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gaming What's your favorite MMO?


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Even though I don't play it anymore I use to be addicted to runescape (y'know, before it went shit) I remember my mum use to play it and I use to watch her, me always wanting a go, when I was 6 or 7 back in 2006 is when I made my first account, I quit this year because of the new updates (EoC, RS3) but I played for 7 years and I haven't really been dedicated to an mmo since then, I have some awesome memories from my time playing RS (holy shit I kinda got carried away with this stort) But yeah just thought id share my mmo experience

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Guild War 2, hands down! (I really don't want to sound like a crazy salesman)

Even Angry Joe rated it 10/10 Badass seal of approval! (No, seriously!)


Mind blowing 3D Graphics? BAM

Your own personal story that changes throughout the game depending on the choices you make? BAM

No sub fee? Wut?

An excellent PvP system? BAM

World vs World vs World? WHAT?! (Server vs Server vs Server)

A huge world with so much free will? BAM (But seriously, the world is bucking huge...)

Jumping Puzzles? BAM

A boss battle at just level 2? BAM

An achievement system that can be used to get cool weapon skins?

-pant pant- I can't talk anymore, but I am pretty sure there is much more than what I have just typed in...


The game has 5 races that you could choose from,

- an Asura, a small in stature but intelligent race that has the Inquest, a rebellious society that has turned against the race. Their architecture and technology... Deh fuchaaa...




-a good 'ol Human... What's more to say about that? Oh, there is a lot to say about them... Well, the gods have turned their back on them or something and then the centaurs invaded after the human race took shelter from the Charr taking back their "stolen" palace that was "owned" by the iron legion. I really don't play humans on MMOs, but that's the info I can say about them. xD




-a Sylvari, a peaceful race that are not born, but awaken from "The Dream" and are to protect their land by the Nightmare, who snapped themselves from the roots of their race. I really like the Sylvari's region of the map. One, it's pretty big, and two, the design on the plantation and the pale tree is bucking amazing.




-a Charr, ahh the Charr... YUSOBADASS! These kitty kats are ferocious, aggressive, and bloodthirsty... I love these guys... Their architecture is also steampunky... I like that...




-And lastly, the Norn! I had a lot of friends who were addicted to Norns, lol. A tall bunch of people! These guys have a connection with nature, they worship the spirit of the Raven, Bear, Snow Leaopard, and Wolf to make these guys powerful. I love the attack sets of this race, like the sword moves and the poisoning and traps and stuff! The enemies of these race are the ones who worship the norn's worst enemy, Jormag, the ice dragon. (Who was just a. Lieutenant of the boss, so whatevs haha!)



There is this game called IRL, it has top notch graphics and is very very addicting, once you start you cant stop… unless YOU DIE, hardcore right I know. It has a job system and the innovation of a school system, even a weding system can you believe it ? Then  it has this thing called the webs you use to talk to other players. There are not a lot of fights is more on the administration gameplay but still is awesome. </troll>


More like the sims 3 huh? Except the graphics are too realistic for any computer that was ever made? :wub:

Oh, is there a woohoo button? B)

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I haven't played that many MMO's to be honest with you. I did play a little bit of WOW and it was amazing it is just I did not want to pay a monthly fee for it. I do want to play the Old Republic though that looks amazing as well.

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I haven't played that many MMO's to be honest with you. I did play a little bit of WOW and it was amazing it is just I did not want to pay a monthly fee for it. I do want to play the Old Republic though that looks amazing as well.


You have resurrected the thread. Thank you.

Ahh, good 'ol WoW...

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Oh I did :x lol and yeah it is an amazing game :/... I have been thinking of getting back into playing it again.  

Well, I have also heard about Final Fantasy- A Realm Reborn's release! But it ain't F2P... WHYY?!?! :angry:

I still like GW2 and WoW... I just feel bored after my completion of both games... TwT


Eh, I'll just torture some sims while I wait for an actual MMO that I like... I'm a pretty picky person!





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Still playing Eve, after 5 years.  It's held my interest about 4x as long as the closest runner-up.  I no longer have the time and energy to survive in w-space, so these days you can generally find me in low-security space doing Black Ops hot drops and of course my favorite pastime of solo hunting.


I'm in a corporation with some guys from BerryTube.tv and we're a pretty chill group.  If you want to drop in and shoot some fuckers with us (or learn about a variety of aspects within the game) hit me up.

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Shell Shock Live, I used to play Dawn of the Dragons a lot but if you run out of energy you either; 1) wait 2 days or 2) pay $50 and get an instant refill. >:0 anyways, I prefer the 1st SSL because if you forget your AG account there's a button that lets you play as a guest, unfortunately the 2nd doesn't have this incredibly useful feature. :(

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Wait just a minute a FF game that is a MMO ? I am going to have to look into that one sounds great.



It's pretty cool, eh? It ain't F2P though, it has a monthly fee... :(


Changing the subject a bit, I don't know which is cuter, Lalafell or Elin? Adorable race, or an 8 year old child that was overused by lots of pervy men that are overaged? Hmm...


Lalafell FF- A Realm Reborn




Tera Rising- Elin



Edited by An Espurr
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It's pretty cool, eh? It ain't F2P though, it has a monthly fee... :(


Changing the subject a bit, I don't know which is cuter, Lalafell or Elin? Adorable race, or an 8 year old child that was overused by lots of pervy men that areoveraged? Hmm...


Lalafell FF- A Realm Reborn




Tera Rising- Elin



I have to say though those characters in those pics are adorable :3

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I have to say though those characters in those pics are adorable :3


Yeah, but the Elin race (Bottom one) Was missused terribly. xD

Oh, did I forget mention that Tera also had to redo the armor of the Elins? From panties to shorts. :yay:


The male armor of the Castanics look sexifull...


Castanic- "ARGHH the feels!"



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I love TERA, wish I knew some who played I could run with. I think the highest I have is a 40-ish zerk. Have not played for awhile, been on a GW2 kick as of late. I tend to jump around between MMOs depending on mood. GW2, TERA, Star Trek Online are my main ones. Also have RIFT and Champions Online. Did have Old Republic installed up to a few weeks ago, I just decided since I've not played in awhile because the money grubbing EA is pulling with it left a sour taste in my mouth, to uninstall it for good I think. Shame honestly because I loved the way instances had the story aspect with everyone "rolling" for who talked and did the action.


I seem to be bad at acquiring people to run with in MMOs. I keep joining guilds in GW2, some of them even ran by or include friends from other forums or old MMOs I played, but I'm WAAAAY more active then they are (if they are at all) so I'm usually the only one on or the only one representing that guild. >.<


Elin looks better IMO, though you'd never catch me playing one because it seems creepy. They look much more "little girl-ish" in game then that pic you used does.

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While I loved GW2 for all it's innovation and artwork, I must admit that I had the most fun with WoW. I loved having mounts, I collected so many of them when I played the game... That's one thing the guild wars community is dead set against to my annoyance. How dare I even think about riding a horse across the beautifully composed maps! Instantly teleporting across the world for pennies in a bloated economy is obviously more logical!


But I digress. I also loved the barrens chat, the feel of entering a new zone, telling my friends about a new area/quest I've found, exploring instances with my friends, and taking over the market of a certain item and madly inflating the prices... WoW is showing age, but those experiences are enough for it to keep its title. Heck, I don't even play it anymore, I'm too busy.

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I'm playing FFXIV right now, and really enjoying it. I can be all classes and jobs, as well as doing all crafting, all from one character. Plus, my character is amazingly cute.



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I'm playing FFXIV right now, and really enjoying it. I can be all classes and jobs, as well as doing all crafting, all from one character. Plus, my character is amazingly cute.


Look at that UI! So cramped! I could not deal with that, hopefully that's super adjustable.



I've thought about this game, but anymore justifying a monthly payment for a game is hard for me to do. I did it for years with WoW and just can't anymore when there are very good alternatives now that are FTP or BTP. If an MMO wants a monthly fee, they need a demo. Something like WoW's starter edition. The graphics look great, but IMO they don't mean much so I want to actually test it out. A game could be 8-bit and be much more enjoyable than something with Metro level graphics if done correctly.

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I love TERA, wish I knew some who played I could run with. I think the highest I have is a 40-ish zerk. Have not played for awhile, been on a GW2 kick as of late. I tend to jump around between MMOs depending on mood. GW2, TERA, Star Trek Online are my main ones. Also have RIFT and Champions Online. Did have Old Republic installed up to a few weeks ago, I just decided since I've not played in awhile because the money grubbing EA is pulling with it left a sour taste in my mouth, to uninstall it for good I think. Shame honestly because I loved the way instances had the story aspect with everyone "rolling" for who talked and did the action.


I seem to be bad at acquiring people to run with in MMOs. I keep joining guilds in GW2, some of them even ran by or include friends from other forums or old MMOs I played, but I'm WAAAAY more active then they are (if they are at all) so I'm usually the only one on or the only one representing that guild. >.<


Elin looks better IMO, though you'd never catch me playing one because it seems creepy. They look much more "little girl-ish" in game then that pic you used does.

I prefer MMO's online because most of them are free (I'm super cheap :/) here are some u can find me on:


Shell Shock Live


Dawn of the Dragons (not very active)


Every other MMO I find semi-entertaining.


So let me know if you want a run! :D

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The one and only, the League of Legends. It is not the only game I play, but it is the only MMO that I play. Andoh man, do I ever love it. :D

Sorry for this somehow useless and off-topic comment, but I just have to. First of all is LoL not a MMO, it is a MOBA game, just like DotA. Then, but that is only my opinion, is LoL pretty much a rip-off of DotA. I mean, it is basically almost the same game only that DotA was released first. But as I said that's only an opinion and I really didn't wanna offend anyone. I just wanted you to know, that your idea of what a MMO is is apparently not exactly correct.


And to the topic: I played WoW for quite a time, but simply couldn't afford it anymore. A time ago I bought Guild Wars 2 and it is pretty cool. You still have to pay $40, but that's okay for me since you don't have to pay monthly. So to answer the original question, this is my favorite MMO.


See y'all around


Steve Remington

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Hands down, Mabinogi is one of the best MMO's out there.

The community is very large, and run by Nexon

Many helpful players

Unique combat style

Skill-based progression

Max level is 10,000!


Been playing Mabinogi for about 5 years now, its one of my favorite games xD


Other than that, Dead Frontier, SMITE, and spiral knights are my top games.

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Runescape. I was so obsessed with this game. I don't know why :lol: I think it's because I hadn't seen a game like it, where you train skills, not just combat ones, but skills like Mining, Woodcutting, Fletching (Favourite) and Cooking. It probably had it's golden age back in 2009 or so, when I remember seeing well over 100,000 people playing it at any time.


Alas, it has more or less died now. Jagex has kind of shot itself in the foot. Constant bad updates, pushing it's original fan base away. The addition of 'Old School' servers, ones that were from 2007, got me interested again, but sadly that is lacking in population, and there's usually only 10,000 or so people on them. It's sad for me, to be honest. I loved that game. It will always be my favourite MMO.

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My All-Time Favorite MMORPG would be Final Fantasy XI. I've been playing that game since around 2006 (or 2007)-2013 and I never stopped playing the game. My Least Favorite would be Maple Story, but I'm stuck playing it till I get back in Final fantasy XI because I know the game has a lot of cons, bad reviews, and lack of security measures, and GM activity.

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I love TERA, wish I knew some who played I could run with. I think the highest I have is a 40-ish zerk. Have not played for awhile, been on a GW2 kick as of late. I tend to jump around between MMOs depending on mood. GW2, TERA, Star Trek Online are my main ones. Also have RIFT and Champions Online. Did have Old Republic installed up to a few weeks ago, I just decided since I've not played in awhile because the money grubbing EA is pulling with it left a sour taste in my mouth, to uninstall it for good I think. Shame honestly because I loved the way instances had the story aspect with everyone "rolling" for who talked and did the action.


I seem to be bad at acquiring people to run with in MMOs. I keep joining guilds in GW2, some of them even ran by or include friends from other forums or old MMOs I played, but I'm WAAAAY more active then they are (if they are at all) so I'm usually the only one on or the only one representing that guild. >.<


Elin looks better IMO, though you'd never catch me playing one because it seems creepy. They look much more "little girl-ish" in game then that pic you used does.

You forgot to quote so I would know that you were speaking to me. xD LOL! Don't worry though, I'm all sorted. Yeah, Elins look cute, and I also have to agree on the creepiness 8 year old side of it. Poor race, misused by 40 year old males... ;3; Herr, I have a level 58 male Castanic Lancer. Well, all of my characters are Lancers... Except for that one Mystic Elin...


I kinda want to lean more onto GW2, I have not played it since the beginning of last year... I guess I'll start fresh again with an uguu kawaii Asura, then! GW2! I will come back for you!


I want FF A Realm Reborn so bucking baaaaad... Y U BE MONEY SNATCHERS, WITH YOUR STUPID MONTHLY FEES!?!

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