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Best/Worst childhood memory?

Lightning Fluttershy

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The title is pretty self-explanatory.


What is your best and worst childhood memory? We were all kids once and some of us still are. *cough*


I think my best childhood memory was learning that Santa isn't real because it made me trust my parents a lot more. I know it's a strange best memory but I was so excited to learn that my parents actually loved me and that a huge fat creeper wasn't crawling down my chimney once a year to get a peak at me.


My worst childhood memory is probably back when I lived in the country side. In our garage we had a flight of concrete steps leading down to our basement and my father had repeatedly told me not to go near them. He turned his head for two seconds and I was there quicker than ever. The next thing my father heard was: "Thump thump thump thump thump thump" and turned back to see me tumbling down concrete stairs head first.


So now I want to hear from all of you! TELL ME TEH MEMORIES!

Edited by Lightning Fluttershy
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Best: My father bought me a Playstation™

I couldn't stop screaming and jumping like rabbits on meth until I dropped asleep on my bed while playing Crash Bandicoot. Yeah, I'm crazy like that.


Worst: My father beat up my ass after I unknowingly humiliated him in front of his friends.

I'll spare you the details here, but I couldn't stop crying until the next day, and I walk silly until now.

Edited by Star Weaver


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Best-Probably traveling by plane with my dad for the very first time :) We went to his home country and I met up with his side of the family.Still one of the best trips I've ever taken


Worst:Oh god..I remember my first serious injury.That has to me one of my worst childhood moments.I remember one of my friends spraying me with silly string and me being the fool I was back in elementary I ran CLEAN into the corner of a brick wall and started gushing blood.


Me being the manliest mofo on the playground I didn't cry until I saw how worried my mom was about it

Edited by OdinForced



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Best childhood memory: Back in America--general, yes, but I had so much fun there.


Worst childhood memory: It was just a few months ago. My dad beat me up because I threw my sunflower seed shell on the table.

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My memories are actually quite pathetic when I think about it. My Best memory was:


My dog, Jessie, who had been with me since I was born, was walking around the house during winter because she was cold. So I put my blankie up on top of her and she just sat down right there and fell asleep.


My worst:


Actually I have many worst memories. When my dog died was one. Or the time that I had stolen a toy from my best friend and the second I had left his house I felt like a jerk for the rest of my life. Even today. Or how about when my best friend had brought a friend of his who was a girl over to his house to play when we were all like 7. That time, I pushed the girl, because she kept talking about how if we were playing super heroes she wouldn't save me in real life, and we got into an argument and I lied to her parents and everybody who asked about it. I've regretted that to this day as well, and whenever I go to sleep that still haunts me. Or do you want to know about the time where a girl in my class told me a secret, that she liked teletubbies, and I went to lunch and told everyone. Yeah, that still haunts me too. Sheesh, I used to be such a jerk...


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my best childhood memory....? probably riding in the back of my friends pickup truck :)


worst memory??.. when i was forced to french kiss this older boy and he tired to follow me into the bathroom after that...so creepy...


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Gosh, I was such a stupid kid... I did so much stupid stuff... :unsure:


But I think the worst memory of all was when I had a fight with my sister and she threw a chair on me... Literally, a chair.


And best memories are from my old neighborhood. Me and the other kids used to play all day, every day... It was always so fun~

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I have alot of good childhood memories so it is hard to pick just one but one of my favorites is back during the big boxing match between Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield where he bite his ear off. My Dad and a few of my uncles were over to watch the fight and when the big moment happened we all erupted into a never ending series of ear jokes and puns it may have been a little messed up to laugh at that looking back but we all had a great time.


My worst childhood memory is my Grandmothers death, she was only 64 and it was very unexpected and it took me a few years before I was anywhere even close to normal again I wasn't out of the woods yet though as I had to deal with anger issues and depression stemming from other matters. I have a few memories in my adulthood that are far far worse though one of them is fairly recent.

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Most of my childhood is a haze. My best memory is possibly when I won about $500 worth of Star Wars stuff from a TV sweepstakes.


The worst is everything else.


The most bittersweet, that being both good and bad, was after years of being treated like garbage by everybody in my company at school one of them shoved me for the last time. After wiping the floor with him and his compadres - an event which in a way felt indescribably good but also terrible because of what I had to go through to reach that moment - I didn't have many problems from them anymore.

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Best: finding out that my best friend had feelings for me as I did for her when I was fourteen. She would stay with me until I turned twenty, then I wasn't a child anymore...and she passed away..and that became the worst thing in my whole entire life.



Worst: Being attacked by a bear when I was twelve. Still have the ten or twelve scars on my back and legs from that....I still love nature though....it didn't mentally scar me, only physically.

  • Brohoof 1



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Best: ... Erm... huh... I guess it would be... when I... Erm... Yeah I don't know, I had a pretty depressing childhood.


Worst: School in general, I had no friends and no one liked me and that made me vaguely suicidally depressed...

"The oldest and Strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"

-H.P. Lovecraft

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Me and my best friend Kensie used to play this game with these action figures and named them after Starfire and Robin from Teen Titans, but they werent the starfire and robin from teen titans. We just named them. We made them do the dumbest crap ever! But it was the best back in the day x3 haha I miss childhood memories. Well....some of them

  • Brohoof 1

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Well, back when my dad didn't leave my family my mum and him fought all the time, and a while back we didn't have enough money for a mattress for me so I slept on the couch for about a year, now, me and my father never really did father and son things like kick a ball or go to sports games or whatever dads do (Because I sure as hell don't know). So my mother and him were talking- arguing about it while I was still sleeping, I woke up but didn't open my eyes, instead I listened and his reason was that he doesn't care/have time for the unnecessary little things. He called spending time with me unnecessary and meek. It still hurts me to this day. And now he doesn't even live with my family, he's in America now with a 25 year old bitch, he's 50.


He left my family for a 25 year old. Now, my mother is a single mum with 3 kids to take care of (I have another sister but she lives with her boyfriend). I have other memories but I'd rather not say them.



EDIT: Almost forgot the good memory. I guess my favourite memory was the first grade, I really got to connect with kids and made myself look smart by doing the worksheets we got while the teacher was explaining the lesson, which was pretty cool because I said I was done right when she told them to get to work and I'd always be right. Gave me a nice warm feeling in an otherwise insecure life.

Edited by Nixter

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We were sharing a sort-of apartment complex a while back, (When I was like, 4/5) and many, many doors were left unlocked.


I urinated in some guy's KFC cup and left.


Take that as you want, good in the way it was funny when I thought of it, bad in the fact that looking back I am a horrible, disgusting person for doing so.

  • Brohoof 1

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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My best memory:

Playing Final Fantasy with my Grandma during the summer when she would watch my brother and I, while my parents worked. She was the best :)


My worst:

Either when my grandmother passed away, or this one particular week which I remember well. It was the week of my birthday. First my dog, who I loved very dearly, had a sudden heart attack and died while I was at school. I buried him myself while my younger brother looked on and cried, and my other brother made jokes at his expense. Then, later that week I got into a car crash so I couldn't walk or use my hand for a week and a half, and I slipped into really bad depression.


The most bittersweet, that being both good and bad, was after years of being treated like garbage by everybody in my company at school one of them shoved me for the last time. After wiping the floor with him and his compadres - an event which in a way felt indescribably good but also terrible because of what I had to go through to reach that moment - I didn't have many problems from them anymore.

I had a moment just like this. Most of my school days were terrible and lonely. :(
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  • My first birthday party
  • The day i watched Jurassic Park and The Land Before Time for the first time
  • When i watched the original trilogy of Star Wars too


  • The day i got sent to the principal's office in kindergarten
  • The day i got scared of loud noises
  • The day my grandma died
Edited by Dino-Mario

My Dragon Cave scroll: http://dragcave.net/user/Dino-Mario

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BEST: any time of my young life when I didn't know the extent of the creul reality of the world... preferably the days before I met my step father.. living with my older brother and my mother... so many memories even though i was 3 and 4 years old. I would rather not discuss in detail.


Worst: I would say the two times I was almost institutionalized and when i had to start choking down those F*CKING BEHAVIORAL CONTROL PILLS! F*CKED UP MY CHILDHOOD THEY DID!


Also, most memroies of me and my typical asshole stepfather... sometimes I wonder if he purposely does what he does just to torture me... sigh*


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So, like, I'm more than certain that any of my retellings are simply too juiced up compared to what actually happened and that my many revisions and retellings are far away from what actually happened but lets post this up anyway. I am still proud of myself for accomplishing this.


Okay, so when I was 7 I lived in Arizona and there was this just giant patch of nothing but cactus, dirt, and dead things right next to my house. I had a friend of mine tell me that there's a thing of those toy diamond things somewhere in there at a place that was called the "ramps" which happened to be in the middle of the wasteland and that sometime we should go on a "journey" to find them. In reality it was just a box of dollar store junk that his brother's girlfriend happened to forget over there for some reason, and while I think we all knew that this was the case we kept spreading tales about this box and began making up stories about it. Eventually our little stories became facts in our mind and our curiosity peaked Our lust for what I remember being called the cursed diamonds began to become too great for any of us to handle. We needed the diamonds and we needed them immediately.


My pal at the time Jaden asked his mom if he could literally just go into the desert to find it and she said no. I asked my dad and he said no. TeeJay asked his mom and she said no. The other three kids whose names I can't remember asked their parents and they all said no. Unfortunately for us the ramps were relatively far away and there was high school kid who beat up a little boy at that exact area a few months back and all the parents were afraid to let their kids even venture near the place. With or without magical powers, being grounded for a week sucks so we thought up of a better idea. My friend had a birthday that same week and we were all invited to spend the night at his place. Rather than going to bed we all waited until his mom went to bed, and then we geared up for our adventure. We took a flashlight, a blanket which was going to be used to hide from any ghosts or aliens that we would encounter, a butter knife, and a bookbag. Right when we took one step outside at what I'm guessing was 11:25 we were already scared beyond all belief.


It was dark, it was cold, it was dry, and there were all sorts of weird and spooky noises out there. It was like the graveyards in the scary movies that we shouldn't have watched. Despite our fear, we ventured forth into the wilderness. Jaden was over there with the flashlight, Jay was over there holding the blanket in case of alien or ghost attack, three other kids were looking around as to where the "spot" was for our diamonds and as for me, I was the barbarian who was wielding the butter knife. If any coyote, bear, snipe, zombie, bird, or dinosaur decided to mess with me I was ready to fight them to the death! Eventually there came a point where we heard something. "Everyone hide!" Jay said. Hiding or not, they would have seen us get under the blanket so it was up to me to defend my friends from the outer galactic paranormal threat.


I got out of the blanket and stood my ground with the knife being held like a sword. My legs were shaking. My heart was pounding. My hands were trembling. My pants were wet. I was scared, but since I was the biggest and the strongest it was my duty to protect the group. If I gave up and ran away, I wouldn't find the diamonds that from my understanding were worth more than a hundred dollars and had the magic powers to grant me wishes. Worse than that, though, my friends would die. I had a loving dad who unfortunately was at work most of the time, my mom was bonkers at the time, my older sister was kicked out of the house for a really stupid reason, my brother was gone most of the time as well and my little sister was a twerp and still is in many regards. If my friends were going to die, I was going to die!


I stood there for five minutes wielding the blade and guarding them for five minutes. Looking around, all I saw were rocks, dirt, trees, and a couple cactus. It was completely safe, and I'm not sure why I was scared of the place to begin with. We continued on with our journey, and I overcame a fear of mine that very moment.


Eventually we came to the ramps and we were overjoyed that we didn't die on our journey! We jumped for joy, did a dance, hugged each other and were giving each other the hardest high fives in our lives but something was wrong. Something was horribly wrong. The chest that we were looking for wasn't there. Our journey was wasted.


We looked all over the place for the chest, but we couldn't find it. Tears were forming, fights were about to happen regarding the idea to come out here in the first place, and we all felt like failures. I looked at Jaden and he gave me the first and only frown I've ever seen him show. This entire situation wasn't right, but soon we became ecstatic again.


"Hey guys, I found the diamonds!" TeeJay yelled at us. Our tears immediately halted and we sprinted over to him. At TeeJay's feet lay seven blue diamonds in the dirt, shining as we put the light from the flashlight over them. We each took one of the diamonds and vowed never to tell anybody about these, as they are ours and we were to guard the treasure with our lives. We buried the remaining diamond in hopes that it would enrich the desert and cause more trees to grow.


I still have the plastic jewel somewhere. My worst childhood memory was finding out that it was just a worthless piece of garbage, but man the experience was like none other at the time.

Edited by Lord Bababa
  • Brohoof 3

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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I'm not sure what I would say my best is....I don't think I have one really.


There are three worst memories though.


In Chronological order:


Memory number one: I was alone, my mother had left to go walk the dog and I was supposed to be sleeping. I woke up and called for her and she didn't come. I thought I had been abandoned.


Memory number two: I had taken Tylenol and somewhere along the line I developed an allergic reaction to it. I had Tylenol Hallucination Syndrome, which from my understanding means that you have a fever so high that you start seeing things. For three days straight I was screaming because I saw spiders, scorpions, and centipedes crawling all over me and I thought they were biting me.


Memory number three: I fell in the bathtub and cracked open the side of my skull and damaged my right eye. For some reason four hospitals wouldn't let me into the ER...so my parents drove around four about six hours trying to find a hospital that would help me.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


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Worst: Getting lost in Dinosaur Adventure land. I was teeny, so it seemed like a huge jungle at the time...


Best: Finding out about MLP! (Yep, I'm only 13, so...)


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Best childhood memory: Probably getting a Lego trainset for Christmas. I remember it was one of the old 9 volt track systems, so it was pretty badass. My siblings and I got Lego 4559 Cargo Train and 4565 Freight and Crane Railway.

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My best childhood memory was while I was in Japan, Me and my friend were playing on a trampoline. We were playing a wrestling style game we dubbed Sumo. he was beating me senseless! This kept up until my imagination went loose and I thought of a sumo doing a backflip, grabbing the other one by the head with his feet and launching him out of the ring behind him....So I did just that! He flew off the trampoline and landed on the sidewalk next to his backyard. I felt pretty bad about it at first but the I realized what I had done and cheered myself on. I was 6 when this happened.


My worst childhood memory was taking a 7 foot faceplant into hard gravel and glass! I had two concussions, scrapes and cut everywhere, and the next day....I did it again...

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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  • 2 years later...

Best: There have been many good ones but nothing came close to going to Scotland and meeting up with relatives in 2001 (I was 5 back them). I did a lot of cool things like visit the cities, watch the children's shows there, go to Loudon Castle, and many more.


Worst: 4th to 6th grade. Why? Because I couldn't adjust to the new social changes during recess (moved from the playground to the other recess yard, which I couldn't fit in because I didn't have much friends to hang around with). I ended up walking around alone with the fear of groups swarming in on me. Not only that, my Aspie side showed a lot the most. In 6th grade, I transferred to a new school where I thought it would be more quiet but instead, I got bullied a lot and peers and teachers acted phony. Then I went to another school and all I can say is, no one understood me well enough.

  • Brohoof 1

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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