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Things you loved as a kid but not as a teen/adult.


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So what are some things that you used to enjoy as a child but after years of growing up and other such non-fun stuff have lost interest in?


For me, personally, my tastes in food have changed completely over the years. I used to eat just about anything (except for spinach; that stuff is just gross), but nowadays I'm extremely picky because my taste buds just don't agree with a lot of food. As a kid I LOVED mushrooms, these days I wrinkle my nose in disgust at them. Same thing goes for onions and many other things. I don't know what happened. @_@


As far as an activity that I used to do as a kid that I no longer do, I don't enjoy collecting Nintendo memorabilia anymore. I suppose it's probably due to the fact that I have to buy my own knick-knacks these days, but the passion for such a hobby just isn't there anymore. No more Mario figurines, so long Luigi plushies and au revoir stuffed DK toy! I don't even know where my old collectibles are anymore. :/

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yes food taste changed, i used to love poptarts, then one day i bit into one, and didnt like it, i collapsed to my knees and yelled "NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

  • Brohoof 2

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There was this Japanese cartoon I really liked to watch when I was a wee filly. It's about a super hero who is bread, and the main antagonist is an ant. Last year, I had peritonitis, and was on the hospital bed, bored. My mom had brought from home some of the disks of my beloved cartoon. I hadn't watched it since I was around 6. I put it in my laptop and watched it. And when I realized it was very childish, and I no longer like it, like Skullbuster, I was like "NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"


I also used to like watching ultraman (it was in Japanese, which I did not understand, but what gives. The fighting scenes were cool) Now I don't watch it anymore.


When I was a filly I didn't really like garlic. Now, I can eat raw garlic with anything (with the exception of dairy items)

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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i used to not care about what other people thinked once in my life.

now i do

both a blessing and a curse. a blessing because i'm not a close-minded individual anymore about others, a curse because i'm too dependant on what other people think and have no ideas for myself, as well as hiding my oddities from others because i don't want to take any place anywhere.


that was ages ago, i believe.

  • Brohoof 1




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Loved video games. Still do, but... my passion for them has faded significantly because they just aren't releasing what I like anymore. (Not to say that all new games are crappy, it's just I am extremely picky and limited in my selection, and none of them cater to my tastes.) I think that's because I used to use video games to escape a crappy and lonely life without any friends... and now I have friends, so I'm distracted with them and don't play as much anymore. Find myself unable to pay much attention to them... I really should try to fix that and play more.


Other than that, I'm mostly the same as I was before, liking all of the same things. All of my food tastes? Same. I don't really change that much in the core. I'm always a child at heart. (Although I've improved significantly from my issues, but that's neither here nor there.)

  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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i used to not care about what other people thinked once in my life.

now i do

both a blessing and a curse. a blessing because i'm not a close-minded individual anymore about others, a curse because i'm too dependant on what other people think and have no ideas for myself, as well as hiding my oddities from others because i don't want to take any place anywhere.


that was ages ago, i believe.


I used to be quite the opposite of you, actually. I spent all of my time in the world worrying about what other people thought about me and trying to cater to what they proposed was the 'proper' way to be. I was in a religion I didn't believe in, I wore clothes I didn't like, I listened to music I hated and I acted like someone else all together. Then I met one friend in the 10th grade who taught me a valuable lesson: Anyone whose opinion of you for being who you are isn't a good one, doesn't have an opinion worth caring about. Nowadays I'm not afraid of just about anything (with the exception of romance, which I still can't build up the nerve for) in public.


That's not to say that I act like a nutter; I just act like myself. I don't hide things about myself. I watch MLP, and I'm proud. I LOVE cats, and I don't care if someone else doesn't or says it's girly, it won't change my mind. I'm an atheist, but I don't shove it down peoples' throats the way they do Christianity to me. I am me; nothing more, nothing less. I'd like to think I'm not closed minded for it; in fact, I'd say that my willingness to go against peoples' pre-conceived notions of normalcy makes me more open minded. I'm not a hipster; I don't do things just because they're not normal, but if I do something that's considered odd, I own up to it.


I daresay that you could benefit from a healthy dose of self-esteem. You clearly do have ideas for yourself, but you're only unwilling to show them openly because you're worried what the world will think. The thing is, if someone doesn't accept you for who you are, then you need their acceptance about as much as you need a bullet to the leg; that is, begrudgingly so and only if you don't have a choice in the matter.


I know, however, that it's not as simple as just 'coming out of your shell' all of a sudden. I do wish you the very best of luck in finding a kindred balance between self-expression and social acceptance, though. It would benefit you greatly, I know. Not because you're a bad person as you are, but because nobody should live by an entire world of generalizations and stereotypes as their living guidelines.



Loved video games. Still do, but... my passion for them has faded significantly because they just aren't releasing what I like anymore. (Not to say that all new games are crappy, it's just I am extremely picky and limited in my selection, and none of them cater to my tastes.) I think that's because I used to use video games to escape a crappy and lonely life without any friends... and now I have friends, so I'm distracted with them and don't play as much anymore. Find myself unable to pay much attention to them... I really should try to fix that and play more.


Other than that, I'm mostly the same as I was before, liking all of the same things. All of my food tastes? Same. I don't really change that much in the core. I'm always a child at heart. (Although I've improved significantly from my issues, but that's neither here nor there.)


I do believe you're the only person I've ever seen on the entire planet to basically say: "I keep getting distracted from games by my friends. I should play more games sometime."


That being said, I respect that, I suppose. I know you don't say that because you actually consider us 'distractions', and video games are more than just a way to kill time; they're a viable hobby to be enjoyed like any other, and everyone could use some time enjoying them. We'll still love you if you go play games sometimes, so get out there and play some more! :P

  • Brohoof 1
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Hmm... The wiggles, Hi Five and lots of other kids shows (Hi Five is Australian)... That is all that has dropped out of my life as a teen! Oh wait... i no longer like canned spaghetti either, and I have lost some of my shyness... I've attained various attributes over the years, but I have lost very few... I like many more foods now, I have more friends, and I am much smarter, taller and self aware (not the same as self conscious)

Edited by Skystar

I am prone to leaving both short and long posts as well as with my profile feed...


I made this I am so proud of myself!

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I used to love Harry Potter, I stopped reading them after the 5th or 6th book.

I watched a lot of anime when I was younger but now I can't stand them.

I was a huge fan of Warhammer only a year ago. Although I wouldn't say I don't enjoy it any more, I've stopped doing it because Games Workshop, the company that makes it, has changed it a lot recently in ways that piss me off.


I think I've gained far more interests than I've lost over the years.

I can't make signatures.

Sooo... yeah

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Food tastes are about the only thing. I used to eat spaghetti just fine but now I can't stand it because I hate tomato sauce.


But just about everything else I never stopped liking, I always loved it and I love it even more now. I used to be rather critical of games I played but nowadays I'm the opposite and I'm open to every game I ever play, even the old ones I used to be critical about. I enjoy games most don't and it's not because I'm some sort of casual gamer or anything. I'm a very hardcore gamer and I game more than I do anything else, but I don't feel the need to be critical of any game like most do. If a game doesn't meet expectations, then so be it, I'm still gonna enjoy the hell out of it. There's very few games (like Final Fantasy 6) that I don't really care that much for.

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Video games. I've actually gone through a phase where I'm more interested in them nowadays, but it's still nothing like it was when I was in my early teens. I think of them is more of a waste of money these days and I only go with the series that I already know and like, and many of them have disappointed me lately.


Before the 3DS was announced I thought my interest in gaming was almost completely gone, and I was happy about that. Curse the 3DS! lol

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I used to really like video games but I think games started getting too expensive, too many newer versions of systems I had kept coming out, and I just kept getting bored with the games so I just lost interest. I still want to play some Zelda games but I'm trying to decide if buying the 3DS is worth it for just one game.

I also really used to like Milk Chocolate but now it revolts me. And I really hope that my love for Reeses peanut butter cups isn't going away but... but I just don't get the same kick :(

And now I like brussell sprouts, spinach, mushrooms and pearl onions. I didn't like alcohol a few years ago, now I just think it's okay.

  • Brohoof 1
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Nothing comes to mind at the moment, but something I do remember is being able to go to buffet as an 8 year old kid and eat 3 full plates of food. Now i can only eat one plate and I'm over stuffed. Not sure if my stomach got smaller, or I subconsciously feel full because I know eating too much is bad.

Oh! I remember watching ReBoot on tv, not saying I don't like it now, Its just It's not as entertaining.

Though something that has gotten better, I remember watching anime as a little boy, and wanting more, but the internet back then was still in its infancy, pre y2k. Around 2009 when i became a freshman, I finally could explore other cultures through the internet. I watched ALL the japanimations!!!

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Not much about me has changed, for the most part I am still the same but a little bigger and heavier now.

Like some of the other people here my interest in gaming has dwindled down, but I have gained new friends over the last couple years. They are interesting people if not without their quirks. :wub:

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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Apparently I used to like Bananas according to my mother. I find that hard to believe since as far back as I can remember, I loathed pretty much everything about them, escpecially the taste.


Yeah... Thats pretty much it. At least as much as I can remember for the moment.

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I don't like sports as much as I used to. Don't know what happened, just lost interest after a while. Maybe because the teams I liked sucked.



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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I used to like some lame cartoons on TV when I was a kid, but when i grew up I suddenly realized that they just so lame..


" Why walk when you can bounce? Silly-filly! "

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I do believe you're the only person I've ever seen on the entire planet to basically say: "I keep getting distracted from games by my friends. I should play more games sometime."


That being said, I respect that, I suppose. I know you don't say that because you actually consider us 'distractions', and video games are more than just a way to kill time; they're a viable hobby to be enjoyed like any other, and everyone could use some time enjoying them. We'll still love you if you go play games sometimes, so get out there and play some more! :P

(I liked your post because of the stuff you said in reply to Viscra, not just me, by the way.)


Anyway, the reason I said that is also (what you said is also correct! I just wanted to clarify to make it seem less... odd since a lot of people don't say this.) because I have a uh... tendency of getting way too focused on people (one person at a time) or things to the point where it's unhealthy.


By playing video games, I can remove some of that focus off of my friends and become healthier and have more "me time" which is very necessary or else... well, bad things happen when I get too focused. Let's just say that. I'm just trying to become a more balanced person and balance my time accordingly to things that need to be done. Video games can help me a lot to remove too much of that unhealthy attention from people.


I used to really like video games but I think games started getting too expensive, too many newer versions of systems I had kept coming out, and I just kept getting bored with the games so I just lost interest. I still want to play some Zelda games but I'm trying to decide if buying the 3DS is worth it for just one game.

This summarizes my opinion better than I did. Well, another part I forgot to say. I agree with you so much! I mean, seriously, I find myself unable to keep up with the gaming world anymore a lot because it's SO EXPENSIVE and it just isn't worth it anymore. Nowadays, I just play older games (PS2-era, which is older now but seems relatively new to me) over and over again. My PS3 is only used for Netflix and Hulu and not gaming.


Also a lot of what Envy said. Except I don't really have much against the 3DS.

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Being an idiot, I suppose. (or more of an idiot)

Edited by Private Pansy

Where is the Twilight, where's the Sparkle

Where's dear Fluttershy knocking on the door

Where's the Rainbow Dash that takes me there

Where the real is shattered by a Pinkie Pie

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anything I that I used to watch as a child


Dexter's lab

Ed edd and eddy

johnny bravo

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Yugioh Duel Monsters

The Pokemon anime

Ninja Turtles 87



I suppose they just aren't my thing any more, some others for different reasons... such as compare to the original comics, the 87 series just feels like a wash out bastardized version of the real thing

okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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Pretty accurate.


Almost true (the second Transformers movie sucked) But I like transformers.


Nothing will beat G1(Transformers)!


Oh wait, I used to like Tomato soup, but not anymore.

  • Brohoof 1
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