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Things You Dislike About the MLP Fandom


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Since I myself am a sexual deviant, I have few problems with R34. I have more of an issue with Grimdark, not drama stories, or horror stories. Things like Cupcakes where the attitude towards death is pure nihilism and people only care about blood and guts.


Which is why I hate movies like Final Destination, death doesn't matter and you feel like your time has been wasted because the movie ends with nothing being solved, everyone's gone and it starts all over again.


But back to Grimdark, I look at some of the things we put out and I understand why parents are afraid of us.

I personally don't have a problem with pony drama/horror fanworks. I love the horror genre, and if you wanna add ponies, why not? It's a non-canon work of fiction and it's not perverted or anything of the sort, so it's alright in my book.

My definition of Grimdark is creating situations and especially characters that are supposed to be 'dark' or 'edgy' or 'demonic', despite them going against everything the show stands for. I mean yeah, they have bad or jerk characters, but they don't go overboard with them. None of that "KILL DESTROY AGONY" garbage and they're almost always a big teddy bear deep down. This ain't Zelda, kids.



Lastly, most people can't pull off the "fedora" look. Stop trying. A lot of the people claiming to wear fedoras are actually wearing trilbies, anyway.

That's less of a brony-exclusive fad and more of a general hipster geek look. It looks ridiculous when you're wearing a T-shirt or something along with it, and girls look particularly unappealing with them.

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On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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One thing I really hate is how bronies have this motto "Love and Tolerate" and yet they never follow it themselves, but get all mad when someone else doesn't follow it. A bunch of hypocrites. There is a certain friend I know of who is basically like this.


The over obsessive bronies that will start an angry mob and go completely insane if you have a different opinion. Good examples are if someone says they like Celestia more than Luna or if they like Meghan more than Faust. What's wrong with having a different opinion?


People who hate on others just because they ship ponies and those who are ridiculously over obsessive about one ship. I don't see the problem. I enjoy romance and find it adorable and cute to see a relationship blossom between two characters from the show. I don't obsess over one ship either, I enjoy many different kinds and like a good number of them. Some ponies need to grow up. It isn't affecting you.

Edited by SmartyPants
  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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The only thing I can think of that legitimately bothers me is any form of perversion in the fanbase.

Take a good look at all the ponies you can think of.

They're adorable, innocent, and far from human.

I just don't understand the sexual attraction some bronies have for something so cute and, well, to put it bluntly, not sexy in the slightest, nor are they supposed to be. The term 'sexual deviant' really comes to mind.

Granted, I'd still treat a clopper the same as I would anyone else, but I strongly disagree with that particular aspect of them.

But are you supposed to decide what man/female finds "sexy". I know weird people..some are in to furry..others cosplays...some cosplay furries..Who are you to decide what "supposed" to get someone off? Also perversion? So you're comparing a perversion which involves young kids and old men to someone who like CARTOON PONIES!! Ugh...... Edited by StallionSilverR
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I've nothing against all the shippers, cloppers and what not (Just as long as the cloppers keep it to themselves), but it's the neck bearded fans and kids that get to me. The fact that they have to post about ponies everywhere, especially where ponies aren't even mentioned, just make me regret that I'm a brony sometimes. 

  • Brohoof 2


"Sending some assholes your way to the death dimension!" -Lelouch (Code MENT)


"Kenpachi Ramasama, why didn't you do your math homework?" "Oh, I'm sorry. My toast wouldn't cook and then I had to go and become a sailor scout. RONIN WARRIORS!" -Matt and Pat (Two Best Friends Play)

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But are you supposed to decide what man/female finds "sexy". I know weird people..some are in to furry..others cosplays...some cosplay furries..Who are you to decide what "supposed" to get someone off? Also perversion? So you're comparing a perversion which involves young kids and old men to someone who like CARTOON PONIES!! Ugh......

Eh, don't get me wrong, I disagree with it, but I'm not saying they're horrible people. I'll look past it despite the conflicting beliefs regarding sexual preferences. It's a private thing anyway.


The definition of perversion isn't pedophilia. Pedophiles are perverts, yes, but it falls under the much larger category of just being a general pervert.

Edited by Rockymoo


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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2. The large amounts of little kids




I'm sorry, but when you subscribe to a show for little girls, I don't think you have any right to complain about the 'large amount of little kids'. If this were an adult media, I could see your point, but My Little Pony is a franchise who's main audience is little girls. If you don't like it, tough.


As for what I dislike about bronies, the only thing I can really cite is just how cynical everyone appears to be. Don't get me wrong, I've met a lot of bronies who appear level-headed and realistic, but it seems to me that just about half of the brony population is full of people who utterly despise the real world just because it isn't a sugarbowl utopia of happiness, altruism, and cuddly creatures. It's ridiculously naive, and ridiculously irritating. I'm sorry that we humans aren't as nice as ponies, get the hell over it.


Anything else I could complain about relates to fanbases in general. People trying to shun the sexual side of the fandom, flame wars, users feeling their opinions should be canon, nothing anyone hasn't seen in some other fanbase before.


Edited by Durandal
  • Brohoof 7


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I'm sorry, but when you subscribe to a show for little girls, I don't think you have any right to complain about the 'large amount of little kids'. If this were an adult media, I could see your point, but My Little Pony is a franchise who's main audience is little girls. If you don't like it, tough.


As for what I dislike about bronies, the only thing I can really cite is just how cynical everyone appears to be. Don't get me wrong, I've met a lot of bronies who appear level-headed and realistic, but it seems to me that just about half of the brony population is full of people who utterly despise the real world just because it isn't a sugarbowl utopia of happiness, altruism, and cuddly creatures. It's ridiculously naive, and ridiculously irritating. I'm sorry that we humans aren't as nice as ponies, get the hell over it.


Anything else I could complain about relates to fanbases in general. People trying to shun the sexual side of the fandom, flame wars, users feeling their opinions should be canon, nothing no one hasn't seen in some other fanbase before.

By little kids I mean little 10-13 year old squeaky voiced, Garry's Mod obsessed, little kids that can't keep their mouth shut about the show and give such a good name for all the fans out there.

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I tend to be an atheist, and the lesson in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" is that it is best to believe in something on faith rather than find a scientific explanation for it, otherwise the universe will keep punishing you until you just accept it, but that doesn't mean the lesson from that episode prevents me from liking the series itself. One can enjoy something even if may have messages that aren't compatible with one's beliefs.


No, no it isn't. It's about knowing the difference between heathly skepticism and close mindedness. Twilight wasn't denying something she was just told to believe, she was denying something she saw right in front of her face because she couldn't understand how it worked. She was in denial because it challenged her world view.    

  • Brohoof 3



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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okay, i know i am going to seriously get some hate on this, but what i don't get is the cloppers. in my opinion, it ruins the innocence of the show. aside from that, the whole "oh, you're not a brony? YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR MIND OR GET OFF HERE!!!!" I mean seriously, just love and tolerate. it's pretty easy to do if you try it.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't care what anypony else like. But I one thing I don't like is the Futershy (and anypony) picture. If you do, thats all you.

Any pony should like/dislike what they want, but not hate others for their likes/dislike.



Been a brony since Oct. 28 2011 (On year four)"I'm a member of the old guard."- Life Giver "If tears had flavor ones of joy would taste sweet while ones of sorrow would taste sour."- Life Giver "My only purpose is to serve the holy light. "-Life Giver
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There's nothing I dislike really. If its something I'm not interested in, I ignore it. We all have rights to like what we like within a fandom and if I don't care for it, I don't partake. I'm  not going to say I dislike it because its not my place too. Or at least that's how I feel.

  • Brohoof 1

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Mine would really only be the people that have a really pissy attitude about what ever their viewpoint is on any given issue and can't discuses their differences over it in a somewhat civil manner.  

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I think it would be all the 'who is best pony' stuff. Most of the time people would discuss this in a jokingly manner but I've witnessed some bronies go overboard with this and forget that their supposed to love and tolerate rather than rage at each other.



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I have to agree with the Rule 34 art. I find it disturbing every time I see the kind of art that younger viewers should never come across. It's not what Lauren Faust visioned when she created My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic for this generation.

R34 isn't what any show writer had in mind when they created their show, so the fact that you (as well as many other r34 haters) try to apply this specifically to MLP is rather close minded.  Now that I have said that, I don't fully support r34, but I don't hate on it as it is a part of every fandom.


I hate cloppers now. I was actually indifferent to them until the Howard Stern broadcast (what other people do is not my business), but after hearing three of them talking about it to a member of the media, my indifference has turned to disgust. They're making us ... the entire fandom ... look like perverts. Of course, I realize Stern was cherry-picking the weirdest from among us to broadcast on his show. I still can't believe the jerks said what they did with a microphone in their faces. But because of guys like those three, now people will spew more hate at the fandom. Ten times more hate. Thanks a lot, you three cloppers. Thanks a LOT!


why would you let someone else's idea determine what you think of a group? Besides... being a Brony already makes you one of the most hated people on the planet, whats a few more close-minded morons


I hate the infighting. Just because some of you have never seen it, it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. We're all on the same side.

Exactly, once people stop fighting with eachother within the bronydom, we can start dealing with the haters outside of our community. 

  • Brohoof 2

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Now, this may just be my own personal bias here, but as anyone else noticed that a lot of the more cringe-worthy stuff in the fandom revolves around Rainbow Dash? Whether it's her fanart, her mods, her videos or the guys wearing her shirts. It just always seems to be her.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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I hate how it is probably going to end one day. Plus how small it can seem to be. We need more people here. Also those people who seem to forget the love and tolerate rule. I tend to think bronies as nice understanding people and want to keep it that way.

My YouTube channel for MLP Animations. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj8NMDRq-BrtqOmTPupGog

My DeviantART page for MLP side projects. http://tiredbrony.deviantart.com/

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Personally I have no issue with Cloppers so long as they're not shoving it on people? Like I've seen a shirt that had something along the lines of a rape allusion with MLP characters on tumblr and to me, that's not cool. But I mean if you ship and you like to draw it and write about it and stuff and you're not insisting everyone enjoy it then it's like, okay cool you do that bro.


One thing about the fandom at large...

Why so much grimdark and why so much "there was a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR" type stuff? Like, both of those things aren't so bad at all times but it seems like I come across a lot of it. It just seems very overdone and sounds like repetitions of the same old thing.


The two things I tend to have issues with are over zealous bronies that turn people off from the show and bronies that don't understand what is wrong with certain kinds of behaviors? Like, I come across "Nice Guy" bronies online at times that complain about friendzoning and such and I can't help but wonder how they behave around females. There's also a few that act like women are some mysterious other species or something. I just feel like a lot of folks in the fandom, given the young age (I'm anywhere from 5-10 years older than a lot of ones I've met) don't have enough experience to understand to reign themselves back a bit and that what they say/do can be problematic and can scare people off.


Getting to go to Bronycon and meeting a lot of awesome bronies, seeing a lot of girls and kids there rekindled my faith in the fandom though, I have to say. It was a really good environment with a lot of really nice people.

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okay, i know i am going to seriously get some hate on this, but what i don't get is the cloppers. in my opinion, it ruins the innocence of the show. aside from that, the whole "oh, you're not a brony? YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR MIND OR GET OFF HERE!!!!" I mean seriously, just love and tolerate. it's pretty easy to do if you try it.

I agree with the cloppers, I mean come on, in my opinion, Clopping is just one step closer to beastiality, which is ILLEGAL and for good reason!!


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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By little kids I mean little 10-13 year old squeaky voiced, Garry's Mod obsessed, little kids that can't keep their mouth shut about the show and give such a good name for all the fans out there.

Hey! I am 13 and I play GMOD but I don't talk about ponies online much aside from sprays on tf2 and facebook. Don't stereotype ages!

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The only type of brony I dislike is the "Convert to Bronyism" type of people. It's not a religion, and you don't have to make people like it.


I honestly don't care about the cloppers as long as they're private about it. I honestly don't get why they're into that kind of stuff, but I won't judge them.

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Ooh, another one..
I really don't like it when Bronies add certain traits to each characters which then become their own self-contained memes..
Like the whole Scootaloo chicken thing, or the Luna being a gamer thing.

Applebloom calls Scootaloo a 'chicken' as a metaphor because she was being a coward.. SHE'S AN ACTUAL CHICKEN NOW!
idk, it just doesn't make any sense to me

  • Brohoof 1

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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Like the whole Scootaloo chicken thing, or the Luna being a gamer thing.


I agree, the whole Scootaloo is a chicken thing and Gamer Luna is absolutely stupid. Scootaloo was called a chicken? OMG SHE A CHICKUN NAO!!!!!!! Luna played a game? OMG, STOP DA PRESSES, LUNA IS AN MLG PRO GAMER!!!!!!!!!! I think the only one I like, at times, is the Rarity is a marshmallow joke, because she actually looks like one.


Now then, some more things I hate about the MLP fanbase:


The documentaries thinking that it is important to document the fandom, for fucks sake, its just another fandom, we don't need documentation!!!!!!!


People who treat the Fandom like a religion.


People who resort to using Pony Generator for everything because they have no desire to learn how to draw decently.


People who treat MLP as the greatest cartoon ever made.


Fluttershy fanboys that will attack you if you say one negative thing about her.


The TF2/MLP crossover, I love both TF2 and MLP, but fuck the crossover, only rabid Bronies do that and for me, the ruin MLP and TF2 doing it.


Actually, fuck every single MLP crossover that has ever existed.

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Mh... I got a long list there.

1. Purists. People that are so narrow-minded and so strict to dislike everyone else tries to shape the MLP world with their own fanfictions etc... Also they do not tollerate deviations in the fandom, like clop or gore or stuff like that.
2. Maniacal fanatics. Bronies who believe this is a religion instead of a mere interest. Oh come on, we are not a sect sacrificating children to Celestia!
3. Invasive Headcannoners. These bronies insist that their own version is the real one and don't accept any other opinion. In this category I put also those that keep making OCs related to the main cast.
4. Neckbeards. Yeah... I don't want to be rude, but they don't really give a good image to the fandom...

I do mostly tolerate the grimdark, the gorish and the clopping stuff... even though sometimes they do disgust me. >.>
But meh, I guess any fandom has its own downsides.

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Well, lets see....I cant stand the bronies who shove it in everyone's face at every given chance. The bronies who are quick to say someone isnt a brony are also mildly annoying.

I also find the people who rag on cloppers and the like all the time highly irritating. Its not hurting you, anyone, or the show. Its not ruining the show's innocence since pron doesnt change show in anyway. Its still gonna have the same adorable ponies its always had. As much as shit like that is around all over the web, you'd think people would be used to it by now.


I agree with the cloppers, I mean come on, in my opinion, Clopping is just one step closer to beastiality, which is ILLEGAL and for good reason!!

Clopping is nowhere near bestiality. Bestiality requires a live animal and actual sexual intercourse, which, takes two to do.


Also, its actually legal in a few US states and some other places. ;)

Edited by TGAP Haven
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Well, you pretty much listed all the things that I do hate. I guess I can tolerate cloppers, but still never love them. One should never mix Porn and Ponies. I became personally opposed to grimdark after I saw the Cupcakes fanfic. I apply the same rules to Rule 34 as I do cloppers.



                                                         "They may take our lives, but they will never take our ponies!"

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