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mega thread MLP:FiM Gameloft App, Friends, and Info

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I downloaded it last night. So far I have the Element of Laughter, and Bon Bon, Lyra Mrs. Cake, and Cheerilee. I like it so far. I was afraid it would be too easy and little kiddy, but it's not bad. You are allowed to add Facebook friends who have the game, so in case anypony's interested, here is a link to my page.



(P.S. I'm new to Facebook)


I wonder if other ponies will be added with updates? If so, who do you hope will be added?

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It's comeing out soon!


But it seems to be only for the android talblit and iPad...


Great.. Now I gotta go buy me an iPad :(


If it could be for the iPhone... It would be 20% cooler


I was wrong... It's for the iPhone as well!

Edited by villan97
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I added you. You should accept, so the world doesn't blow up. Just kidding! It won't really blow up! I got you, huh? No? ...I never get anyone with that...

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Soo...what's the game called? Because I can't find it anywhere.


Every time I type in "My Little Pony" it just pops up with that stupid Equestria Daily game.


It's called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" and it's by Gameloft.


I had a problem finding it at first too, but it's there. so yeah


That reminds me, I downloaded it but never played it lol

Edited by RainbowDash92
  • Brohoof 1
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If only my phone was decent enough to support a game like this. :/


Now time to save for a tablet and get the game, hopefully I can be successful.

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I added you. You should accept, so the world doesn't blow up. Just kidding! It won't really blow up! I got you, huh? No? ...I never get anyone with that...


Add me. SongBrony. It be fun to see how many of us actually have the game and play it. I think it be cool. I play quiet often even though it just came out
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Just got it, is there any way I could move structures after I place them? I placed the windmill too close to the Library (Twi's place).


You can move buildings. Just open the scroll at the top right corner. Just below the store and above Elements, It should say Edit. Select that. It will let you move or sell buildings.


Right now I'm just worrying about buying things and getting rid of the darkness. I'll move everything and make it look nice later.

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I'm actually enjoying this a lot. I've encountered some weird errors here and there, but they were more...cosmetic and didn't really affect the gameplay at all. I don't know, maybe it's a little mundane and repetitive (as sim-type gams tend to be) I'm really enjoying it, honestly. I like that they got a good portion of the voice actors in it. At least for or major characters. Who have I got so far...Twilight Sparkle, Bon Bon, Mrs. Cup Cake, Cheerilee, Pinkie Pie Big McIntosh, Mr. Carrot Cake, Apple Bloom, Braeburn, and Applejack.


Vinyl Scratch's home is being built right now. She'll be ready in about 4 1/2 hours? It was weird. There was a 60% off sale on, and I took advantage of that for Vinyl. It said it was going on for three days, but then it randomly disappeared over an hour later or so. Guess it was a mistake on GameLoft's side?

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Well I have been playing the game most of the day and it's pretty good.


The game is kinda based around another story idea of the first episode of MLP, besides finding the elements you also have to rebuild Ponyville.


Here are somethings I like about it.

The design of the game is good.

They got the voice actors of the mane 6, Spike, Celestia, and Nightmare Moon/Luna. To be in the game.

Houses look cool.

Almost all of the characters are in the game.

Derpy is in a box some of the times. Like Solid Snack.

A story to a game where u are building a town and not just build the town.

When the town levels up, you get a lot of money.

Background music is from the show. Some are even songs.


Down Side.

Some of the characters can only be unlocked if you have friends on Facebook. So hard for people who don't have friends like that.

Mini games are limited to 3. So some get old fast. Also time does not improve

You pretty much have to pay in order to move the game along faster. I have spent way to much already.

Jobs time aren't cut in half even if you are at high level.


Still it's a fun MLP game that try's to make it fun. The game is well designed.


I would give it a

3 out of 5.

Edited by pinkiefan1287
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Downloading it now. Just gotta love living out in the country, on a wireless connection, during a storm. Give me about six hours to download it.


You think I'm kidding. :P


But if it involves paying money to move ahead, I have no problem with that. I have $40+ in my iTunes account and another $75 or so in gift cards. But yeah, I'm getting it now and will comment on it later once I've had the opportunity to play it.

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I'm not very fond of the playstyle in general but, I suppose it has enough to keep me entertained for a while. Of course dishing 60+ for Celestia is not in my plans, or maybe...

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You don't HAVE to pay for Celestia. It's just a matter of how patient you're willing to be, and admittedly it will take a while to get enough gems for her. She's the friggin princess.


My only real complaint is the lack of minigame variety in leveling up ponies. I kinda hope they add some more in an update later on.

  • Brohoof 2
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When will there be another sale when everything is 60% off? Do they happen daily, weekly, yearly? Also, it said it will last for 3 days but only lasted for a couple of hours.

Edited by Big Macintosh
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I'm hoping to get Hoity Toity in my game. It would be nice, if it isn't too much trouble, if somepony could add me? My ID is Parfaitkiss. :D

And while I'm at it, can somepony please tell me how to add people on Gameloft Live? I'm not sure how... :(

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