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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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My favourite episodes include " Apple Reunion", "Keep Calm and Flutter On", "The Equestria Games", "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep", "Dungeons and Discords", "Top Bolt", and "To Where and Back Again".

  • Brohoof 1


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Season's over. Current top 10:


  1. Lesson Zero
  2. The Best Night Ever
  3. The Last Roundup
  4. Hurricane Fluttershy
  5. A Hearth's Warming Tail
  6. Rarity Investigates!
  7. Twilight's Kingdom
  8. Sleepless in Ponyville
  9. Party of One
  10. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils / Bloom and Gloom (tie)

A few runners up:

S1: Fall Weather Friends / Feeling Pinkie Keen / Suited for Success / Friendship is Magic

S2: Sweet and Elite / The Return of Harmony / A Canterlot Wedding

S3: Wonderbolts Academy

S4: Pinkie Pride / Rarity Takes Manehattan / Leap of Faith / Pinkie Apple Pie

S5: Slice of Life / Party Pooped / Crusaders of the Lost Mark

S6: The Fault in Our Cutie Marks / Dungeons & Discords / The Times They Are a Changeling / Top Bolt

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 months later...

As of now, my favorite is Sonic Rainboom. Before I got to that episode I knew a bit about it and was eagerly awaiting to reach it and once I saw it it was beyond my expectations. When I was thinking of an episode, the first thing that popped into my head was at the start with Fluttershy trying to cheer. It was the perfect combination of adorable and hilarious.

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Definitely the season 4 finale. Until that point, while I thought that the 2 part intro/outro episodes were good, most of them merely met my expectations. This was the first episode of the show that truly blew me away the first time I saw it and still impresses me today.


And I've said this before, but I just have to say it again:I LOVE THE VILLAIN SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I can't believe I haven't seen Slice of Life! Definately one of my favorite. I also love Tanks for the Memories (In no small part because of Tank's RD slippers), A Hearth's Warming Tale, and The Saddle Row Review.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 2 months later...

Party of one was landmark in my opinion. 


Why? I found it a deeper look at the consequences of isolation and social interactions. 


What gets to me in the episode is that eventually during pinkie pies semi psychological break, the inanimate objects she's making. Voices for, from her perspective, begin to talk on their own. 

This is evident of how close she becomes to having a complete break. Had Dash not wondered in, I'm pretty sure wed have seen a full blown episode. 


A pity in a few ways but still, very few people I watch it with get that element. They say I'm reading too far into it. 


It shows me that under all the happy and friendships and hugging and songs, there are serious problems each character honestly has. 


Remember, the brighter the picture, the darker the negative :)


Superheroes & Equestria Girls? Sounds fun to me!

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Gir goes crazy and stuff....


Oh.. Oh Ponies..
Ummm.. I don't know...



I do have a Pony episode grading episode... its a simply 1 to 5.

And the thing is its the same thing as my Avatar the Last Air Bender grading system.

See a 1 on this scale is a 6 on a normal 1 to 10 cartoon scale.

Because that' pretty much the level of 'good' this show has. There worse is still better then the average episode of the cartoons.


0 out of 5. Will only watch if I am with My Nieces.

1 out of 5. I might skip this one if its in the line up of episodes. but wont go as far to skip it if I'm watching with some one else.

2 out of 5. If I'm picking a episode to start watching on.. I will actually skip this one.

3 out of 5. Wont go out of my way to watch, but if its in the cue of I'm marathon I will watch with no problem.

4 out of 5. Will go out of my way to watch. Like I feel bad... need a pick me up. Boom.. Ponies.

5 out of 5. Pretty much up there with the best episodes of the best cartoons that I have ever seen... Which I am rather sad to say.. There are very few of in Ponies. I mean this show really is not generally structured to deliver that kind of episode.

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  • 3 weeks later...

From each season chronologically:

Season 1: In terms of actual story structure, I would say either 'Sonic Rainboom' or 'Party of One' - both episodes have clichéd premises, but unlike later seasons, manage to pull them off astoundingly with humour, wit and a unique voice. In terms of pure enjoyment value though, 'Feeling Pinkie Keen' wins as the funniest episode of the entire show to date.

Season 2: Probably 'The Return of Harmony' - the writing choices are genius (particularly the order in which the Mane Six are corrupted) and Discord is amazing - he is playing his true self here, an all-powerful serpentine mastermind of psychological manipulation, as opposed to a ripoff of the Genie from Aladdin. 'Hurricane Fluttershy' (almost structurally flawless) and 'A Canterlot Wedding (for obvious reasons) are also perennial gems. I also enjoy 'MMMystery of the Friendship Express' for its charming humour.

Season 3: 'Magical Mystery Cure'. Yes, I said it. Please remember to be polite if you feel any need to flame (I also enjoy 'Magic Duel' and 'Sleepless in Ponyville' for obvious reasons).

Season 4: The premiere and finale (although both had glaring flaws, the premiere being ultimately anticlimactic and the Nightmare Moon scene being pointless, and the finale converting Tirek from a creepy cloaked figure akin to his macabre presence in 'Rescue at Midnight Castle' to a ridiculous-looking kajuu who only stole magic to inflate to a huge size and destroy everything) are both fairly fun watches. 'Flight to the Finish' and 'Maud Pie' also captivated me, mainly for the strength and honesty of their messages.

Season 5: 'Amending Fences'. No competition there, the episode is definitely the best of season 5 and probably the best of the entire show. 'Slice of Life' (whatever anyone else may think of it - guys, it is a satire of brony fanworks, not blatant pandering) and 'The Mane Attraction' were also good, but yes, 'Amending Fences' reigns supreme.

Season 6: Not much to particularly note here, but I'll go with either 'Dungeons and Discords' (for being generally a fun watch and not setting its endeavours high, which I where I believe the otherwise bland season 6 succeeds) or 'Viva Las Pegasus' (for displaying how a map episode, the banes of season 5, could be interesting, captivating and intelligently written). I would have included 'The Times They Are A Changeling' on here, but its needlessly pretentious writing robbed it of its place (despite still being one of the more memorable episodes of a dull and uninspired season).

Season 7: Too early to display any opinionated judgement on.

Edited by Them's Seeing Ponies
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For me it's these episodes:

Stare master: I loved when we got to see Fluttershy's domineering side. It was cute and cool at the same time.

Keep calm and Flutter on: I found it so epic that Fluttershy alone reformed Discord himself (that was a big episode for me).

Twightlights kingdom part 2: Twightlights battle vs Tirek was too epic for words. That was a real professional battle there.

Forgot name: but it's the episode where Fluttershy became Flutterguy. I loved the moment where a voiceless Pinkie Pie made Futterguy since the Zacora enchantress song while she danced to it.

Wonderbolt academy: I found it so funny when Pinkie Pie shouted through a megaphone to RainbowDash "DON'T FORGET TO WRIIIIIIIITE!!!!" XD.

Celestia does not look happy about this. I wonder what's on her mind ........ (check my 'about me' for more ;))


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I'm not sure where my post on my favorite episodes here, if I even posted one, is situated, but I'm adding Celestial Advice to the list as Celestia got some well-deserved character development there that was a long time coming, and after how she was treated in To Where and Back Again, she certainly deserved it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Since I think it's been a long time since I did this list last:


1. Twilight's Kingdom

2. Lesson Zero

3. Return of Harmony

4. Amending Fences

5. Somepony to Watch Over Me (I'm seeing a lot of hate for this episode... -_-)

6. Pinkie Pride

7. Inspiration Manifestation


Honorable Mentions (May be multiple per season. Most seasons do have multiple.):

S1: Friendship is Magic, Party of One, Suited for Success

S2: Luna Eclipsed, A Friend In Deed, Hurricane Fluttershy, Read it and Weep

S3: Hahaha! There isn't one! I dislike every Season 3 episode! :D

S4: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Castle-Mania

S5: The Cutie Re-Mark, The Cutie Map (I missed a few episodes in this season, I think.)

S6: Viva Las Pegasus, Stranger than Fanfiction, The Fault in Our Cutie Marks

S7: Fluttershy Leans In


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Aw dang it. I have so many favorites! Like Filly Vanilli from Season 4, Both parts of A Canterlot Wedding from Season 2, Hard to Say Anything from Season 7 (Though that could change with A Royal Problem (Episode 10)...), Flurry of Emotions from the same season, To where and Back Again (Both parts) from season 6, so on and so forth! But what would be my most absolute favorite episode of ALL time? Hmm... A tie between Pinky Apple Pie and Flurry of Emotions.

Why? 'Cause for Pink(ie)y Apple Pie, I just LOVE Apples to the Core, and for Flurry of Emotions, Flurry Heart is SO GOSH DARN CUTE!!! Who doesn't love Flurry Heart?

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/1/2011 at 2:29 PM, AppleShy Sparkle said:

Hello, my fellow bronies and pegasisters. I would really like to know all you guys favorite episodes and moments from those episodes that makes them so great. My favorite episode was without a doubt Sonic Rainboom. The beginning with Fluttershy's Yay was awesome. Rarity Flying was even more awesome. Rarity's self-satisfied laugh when she flies up to the sun for the first time was EVEN more awesome. And still, while i watch the Sonic Rainboom itself, i still get shivers from the epicness. I still watch that episode atleast every other day. :wub:

As of right now mine would have too be Secret Of My Excess. This episode really highlights Spike and Rarity's relationship for me. Rarity is advantagous and saw an oppurtunity too get something she wanted (Spike's gem) and took advantage. I don't know I just think their relationship is cute because Rarity obviously cares about Spike but isn't above taking advantage of his help. Also this episode was litterally the cloest we've ever gotten too any definitve answer regarding Sparity.


Signature made by Kyoshi.

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  • 2 weeks later...

my number one episode out of all of them ....yes i do have a top 5 for all seasons but my most favorite and recent episode that actually have beat crusaders of the lost mark is !


the perfect pear .....this one actually made me teared up  ya some other emotional episodes made me sad and stuff but this one actually made me cry a little and being hapy at the same time. and it is the  almost perfect episode i have ever seen....ya there are a few laughs here and and there but it was idk.. just almost perfect !


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Kind of difficult to answer, but I really enjoyed Party of One, so I'd say it's my "favorite".

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"A Royal Problem" being a recent favorite of mine but it might compete with "A Perfect Pear". Both are excellent episodes and I find it hard to choose between the two.

A Royal Problem, for the amount of edge-of-your-seat conflict or of course... A Perfect Pear for the endearing humble tale of Applejack's Parents. If I think from a slice of life perspective, then my choice would be A Perfect Pear. 

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hurricane Fluttershy is one of my favorite episodes. And yes it as at least partially because of the FlutterDash moments. But that episode really illustrares why Dash's and Fluttershy's dynamic works.

  • Brohoof 3


Signature made by Kyoshi.

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