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To add:

* Like Arylett and Swick, I love creating things. But, the reason behind my case is that... I don't know why.

* I absolutely love guns. My favorite gun is the M14EBR. (M14s best guns.)

* I come out to some people as greedy and rude, really I'm just a fairly quiet person. Most of the time.

* As said above with Swick, most of my projects are also left unfinished. One is close.

* I have been self-diagnosed with three mental disorders.

* I only burn in the sun. My body cannot tan, except for a certain part of it...

* I feel like I am socially unnacceptable as a male, and feel miserable about my voice and don't even get me started on my body hair. DISGUSTING!

Edited by Twilight Sniper


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  • I don't feel quite like a human or being a human is the right species for me.


Every day I see the news and some new horror occurs, the more I feel like this.

Edited by Malinter


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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- I survived a lot in my first years: Not only was I being strangled by my umbilical cord when I was born, and there was a rush to help me which was exacerbated by the fact that I apparently wasn't coming out, but I also survived a car crash when I was a year old. Odin should know he needs a lot more than that to kill me.


- I drank a lot of milk when I was born, and came out incredibly stoic. The nurse apparently told my mother that "That's the most i've ever seen a baby drink upon coming out of the womb." I put away 6 bottles in  my first 5 hours of life, or so Mum says.


- I was an avid Rugby and Football (or SAWKER) player in school. I was on the Rugby team and played an inter-year game where I managed to force an entire scrum of Year 9 and Year 10 pupils (With me being in Year 10) onto the ground. Sadly, my interest has dwindled thanks to horrible neighbours and lack of friends around here.


- I can speak English fluently. I can also speak basic German, French, Spanish and Polish. (Enough to get by, that's about it.) That's not impressive: I'm more proud of the fact that i'm a semi-fluent speaker of Scottish Gaelic.


- I will proudly eat most things that are edible. The only food I really have an aversion to is meat ersatz (Y'know, Quorn and that other horrendous garbage)


- I speak proudly in the Smoggy accent. However, I've been told that, when angry, my voice takes on a Scottish Glaswegian accent. (Presumably from the fathers side of the family, which is Scottish.)


- I'm an avid poet. During my first year of Primary School, one of my pieces (A crappy little four-line thing) was featured in an anthology. During my final year of University, I wrote a six page poem (Based on a hypothetical English Civil War between North and South which ends with London burning) that won me the David Smith Poetry Prize. Poetry has both opened and closed my education in a sense. I've also entered a poem for the 2014 Bridport Prize, though I doubt it'll win.


- I have a man crush on Justin Gabriel.


- I have never had any pets in my life. Ever. Not a cat, dog, nothing.


- I don't consider myself a Brony. Yup. I somewhat like the show, but i've never deeply participated in the fandom (The stupid memes and the like just turn me off, I don't care for the plushies or action figures, and I don't care for the conventions), and i've never gone further than watching a few episodes at a time.



..That's about all I can think of that might be remotely interesting.

"It is a Yorkshire habit to say what you think with blunt frankness." - Frances Hodgson Burnett







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I suppose a slightly interesting fact is that I am most probably related to the last highway man to be hanged in Britain... not exciting but there you go...


I may also be related to the Queen (distantly...)


I am inexplicably afraid of slugs... Don't laugh!


I've been run over by a shetland pony...


I've never broken a single bone in my body... ever!


My biggest near death experience was at birth... Although I think a lot of people could say that


I am to little children, what a magnet is to iron fillings....  Seriously I walk in and they attach themselves to me!


I'm not allergic to anything... as far as I know... Except some form of medicine... And that was a long time ago so I don't know if it was an allergy or just my youthful body reacting to something it shouldn't


I say I have a wine gum intolerance... because every time I eat one I'm sick...


I'm learning to speak Italian... My goal is to eventually be able to communicate basics in as many languages as possible...


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Oh this is gonna be fun!


  1. I can see auras
  2. I can play over 30 songs by ear on the piano
  3. I can change the key of any song on piano at will
  4. I have perfect pitch
  5. I can calculate the beats-per-minute of a song in my head (human metronome)
  6. Even at age 19, I can still sing falsetto
  7. I can stunt dive over people
  8. I can hear things very far away
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- I wrote a story in Year 7 that was published. (If I can remember, it was in some sort of magazine or something.)


- I'm lesbian.


- I believe in spirits/ghosts.


- Heights scare the fuck out of me.


- According to friends, in general conversation I can be flirty without even trying at times.


- I'm a mix between introvert and extrovert. 


- Becoming a professional Graphic Designer is my goal at the moment.


- I used to be bisexual, but lost interest in men.


- In Primary School, I was the fastest female runner.


- Progressive House and Trance are my favourite genres of music.


- If I say so myself, I'm a talented pianist.


- When I was younger, I almost became blind.

Edited by Monique
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  • I ignore pain.

Emotions are rarely there. (I call the one i have for me...xD)

A bit too tolerant.

I forgive very easily.

I cannot get fat. (I try okay!)

If needed I can fight anyone, probably without exeptions.

Usually I speak all languages with a strange accent. (and I mean all of them)

I love being in the cold.

When I feel like it i punch a wall to see blood. (soo beautiful.)

Hugs are the best cure to all.

Sometimes I feel things move in slow speed, while I myself move fast. (saved me a ton of times)

Animals are best human.

Edited by CrayZ

(Really cool signature)

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I suppose I'll compile a quick list here. I'm sure I'll forget a lot of things though. :3


  • I absolutely enjoy being in high places. I like climbing things and looking down from high places, especially if there is a strong wind blowing. As long as I know I've got a good grip on things and won't fall, being in a very high place just makes me feel great.
  • I'm able to wrap my entire right arm around the back of my neck, then bring it back 'round the front of my neck and scratch the pit of that same right arm. Dislocating my shoulder is fun. :3
  • I met my girlfriend on the internet. (These forums, actually) Then drove 2500 miles across the country to live with her. It's weird to think I actually did that, as well. Particularly since it seems like such a massive task, and it was so easy to do... it just took 4 days to do it. :P
  • I have a bajillion different voices, many of which I interchange in normal conversation somewhat randomly without even thinking about it.
  • I constantly have a song playing in the back of my head, sometimes I don't even notice it's going on cause I'm so used to it being there. Usually it's the last song I heard. Right now it's Frosty the Snowman. Goddamn you Wal-Mart! D:
  • I cannot see in the third dimension sue to having a wonky eyeball when I was born. Due to this weird wonky eyeball, both of my eyes work independently rather than as a team, therefore my eyeballs refuse to see things in three dimensions. 3d movies do not work for me in the slightest. Due to this lack of natural depth perception, I have to judge distances with other methods. I don't know what these other methods are though, I just kinda look and guess and I'm usually pretty close. :3
  • Brohoof 1
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Another additional post (I'm an extremely abnormal person)

* I figured put I was bisexual because of feelings that developed for somebody that used to be my friend.

* My longest lasting relationship was online.

* I think I stated this somewhere, I am a pyromaniac. I absolutely love fire.

* My hair color has changed from almost blonde to almost brown in a period of about 3 years.

* I hate where I live. Too many climate extremes.

* Most interesting of all, 42 is the meaning of life.


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- I am really hard to scare

- I am able to keep calm

- Ever since I took a Karate class, my pain tolerance has been largely increased

- I love to play with fire (I always keep a large bucket of water close just in case)

- I accidentaly lit my hand on fire and burnt my carpet back when I did not know what fire safety was 

- The main reason I like the song Singin in the Rain is because it reminds me of A Clockwork Orange

When I play videogames that have voice chat, I try to be as annoying as possible

- I like to put lots of stickers on my PC; all of them aren't even technology related (Neff, Cuponk, ect.)

- I really hate most girl gamers, I don't even know why

Viddy Well

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Wow! How did that go? What was it for? Are you a surgeon?

Well, to be completely honest, it was a very minor surgery. Just an ingrown toenail removal. However, I did have to break my skin and reduce blood flow to simulate anesthetic (since cutting into your toe is kinda painful. :blink: ), so it does fit the definition of "surgery." Just barely, though. Either way, it was a partial success. Didn't get all of it, but it stopped bothering me for a few months. I peroxided the living bujeezus out of everything, too, so there wasn't a feasible risk of infection. I surprisingly knew a lot of what I was doing.  :lol:


And no, I'm not even done with high school yet.  :P


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Um... this topic is a little self-centered, but what the heck.


- I am quite adept at quadrupedal movement. (Weird, but the truth)

- I have traveled to more than 20 states in a truck moving, with pretty everything in one trailer and everything else in the backseat.

- I have been an active YouTube member since 2007.

- I don't think anyone anyone I know in the flesh truly has respect for me.

- Uh... I'm vastly into internet culture and is rare for my age? 

- I play Alto Sax, Clarinet and Piano

- I draw, sing, and occasionally write

- I am able to memorize songs quite well in only a few times listening and able to remember various parts in tune and in my head accurately.


Well, maybe these are much easier and more interesting with crowds not on this side of the internet. :P Let's face it, I'm not that interesting. And I still feel self-centered typing this...

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1. im really tall for my age im 12 years old and is already taller than my mother if your wondering i'm. almost 6ft tall

2. im like twilight sparkle i get paranoid easily 

3.the only scientific i know about alot is astronomy.

4. i use to belive in alot of christianity like the sun is god then i discovered the internet and watched some astronomy series's and then all of my christian beliefs came going down the drain.


5. i have a really good immune system i get sick sometimes but rarely.

6. im very sneaky,


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I sculpt ponies with vaginas.... .__.

  • Brohoof 1


~Siggy made by Kitteh O Shy <3

In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society~


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Oh, how could I forget? I forgot something, I knew my post was too short. @_@

  • I basically have almost zero ability to mentally visualize anything. When I read text, I don't get mental images. I just see words and feel feelings on them. That's why words are vastly influential to me. The way something is worded can radically effect the way I perceive it moreso than others because each specific word carries a powerful feeling and connotation to it to me. A lot of the time, my mind has to rely otherwise on visualizing very stock imagery. (Like a generic forest I like to reuse) This tends to be why written words are my main method of communicating, why I can use them to describe my emotions quite well, and why I generally have a good grasp of writing. Here's the ironic bit to it though: I'm an artist. How can you be an artist if you have no visual imagination? I actually use my art to portray the things that I cannot see in my mind. Everything I draw that doesn't already have a design is drawn before I even know what it looks like and based on very vague thoughts. Art is essential to me and I obsess over it because of this. It's my visual imagination, and it has to look perfect. 

That's all for now. If I think of any more, I'll post it way later on.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Uhm........Sculpt as in marble scuplting? or clay?.....The sculpt part is cool, the vagenitals.....................yeah.....



And they're not meant to be clop pieces. it's just an artistic attribute. I feel my sculptures aren't complete without that particular feature. Plus, mares have vaginas. It's a fact.


~Siggy made by Kitteh O Shy <3

In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society~


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And they're not meant to be clop pieces. it's just an artistic attribute. I feel my sculptures aren't complete without that particular feature. Plus, mares have vaginas. It's a fact.

Oh, I see, I just looked up some pics about how it looks. That's cool.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Oh, how could I forget? I forgot something, I knew my post was too short. @_@

  • I basically have almost zero ability to mentally visualize anything. When I read text, I don't get mental images. I just see words and feel feelings on them.

That's kind of a bummer. If I had that problem, I would never read. It sounds like an awful curse > ^ <


~Siggy made by Kitteh O Shy <3

In a society that has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society~


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That's kind of a bummer. If I had that problem, I would never read. It sounds like an awful curse > ^ <

For the most part, I don't read books or any sort of written fiction that isn't a comic book, so awesome that I must read it, or roleplays. But it makes it a bit hard to know what the hell people are talking about when they describe what something looks like. XD I'm used to it, and don't really know of a life where you CAN visualize things, so it isn't a terrible curse to me as I never had it to begin with. I presume it's a nice perk to be able to do that? Though again, if it weren't for that problem, I probably wouldn't be an artist or have skill at writing. 

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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