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mega thread What game are you playing right now?

Mint Petal

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I got Pokémon Scarlet and No Mans Sky for Christmas and am still playing Scarlet. And Salandit is the most annoying shiny hunt ever, besides Combee. Only females evolve and males are pretty useless. Sandwich powers increase spawn rates but went through 6 males before shiny Salazzle popped up. And its in a cave and dark and in my experience caves require caution because I already glitched out once in another cave and don’t care to repeat the experience. I went through the wall somehow and things were floating and I had to fly to another place to fix it. So glad that one is done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm getting back into Terraria. I was roleplaying last time. And now I intend to complete this character's journey. You see, whenever playing certain video-games, I create these stories in my head. Like a movie. And sometimes I get stuck and don't know how to give it a proper conclusion. Other times, I give it a conclusion, and then never finish the actual game. This time was the later. I came up with an amazing ending and felt like the game was never gonna be able to match my expectations in terms of excitement.

But I am actually interested in finishing the game, now. So, I can create another character, and play normally. But this happens a lot with rpg and adventure games. Where the game takes secondary role, and becomes a tool to exercise my imagination into crafting these amazing experiences. But yeah. Terraria. Awesome adventure/exploration/building game.

Edited by They call me Loyalty
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Just roblox to be honest. I got this hat band that makes my top hat look like a rare banded top hat that only admins can give out to players, it costed 1500 robux but it was worth it


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I am currently playing The Legend of Spyro - A new beginning for the first time and so far i really like Spyros redesign, he looks really awesome.

I also like the slightly more serious tone of the game, however i kinda suck at it, thank god you get respawned where you last died so that a beat em up sucker like i am can actually play trough it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dwarf Fortress. I've ticked off necromancers, had my 7 starting dwarves wiped out by HFS that I uncovered before I even knew how dangerous breaching the caverns was, and had a fort where everyone and their mother was trying to steal this artifact I picked up from a ruin early on, just because my woodcutter couldn't keep his big fat mouth shut. 


I'm truly enjoying every second of it.

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FFVII Remake. Some of the things they've changed are weird but I really like the expansion of the Midgar "world", especially the depth they added to Biggs, Wedge and Jessie

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Genshin Impact. Wasted all my wished and when got three I wasten them just to get Hu Tao, I be happy just to get her, and maybe Mona, Klee, Ganya, Nahida, Yoimiya and maybe Bidou and Keqing, but more happy to get Hu Toa, frusrating, now what should I do, if they change Wish thing again, how wil I get Hu Tao.

I try building up my characters and weapon but must be another to get Hu Toa, this game mess me. Finally met her during this Lantern Rite Festival and cutsence with her and hope to met her again. And manage to complete Lantern Rite Festival and get Xiangling. Also got Ningguang, she awesome. Looking forward what game had in store, if I mange to get Hu Toa, fear no change, I just build up my character with her. And maybe get her other time by time I stop playing Genshin or have less time on it. Would of been great if I got Hu Toa, Mona, Klee, Ganya, Nahida, Yoimiya, Bidou and Keqing and Jean and Raiden Shogun, Yan Fei, Nilou cos they characters I like, already got Amber, Lumine, Lisa and Noelle, Barbara, Xiangling and Ningguang.

I like some of the Non-playable characters I like that not Paimon, Jeht, Rana, Zhiqiong and Ying'er and Benben.


Many things in Genshin Impact made me quit, Nursery of Lost Dreams quest is p***ing me off ruin machine, I nearly finally deafted it and it somehow charge up again, it keep killing my characters, kill my characters twice. What this hame playing at. Need really build my characters then or play other quest and fear I be struggling them. Can't get Hu Toa and now this. This Genshin is getting to me.

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Dead Cells. What an amazing fast-paced action, procedurally generated, combat re-re-focused, fabulously fashionable, biome diversified, baseball bat-enabling, roguelite-metroidvania game this is. And here is the real kicker... there-is-a-giant-hat that you can wear. I love it!!!

Seriously, I just got my fourth stem cell and then realized the beseball bat was apparently considered an op weapon, and that you should be ashamed of yourself and reflect on some of your life choices. So, I've been doing just that. And I have decided I am gonna keep using it. Because I have no shame, hahaha. Never had it to begin with. Because, in order to be ashamed, you have to be able to have pride. And since life deprived me from the strength that would grant me with this dignity. I am gonna cheat my way to victory, now. It's only fair.

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Rayman Legends. I was a huge fan of Origins and Legends didn't disappoint. I completed it within a day and I already want to replay it from start to finish. One of the best games I've ever played.

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Sorry but this Genshin getting more pathetic, manage to past Adventure Rank 36, but enermies level went up to 66-71, it get diffcult when fight sometimes, get low on mora that unable to get more foods and level up my characters and weapons and items, bigger enermies will kill me fast and diffcult to break. May not get Hu Tao with this rate. Should of left Adventure Rank 36 until I powered up and/or have Hu Toa. This game is death of me sometime, think of quiting many times, don't tell me why doing this, why don't you quit or etc. I love the characters of this game, well some and want to do more than love some characters by playing the game which I found out was fun but also found out it different. Hope main mission will help cos World Quests and commission seem diffcult. One commission quest, where you destory the balloon, seem diffcult try to destory it level went down slower and keep swimming as it was on the lake and enermies hit me as their level higher than mine. Love this game and some characters more, but this is pathetic.


As level for my characters, travller/Lumine are level 65, struggle to level due to low mora and other as in 60 and 50. Didn't level up before then I did and more mora was low. Sorry if you don't understand this, game is frusrating.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't had soo much time playing video games in the lats months, but Ive managed to play a little but Anno 1800, Surviving Mars, also smaller games like Gartic and JackBox games

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