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Christian bronies: meet, greet, and mingle!

Zach TheDane

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I'm a Catholic brony, but I honestly don't know what the big difference is between Catholic and Christianity is xP I usually go to church every Sundays because my grandmother is sometimes one of the readers there. 

The difference between Catholicism and the rest of Christianity is very similar to the difference between Mormonism and the rest of Christianity, in that both faiths believe that they have a living mouthpiece of God who is endowed with the same rights and authorities as Abraham, Isaiah, and Elijah (or if you prefer, of Peter, James, and John - all six of them, by LDS teachings, held the more spiritual authority that Moses had as opposed to the more temporal authority that John the Baptist had). It's just that Catholics believe that the line of authority was unbroken, Mormons believe that the line was broken and had to be restored, and all other Christians believe that the First Coming of Christ rendered Prophets/Popes obsolete anyway. A bit of an oversimplification, but that's the core difference.


EDIT: Oh, and the canon differences, of course, but the differences still stem largely from the idea of "Continuing Revelation" versus "God has revealed all that He intended to reveal"

Edited by Pokota
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It depends on the one who is using the magic and the purpouse. I watch MLP and WITCH cause they're doing it for the better, and they aren't excactly witches. I'm find with Harry Potter but I'm a bit wary around some parts.

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To get into the Magic in Fiction debate... for me it depends on how prevalent and "natural" the magic is, and whether or not it's being used in place of Good Old Elbow Grease. I love Narnia, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter (haven't read Discworld yet), but each one has a different type of magic, magic that accomplishes different means.


For Narnia, the magic is tied deeply to how the world is supposed to work, and "dark magic" is twisting that towards selfish ends -  such as invoking the name of Tash in a blasphemous attempt to declare that God and Satan are the same being (note that Tash is the one who is shown taking offense in this example, and not Aslan. Beware what you invoke, indeed).


In Lord of the Rings, the good people are using magic to shepherd the people as opposed to Sauron (and to a lesser extent, Saruman) using magic to enslave the people. Gandalf could have easily have given Bilbo very explicit instructions on what to do in Mirkwood, but it was more to Bilbo's benefit to let him discover for himself that he had the talent to lead in Gandalf's stead.


In Harry Potter, it's a bit of a combination of both, though with the added grey area of "What would you do if the situation were dire enough?". The main complaint I have with Harry Potter is the substitution of Merlin in place of deity, though it can be excused to an extent if one considers magical culture more akin to Islam than Christianity, which... no, I don't know how that would work either, short of declaring Merlin a prophet. Which that does sound plausible.


As far as the Old Testament injunction against witches and other users of familiar spirits, you have to remember that supernatural activity in our world is not the norm, but the exception (lest it would cease to be "super" natural), and that even at the best of times it was ridiculously difficult to get the Children of Israel to fully devote themselves to Jehovah worship - they blackmailed Aaron (the brother of Moses) into being the high priest to a Golden Calf that they made themselves when everybody knew full well that Moses was coming back with Jehovah's explicit instructions for them.

Edited by Pokota
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the pony in my avatar is named "Golden Plate"


Ahhh...I see what you did there.


I am a scientist interested in the creation of God(hence me being a scientist).


I might as well say that you are too "closed" in to make a good conclusion on anything. Do you know how many what I call "evil bastards" there are?


That is probably because they try to use science as an excuse to belittle others and waste their lives on drugs and...you know(it is the truth, it happens all the time).


Oh, wouldn't that be swell...separation of Church and state. That definitely worked in the Soviet Union where millions of people died because their government removed all moral and developed their own. I would love that, wouldn't you? At least ignorance wouldn't exist anymore because of it. 


Rather impressive.  In a single post this guy managed to imply that...

- people who don't major in the sciences (whatever that means) are really motivated by a desire to waste their lives doing drugs

- my question about the appriopriateness of magic means that I am "too closed in to make a good conclusion on anything"

- using anything other than the Bible as a moral foundation will lead to communism and the slaughter of millions


Did I miss anything?


Anyways, this thread was half-interesting before that douche came in and started berating people.  Have fun; I'm out.

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Ahhh...I see what you did there.



Rather impressive.  In a single post this guy managed to imply that...

- people who don't major in the sciences (whatever that means) are really motivated by a desire to waste their lives doing drugs

- my question about the appriopriateness of magic means that I am "too closed in to make a good conclusion on anything"

- using anything other than the Bible as a moral foundation will lead to communism and the slaughter of millions


Did I miss anything?


Anyways, this thread was half-interesting before that douche came in and started berating people.  Have fun; I'm out.

I see, so instead of actually giving a valid argument, you simply put words into other people's mouths. How cute, I might have to say.


Well, if you don't want to participate in a topic because you don't like being proven wrong, that is fine in a world of opinions. Sorry you weren't interested in a formal and meaningful debate. laugh.png

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I'm going to quote Propaganda here and say "Defending God is like defending a lion. He don't need your help, just unlock the cage."


@BronyPony You were a bit insulting back there. As Christians, we're supposed to show God's love to everybody, not whack them over the head with what they're wrong about. <3

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I'm going to quote Propaganda here and say "Defending God is like defending a lion. He don't need your help, just unlock the cage."


@BronyPony You were a bit insulting back there. As Christians, we're supposed to show God's love to everybody, not whack them over the head with what they're wrong about. <3

Sorry, my actions were wrong. I have had a rough life with Atheists harassing me all this time(no excuse however). I apologize.

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Sorry, my actions were wrong. I have had a rough life with Atheists harassing me all this time(no excuse however). I apologize.



You don't need to apologize to me, but thank you. :D


And because Propaganda got me thinking again, here's the full video. It's one of my favorites. xD


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You are wrong on every point you make.


This is simply a call out thread. Like I pointed out, there have been identical call out threads for atheists (many in fact). Call out thread for Arabs, Europeans, and others. This thread is no different.


I have re-read this thread and no where are non-believers  considered "lesser" members than believers. Any such interpretation from you is pure fantasy.

So atheist call out threads are diversity. Europeans and Arabs are diversity. ou have no problem with these threads. But a Christian thread along the same lines is NOT diversity? Are you saying that Christians need not apply? Love and tolerance for all EXCEPT Christians?

--I don't understand your double standard.

and again, I see no where in this thread where being a Christian is somehow mandatory.

If its acceptable for atheists, and Arabs, and Europeans...then yes its cool for us too.

Diversity is not for everyone except Christians. Diversity means EVERYONE.

Why do you insist on putting words in our mouths? No one ever said non-believers are lesser than we are. ONLY YOU HAVE SAID THAT.

I have seen threads that I disagree with. I leave them alone. Why? Love and tolerance: the theme of MLP.

I suggest you extend the same courtesy to those you disagree with as well.


The love and tolerance theme of MLP extends to everyone. ALL are welcome here: even Christians.


I never excluded any of those threads. I only brought this all up because comments in this one were getting somewhat concerning in their exclusivity.

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Actually, they've found many things that prove the Big Bamg really happened, same with evolution. But, this doesnt mean that God didnt make that all happen right? One thing that Steven Hawking has found is that every force existing in the universe today, was all balled up together into a giant "superforce" before the Big Bang. Superforce, sound familier to anyone?


Amen. I hate the people who say that Evolution and the Big Bamg Theory is a SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THEORY. (Probably shouldn't have put that in all caps, makes me look like an atheist...) Anyways, that's an oxymoron, first of all. Second, how the heck could they be proven wothout a time machine. Heck, it's really easy to disprove bot, anyways. We don't se gorillas changing into humans, and no matter how long I stare at my empty hand, no matter how much air I set on fire, the universe will not appear.


Sorry. I ranted. But yeah, I hate how atheists call Chirstains arrogant and stupid and then just make up theories and believe them just to disprove us, and shooting us down everytime we say the word "God" or "Jesus."


But we are making a comeback in the world....Duck Dynasty and the Bible are two of the highest ranking shows on cable! (For those of you who don't know, the Robertson family from Duck Dynasty are members of the Church Of Christ, like me, I might add.)

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I agree with Red. I'm a Christian, but I think that God used the Big Bang to create the universe. In Genesis, it does not mention EXACTLY how God created the universe, nor does it say how long a "day" was. In the original translation, "day" actually meant a period of time. With the evidence we currently have for how the universe was created, I believe the Big Bang Theory was how God created everything.

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I never excluded any of those threads. I only brought this all up because comments in this one were getting somewhat concerning in their exclusivity.

Yeah. We're so scary.


One thing I learned in football. I don't have to agree with or even like the other guy in the line. as long as we both do our job the line will hold and we can win the game.


Love and tolerance doesn't mean you agree with everything. I'm not gonna change because you're "concerned." This thread is not a violation of the terms of service.  We are not putting people down or elevating ourselves.

---like I said before, I've seen threads where i disagree, and I don't post out of courtesy...and that's due exclusively to the tone of this board. Please extend to us the same courtesy. Thank you.

Edited by Silverhoof
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Amen. I hate the people who say that Evolution and the Big Bamg Theory is a SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THEORY. (Probably shouldn't have put that in all caps, makes me look like an atheist...) Anyways, that's an oxymoron, first of all. Second, how the heck could they be proven wothout a time machine. Heck, it's really easy to disprove bot, anyways. We don't se gorillas changing into humans, and no matter how long I stare at my empty hand, no matter how much air I set on fire, the universe will not appear.


Forgive me for just popping in here. I am not Christian I am agnostic...but the big bang theory and evolution has been scientifically proven...and yes, it can be done without a time machine.

I have nothing against religion and I am most certainly not trying to tell you all that you are wrong...it takes millions and millions of years for things to evolve, you cant just stare down at your hands and expect them to become paws.


I don't want to argue or anything...I am just stating my opinion. And I mean no offence by any of this...



Sorry. I ranted. But yeah, I hate how atheists call Chirstains arrogant and stupid and then just make up theories and believe them just to disprove us, and shooting us down everytime we say the word "God" or "Jesus."


I can agree with this...I am not religious but I do find it rude when people go around disrespecting other peoples religions (That is not what I am trying to do above. I have no problem with religion)

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So I haven't been on this thread in, oh, at least two or three months, but... Holy arguments! I totally should have seen this coming. Interestingly enough, though, everypony has been (for the most part) impressively civil and respectful. Congratulations! In a time when disagreement in any subject is viewed as hate and intolerance, it's important to remember that people can disagree and still be friends. I have friends I TOTALLY disagree with in certain areas; but at the end of the day, our debates don't make us angry. They may not change either of our minds, but they do make us think, which is something nobody seems to want to do anymore.

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Well, if you serious on trying to diminish a faith because of a few sour apples who misinterpret the Bible or make up lines in the Bible to satisfy their own needs, such as people killing others "in the name of religion", you might as well hate religion because you have no other view other than disrespect or ignorance. Choose one.   I am Roman Catholic. I am a scientist interested in the creation of God(hence me being a scientist).


I have asked for opinions of actual christians on other christians (who are definitely a very small minority) saying one particular thing, as I was interested if they find it funny too or not, how is that offensive to "faith" goes beyond me to be honest. I mean... I don't even know what you're on about. What is so hateful about asking for an opinion on a group of people unrelated to pretty much anyone here?


And since you mentioned it I'll bite, what degree in what field do you have?



Oh, wouldn't that be swell...separation of Church and state. That definitely worked in the Soviet Union where millions of people died because their government removed all moral and developed their own. I would love that, wouldn't you? At least ignorance wouldn't exist anymore because of it. 

I don't know whether you are serious or not, but I will not go into this old "Atheists are communists!" and "People are immoral without the church!", because, I apologize, but I do not consider that to be an opinion or an argument, just a semi-offensive shoutout.



There is NO scientific study that is evidence proving that homosexuality is a genetic difference. There is none. Most people will claim there is, but most of the "evidence" comes from faulty polls and crackpot sites If homosexuality becomes to widely popular, there would be a definite fall in human population. Oh, did you know at the almost end of the Roman Empire and the corrupt downfall of this society, homosexuality was at it's highest peak? If you really want to indoctrinate homosexuality onto children(like they do now in public schools), then the hypocrisy of it is so immense In any case, the only form of union on the secular level should be Civil unions(since homosexuals are so butthurt(no pun intended) about it) If so many homosexuals are accepting, why is it I have homosexuals coming to mass every Saterday disrespecting the host and wine? I feel that they hate Christians much. If you noticed, God is in the constitution. Though the United States constitution provides freedom of religion and no establishment of a religion, read this document:  


I'm sorry, are you trolling me?


If homosexuality becomes widely popular? Indoctrination of children into homosexuality in public schools? Ancient and still lame butthurt "pun"? Please tell me you are just joking.


On a serious note, creator doesn't mean god and definitely doesn't mean the christian god. I dare say the word itself has something to do with the fact that many of the authors were deists, and if you know deism, creator can be something a little different than what you have in mind.

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Okay, so sorry for generalizing athesists earlier, didn't mean to offend any fellow bronies....it's just, yeah. I don't like it when anyone is arrogrant and closed minded for that matter.


As for magic, I think someone has already stated this. God commands us not to practice magic, as in, by the power of Satan, raising people from the dead and creating chaos in the world that isn't suppossed to be there. That is sin. Now, stage magic and sleight of ahn is, one, as much as I hate to break the entertainment and first law of magicans, magic as in stage and entertainers, is fake, and not using the power of Satan. So, that's all in good fun. Second, watching/reading fantasies with magic, such as HP or MLP is cool, too. Again, no power of Satan, just entertainment.


It' s when we create intentional chaos and let Satan into ourselves and people that magic is a sin.


HEY! HEY YOU! READ WHAT'S BELOW THIS LINE! (Well, please read above this line, too, but this is far more important)


As long as we have Christain Bronies assembled, would anyone be interested in doing a Bible Study. It would clear up many issues here (especially with magic) and would also be fun. Or, we could study a Christain related book, such as The Gosepl According to Pixar. (Just finished reading that, it was really good, I recommend it for other studies.)


It would be like the movie thread where we all read a passage or book together and then discuss in another thread


Please respond if interested in this thread, and wil, see if we can get it goingz,

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That would be great! Anyone interested in reading The Screwtape Letters? I just finished that, and it's phenomenal! General genius by C.S. Lewis, of course. xD

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That would be great! Anyone interested in reading The Screwtape Letters? I just finished that, and it's phenomenal! General genius by C.S. Lewis, of course. xD

Oh yeah, I saw the play verison of that, so I know the basics. Then my cousin included it in his sermon, so I know some of the gospel messages taught in it. That would be another good one to do!

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Oh yeah, I saw the play verison of that, so I know the basics. Then my cousin included it in his sermon, so I know some of the gospel messages taught in it. That would be another good one to do!


There's a play? O_O Mind = blown. I don't see how that could be put to stage though...It would take a very skilled director, and a great screenwriter to pick out actual dialog from that.

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That would be great! Anyone interested in reading The Screwtape Letters? I just finished that, and it's phenomenal! General genius by C.S. Lewis, of course. xD

The Screwtape letters are lagit! Had a Bible study with them back when I still attended Ball State. They really put things into perspective. Quite chilling at times, but a great read.


Seems a lot has gone down here in my time away...I'll have to come back and re-read to catch back up when I have more time.

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Yeah. We're so scary.


One thing I learned in football. I don't have to agree with or even like the other guy in the line. as long as we both do our job the line will hold and we can win the game.


Love and tolerance doesn't mean you agree with everything. I'm not gonna change because you're "concerned." This thread is not a violation of the terms of service.  We are not putting people down or elevating ourselves.

---like I said before, I've seen threads where i disagree, and I don't post out of courtesy...and that's due exclusively to the tone of this board. Please extend to us the same courtesy. Thank you.

I am not going to remain silent just because you do not like what I have to say. And if it so bothers you that you'd wish to censor out my opinions when I draw attention to something said in this thread that seems to have only goal to divide the forum goers to "faithful and the others" then perhaps it is not me who here is not tolerating diversity. 


And if you disagree with something, why would you hold back out of courtesy if you deem that you have a good point? It only bottles in your issues and deepens the already existing gaps instead of trying to work things out through echange of thoughts.


Have I said "Christians are scary"? No, it was you putting words in my mouth, you generating adversity other then me personally issuing certain attitudes that may end up causing rifts like the one you are now trying to break into even bigger one by telling me to shut up. Because if I am not 100% behind everything people say I am 100% against them? I know your religion may demand from you absolute attitudes and adherence but reality does not work in black and white. 


As much as I am atheist I am not against any Christian brony for their religion, and I came here with only the concern of this kind of threads leading to attitudes and clique groups forming in the fandom, when we all are bronies, we all enjoy ponies and all welcome anyone into the herd open armed. There should not be a strap in your arm telling you which part of the fandom you belong to.

Was it then Christian, Jew, Muslim or atheist, I think it is the very core of this fandom to embrace and welcome anyone. And not raise these flags to group under because then you instantly willingly or unwillingly draw a line and divide people.


If you think that is not what is going on in here you are blind, as you just told me to shut up and keep my ideas to myself just because they did not agree with yours. Doing the very thing you try to deny, telling me to embrace variety, when you are the one trying to chase the "evil atheist" or what ever you perceive me as away.


And if you look up, just few posts above me you see this judgmental and closedminded behavior taking place, same old circlejerk happening here, just because people can again group up under some flag.

Intolerance brewing as soon as lines are drawn.


Okay, so sorry for generalizing athesists earlier, didn't mean to offend any fellow bronies....it's just, yeah. I don't like it when anyone is arrogrant and closed minded for that matter.


As for magic, I think someone has already stated this. God commands us not to practice magic, as in, by the power of Satan, raising people from the dead and creating chaos in the world that isn't suppossed to be there. That is sin. Now, stage magic and sleight of ahn is, one, as much as I hate to break the entertainment and first law of magicans, magic as in stage and entertainers, is fake, and not using the power of Satan. So, that's all in good fun. Second, watching/reading fantasies with magic, such as HP or MLP is cool, too. Again, no power of Satan, just entertainment.


It' s when we create intentional chaos and let Satan into ourselves and people that magic is a sin.


HEY! HEY YOU! READ WHAT'S BELOW THIS LINE! (Well, please read above this line, too, but this is far more important)


As long as we have Christain Bronies assembled, would anyone be interested in doing a Bible Study. It would clear up many issues here (especially with magic) and would also be fun. Or, we could study a Christain related book, such as The Gosepl According to Pixar. (Just finished reading that, it was really good, I recommend it for other studies.)


It would be like the movie thread where we all read a passage or book together and then discuss in another thread


Please respond if interested in this thread, and wil, see if we can get it goingz,

What comes to Capitalization of big bang and evolution theories, which are verified theories, no, atheists, scientists or anyone who knows about these things will not capitalize them. They are titles for theories not some revered doctrines. 

Evolution has libraries worth of evidence and research to back it, and if you think otherwise you have been living inside an information bubble that you just have not wandered outside of yet.


Now magic then again, in my little pony the magic is fictional, not real and this same thing applies to all magic, It is not real, never was. So you can rest easy for no magical bolt of lightning is going to strike you down if you piss off an old lady with a crystal ball.

Part of the growing up and becoming an adult is ability to distinguish between fiction and fact, and sadly it often seems that religion stunts this part of human development by painting ridiculous scenarios of invisible beings and magical forces like angels and demons and then demanding people to consider them as real threats and things. It is not healthy, it is a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia.

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