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Well I don't know why the Pegasai parents haven't been shown yet.

The only guess I can make is that they are saving them for season 4, hopefully.


For some reason when I think of Rainbow's parents I think of parents that Rainbow cares for, but doesn't want to talk about them or show her affection for them, because she is trying to maintaine her tough and cool reputation.

You know this sounds like a episode idea. Learning that it's okay to care for your family and that there is nothing wrong in showing affection from time to time to the people you care about.




But I really need to get better at writing because I have a lot of fan-fic ideas and every time I make an idea like this I curse myself to get better an start writing

And I always say "maybe someday".

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The pegasi apparently come to existence during some non-intimate event. Perhaps in Eqestria, lighting strikes create baby pegasi instead of molecules of  O3 ?


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Who's parents have we actually seen though? 

I don't think it's just RD that we're missing...is it? 

Have we seen Rarity's or Applejack's yet? Or Fluttershy? 

Of course we've seen Rarity's parents! But not RD's, Applejack's or Fluttershy's. In fact, at least we've seen some of Applejack's family! But not Fluttershy's or Rainbow Dash's at all! o.O It would make for an awesome episode if they had a parent day. :wub:

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Well lets see;

AJ's parents have been confirmed by the writers on Twitter to be... Dearly departed

Twilights we saw in the Cutie Mark Chronicles, same goes for Pinkie.

Rarities have appeared before (can't remember the episode though).

So it's only Fluttershy and RD we've not seen the parents of.


I'm sure they're just holding it back for future episodes.

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Wow, It is only those two we haven't seen I guess :/ however, I suppose that the fact that they do indeed live in cloudsdale could be the reason. Hopefully we can see them later on.


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Or Scootaloo's parents? It seems that pegasi parents have yet to be on the show, but they probably are in Cloudsdale. Oh well, maybe they will be in a future episode.

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Yeah, I guess they could be dead like Applejack's and possibly Scootaloo's parents, but that much death is way too morbid for MLP. For that reason alone I would assume they're still alive. Writing everyone off as dead to get them out of the way is just too trite and glum a plot device anyway.

The Best Young Flyers competition and the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant are the only two events that come to mind in which I would expect to see them. Even Rarity's parents wouldn't have made an appearance had they not needed a babysitter. But we didn't see them at either event. Why? Well, Fluttershy wasn't a contestant, so hers are off the hook. But RD's should have been there. It could be that there's a rift between them, some past disagreement that's put them on non-speaking terms ever since. Or maybe just completely opposing personalities that have kept the kids and parents divided. Definitely something some bronies can relate to and future episode material with that one. As for Fluttershy... maybe it's the same situation.
They were both sent to summer flight camp, as it was called. Maybe it was something that Rainbow wanted to do but Fluttershy hated, and each had parents with opposite feelings on the matter. Apprehensive Fluttershy had parents who wanted her to grow up, be strong, and become some kind of athlete, career soldier, or whatever, and sending her to flight camp would help her to toughen up and learn to take care of herself. Rowdy Rainbow Dash needed to learn how to socialize and play well with others, so squeamish mom and dad sent her there to mellow out a bit. Both sets of parents got the inverse of what they wanted, the kids returned with cutie marks that essentially rubbed it in their faces, and ever since they've been at odds.
Their names are all that overtly belie my assumption as far as I can see. Why would gruff, tough ponies name their daughter "Fluttershy?" Then again, look at Rarity. Her name is as beautiful as she, and perfectly fitting. But her parents have this eternal tourist look going on, and judging by similar people I know they're probably hoarders.
Edited by Artemis
  • Brohoof 1


Kyoshi made this ^^



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I swear to Luna, Princess of the Night, that I am not whoring myself out by posting this. I have actually written a story about RD's parents. Flutters is in there too and it shows a side we may not see in the show. Feel free to read it. I mean, if that's okay with you...



This is just an interesting way to see a different background story and the origin of their parents. My explanation is in there. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

We know Fluttershy 'ran away' to live with the little Woodlin Creatures and animals, but we never see any signs of her parents. They have to be located somewhere in Cloudsdale right, but where? What do they look like, are they shy like Fluttershy, does Fluttershy have a brother or a sister? This is something that has really bugged me for a while now.....


Maybe I have missed an episode. But We haven't seen their parents yet. I think it would be nice if there was a parents day episode(as lame as it might be) just so we can see their parents. We have seen Pinkie's in the cutei mark chronicles for a brief moment. So why not the other mane 2?


Your topics, 'How come we haven't seen Rainbow Dash's or Fluttershy's parents?' and 'Where are Fluttershy's parents!?' have been merged with 'Why don't our 3 main pegasi have visible families?', as they fit under this topics umbrella of talking about where the parents of Dash, Fluttshy and Scootaloo are.




Following contains spoilers for tomorrow's episode :3



Well, would you look at that <3 Dashie's father has pretty much been confirmed. Check out the following picture, and clip: http://family-room.ew.com/2013/02/08/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-equestria-games/


At long last, Dashie finally has some parents revealed. Hmmm. My head canon that Dash left home as soon as she became a teenager and simply doesn't interact with her parents much, who live in Cloudsdale's main city unlike herself who lives near the ground in the outskirts of Ponyville, is even more heavily fortified.


  • Brohoof 1


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Well, both pegasi left cloudsdale (I think) so I'm assuming the parents live IN cloudsdale, but I'm unsure as to why they'd never visit them or anything. Probably because the writers haven't found a good place for them in the story yet? We'll probably see them in S4 if we're lucky.

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Dash's father was revealed in the most recent video from Games ponies play. Here he is a purple pegasus stallion with (obviously) a rainbow mane!


Already covered this three posts ago ^-^


I'm curious of his name. I wonder if, and hope we see a bit more of him in the future, now that the shoe has debuted him. Perhaps the other pegasi will have parents revealed as well.


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Already covered this three posts ago ^-^


I'm curious of his name. I wonder if, and hope we see a bit more of him in the future, now that the shoe has debuted him. Perhaps the other pegasi will have parents revealed as well.


and here I thought I was quick on the uptake, and you already have an Avatar showing him off.  its just not fair. :(

jk.  just spreading the news around! Im sure if he dosent get a canon name the fandom will give him one pretty quick.

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


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and here I thought I was quick on the uptake, and you already have an Avatar showing him off.  its just not fair. :(

jk.  just spreading the news around! Im sure if he dosent get a canon name the fandom will give him one pretty quick.


'Rainbow Dad' seems to be the fanon's immediate name for him, since it sounds so much like Rainbow Dash already xD But yeah, at some point an official fanon name will be given I imagine.


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Ok, here are the stories of each pegasi if the creators did a story.


   Scootaloo: Once she developed wings, her mother and father wanted her to get an early start on flight so they began training. Scootaloo's disability to fly caused problems in her house. Her parents had a talk with Scootaloo about putting her in an orphanage. 

     Every time someone visited the orphanage to find a filly and a colt they skipped Scootaloo because they noticed she couldn't fly. One day, a nice mare came to find a filly. Her name was Cheerlie (Yes, this orphanage isn't in Cloudsdale. It's because of Scoot's disability). Cheerlie was an earth pony and didn't care if her filly had a disability. She picked Scootaloo because she was the youngest of them and she needed a little one. From that day forward, Cheerlie was the legal guardian of Scootaloo.


   RD:When just born, she was able to fly unlike her other siblings. Her mother and father was impressed. Her siblings were jealous. By time she was a filly, she was a pro. Her siblings were just beginning. Her siblings thought of revenge. They were going to throw gallons of water on her when she was doing a stunt. Dash's father and mother didn't approve and thought that Dash would be bullied anymore if she stayed. Her parents decided for Dash to live at a child care center.From that day forward, Dash hasn't seen any of her family. She then went to flight school and was the best student they had. She lived to be a pro.


  Fluttershy: Weak when born, her parents were kind hearts and were a sweet and kind as her. Her parents were a pegasi and earth pony. Flutter had lived most of her life on the ground. One day, when she was just a filly now,they decided to send her to flight school. She hasn't seen Ponyville for about 8 years. She was then reunited with the earth. She then tried to find her parents, but they were gone. They had plan on leaving before she went to flight school. They thought Flutter was to "attached" to them that they had to leave. Fluttershy then met a bunch of animals that lend her to an empty house at the edge of the Everfree Forest. Flutter was scared to death, but the animals pushed her in. There waiting was a bunny as fluffy as can be. Her eyes grew big and hugged the bunny. She named it Angel. She thought about living in the "tree" house. From this day forward, Flutter lived in the tree house on the edge of Everfree Forest.


Hey, errm, sorry for the not related to topic stuff. I had to complete the story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think this has been said before, but oh well.


Maybe the fact she's so into animals is because her parents aren't around anymore.


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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Well, i still don't think we know anything about Applejack's parents aswell... I mean, we don't even know how they look, we don't know their names, we don't know anything...


Fluttershy's parents... Well... It's confusing, for example, why would they let Fluttershy live on the ground instead of going to flight school, was she an orphan from the very begining?

  • Brohoof 3


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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we don't know anything...

Well... we know their dead :(  

I can't even remember seeing anything about Rarity's parent's though. I think i need to re watch some episodes. 

Edited by Bucky_McGillycuddy
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Well, i still don't think we know anything about Applejack's parents aswell... I mean, we don't even know how they look, we don't know their names, we don't know anything...

It's heavily implied in Apple Family Reunion (and has been confirmed by the writers) that AJ's parents passed away some time ago. If I were to guess as to what they were like, i'd say that they like apples.


As for the theory that Fluttershy's relationship with her parents is not good, I'm reluctant to even consider it because it's such a potentially dark subject that I don't think the writers could (or even want to) go anywhere near it.

  • Brohoof 4


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Not sure about Fluttershy's parents.They probaly must've died a while ago or maybe they live really far away from Ponyville.


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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