AIMonkey
  • Brohoof 1

I'm always sorry.

Did not want to bother you

I'll just sit over here

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I don't think I'd change much, I'd just make the episodes and songs that need to be made and keep coming with new ideas, and keep the nods to the fandom subtle while maybe making things a little less girly. Oh, and I'd make this the intro in all languages everywhere, not just Italian:


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The first thing I would do is run around my house going woooo. This would last like an hour or so. Then after that I would.Give Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake more screen time and an episode about them.Have a part 1 part 2 episode in the middle of the season.More Wonderbolts and have Rainbow Dash team up with them.An episode where we look more at Hearts Worming eve. Like what else they do.


Look at Applejacks parents come to town.


Give Applejack some more development. Just give her something to work for, besides farm stuff.


A villain team up episode.Give Scootaloo an episode.And some other stuff.

Edited by pinkiefan1287


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Ohhhhhh~ The things I would do~ It would be glorious things~ Glorious things~


First, I'd drop a fuckton of alicorns into the show. Everywhere. Mainly normal townsfolk ones. Males and females. Babies, fillies, normal-aged, and old alicorns. There would be as many alicorns in the background as there is for the other 3 pony breeds currently. :D

*insane eye-twitch, which then turns into an insane laughter*

(And I would enjoy many laughs from all the butthurt alicorn haters~ Posted Image)



Second, I'd have more episodes that focus on the history of Equestria (like how Discord came into existence for example), more episodes in other towns/cities that we have yet to see, and an episode or two about Celestia and Luna's parents.


Third, I'd have an episode or two about Zecora's homeland. Because at this point, I'm starting to think that all the other zebras died out, and she is the only zebra left in the world. x-x;


Lastly, there would be a 20% increase in flutterponies and seaponies~ Shoo-be-doo~

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I have to put something I'd change, huh? Well, aside from making the Royal Wedding episode longer, I guess I would probably throw in at least one episode centering around Celestia. That's not really a change, so much as it is something I would add though. It's really hard to pick specific things I would change. But I'll try anyway.


That whole Mare-Do-Well episode. It's a good idea in theory. Show one of your friends how arrogant and egotistical they're being by acting that way yourself. But something about the way they go about doing it screams 'hypocrite'. So I would've made them tone down their behavior when hyping the character, and instead make them act more humble about it. You know, show Rainbow Dash how she should be acting, instead of falling victim to the very same temptations. Just an idea.

Edited by SBaby

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I would give superpower to each of the mane6 ponies. For example Applejack would be strong enough to provoke an earthquake and shatter mountains, RD pretty much has her superpower that is supersonic flight so that could be further improved, deadlier and more efficient spells for Twilight, Pinkie would have invisibility to wreak havoc with her pranks :P

Fluttershy has mind control over the foe she stares at and Rarity has a genius level intelect capable of memorizing lots of information, multitasking and building mental simulations with the speed and accuracy of a computer :o

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