spas-ticShotty 3,584 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 (edited) Why do the teens at mah school sound so much nicer then all you other guy's schools? Maybe it's because I'm at a Catholic school, and even in lunch, I haven't noticed anything like you guys describe teens these days. I guess the Freshmen of 2016 in mah school is that magic class that is all fine and dandy Edited August 30, 2012 by akimBrony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RockinRarity 1,605 August 30, 2012 Share August 30, 2012 I really enjoy developing relationships with teenagers with decent/good character. I think that the problem with many teenagers nowadays is that they are not being challenged enough. I mean sure, school can be tough sometimes, but where's the motivation to get good at that? I didn't even like school all that much until I got into college. Many teenagers are stuck acting like children who want to do "adult" things. They think that it's how you impress people and get to the top, but the reality is that many of them hate what they are doing. It's really kind of strange. Here is something that I've known from experience: teens who are given responsibility and leadership roles in a practical sense EARLY in their teen years tend to become better people in general. They go through their teen years acting decently. There's a natural sense for teens to feel accepted, and when they don't feel like they have any opportunity to make a real difference in life and volunteer their time, they'll seek pleasure and just do what the "cool kids" are doing because it'll get them accepted in the top of the hierarchy. If... that made any sense. Follow my blog! ~The Mind of Sally - Experiences, Opinions, Musings~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moon Rat 4,772 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I honestly find most modern teens to be quire aggravating as they just have their hip-hop, rap, or pop music turned up to fully max volume and drive around the streets with it blasting to all hell. :/ Ps. If this pertains to you too then I mean no offense by it. It just annoys me is all 1 Thank you Nas for the sig :3 #HugWoona Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
YesIAmTori 285 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I personally hate most of the traits that you find in people around my age, they're all too noisy with their pop, rap and dubstep. Another thing is how ridiculous they all look in their skinny jeans (particularly the boys) which are really uncomfortable. Most of them are really rude and will reject you or hate on you if you like something different however I'm lucky to have some friends who are into mlp and rock. Overall, my generation is a bunch of rude, stupid, inconsiderate turds. "Never give up" ~Noodles, The Offspring Photo made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Peppermint Cream (Me), Lucky Charm (My mum) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nah 3,182 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I hate teens today with a burning passion. The ones in my area act like the gangsta kind of person or they're hicks who think they're cowboys cuz their parents own a farm in a small town and they listen to country music. I am a part of neither of the stereotypes, which I stick out like a sore thumb a bit. :/ What's worse is they dress like nerds, yet aren't even close to being nerds. If you talk about something nerdy like MLP, Star Wars, or video games. They'll interrupt you and talk about football or basketball. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cupcake Ice Cream 436 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I am gonna go ahead and throw in my adult perspective. I was a child of the 80's and a teen in the 90's. Sorry to break it to some of the folks here but the douchebags, idiots, alcoholics...whatever...they existed in every decade. I like to think the type and style of douchebaggery just changes throughout. When I was in high school, girls would empty and wash their hairspray bottles and put vodka in them to drink throughout the day. Bullies existed then and there were tons of bad decisions made every moment... now with that said...I will also side with the others There is one major difference I see in 2010 teens and 80's and 90's teens...consequences Maybe I am just old and tired and crabby but here is what I see. When I was a teen and did stupid stuff I got messed up in one, two or both ways 1. My mom/dad would whoop my ass (and no it wasn't was deserved) 2. I would hurt myself from doing something stupid and that was a lesson learned 3. I would hurt myself THEN get whooped Nowadays I read all these stories and see personal examples of teenagers growing up without examples and without consequences. True stories Here is my favorite...Kid gets caught cheating on his English final in high school. Teachers fails kid. Teacher and school board are sued by irate parents Teacher gets fired Parent spanks kid for doing something stupid. DCFS is called. Parent is now on record It's all crap. Consequences exist to teach us lessons. I kept playing with fire as a kid. Mom told me to stop. One day I burned myself. Mom said "I told you so" then took me to the doctor. I never played stupidly with fire again. Nowadays it feels like parents are too soft and/or have no ability to discipline their kids because it's abusive... well there ya go. I see both sides of this debate TL;DR - kids are kids no matter what decade but we need actual consequences 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PlunderSteed 1,252 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 (edited) Dear Princess Celestia, I just wanted to write and share my thoughts with you. I don't interact with teenagers at all, so I could give a flying buck about this generation or that one! Seriously, though. It's easy to not care, since (aside from this forum) I have no interactions with them, and their existence has no impact on my life. Edited December 17, 2012 by NLR Information Minister Regards, PlunderSteed Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus. Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here. Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess. Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I'm a teen myself, but I have to say theres to many naive, and just arrogant teens around.. I don't like most of the teens my age, there all very imature for the most part, some aren't but most are. Also they're all obsessed with being all Gangsta and ghetto for somereason. And of course they're pretty judgmental.. Maybe thats just people for you . So yeah, even as a teen I'm not a big fan of people my age. Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
THEpandaman01 0 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I'm a teen myself, and I can say that I hate people my age. There is a reason I hang out with older people (or women). Men my age (13-17) are all "gangsta fresh" and "cool kids", so they feel the need to look the part. They look so indecent with their tiny ass shorts, sagging jeans, and so much more horrible looking things. I feel the exact same way. I prefer to hang out with older people because they don't just talk about sports and who likes who at our school. And the sagging jeans are just stupid. Also, a lot of the guys at my school wear socks and sandals. How did that go from being stupid to being "cool"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
x3z8 56 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 It's all because of peer pressure, these teens you speak of feel that they need to dress and act certain ways to be accepted. That's what is so cool about us Bronies, we don't need the approval of the cliques and the popular people to feel accepted and have self confidence. Arcus Wind made this awesome sig, check his art out: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dusty Soul 2,612 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 As a teen I can say that the teens of today are WAY too influenced by the mass media. I also can say most are over-sexualizing everything. Soundcloud-------------------Facebook---------------------------Youtube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 Modern teens? *thinks about my self* Oh they are very VERY dirty! But, they are very you know, it's all about this "Im gonna act like this and be cool and hang around with the other cool people and Im gonna smoke cause it makes me cooler and I gotta mock on adults cause Im cool" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
angels_gal 204 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I fall outside of this agegroup now. but outside of some teens. most teenagers are rude and inconsiderate. and they do not give a rats behind about who they are impacting (like for instance some teens one night each summer will run up and down this path behind my house and yell and scream this wouldn't be so bad normally if it weren't 1:30 a.m. when people are trying to i dunno sleep?) they will blare music with deep bass as they zoom down the street late at night. most of the ones i see are technology driven individuals oh it's so cool to text and drive behind the wheel (which is illegal now in the state i live in. do they care? nope would they change if they killed someone? nope) but at the same time they are of the mind 'it can't happen to me because i'm invincible!' *facehoof* i could go on. but my blood is boiling. Pixel Art made by the talented Bruno! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 Back when I was a teen I hated most of them and tended to relate more to people that were older than me but now with people my age and younger being the fastest to wake up to what is really going on in this country it gives me hope for the future. Yes you have spoiled brats stuck in a haze of stupidity but you also have adults who are overgrown brats that are even dumber and won't change their ways no matter how far we are being off the cliff. I guess the bottom line is both wisdom and stupidity have no real set age though I am a bit more forgiving of teens being stupid than adults I kind of feel like they should grow out of it. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gears of Halo Duty V 394 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I remember a time in school when the problems we faced and the times we lived in were simple. Hope I'm not late for the bus I wonder what's for lunch today Did I bring my homework? Now it's more like Drink and smoke illegally just to fit in Buying ridiculously expensive items to look cool Gangsta, swag, yolo, sex, drugs If this is how teens are today, then I weep at what later generations will be like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 Ugh, kids are like this at school at the time, they're jeans are sagging all they way below their ass because they think it's cool of them to do so. What I hate the most is when the others encourage one retard to continue his routine of messing with the teachers, by laughing or playing along with him. One kid in particular, says YOLO or SWAG after everything he says, god, I so want to see him suffer... and maybe burn a little lot. :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rivet Canterlot Mechanic 63 December 17, 2012 Share December 17, 2012 I'm not a people person in general. I'm a teen and I don't really like a lot of people my age but I honestly can't say I hate any of them either. I guess to sum it up I'm indifferent Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlareChaser0096 142 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 I truly feel like I was born in the wrong generation. XD I should've been born earlier 90's or 80's. I get along better with more mature people... At my school, we have "gangsters". Please. This is a midwestern town surrounded by cornfields. You're not ghetto. xD sagging.... don't get me started... and the short skirts. A great number of girls at my school have their tiny bums hanging out, and then complain about being cold. GAH. And no one can go 10 seconds without electronics. The kids on my bus (10-ish) have IPADS and update FACEBOOK. When I was their age I drew pictures in the condensation of the window. And played with G3 ponies. xD Oh teens... let's grow up. 1 Love and tolerate, and live by it. No, this is not a Hallmark card. I'm just incredibly sappy. ^o^ The best revenge is happiness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Just some guy 1,070 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 I hate most of my generation.At my school,we got "gangstas",tons of sluts,and druggies.And that's just the upperclassmen at my school.Don't even get me started on the underclassmen,they're just...I have never seen more douchebags in my life before when I saw all the Freshmen and Sophomores at my school.They're all tiny too.Like,child-size.Some of them even look like children,and I honestly wonder why there's elementary school kids at my school before I realize it's just a Freshman or Sophomore when I see them smoke a joint with security. I weep for humanity if the world's going to be run by those kids. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lando 80 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 My schools full of douchebags and wannabes. Everyone either tries to be a redneck cowboy or a douchey freak. Hell a few of the guys were calling themselves the swagbros....and they didn't mean it as a joke. Check me out! No, seriously, check me out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Callisto 1,877 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 I'm a teen, and because my school is confined to uniforms, I don't see much stupitidy in the way of clothing, and many of my friends don't act like most teens. Some do, though, and they're really annoying. Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathbycake74 58 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 I tend to wear a lot of vans, DC,Etnies etc. Guess I'm trouble. Stereotyping of how i dress, not everyone is that way. then again, im kind of one of those trouble makers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fender 1,284 December 18, 2012 Share December 18, 2012 Another teen here. Well, really, I don't like most modern teens. There are people like the ones on this forum, who actually have integrity, are courteous, and etc., then there are the........other groups.Swaggots: The kind who wear the best and newest of everything that they can afford, they have no real style, the just have the appearel for the quircks of being a "cool kid" and thinking they're better than everyone. Punks: Not people such as myself who enjoy punk music and appearel for its meaning, but the really, REALLY, ignorant and snoody teens who go full out with punk appearel just because they wanna make themselves look badass, and think they will strike fear into people because of it. They think they own the place. Preps: They kind of fall hand in hand with the previous two, in the sense that they just act in ways that come off as snoody, and self-righteous, just, at times they have no style of appearel other than just.....preppy, clean. Emos: Not people who are depressed and having a hard time in their lives, the kind who cut themselves for attention, and think it'll make them cool to make everything they encounter in life a problem. This is not to say ALL teens resemble these four basic groups, but I have met and seen all of them. This is after having gone to 2 middle schools and 1 high school in Georgia, 1 middle school in Texas, and 1 high school (I'm currently in) in Arizona.This is also not to say I hate these people with everything in my being. I am able to analyze their character, and I do not like them, but they are still human beings, and I will respect and tolerate them as such. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lunas Husband 2,777 January 24, 2014 Share January 24, 2014 I don't much care for them.. 80% of them are jerk stores... they pick on me and on each other. Make fun of each other because of the things they like and make others life's a living hell. Not to mention the way they dress and talk just ahh! 1 "Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." ~Princess Luna Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malinter 3,064 January 24, 2014 Share January 24, 2014 i'm worried how all this social media stuff is creating a generation of young people with next to zero soical skills. being a gamer in my own time as made me not exactly a social player but the generation after mine are even more so. My OC's: Malinter, Rahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one First fic i've written since forever here Skype: "Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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